Donald Trump now up to 5D Chess

And I guess the people here are so backward that they just don't know it.

Holla Forums, or at least its moderators who stickied this, are going all in. Donald Trump's air strikes on Syria were consummate genius.

>>>Holla Forums9676730

For future generations studying political cults:

Other urls found in this thread:'s-Assad–Turkey_pipeline

Are y'all niggas ready for the next round of 11th interdimensional snakes and ladders?

When do we hit 1488D Monopoly?

When Donald Trump is King, Jared Kushner is Prince, 200 new Trump Hotels have been built around the globe, the White House has been moved to Jerusalem, Congress now sits in front of the Wailing Wall which they are forced to stare at all day, and acting American President Benjamin Netanyahu covers Gaza with nerve gas in retaliation for a kid throwing rocks.

Nigger are you people twelve? Are you really retarded? Do you really think that America the world's supreme hegemonic power can just sit there and not intervene in strategic regions like the fucking middle East and let it fall to enemies like Russia and Iran. Are you stupid? Do you not know how the world works? This isn't 18D chess or Trump cucking or whatever this shit would be happening under any president including Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders or Carrot Top the president is a public PR man who is surrounded by an entrenched bureaucratic establishment and economic interests, did Trump get rid of those interests no he put in people even more hardcore than Obama. Get rekt faggot daddy will not change a single thing in your shitty life he couldn't even take away your shitty health insurance much less challenge the US establishment, the deep state and the Intelligence community


I think he was being sarcastic user

Kek, there are already officials in Trump's administration calling for regime change. Trump is a neocon and Holla Forumsyps are literally incapable of accepting it.

>>>Holla Forums9679368


I mean, what?

Could someone explain this to me? I don't get his point and their lingo doesn't help. Also most of the replies to this are as baffled to it as I am.

If that guy is "Muh Whores and Coops" user, then he actually has very poor reading comprehension and seems to struggle to make coherent points at times, don't bother.

Assad is literally an Iranian proxy. How th fuck does that help Israel?

7 5 D S E T T L E R S O F C A T A N

It's as I've been saying, the alt-right is nothing more than a neocon trap. Real Nazis knew to avoid them from the start.

whats wrong with whores and coops are you a fag?

Assuming that Syria is a region of strategic American interest, why doesn't the far right support the US pursuing its strategic interest with drone strikes, missile strikes, etc.

They're supposed to be about America First but apparently its actually "America first, but as long as it doesn't come into conflict with Great Russia, a true redpilled white Orthodox Traditionalist nation!"

Well I mean, those of us who actually know our shit on the "far right" as you call it are smart enough to know that Putin is a Jew himself, and Russia of today is just another iteration of the USSR. Shills from Stormfront need not apply.


That's a loose term the far right in Europe for example pretty much hates America and hates being cucked by America and would prefer America do nothing and/or collapse.

The American far right is autistic and believes in Libertarian bullshit and thinks the world is still 1780 or someshit. polyps consist of both of these groups and are brainwashed by bullshit from those groups as well as heavy doses of alternative media which is almost exclusively pro-Russian

Those have to be trolls saying absurd things to see what they can get away with.

Alt right/far right politics is nothing like that. They side with Iran, Russia, and Syria against Israel, the Saudis, and the Turks. They see Israel and to a lesser extent Saudi Arabia as controlling American interests, and the Iranians in particular being committed to stopping it.

What you're describing is neoconservativism or something very similar.

I'm only talking about America here.

polfaggots are international. Most American retards probably still support Trump over this weather they think it was necessary or 7D chess or whatever

Both are American puppet states, though.

What if the relation between USA and Israel and Saudi wasn't one way? What if both have an influence on each other trough economic and politcal ties?

Yeah, what with all that aid that the United States gets from Israel, and the time we downed an Israeli ship and it was covered up, or all of the times we've been caught spying on Israel and the Israeli media doesn't cover it, and the money Israel gives to Canada to leave us alone, and that time America was fighting the Arabs in the 1970s, and they did an oil embargo to Israel because they wouldn't abandon their ally and even guaranteed oil for us, and how Israel recently promised that there would be no more American bashing in the United Nations….

It just goes on and on….

How does America stop supporting Israel? America allied with Israel for very specific reasons when ISrael was the only thing opposing a coalition of Arab states, Egypt, Syria, Iraq etc who were in the Soviet orbit during the Cold War. USSR supported anti-colonialism and rising iindependance in the Mideast and those regimes so America went with Israel

"Well we are dropping our longstanding alliance between Israel and America established over decades because apparently kikes lmao"

Because they are not "America First", they are either "Western First" (which includes Israel and Japan) or "White First".

By pointing out that it is a parasitic relationship.

Soviet influence on the Arab world was largely because of the tensions with Israel backed by the United States and in the early days France.

Israel has always been a liability to the United States. That was especially clear in the Yom Kippur war and its aftermath of the rise of OPEC, oil embargos, not to mention a closed Suez Canal after the 6 Days War.


American support for Israel is weak:

Israel is also extremely popular among evangelical rural and suburban retards who love everything Jewish and people who hate Islam which is at least 50% of the population
and holocaust guilt.

Yes, although aside from the 3 million plus Evangelicals who joined Christians United For Israel, I still think a lot of them could be reached if they had a clear window into even a small part of what Israel has been doing with Congress and to the Palestinians. When George Bush Sr stood up to the Israelis over loan guarantees, most Americans sided with him

The existence and strategic location of Israel helps to ensure continued American hegemony in the region. Yes, it of course doesn't help the American citizenry but there's obviously a reason so many American politicians and business interests bend over backwards to keep propping it up, and it isn't because Jewish mystical powers make them do it. Don't be fooled, Israel is good for American corporate interests.

What's interesting is now that the renamed Holla Forums mods are doing mass deletions by IP along with bans.

What hegemony? The whole region hated us until we came up with some of the worst alliances in history, like Saudi Arabia, the kingdom that radicalizes the Islamic world with Wahhabism.

The Islamic world mostly did not mind us at all until we came down on the side of the Israel. You will also see historically that the degree to which American presidents protest Israel became more and more restrained over the decades as the grip of AIPAC and the lobby gets tighter.

Corporate hegemony. Do you really thinks the goal of a state is the welfare of its citizens?
Islamic terrorism going rampant? Who the hell care as long as Halliburton and co makes profit.

Now you (?) are making a different argument, that our alliance with Israel is so stupid and absurd and it emboldens them to act so terribly that with the Middle East enflamed, our defense industry can sell more weapons.

Yeah, the Military Industrial Complex is part of the neoconservative equation, but certainly not all of it.

My impression is that the Israelis are comfortable with Assad and that keeps a wall of stability from the Al-Nusra/ISIS people.

Is that not correct? Who is Israel even cheering for?

They do have soft alliances with some middle eastern powers but its rarely said out loud. I think they are allied with the gulf states loosely?

Israel hates Assad, a close ally of Iran, who they see as their number 1 enemy. Also telling is that Hezbollah joined the war to fight for Assad.

Israel has attacked Syria multiple times during the war, the last time on St Patricks Day last month. They also give medical aid to Al Nusra/Al Qaeda on the border.

Israeli strategic goals in the region are to prevent any nation from representing a coherent threat to Israel. Assad and Hezbollah are close Iranian allies and form part of the "Shia Crescent". Israel wants Syria broken up or consumed into an endless war, they'd be happy with either. Since Assad is now winning the war, they want him gone, hence the support for American intervention

Correct, they're tied to the Saudis since both Israel and the KSA view Iran as the regional threat
If you want I can do a whole fucking write up on it

But the Trump admin's official stance is that regime change must happen's-Assad

After the last 48 hours I'm convinced Trump isn't doing shit, his admin has released multiple contradictory statements all within a small period of time, all from different members of the admin. This is just stupid on multiple levels

OP is anti-trump and probably agrees with what you're saying you fucking mong, who are you arguing with?

Something to remember as well, and the media almost never brings this up, is that Israel occupies Syrian land, the Golan Heights, which they have no intention of giving up, and which they are now planning to push settlers into. The Golan is great farmland and also has oil. This land was conquered almost exactly 50 years ago during the 6 day war.

As said, Israel would love to see Syria in constant chaos and preferably broken up into multiple states.

You see, that is how it works. When someone is your employee, you pay them.

I disagree with a lot of his politics, but Allahpundit from HotAir is one of the most astute analysts of these types of political games. Here is an article by him on the crossed wires.

Trump seems to have a strange leadership philosophy of making subordinates fight among themselves to please him. I can't argue with his business success, but it seems really weird, plus kind of humiliating to be a part of.

So the government is our employee? that's good to know. :-)

I wasn't the guy you initially responded to. If that's you were wondering.

thank you very much, good comment

You seem very knowledgeable about this, I know the basics, competing pipelines and such

didn't just know about Israel's role in all this, watched an episode from the fifth season of Homeland with my family today, a plot point was how the Americans were planning to make a coup against Assad and Israel intelligence had found out and were angry with the idea, appearently not true, shouldnt learn geopolitics from American propaganda

Another confusing actor is Turkey, they hate the Kurds, regional competitor with Iran, want the gulf state pipeline, but what is the relationship to ISIS and the gulf states?

And America, what are the main goals with the Syrian Iraqi conflicts. Fucking with Russians, controlling oil, but its hard to figure out what exactly Americans are after in the region other than keeping the wheels of war spinning

so yeah I dunno, please write a bit :3, alternatively some decent source?

I have actually heard that
It's a terrible way to run a government

Anyways, as far as the article goes, the US is fucking insane if they think the Russians and Iranians will allow Syria to be broken up. My personal bet is that "regime change" is going to be the "unofficial" policy with a lot more support given to moderate beheaders. God fucking help us if Trump goes ahead with his "safe zones" policy

Dunno how legitimate this is
minimizing Iranian and Russian influence in Syria, blocking
the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah, preventing Syria
from posing a credible military threat to Israel or permitting Iran
to do so, undermining the legitimacy of Syria’s claims to the Golan
Heights, and preventing Sunni militants from establishing infrastructure
or operational bases along Israel’s border. H

The longer they delude themselves the better for us. It just means their inevitable realization that trump is more of the same will generate even more rage at the system. We just have to be there to channel their rage at the right people when that happens. I might be giving them too much credit though.

America's "strategic interests" really just mean the capitalists class' interests. When Holla Forumsyps praise the concept of America first they are talking about putting the interests of ordinary white Americans first this obviously isn't what Trump is doing in attacking Syria.

which Sunni extremists and Iranian proxies continue to focus their
fire on each other rather than on Israel—might be the most advantageous
outcome for Israel.iv

Now I'm no nazi, but this really made me think

Imagine showing 2017 chan culture to 2006 oldfags.

Turkey is honestly a bit of a wild card. The primary reason for their intervention in Syria was firstly to secure Turkmen regions in northern Syria and also to prevent the Kurds from forming a credible long term threat to Turkey. Another big factor in the intervention is King Roach trying to distract away from domestic issues, namely the economy and his consolidation of power from President to Sultan
As far as their next moves go, they're going to either engage YPG or the Kurds in Iraq in Sinjar

Generally speaking, Turkey is doing what they can get away with along with supporting a balkanization of Syria. At the end of the day they're such an important ally to the US that they can pull a lot of shit and know the US will nod and agree.

America is seeking to fight against the rising Eurasian Bloc, the key members to note in this are Russia, China, and Iran
If Iran becomes the regional hegemon in the Middle East, as they're likely to do without outside intervention against, it will damage US interests as the current global hegemon
They also want to promote a Gulf State NG pipeline through Syria to Europe in order to try and economically strangle Russia

More or less correct
Israel has become increasingly worried about their position in the ME after their 2006 defeat in southern lebanon and the American dislike for foreign adventuring with Americans dying

1945D Candy Land

That's a very good summation without getting into things like the Oded Yinon plan, which people can say is speculative as to its influence.

Here is an article on recent tensions between Syria and Israel

Btw, note the arrogance. They invaded Syrian air space to attack Syria's ally, which they have done multiple times, and when the Syrians shoot back, Israel threatens to destroy their air defense system.

Outstanding interview with Norman Finkelstein that gives a brief history of Israeli actions in the region, focusing on 1967, and then 2006 to the present.

You probably know most of this, but recommend to anyone here.

I wonder if it's something that evolved from Trump working with a lot of independent contractors in the building industry. I could see it making sense there tbh, but that's such a different environment even from most businesses with employees, let along government.

He's smarter than whales, smarter than dolphins, he's smarter than primates

I'm not sure who you are implying the 'right people are' but seeing how he surrounded himself with Jewish advisors and this move is obviously a move that only benefits Israels geopolitical interest, I don't think Holla Forums is going to have any problems.

Remember these are the same people who mocked berniecrats for being overly desperate to justify how he could still win the Dem primaries

The two boards (/leftypol /pol) are just the same boards - repackaged only in name. You two are just a big circle-jerk - running your mouths trying to sound smarter than the other, in a perpetual dick measuring contest, with the last guy jerking off the first guy, starting the whole merry-go-round all over again. In fact, most of you aren't even college-aged and you have zero life experience.

This is bait


Yeah he's not the same person as me but he stated essentially what I was trying to say, though maybe it came off like I was implying the existence of Israel is good for the American people or for the region (an absurd statement). It is "good" because US corporate interests rely on the instability in the region to maintain strategic control over resources as well as to continue the sale and manufacturing of arms, etc.

Rolled 19, 19, 7 + 1 = 46 (3d20)k

I don't think it helps in terms of resources to be honest.

oh look, a wild tripfag has appeared!

Really? I'm pretty sure this move is also in the interests of Turkey, Quatar, Saudi Arabia and the rest of America's clique in the middle east. This move was, at least in part, made for the benefit of these countries also. They all want to remove Assade because he is an Iranian ally and also they want to build an oil pipeline through his territory. see →–Turkey_pipeline

The reason America is so obsessed with maintaining hegemony for itself and its allies in the Middle east is to keep the flow of oil going and make sure it is being sold in petro-dollars. This move is about maintaining US hegemony in the middle east which is necessary for the function of the global capitalist system in its current form.

This isn't to deny the influence of wealthy jews and the Israel lobby on US foreign policy but this move would likely still be made with or without jewish influence. If rule by the capitalist class is maintained in the US then its imperial misadventures will continue regardless of whether or not you remove Jews from the equation.

I know its hard to think of all these complexities rather then having a meme-tier "the jews did this" understanding of everything, but unfortunately reality is complicated. It also amazes me that Holla Forums would stick to the ideological framework which led them to embrace a retarded neo-con as their figure -head.

The two boards (/leftypol /pol) are just the same boards - repackaged only in name. You two are just a big circle-jerk - running your mouths trying to sound smarter than the other, in a perpetual dick measuring contest, with the last guy jerking off the first guy, starting the whole merry-go-round all over again. In fact, most of you aren't even college-aged and you have zero life experience.

If you think its bait then go here

I know this is spam but I thought I'd take a look, and here are the top threads in Holla Forums aside from the stickies, which I'm sure are their own barrel of autism

WHITE MUSLIM KILLING HOMOS Bannon Argued Against Syria Strike

Kushner the final boss?

🍀🍀🍀BBC🍀🍀🍀 discovers the great meme war

Looks like /polk/ has some serious cash behind it

Post your best Holla Forums infographics.


Is anybody interested in discussing I Pet Goat II?


BTFO Anti-Trump Shills


8leaks - leftypol vols are gmail using idiots
>che: [email protected]/* */
>Dollars: [email protected]/* */
>MazdakMana: [email protected]/* */
>twinbraids: [email protected]/* */
>fulminator: [email protected]/* */
>Pac: [email protected]/* */
>brosef_stylin: [email protected]/* */

Who's jewing who?

Nigger Hate Thread No. 1488


Without Israeli influence, there would be no reason for us to treat Iran as the devil incarnate. Iran has the 4th largest oil reserves in the world.

Also, let's be honest, what argument are you making? The oil producing nations have to sell their oil somewhere, do you think they were going to sell it to Mars instead if we didn't need an excuse to invade them and play off factions against one another?

Iraq war was of course more about promoting arms manufacturers than oil companies, and of course continued destabilization of the region is its own reward when you want to both continue fueling the war industry and ensure that vital trade paths and alliances don't form which are outside your immediate sphere of influence.

In any case, I was just worried you thought I was arguing from a pro-Israel position or some shit. Obviously my intention was to state that the bourgeois class in the US isn't "tricked" into supporting Israel like some idiots like to pretend

>>>Holla Forums9676909
wew, what a great thread. the valiant supermen of Holla Forums are trying to get a volunteer's girlfriend fired.

truly these are the apex of the white race

literally SJWs

I don't know what you mean, tbh.

There is this Chomskyite view in these discussions that the "elites" are some type of monolith, rather than various powerful forces and industries working for their own interests. The Israeli Lobby as Mearsheimer & Walt have described, with the support of the MIC, is largely in control of Middle East policy. They don't always get what they want, such as their failure to stop Obama's Iran deal, but the degree to which they can dominate American foreign policy and sovereignty is pretty breathtaking.

On a slightly different note, to get a window into how much mainstream conservatism and our political system is under the control of Zionists, check this out:

Rand Paul was not clapping with enough visible enthusiasm, and he had to issue a statement about how much he loves Israel.

I'm more speaking to the idea that wealthy American zionists themselves are some brainwashed monolith that takes orders from the Israeli state as opposed to, as you state, various powerful forces working for their own interests.


His ego won't allow anyone to ever not be fighting someone else. This is a way of consolidating his power, making your subordinates fight for your affection so they're not focusing on getting one over on you but still commanding loyalty. One of the oldest tricks in the book.

>>>Holla Forums9598626
>>>Holla Forums9599000

Directional thinkers are officially Orcs. Also, I guess I'll make a thread about this.

did you see the posts complaining about being told to read books? lol

Just when I stopped panicking


>>>Holla Forums9639443
Put down your books, nerds. It's time to see how real men discuss politics.

I didn't, they're pretty boring people so I just scanned the thread.

There is no reason for the gulf states to sell oil in US dollars besides the fact that their is a quid pro quo arrangement where the US protects their geopolitical interests and they maintain the petrodollar. Furthermore the US instructs its gulf puppets to manipulate the oil supply in a way that serves its interests, some analysts say this played a role in the 80s oil glut and the collapse of the soviet union.

Israel is a big part of the equation in guiding US military policy in the middle east, but I think you are focusing on it as the sole explanation which blinds you to other factors.

For example this is simply incorrect.
The US and Iran have had a hostile relationship since the Islamic revolution. This more than anything results from the fact that the revolution overthrew a puppet dictator and replaced him with a government totally unwilling to take American instructions. There was also a lot of genuine hatred of America in Iran because of its role in arming the military and training the secret police who were brutally killing and torturing Iranians. Did Israel make the US give the Shah amnesty after he was overthrown? Did Israel manufacture the embassy hostage situation?

US hostility towards Iran has certainly been egged on by Israel but to say it is the sole reason for the antagonistic relationship between the two countries or even the most important factor is incorrect imho.

Was there ever a president with such a cultish like following?

I thought Barrack Obama was bad, but this is like a caricature of him where everything is exaggerated.

If the USD wasn't forced to be traded in oil, the US would collapse due to debts. In fact, all currencies would collapse because they're all backed by the USD. This is why Arab nationalist struggles and Russian nationalism are anti-capitalist, because they are literally a struggle to destroy American financial hegemony. Arab nationalism with Russian help can defeat capitalism.
Trade War soon

Bush already tried this

Great depression 2 electric bogaloo here we come.

How did it pan out?

Tell me more, I do not know much about the American economy despite war keeps it afloat for the most part.


He withdrew it pretty quickly because the other WTO members threatened retaliatory tariffs. The steel industry has received preferential treatment for a long time in the US.

M8 you're a decade late to the party

Just about everything is fucked in every conceivable fashion and tariffs will cut it off from all the cheap goods it relies on to function, fucking it even more.


So this is the power of leftist intellectuals…

American porkies aren't willing to risk a trade war for a bunch of dying industries.

This is a pretty wild theory, the U.S. should probably quit embargoing oil producing countries then.

You could also speculate that it's because Iran and Syria are not controlled by Rothchild Banks, but then you are back to the jews.

There probably is a little truth to both these theories but Occam's Razor:

Israel and Hezbollah are engaged in Syria. Syria shot down an Israeli jet a couple weeks ago and the U.S. is retaliated by hitting a Syrian airbase in Hezbollah's operation area.

Sounds pretty jewy to me.

He explicitly said he was going to go after Iran, this shouldn't be too shocking to anybody. Trump will probably make a deal with Assad to keep Iran out.

But whatever, he said the right things and got elected. Let's not pretend that every commie despot hasn't started off with a good speech and then turned into a nightmare.

During the last great depression countries aimed to implement protectionist policies to protect their economies. Most economist today believe that this just made the contraction deeper and longer lasting.

The military industrial complex is integral to America's economy, dumb frog poster.

Yes, it is a big generator of wealth and technology.
It isn't​ a major component of the American economy percentage wise though.
It also does not "prop up" our economy.

As I said it aims to undermine and embargo countries which refuse to sell their oil in petrodollars for example Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Do you think its just a coincidence that these were the targets the neo-cons decided were deperatly in need of """freedom""" and """democracy""". Also I feel like talking about the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Soros etc. is almost always a red-herring. Yes these people are blood-sucking parisites who deserve whats coming to them but the problem is the capitalist class as a whole. There is nothing particularly dangerous or sinister about these specific families.

Also as I said Israel is a part of the equation in middle east but not the sole source of Americas fucked up foreign polic. Do you think the US attacked Vietnam for Israel, overthrew Mosadeq and Allende, what about panama and nicaragua was that for Israel too. The US is perfectly capable of doing abhorrent things for the benefit of global capital whether or not Israel is part of the equation.

It's pretty much historical consensus that WW2 ended the depression, pretty weird coming from Nazi-flag since it's usually lolbergs who question it.
And employment.

The US spent a massive amount of public money to provide a keynesian stimulus to the economy after 9/11. Remember the US almost slipped into a bad recession in the early 2000s. This was only prevented through a combination of easier credit by loosening banking regulation (for example in the housing market) and a massive debt financed public subsidy to corporations involved with the MIC/national security state.

You do realize it's not a convincing argument to claim that the U.S. shut off the flow of oil and dollars to them to keep the flow of oil going and make them use dollar right?

Israel is just part of the Jewish equation as is communism.

They literally just sold to different markets.

Yes, WW2 ignited a massive manufacturing boom and cause nearly every able bodied person to become employed temporarily, either fighting the war or producing materials for it.
But WW2 ended 70 years ago.
But it is not the main driving force behind our economy like the other poster implied.

The conflict between Israel and Hezebollah also explains why the U.S. is so dead set on arming and training Sunni and Kurdish rebel groups.

I think you are confused. What I am saying is that the US aims to keep oil from the middle east flowing as long as it is being sold by its proxies in US dollars. When oil is only being sold in US dollars this means countries all over the world have to keep the US dollar in reserve thus creating demand for it and keeping its exchange value high compared to other currencies. Thus when countries start selling oil in other currencies the US aims to overthrow/destabilize them using a wide range of tactics from embargoes, to proxy forces, to outright invasion as we've seen in Syria, Iraq, Libya and probably Iran in the future.

So the Jews who control US foreign policy are getting the US government to stamp out communism another movement controlled by the jews? I don't understand how this even has any internal logic to it.

Read this article about the petrodollar it is the main driver of US policy in the middle east imo. It is also never discussed in the MSM and the wikipedia page on it was deleted which should tell you that someone is trying to conceal this information.

You mean this?

Everyone who has never heard of the petrodollar is at least 10 years behind.

What I'm saying though, is that weapons manufacturing is not the main driving force behind America's economy.

And neither are the wars she perpetrates to fulfill her interests.

Scratch that this is a better article,

Then why are you blaming US foreign policy decision which are largely motivated by maintaining the petro-dollar on jews.

The middle east has been a war zone since the beginning of time, it's a hotbed of religious and ethnic conflict with some resources thrown in the mix.

You're accusing others of having narrow ideological framework but you keep railing on about capital when it doesn't fit and there are a lot of holes in the Petrodollar theory as well.

Israel has been nothing but a fucking cancer and a liability to the United States and capital interests for a very long time but they're our greatest ally. Our relationship with them is extremely suspect. Why?

When did I do that?

I'm just here to educator the other user on the intricacies of American economic prowess.

Look I am not denying that America has a very unique relationship to Israel which is at least partly motivated by the influence of Rich Jews and the Israel lobby. I'm accusing you of having a narrow ideological framework because you seem set on blaming US middle eastern policy soley on Jews and Israel when maintaining the petrodollar system and providing a purpose for the MIC are just as if not more significant.

My point is that whether or not Israel and the the jewish population were a factor hostile action towards leaders in the middle east who go against the interests of the American capitalist class would still exist.

My mistake I accused you with this user because of your flag. I now recognize you as the straesserist who uses the nazi flag.

And I agree with what you're saying about the US economy btw.

Maybe a little bit, but I would never self identify as such.

Thank you for not being retarded.


You're a sad individual who can't even strawman properly.

Reported and filtered

Look this word up in the dictionary.

O.K. so the U.S. makes them exclusively sell their oil to different countries with different currencies to keep the petrodollar going?

Furthermore, why would Europeans or Australians or any other country ever join in on this?

This is incoherent.

It's really complicated, but yes.
Neoconservatism is a jewish movement created by a Trotskyite from the USSR named Irving Kristol.

Bolshevism, i.e. Communism is also a Jewish movement.

There's books if you are interested. Point is ethno

Proof that the chemical attack wasn't on ISIS babies?

Proof that the chemical attack wasn't on ISIS babies?

Asians are jewish or in on the Ethno Jewish conspiracy to keep me from fucking and impregnating T R A D W I V E S

OMG you have terrible reading comprehension. I am saying they embargo (and otherwise subvert) countries who don't embrace the petrodollar and keep the flow of oil going from countries that do.

Europe and Australia don't have a say in this. US proxies like Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States will only sell you oil if you pay in US dollars ergo Euros and Ausies have to maintain reserves of US currency if they want to buy that oil.

Im going to bed maybe your friend can explain the petrodollar to you he seems to actually know what hes talking about.

Why do you lie?

Let me explain it using really short word/sentences to help you:

Countries selling oil using US currency = good
Countries selling oil using non-US currency = bad = intervention

I'll try to make it quick.

He said embargo but he meant sanctions, regime change, political undermining, coup funding, guerilla importation, radicalization, etc.
Basically read any old operation files from Iran-Contra > Cuba > South America and imagine what 30+ years of improving techniques does.
NATO, westernism, economic supremacy, etc.
If you can't beat them, join them and most ethnically European countries want to be our allies anyway.
Plus having a big reserve of American dollars (especially when it's backed up by PAX AMERICANA) is a good idea anyway.

It's a real and open phenomenon.

This really does not help us either.

And there is no reason for that to continue. We have dealt under the table with Iran going back to Iran-Contra.

The human rights violations of the Shah were exaggerated at the time, and trivial compared to the Islamic Republic that immediately followed. Iranians themselves are known as being among the friendliest people in the world to American visitors. I don't want to delve too much into counterfactuals, but the Islamic revival of the 1970s itself needs to be put into the context of the Islamic world feeling betrayed by both the Soviets and especially the Western powers continually catering to Israel, and continually engaging in injustice against them.

You are looking at stuff that went on nearly 4 decades ago, and which may have been avoided altogether. You might as well argue that we never would have been friends with the Saudis because of the Yom Kippur war.

Call us up when they play 5kD chess

I wasn't trying to get into a discussion about the petrodollar, petroeuro or petroleafbuck. It's really not that relevant. It certainly isn't the main foreign policy consideration for the U.S. much less any other country

Most of the reasons you listed are more valid than his point.

It's how Saddam Hussein also ran his country. He had all different departments and his underlings spying on each other, and competing with each other. It's a method of control, as Trump sits as the central node that other competing nodes will come to, thus allowing him knowledge of everything. Kinda of similar to the concept of panopticon. This sort of thing can backfire badly though, e.g. cliques.

Nobody is making this claim or anything like that, although I would add that you chose examples from many decades ago, and with one exception during the Cold War period. Israel's relationship with the United States dominates American foreign policy concerns, and poisons relations with much of the Islamic world today after multiple wars across the Middle East. It has given us a new and extremely difficult obstacle to navigate around in relations with different countries, and the noose keeps getting tighter. Reagan regularly defied Israel in the United Nations, and yet Obama was a monster for doing it once as a parting shot during the end of his term for all of the shit they put him and Kerry through. With Trump of course, there will not only be nothing of the kind, but they will attempt to wreck the ability of the UN to be objective regarding Israel.

Yes, that's a good comparison. It's a very "dear leader" style of running things. I'm thinking though that it may have started more innocently as a way of dealing with independent contractors. I think anyone with any experience with the building trade knows that you have to keep up a more competitive and colder relationship with various contractors than you would employees, where there is much more a sense of family with common goals.

It makes him sound pathetic, but maybe it's also an outgrowth of his reality TV show. I never watched it, but I gather it's a constant competition between the participants.

Trade deficit isn't a bad thing though. Long as you can just print money to finance it, all it means is that the rest of the world sends you free stuff. Tribute, in Imperial terms.