So private property is fascism at it's core right? Or so I've been told

So private property is fascism at it's core right? Or so I've been told.

The best way I can seem to rationalize this sentiment is that McMegaCorp could theoretically buy all the land, then charge/exploit people who are forced to live on it. And effectively become their own fascist state.

Is there a better way to put it? I'm sick of capitalist kiddies complaining about people not respecting property rights when it's obvious the few "own" all the property and defending them is working against your own self interests.

Also how do I make a distinction between personal and private private property? And I understand ownership of land being bullshit, but what about ownership of items like clothes/cars/food, etc?

Big corporations are the worst offenders sure but even owning a little land can give someone unfair authority over others. For example, landlords charging someone just so they can have a roof over their head. I don't need to pay hundreds a month just to live in a building, idiots!

As for things like clothes and other petty items that don't influence the social relations between people like capitalists owning property and workers working the property to make a living, those would be considered personal property.

mom and pop stores were by far some of the worst places to work in my own experiences

The way you use it. Le toothbrush is not used for financial gain unless you are trying to rent it for money, which makes it a typical example of personal property. On the other hand an entire company building would be a strange thing to be used personally, in fact it makes more sense to rent it for the would-be employees and gain some cash from the suckers giving you their labour power just because said company building is supposedly yours.


It varies.

So in this example private property is fascism because you are forced to pay to live? And because one person in "ownership" of it uses that ownership to exploit people forced to live on it?

What kind of property is "intellectual property". Is it just a spook like the others?

They were the best for me honestly, too focused on making it instead of making it big, and since they genuinely needed every worker, they actually gave a shit about us. Same thing with customers.

Yet in bigger businesses which were clearly capable of hiring more people, I usually saw myself working alone and multitasking, giving a piss poor service as a result.

Could that be because you expect the corporate workplace to be complete shit but not the mom and pop?



Define fascism.

define "define"

Imo, renting out housing is the most horrible way to exploit ever conceived. It's a holdover from feudalism and possibly beyond. At least some capitalists invest in production unlike these cancerous leech landlords.

No. How about I use you for fertilizer, "m'lord"?

totalitarian single party state control every facet of a nations workings I'd say.

the definitions are usually quite intertwined with right wing authoritarianism

I just hear private property called fascism recently and while I agree with the sentiment that it gives control to "land holders" to exploit people, I'm looking for a more indepth explanation of the statement.

People call everything they don't like fascism, much like American right wingers call everything they don't like socialism.

Private property is a feature of capitalism. It's not exclusive to fascism and it predates fascism. A liberal democracy isn't fascist but they have private property.

But no amount of property rights could prevent ancap frog from being eaten by Naked Snake.

IP is a really inefficient and can hold back progress of technology simply because one company has "ownership" of a part found in their car which no one else can have or that a phone is shape similar to a competitor therefor a lawsuit of 1 billion dollar must be made. It stops a dedicated guy in their garage making more efficient versions of big name products from reaching people no matter how great it may be.


i like dis froggie

This might just be me but I really wish people would stop forcing the "personal v. private" property meme. The fact of the matter is that people aren't going to take your belongings because of any arbitrary property rights you may have, but because we sort out the whole free access thing. It really is as arbitrary as the concept of propery as a whole.

This frog belongs to me

Why is Mutualism so cute?

Stirner was blonde though

No one will recognize Stirner if he was blonde though.

No, they are different concepts entirely. Don't listen to Adorno.

It is not that they theoretically could but rather that they absolutely will of necessity do so or fall to some other megacorp that does.

Personal property refers to a thing that is personally used by the individual who claims it. Private property is claimed by a person who does not use it but instead receives rent for its use by others. Note that in this conceptualization waged labor is regarded as a kind of rent payed by the laborer to his boss, because he receives less than the value of his labor in the form of wages. Thus a place of business which features an owner and employees is an example of private property.

So-called intellectual property is claimed by an individual who does not personally use it but receives rent for its use from others. It is private property. The fact that it describes nothing physical makes it a unique variant of the concept.

no its just a weird reactionary impulse that married itself to vaguely individualist tendencies. Its not necessarily anything. There have been monarchies where private property was possible and there have been Soc Dem democracies where its possible. Its not necessarily fascist at all. The fact that Fascists usually like it is just more to do with reactionaries liking the idea of individualism, but not the practice of it
Yeah that's exactly the same as the People's Workers Socialist Party doing that, which is why a lot of people think M-L's are red fascists. Its not a good way to define fascism at all. But if you wanted to use that definition then State Socialism would be fascist
Its where a military autocracy takes power over the government, often through elections, which is backed by the monied landowning classes, which emphasizes a national rebirth, which concerncs itself chiefly with grievances against other nations and ethnic groups, which emphasizes law and order, which has a policy of total mobilization of the population and economy towards "national rebirth" AKA total war on the rest of the world or at least an ideological/cultural war, uses extreme police-state measures to control the population and is ultimately a no-holds-bar open association of private enterprise and military state authoritarianism. Its not easily defined because its a meme tier ideology, that's why its never lasted longer than a few decades whereas even M-L lasted for half a century.
they might themselves own property, so thinking like that isn't correct. And they're not kiddies anymore than socialists are, you fag.
by using your neo-cortex and reading a book you dipshit. Personal property is personal affects, like your watch or your pants or your hair ribbon or your wristband or your calculator in your backpack.
cars are personal property while you operate them. They are otherwise private property. Food is personal property while you are using it to cook or prepare or eat. It is otherwise private property. Clothes are personal property when they are on your person, otherwise they are private property. Anyone who disputes this doesn't understand the special use distinction that defines personal property.

Read a fucking book and stop thinking like a cartoon character its unbecoming. Also that frog is more beautiful that all the socialists who died in vain in the last 200 years.

Anything can be property.


What book?

Thinking you have the right to live in a house you had 0 involvement building, maintaining, or paying the people that built or maintained it.

I just don't understand u commies tbh