Come laugh at porky's slaves
Come laugh at porky's slaves
kek so much butt hurt on pol
How delusion can these things be?
Fuck off we're full.
inb4 linked on Holla Forums to prove Holla Forums is raiding
Holy shit they are so fucking triggered it is delicious
Happily obliged, my lad.
3rd thread, their tears keep flowing
You guys are just as much slaves of "porky" as the alt-right, you know. Just look at all your millionaire funders and leaders. Notice how they all come from one specific tribe…
the tribe your god-emperor worships?
Yes, the jews have a complete control of the left because they control academia, the legacy media and hollywood. The latter being the main agent of developing the veiw point of leftist
so does that mean trump is also a leftist?
then he's reaching dimensions of chess that shouldn't possible
I'm a nazi, not an alt-right. Trump is, as you would say, not my comrade
3th thread, their tears keep flowing
No, it means that a controlled opposition is an old tactic.
You just had a thread were you LARPed about killing George Soros. Why doesn't the left ever kill a jewish oligarch? Putin has killed more jewish oligarcs than all of the communists in history, and he did so he could seize Russian industries for his ex-KGB palls. Until you actually dispense violence against the part of the bourgeoisie as well, there is no reason to not think of the left as being controlled by a jewish elite.
Do you actually think that no one was Jewish among the bourgeoisie killed in communist regimes? NO ONE?
You're a cuckquean that will follow the first white porky who pretends to talk to astral beings. Go back to larping as an atlantean and drawing those horrible satan×lilith cartooons you dumb cunt.
yah right
Truvada Trump is as left as it gets.
5th thread lmao
Wow Holla Forums is truly a place of modern intellect
These fucks are brainwashed beyond belief. It must suck to live like this, unaware of the fact that they are the ones being led around by porky, blaming all their problems on Jews. They are so close to seeing the forest, but they're stuck on getting pissed at the trees themselves.
What a bunch of dumb and ignorant fucks. Will they ever wake up?
How come all those millionaire funders couldn't stop Occupy Wall Street from getting harassed by the cops?
6th threaqd
What the fuck is this shit?
I haven't seen the right doing it either.
Oligarchs don't tend to live near people they fuck over. They also try to have more means to securate themselves than the common man. That complicate slightly going after them.
The only recent violent uprising against international Jewry i can think of are Breivik's and Roof's deeds. It's almost like it's easier to lash out at the neighbors rather than attacking the powers that be.
Mods unban me :c
Damn, the mods must be pissed.
They're the St. Petersburgers; they're connected to respectable russian mafia and intel, nat sec deep state in Russia. They're the ruling hegemony in Russia