I was in a left anime thread and it hit me- when anime girls are communists, it's not as funny

I was in a left anime thread and it hit me- when anime girls are communists, it's not as funny.

It's funny when weeaboos are nazis, because the gap between stahlhelms and body pillows is so big. When shut in, bisexual virgins talk about the day of the rope it's humorous. When humanities grad NEETs floundering under student debts are communists, it's too congruent.

How do we win the irony block?

Other urls found in this thread:



It's not.

I remember laughing at that 4chan banner with the cute anime girl leaning forward, pointing up a finger like she had something informative to say, and a speech bubble coming out of her mouth with only a swastika in it. That was before Holla Forums was even made. Anime + Soviet imagery is not as ironic or as shocking.


Basically, communism is the hard-hitting freight of reality and does not distract from life as much as, say, a wehraboo with a dakimakura. Therefore it ends up being less comical.


Anime scares the shit out of me. I don't want to head in the same direction as Japan or South Korea in the sense of the acute alienation they have there. It's seriously scary, I recently read that ONE QUARTER of middle aged Jap males are virgins. I mean holy fuck

Where being a neet is insanely common, where huge numbers of people play Vidya until they literally die, where a huge number of people prefer an animated fantasy world to the real one

No way

That's why nazbol is such a great concept. It's essentially communism with a fashy paint job.

It's fascism with a soviet paint job, retard.

Anyway, it's not because of nazis being funny. It's because 4chan is filled with burgers and burger edgelords are nazis. Blame Reagan.

Yep. That's our future under capitalism. ALL HAIL THE CYBERPUNK DYSTOPIA!

Will you ever stop shilling your meme ideology that only works for Russian Nazis?


There are many socialists in /g/.

I've been browsing 4chide since 2005, and you're completely wrong. Soviet imagery and anime was the original edge lord combination the normal populace never understood.

Yukari will purge those bourgeois little shits and save us from capitalism forever.
Praise comrade Yukari

It's already unfolding. Wait until you see the kids who grew up with tablets, it will be a generation of ghosts. Free, liberal association and modern technology will lead to well functioning societies with empty sidewalks, high rises hiding hedonists and suicides.

Most forms of communism will dramatically accelerate the obliteration of social roles and communities.



Nazbols, thb


Because, unlike Nazism, Communism is not a joke.

Yukari is literally /ourgirl/.

t. Holla Forumsack

Observe as comrade Yukari taunts and belittles the capitalist dog. Let this be a warning to all would be class traitors.


>saying Communism is not a joke makes you a nazi

In an era of post-irony only jokes are taken seriously. If you refuse to joke about something you are basically saying that it has no merit. Get with the times.


Anime boys are better tbh.

I fail to see the problem in that logic..

You're thinking of communism in capitalistic terms!
Sorry, my bad.

If you think both parents working 8 hours a day helps keep families together and give children a stable, supportive home life then I really don't know what to tell you. Next you'll be saying that car crashes are the only thing stopping us all from dying of severe impact trauma.

Fathers at least will be almost wholly replaceable. You'll have forty five year old men killing themselves like flies and people doing online dating and hook ups well into their sixties.

t. someone who has a terrible relationship with their father

That's not how humans work. I know you're obsessed with being cuckolded but it's actually quite a rare fetish. Also this isn't a fetish board.

When a dad becomes a guy who loafs around the house all the time and does some of the handful of chores which aren't automated, life long marriages will not become anywhere near as prevalent as they are now. Female economic autonomy and security has already tremendously undermined marriage, successful communism would likely destroy it.

Someone out there is probably fapping themselves raw to the idea of Bordigists sitting in their armchairs.

Why does it have to be girls, and why does it have to be funny? You'd be surprised how many weebs are sympathetic to the idea of an oppressed class rising up against the rulers of a totalitarian state.

The degradation of human relationships is a result of capitalism, not socialism. People are forced to compete with eachother just to meet their basic needs which causes extreme amounts of anxiety and animosity and creates artificial hierarchies based on wealth and power. IIRC, sociologists who studied both East and West Germany found that the East Germans actually had healthier social and romantic lives than the capitalists in the west.

I don't watch Anime anymore because it depresses the shit out of me. When I lived in Japan for six months I realized how fucked up the culture is on there, everybody is oppressed by some dumb spooks of decorum, nobody can't express their feelings, sex is taboo, everything is taboo and immoral.

Then you have Anime, it's so vibrant, emotional and passionate, everything the Japs desire to be, Anime is a cry of help.

Good, marriage is cancer.


Both my parents were working before I was born. We were raised by grandparents. They are still together after 30 years.
Does that mean anything?

Cause the stupid ideology of "women only want me for money" is what MGTOWs believe to avoid blaming capitalism for their alienation.


Daily reminder that Squeaker did nothing wrong.

Always suspected that you needed inbreeding to produce ancaps.

You are stupid if you make children while being poor, commies indeed are stupid

It's completely true, but it's a consequence of capitalism. Capitalism has created extremely unhealthy human relationships by making people prioritize greed over emotional closeness.
Now show me on the doll where the bad MGTOW touched you.

Commies have better access to contraceptive and thus don't have kids while being poor like in capitalist countries.

Is this why communist china had to implement one kid only policy?

No, marriages will have to be based on things other than financial dependence, which was a terrible basis for marriage from the very beginning. If some whore is going to leave me just because I'm not working my ass off in a pointless soul-sucking job, she wasn't wife material in the first place.

look at east vs west berlin family planning

As a side note: I got my first doses of communist theory from chatting with weebs online, like 8 years ago now, and I've believed in the cause ever since. They did something right, I guess?

You want to fuck with your daughter.

I am not stalin

How many times do I have to post this?


so, how are you gonna have workers to exploit without poor kids?

The incitement of ceaseless class warfare is clearly healthy and normal behavior in any society!

I will use robots

None if you stop biting.

Robots don't buy products, though! ;)


I will make products that I can sell to the rich only

Stop it. Get some help.

Get some money

No you wont you're not the special snowflake that somehow will outsmart all the existent companies with enough infrastructure and wealth to massproduce shit. You won't be able to compete with Elon Musk, or Zuckerberg, or Bill Gates etc.

You will be a dirty peasant and if you're lucky you will die in your 30s.

What if bill gates hires me to design robots because I am smarter than you

what if the moon were made of cheese

But money is made by workers!
I need workers to get money!
Robots don't make money!

please be stupid somewhere else. We don't give a shit that you think Holla Forums has better maymays and anime waifus. Little Witch Academy Ep 14 was hillarious anyway.

Stop replying to this guy

*steps on snake*

Robots make products that the rich can buy, I get money from the rich, I buy other products made by robots for me(the rich), it's perfect

First, I would be skeptical of the study, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were really so. Communism becomes far, far worse, socially, in conjunction with current technological trends.

I'm not advocating anything like unrestricted capitalism, by the way. That would kill almost everybody.

Social status is an important part of female attraction, although clearly not the only part or even a completely necessary part.

Second, this is the kind of shit communism will result in. Unending serial monogamy to find "the right person", resulting in a huge number of people wholly divested from romance and an even larger number entering retirement age completely alone.

That's like saying gold that's been covered with shit is a great concept.

Dude fuck that shit let's hijack some nukes and tax the world to not nuke them. Live like a pimp.

Let's build a space ship and sell the bourgeois asteroids.

Why are you okay with some random guy profiting off of your invention? How many layers of classcuckery are you on right now?

You know, I've wondered the same thing, relating to both communist weeb stuff as well as other commie memes.

They're simply not that funny. Maybe because they're often directly created by pro-communist people, thus being too propaganda-like? Or on the contrary, they're simply lazy "heh Stalin killed people" jokes? Maybe because they don't feel as naughty as nazism? I really can't grasp it.

Nazi memes began as an ironic meme and people who are not nazis have laughed at them. Maybe that helps? Maybe nazi stuff is, even now, harder to take seriously. I don't know. Of course there's also the gap already mentioned, when it comes to nerd nazis.

I must be paid well of course, they pay for my own effort


Then what is Hentai?

One thing I've noticed: a common form of a communist meme is not an original idea fully appropriated, but rather a common saying, a common meme or something, with a hint of communism added.

A spectre of communism haunting over common images. The forgotten idea insisting on its own existence. Sad, rather than funny.

Also these are commonly very shallow jokes.


A criticism of repressive cultural mores regarding sexuality and fetishism.


What about Nazism feels naughty to you?


Litteraly, searched anime on leftybooru.

The goal is to spill white tears so i guess it's more or less the same.

sage for shitty joke.

Social status only matters because it correlates to one's quality of life in capitalist societies and other hierarchy-based social systems. Socialists are the ones who want to eliminate these systems altogether.
When relationships fail its typically a result of economic troubles, not some stupid /r9k/ memes like "hypergamy" or stupid shit like that.
But just hypothetically, let's pretend you're right and that monogamous relationships would become less common in a socialist society despite historical evidence to the contrary- what alternative would you propose? Are you suggesting that we treat women like property? Maybe force them to cover themselves whenever they go out in public?

I think it mostly an issue of execution rather than communism simply not being funny. Pretty much everyone who grew up in the 90s remembers pic related because of how hilariously absurd the entire scene was

I will provide a thing worthy of protection, my own intelligence, I will not be just some meat moving things around

Do we live in different worlds? Nazism, Hitler, anti-semitism etc are traditionally seen as the ultimate evil, of course I've absorbed that, I can still feel it in my intuitive reaction to nazi stuff. Internet has desensitized me to a large extent, of course. Also: it is not like nazis aren't really bad.

Communism is opposed but rarely taken seriously in the same way. The mainstream liberal way of looking at communism is "good idea, doesn't work in practice" rather than "absolute evil". So it lacks the wholesome naughty edginess. Treat the nazis as funny without purely mocking them and it is already in the no-go zone: this certainly helps in certain kinds of humor.

Is high school such a society? Does capitalism leak into the students' heads from broadcast television?

You're wildly optimistic to assume social conformity plays no role here, or that social hierarchies can be patched out of a society.

Frequently, but this certainly does not account for the majority of divorces in the first world. I'm not saying females are hypergamous, although indisputably women do leave relationships more. The come up on romantic love is addictive. A ton of people enjoy drama and treating life like an emotional roller coaster. Extended domestic life can feel tedious in comparison.

I'm suggesting that we make everybody consider themselves property to other people. That people feel indebtedness on account of certain social roles, such as husband, mother, candle maker, and that communities elevate those roles to sociological fact instead of making them voluntary role playing. my biggest issue with communism is its association with a brand of liberal individualism that wants to cleave away every social role and constraint (particularly AnCom).


So, you like the idea of "sin". Like telling racist joke and rape jokes. Well.. Why would communism want to be "funny" in that sense?


I'm simply wondering why communist jokes tend to be less funny. If my conclusion is that one, then of course, communism shouldn't be funny.

Communism should be edgy and not politically correct, though - not in the sense that it should abuse the oppressed, but in the revolutionary sense, it can not be safe and sterile. So maybe that is the problem for communist humour - how to be edgy, funny and subversive at the same time.

We just make fun of Holla Forums it's all it really takes. Fuck memes. Read a book faggot.

Your communist society would not be free of hierarchy. There are people you like talking to and people you don't, and it has very little to do with capitalism. Some people are more entertaining or desirable to you than others, some are liked by almost everybody, others are obnoxious and largely unwanted. You are a fucking idiot if you think this will not happen in your utopia, or that somehow this dynamic will not create hierarchies.

B-but we need propaganda!

Hierachies are born from scarcity.
Why would post scarcity have hierarchy?

He said while posting propaganda.

A lot of the punch behind Nazi memes and humor stems from the taboo attached to them. It's all edge, and since they've been acceptable targets for the past 70 years, it's a bit of a strange strain of catharsis to "allow" them their time in the comedy spotlight. "Haha Hitler did nothing wrong!" "Lol Holohoax!" These are more "potent" than any gulag joke because how bad they were has been drilled into everyone's heads and bolstered by the victors' movies and propaganda about the time period. Being "edgy" has always been a way of lashing out at the dominant social ideology, and it feels good. It doesn't mean people find Nazism any more "acceptable" (this is the mistake neo-fascists and some alt-rightists make) but just that they laugh at it the same way a retard or suicide joke is funny.

Leftism isn't usually funny because it offers practical solutions to many problems. Like most of its proponents, thrives on sincerity, which is great for making friends; not so much for amusing people.

Wholeheartedly disagree, famalam. If leftism (as in, anything past left-leaning liberalism) is gonna have any mass-market appeal in the current political climate, memes are a necessity.

Why else do you think right-wingers are winning? Because of their superior economics and forward-thinking business plans? No, it got this far because the talking heads gave the public enough easily-digestable soundbytes and truisms to keep them from questioning the system.

Commie memes have potential, though. Uncle Joe was pretty much our Hitler, and the mention of GULAG-ing porkies is pmuch our version of "gas the kikes".

'Course, the biggest problem is that the mainstream left is a bunch of pussies who'd never embrace this. Not unless we do something about it.

The pirate aesthetics is a good idea tbh.

In the social sense, it's because people compete for attention and affection and are afraid of being rejected.

In middle school, kids do not generally compete with one another for commodities or food, but they still mistreat each other, and many are left friendless. There are obviously social structures that make this all better or worse, but most forms of communism will probably make it worse. I can imagine nothing more hellish than an AnCom society where I get talked over by student government weasels for two hours a day.

I honestly don't give a shit about internet drama, is just childish. All those kids will grow up and become good proles and those who keep memeing nazi shit will be permavirgins.

Besides those kids are still in school and don't know what being exploited by porky means. Our demographic is the young adults in college or those who are unemployed. You will never be a left version of Holla Forums stop wasting time trying to convert reactionaries.


These aren't regular internet memes though. (i.e. "praise kek!"), the reason the right pushes ahead with that sort of thing is because it manages to embed things in the wider public consciousness. In particular, the common-sense meme. (It sounds right that in bad times, the government should spend less just like the household - right? Better vote Tory. Shame it's absolute bullshit because governments aren't houses…)

Going around yelling "Gas the porkies, class war now!" wouldn't have put Bernie in the white house.

Anime is for children. There is nothing to gain from this ideology. Entertainment for the sleep. Snap out of it.

I wonder where your prejudice comes from….

Watch Planetes

Read books without pictures

Nazism always thrived on abandoning logic. Blaming the Jews never needed to make much sense outside ideological fantasy. Act in bad faith from the start and the fascist has no need to explain his statements: they're power play, not argumentation.

I see the "alt-right" memes as a logical follow-up or return, really.

The mainsteam populist right wing is currently thriving on escapism, so we shouldn't learn too much from them. Calling it "post-truth" politics is bullshit, but maybe post-reality makes sense.

Stop trying to convince retards you're making arguments, it's frustrating because I respond to you to protect my ego.

Wildly disproportionate Jewish representation among the ultra wealthy, reform Jews' role in the civil rights movement, and Zionism make modern Nazi bullshit a relatively cogent conspiracy theory.

Look, you can't really argue with Holla Forums- disprove something and you'll be called a cuck or you won't get replies, because chan posters, when they don't know what to say, just wait for somebody else to argue on their behalf (that's also true here by the way). However, you are wrong if you say Holla Forums does not make arguments, or that studies never backs up conservative stances on social or economic issues. You cannot argue with Holla Forums, but you can argue with its representatives, at least in public forum or on other websites.


I know vidya and anime is cultural equivalent to fast food but I just can't help myself. After working my shitty job I just want some entertainment that is quick, convenient, easily obtainable, and doesn't require much effort put into it. Adorno would have probably shot himself if he saw the anime industry or video games or pretty anything part of "nerd culture"

I tried calling Holla Forums on the phone, and I couldn't even get through to a representative.

That doesn't make it any more than an ideological fantasy, does it?

Of course there exist Jews who fit the antisemites image. The original nazis could surely find plenty of Jews who seduced German women, made a lot of money, exploited poorer Germans, as well as poor and dirty Jews.

Doesn't affect anything, really. It is ideological fantasy insofar as the Jews are then seen as a kind of intruder ruining everything.

They do, but I don't think that is where they thrive, I don't think that is their appeal. I think their appeal is in the empowerment one gets from blaming minorities, openly hating and mocking them and so on. You get to be the powerful, non-cucked master of the situation then.
And I think they plain don't need arguments for some things - like the antisemitism. Maybe many of them don't even really believe in it.

I did not try to imply anything like that. Right wing populism thrives on escapism since they insist on certain extremely important core problems on either not existing or being ignorable. Global warming is either denied or played down or ignored, the refugee crisis and everything related to it is solved by shutting our doors, economical problems from globalization are solved by protectionism and so on.

This is post-reality because it relies on denying the reality of our situation today. The solutions may, at best, function for a short period of time.

There are good anime. You're not looking hard if you're settling for the soulless otaku pandering trash.

To be fair, on protectionism, that almost sounds like capitalist realism at play.
Globalisation is reversible or controllable, if only we have the political will. It would probably have to be multi-lateral because international capital is a vile beast, but it's just about doable. Part of this would lie in pseudo-protectionism.

Honestly I'm drawn a little to the populist right myself, simply because they might finally break us out of TINA-land even if only to put us somewhere poorer. If immigrants get thrown under the bus - if I get thrown under the bus - so be it, so long as the system of control that has been in place since ~1976 is destroyed. Better Hitler than Blair.

so the liberals can blame extraneous, idealistic reasons like nationalism for the brutal wars and violence of capitalism?
spoken like a true social fascist.

Someone pls tell me where this is from

Little Witch Academia

How does shutting our doors create problems that affect first world countries?

The extent that it's played up is almost as egregious. I remember the geniuses here trading a doom day blog article about how a nitrate burp will repeat the Permian extinction, simply because it's a lot of nitrate and the Permian extinction also involved a lot of nitrate. Global warming is a huge problem if you're an environmentalist, and a massive issue if you live in certain places, but a surprisingly manageable thing in most Western democracies (slight temperature increases will actually help agriculture in a lot of places).

Autarky does solve the economic problems associated with globalization, almost definitionally. It may introduce new problems, but saying it doesn't address anything is retarded.

It makes them feel better about themselves to identify with something they can be proud of. Yes, it is pathetic. Power does play into it, and power plays into every kind of political mobilization.

I'm a bit more sympathetic to the kind of people who go right than the kind of people who go left. As a general rule, reactionaries want to belong somewhere, leftists want freedom and power. The alt right has a lot of inhumanly retarded people now, but when the radical left goes off on psychological profiling it is throwing stones in a glass house.

Maybe, but for individual countries it isn't a workable solution in the long term. Of course, if everyone did it, it would work insofar as controlling globalization is concerned. But it sounds like denying reality, doesn't it, the idea that suddenly everyone would like to do it? That suddenly the power relations would be such that it could ever work. Turning the clock back is usually escapist.

It kinda makes sense if you're a really cynical socfas. I mean, socdem ideas in Europe worked pretty good for pretty long, and globalization is definitely The Thing that made it kinda unfeasible. So a socfas could almost prefer local struggle against fascism over global struggle against liberal capitalism (or whatever you wanna call it)


Not really.
All I want is for the present state of the world to be destroyed, no matter what comes next. Any utopian ideas I once held are now dead, now all that matters is killing those ideas that did-them-in.

That's the problem. Truthfully I do get a bit fascist here because I'd quite like the idea of the USA forcing capital controls on the world at gunpoint. You don't need full autarky, but balanced trade would be nice…
The problem is, of course, that even domestically porky is too powerful to allow something like that to happen. National capital is almost manageable - international capital is quite literally going to kill everyone. (In some ways, the problem solves itself!)

its hopeless, I've given up

How about you kill yourself instead of destroying the whole world to satisfy some sick revenge fantasy?

read marx or just fucking look at history, say the late 19th century.
this is low, even for a fucking rose

Will the problems really not come knocking on their door later on? In the form of violence etc. I'm not saying the solution is open borders, it is not: but the problems that cause mass movement need to be addressed to, well, prevent it.

The deal with global warming is complicated - bottom line is we don't know whether it'll ruin everything or not (if nothing is done). It very well might, so playing it down is ridiculous.

I'm very sceptical towards this being possible to achieve. For individual countries, very hard if not impossible.
Besides, the populist right doesn't even suggest autarky, it is vague protectionism at best. Autarky would require massive reorganization of society in many places. The populist right tends to team up with the traditional right, so that makes it even further impossible.

The important thing to note is that I've never said that these solutions couldn't work for some time. But I do view them as recipe for disaster in the longer term. That is the reason for them being kind of scary: the escapism could work for too long. It'd be much better if their negative effects were always immediate.

There will almost certainly be less domestic terrorism if you do not give residence to any refugees.

You know why this is hard. It's especially hard because most refugees are not Syrian, and many are not conventionally refugees- people are paid to transport them, and those people have every incentive to paint where they're being transported as a paradise.

True. A lot of countries would have to join economic unions with other countries if they wanted something resembling autarky. It's still possible in a fair number of places, though.

Often there's fairly little overlap. You have a bunch of alt righters supporting single payer, and the alt right hates neo-cons. Beyond ancaps and anti-commie memes, which mostly have to do with "cultural marxism", the alt right is pretty economically ambiguous.

What problem does autarky run into after "some time"? What about closed borders?

I mean, the practical reason is that I'm a coward and inertia is in the way - I don't fear being killed as a concept, but actually doing myself in? It's a tall order.
I'm sure the 19th century and Marx will teach me everything I need to know about Earth's atmosphere becoming hostile to mammalian life.

Marxism ironically suffers the same problem as neoclassical economic models: Handling time improperly.
it's a joke, the joke is to say the analysis of capitalism is theoretically perfect but that once you factor in time and pollution we'll all die before the collapse of capitalism. It's a joke. Don't get mad. It's a joke.

Why would you want that lol


High male virginity rates means that women are no longer seen as mere accessories for men. I don't see how this is a problem.

If you read marx or understood the logic of capital you'd know that the notion of "national capital being manageable" is absolutely retarded.

I wouldn't read so closely into that.
Firstly because you can have /r9k/ style (where they're an accessory, but an unattainable one.) or one where they're basically a distrusted irrelevance, instead of becoming equal. (Because to some others, perhaps the big other, they still have a sort of sexual value that you don't. Much easier to cast the entire question aside by ignoring them. I raise the big-other in particular because it's obviously a very straight-male based perspective, not considering one's own "sexual value" as a man to other men or to women.)

Again, we're gonna die anyway. In the long term social democracy will always do what it did in the 70s and porky will overthrow it - the trick is to die or start a revolution before that happens.

Removing tongue from cheek: you're reading far too much into "manageable"

Is misery a problem? What do you want?

Couldn't a monarch throw a jubilee every forty years, or redistribute capital regularly?

they'd go all revolutionary terror on the monarch.
(though fun fact: one assumption made in certain neoliberal economic models is that an ideal distribution of capital is in place, the oft-used example being that a benevolent dictator does so before any markets open. Free market indeed!)

Some disorganized thoughts on the subject

Communism, although associated with mass death tolls, is not seen as psychotic as Nazism. The terror of the communism is associated with dreadful order. The totalitarian state controls every aspect of your life, sees all, hears all, knows all. This, i claim, is not a foreign notion to our society. Indeed, we are already accustomed to a society that sees all, hears all and knows all because we ourselves see all, hear all, know all. By being plugged into the internet, we gain this totalitarian power over society, and thereby normalize it. Who cares about a state invading your privacy if you have already sold it?

The price of this power is that we are sheltered from violence. See for instance the liberal obsession with Harry Potter. Can any other generation claim to hold a children's book series as a guide to politics? No, westerners are entirely too coddled to see the contradiction. The opposite, (psychotic meaningless violence) thereby takes on a horrific character. Organized, arbitrary violence is an intolerable disruption of the modern security system, which seeks to mitigate all conflict through social marginalization and thought persecution. Despite the sense of nihilism that is slowly seeping into our minds, the first worlder is still very much a narcissist.
The gravest threat to the narcissist is dying without his intellect being recognized, his ambition satisfied. Communism at least asserts a positive vision of the future; if offers utopia, which obviously appeals to the narcissist. At the same time, few narcissists actually believes in the utopia, otherwise we would see more action and less theory jerking.

I may return to this later.

That's because anime is the last stand of implicit white identity.

What don't you understand about the need for human interaction and emotional development?

wew, what a funny banner
fucking idiots

Step it up, senpai.

It was made before you had hair on your nutsack. Cut them some slack.

this is internet dipshit
for all I know you may be 3 year old
go bitch about your oldfag status on twitter or something

Anime communist memes come as tryhard and not fun at all; a lame, cheap, forced copy of Nazi memes.You can whine about American weebs all you want but that argument falls apart when Asians do it too, maybe even more.

Hell, it's not even limited to anime memes. You fuckers are so devoid of creativity you also adopt things like Pepe the frog and idpol argot and rape the funny out of them.

You adopted pepe as well dipshit

That makes it even worse, you adopted the particular Holla Forums adoption of Pepe.

little witch academia is really great


i was an oldfag before twitter existed

this is true


You guys can't come up with anything funny or original. Next thing you know, y'all will start making memes of Max Stirner throwing people out of helicopters or something.

Let's have a 🍀🍀🍀deal🍀🍀🍀: The right wing can keep all the anime stuff, and in return the left wing's stranglehold on western kid media will go utterly unchallenged.

Stirner was the original ancap

I would have shot adorno

This is all you are.

Little witch academia episode 14, where the fairies literally needed the philosopher's stone's mahou to live, so it was less "seize the means of production" and more "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for fairy children"

Read this, it'll cheer you up :^) animediet.net/commentary/moe/moetics-my-otaku-life-prelude




This is the best you can be.

Kikeish projection!!!


It was also removed one or two years ago.

Last anime I watched was Shimoneta something. Basically the anime about sex censorship and trying to start a revolution.

Probably one of the worst, most unfunny things I've had to sit through, and yeah I finished it. All I can remember was it being super perverted and the plot was really absurd. The premise was fine, like the world being too PC was a good plot premise, but "oh to go against it let's wear panties on our faces and throw porn at everyone!!!!!1!111". It was just so fucking stupid.

Sometimes I get sick of people posting about anime all the time. Why so many people enjoy it is beyond me.

because cute girls

what I hate the most about anime is overacting
it's as if japs can't help it, but to exaggerate everything and shove their shitty morals into your face
plus their slave mentality is disgusting
creepy fuckers

Fuck you that show was hilarious.

Some of it isn't bad but most of it is because they're just too damn stupid to enjoy anything else. They can only think with their dick.

Tom Cruise starring in: The Last Anime.

One thing to clear up: when I say populist right wing, I don't mean Holla Forums. I mean the actual politicians, you know, a shitload of politicians, a shitload of supporters. In the countries where parties of such people have gained power - in Europe - their "natural ally" is definitely the traditional right over social democrat, green etc parties. This has already cause problems for some populists: it is hard to continue to paint the picture of being a rebel against the elite if your actual realized policies are a mix of some anti-immigrant stuff, some other things against the old neoliberal way, but also traditional bourgeoisie policy.

Autarky? If accompanied by withdrawal from international, shared policies, as it'd probably be, it'll be a disaster for the environment, for one. Combating environmental problems requires strong international cooperation. It is also hard to imagine that it wouldn't cause more conflicts among countries, at least in the long run. Even simply lessening the effects of environmental disasters is hard on a national level. There are other problems that are directly hurt by withdrawal from international to national: how to control possibly harmful scientific advancements, for example, and how to actually control the movement of people. How to control capital, even, without near-global policies?

Closed borders? That alone, I don't know, it is not like its causing problems for the saudis or something (not like they're isolated, but very little refugees). But not addressing the problems that cause a big amount of refugees, as the point of my critique is the way these policies are acted out instead of real solutions? The problems will just grow. Maybe at one point the group of people desiring to get in won't be as friendly as they are now. It is no recipe for a stable world.

tl;dr fixing our problems require more internationalism, less strong nation state, populist right wing isn't going to realize that kind of a world. Maybe there's a little paradox here: their pro-national sovereignty etc ideas would work better if more or less everyone adopted similar policies in a coordinated manner. Isolate yourself now and surely the economy will get hit, etc.

You could just institute systems to insure that people don't get fucked over socially.

Do you never sleep? Do you just mainline speed 24/7?
Anime isn't ideology, it's just a means to recharge your soul and remember what it is that you're fighting for.

Just call it what it is: Sophist/emotional manipulation bullshit.
They're playing off of peoples fears, insecurities, and hopes.

Stop watching garbage

This is why I only ask questions and don't argue.
If past lives are real, I think I was a dog before. I am not bright.

Too real.

I want to belong somewhere, but I just realize that supporting fascism is like locking myself in a cage and shooting innocent people

But the USSR wasn't communist around the time Stalin took control
What? You've seen people do this? Not us here though. You must mean idpol idiots.
Violence is horrific because anyone that's not a complete fucking sociopath doesn't think that harming other people or making them suffer is an alright thing to do.
Where the fuck are you getting this?
So we like communism because we're all obsessed with ourselves? This is pretty dumb.

I am cumming.

Here's your (you)

Let's just agree that anarchist anime girls are the best.

So if what this guy says is true, in high school girls are only attracted to "alpha males"(muscular, athletic, violent); Is this a function of capitalism because it encourages extreme competition and dominating the weak in order to get more for yourself?

Please explain.

I'd say it's less to do with sex and more to do with a lack of intimacy with the opposite sex.
They are incapable of being intimate with real girls so they settle for fake ones.
Loneliness, caused by alienation, cause by capitalism.

Someone please respond to the snibeddi snap

Same shit.
All that matters to me is it makes for godawful shit television.

I didn't say you were wrong, but please don't blame the victim for the crime.

The victim is anime here.

If only men that were "alpha males" were capable of reproducing in the past, why do non "alpha males" still exist today?

Neither exist.

So they're just spooks?
But then how do we explain the phenomenon of certain men being unable to have healthy intimate relationships with women?
Mental illness?

First off genetic variation. An alpha can produce offspring that is not alpha.

Second because its a relative trait.
You only need to be superior to the other males in your tribe for the time you reproduce.
Say Im the alpha of leftypol and I get my pick of the hot chicks that are obviously here. But then someone from /fit/ comes in and he would obviously attract the girls away from me. We both got to reproduce even though i would no longer be the alpha.

Third: Adultery. Most species with a primate family structure use adultery as a way to widen the gene pool. Basically the women go off and fuck the beta men when the alpha isnt looking.

There's a depressing trend, even on Holla Forums, to express total contempt for virgins and anything which they think is enjoyed by virgins.
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that this kind of attitude is one of the main factors which contributed to the rise of the right online. The "left" attacked internet culture, and the internet reacted by abandoning leftist politics.

The only thing I'm unsure about is how much of it was instigated by COINTELPRO and how much of it was simply a display of staggering ignorance and short-sightedness by people who fully embraced id-pol. Sadly I suspect this trend of social authoritarianism has spread far too widely and deeply within the left for it to be salvageable at this point. Any revolution would just be turned into a social cleansing rather than an economic restructuring.

Sometimes that, sometimes they're just shit people, sometimes both, sometimes neither and it's some other thing.

There are a million different ways in which a relationship can be dysfunctional and a million different possible causes for each. If you actually want an answer, you're going to have to narrow it down.

They wanted to delineate between themselves and what they see as subhumans, anyone that's a virgin.
Clearly if a man is unable to have sex he should just kill himself because it's clear he's human trash.
To me I think the problem isn't men that haven't had sex, but men that are unable to form intimate loving relationships with the opposite sex. Yeah sex is definitely a part of it, but it's not the whole picture.
I think it's a symptom of people hating weakness and the weak. Like fucking orcs in a Tolkien book or something, many humans are trash.

I fucking hate how this guy keeps saying that guys that have muscles or like masculine things are all capable of having intimate relationships with women.
Such fucking bullshit.

Yes you're a victim that's very nice.

When did I say I was a victim?
I was never victimized, but people are cunts, that's all.

It was implied, second line first post I quoted.
While people can be cunts the /r9k/ sort of worldview and priority base is still a rather shit one with shit effects.

Nothing out of the ordinary here.

I was just talking about how shitty it is how people shin people for being virgins, it hasn't happened to me though.

Just so everyone knows, this guy is using divide-and-conquer tactics across multiple threads to try and degrade the board.

People shit on people for a lot of reasons. I don't think it's particularly special I guess.

Report me then, a mod can check my post history, I've been on this board long enough to get banned from /anarcho/ before n1x took over.
Stop trying to create good relations with the alt-right.

You know as well as I do that mods here don't do shit.

I think you are correct in extolling the virtues of memes in our current (or any) culture war. I'm not sure why the others here are disagreeing with something that seems so plainly obvious.

The only clarification I'd add here is that those 'talking heads' are just multi-millionare actors reading scripts given to them by multi-national media corporations whose executives are universally involved in essentially as many other aspects of their countries businesses as possible, and for America, that means those same executives generally have millions of dollars in Exxon, Raytheon, Boeing, Monsanto, Walmart, AT&T, etc. Just look at the Fortune 500 list and remember that if you're making a seven-figure salary you have a lot to invest in the capitalist system. They are protecting their investments, and that is traditional or corporate media in a nutshell.

The point I want to bring to the surface by making that clarification is that any media company that has any kind of significant viewership or monopoly on viewership is part-and-parcel to the hierarchy of American business - they are essentially the PR firms of big business for big business - for capitalism, by capitalism. Because of this, the narrative they share will ALWAYS be to favor some aspect of that system - even if it targets one company in an exposé, another company likely receives the benefit of their lost sales. The media is a market force, and their market is the ideas they are able to plant in the minds of the viewer.

TL;DR: Memes are a multi-billion dollar industry. Arguing that memes, which are essentially just compartmentalized ideas, don't have an impact or can't be used to steer political though is straight-up retardism. Honestly, who goes on an imageboard and argues AGAINST the impact of memes on the individual? Apparently

don't understand why they themselves are here in the first place.

If they're active enough to shitpost they're active enough to not ban me because you're full of shit :^)


They're not you dumb fucking retard

>socdem cocksucker thinks we need to reach out to normalfags to infest this website with more FUCKING MEMES
If I knew you in real life, I'd have to go to jail for fucking murdering you with an axe, you son of a bitch. I'd skin you the fuck alive you little cunt, never say this shit around here again you, lest I bring down the hammer onto your fucking balls.

Yes, user, you tell me why other people are here. You have that authority and knowledge better than they do, right?
Meme-loving cocksucker, go suck barbed demon cock in Hell.

The fact this this trash has over 200 replies. Holla Forums is fucking dead.


The actual politicians for almost anything are dogshit

Countries could still cooperate with internally planned economies. One military hegemon, like China, would do a lot here as well. I don't even see autarky as necessarily opposed to international law and cooperation, although those things are generally so cancerous I can't say I'm too thrilled about them.

The problem will grow no matter what. A lot of third worlders have way too many kids, and taking all of them in will just gradually make the first world a shithole. Neither neocon fuckery or accepting a ton of immigrants will help much, and both are arguably harmful to people in impoverished, war torn countries.

Okay. There's already a sizeable minority of really unsavory elements in Muslim countries, so this seems like a pretty limited concern. It really isn't that supported that, because you can't immigrate to some country, you begin to resent it and become a war hawk against it. You only consider immigrating because you like a country to begin with, if you resent it it's not going to bother you more that you can't go there.

This is an extremely weak argument for taking in immigrants.

Autarky and limited immigration are not incompatible with cooperation. Trade gives a powerful incentive, but not a necessary one.

That takes vertical integration, which a lot of the people on this board are trying to get rid of.

It really is not necessarily like that. Besides, it's not like all reactionaries are fascists.

A huge number of communists in particular are people who want to reduce all of life to social capital. The kind of socialites who loved college and want their whole life to be just like it.

What the hell?
I just want me and everybody else to not have their labour exploited and suffer under capitalism.
Maybe there's a way to subvert people that want social capital to become the new wealth.

You're a good boy with a pure heart, though.

I'm talking about most people.

wags tail rapidly and pants heavily

I'm not a furry by the way, I'm just dog-kin, in the sense that I'm really dumb

It was dead 600 UIPs ago.

Look, you can't create vast echochambers based on shitting on everyone's who's not virtue signalling hard enough and then complain that people insult people. literally every board, forum, social media et al on the internet works like this. cointelpro has no idea what body pillows are, this is entirely sincere people's doing and don't let anyone tell you it's "muh normalfags" because internet virgins are one of the most self deprecating "communities" out there. It was like this from the start.

You're a real qt. Good luck user.

This feeling is too real comrade.
At least we will see in Valhalla.

Not understanding that memes are 100% intertwined with imageboard culture (as well as their basic use) is what makes me think you don't realize where you're posting…

If I may ask a question - what is it exactly that you hope to accomplish by posting here? Seriously, don't you both realize that by posting memes along with your message that memes don't belong on this board that you are kinda' shooting your argument in the foot?

Maybe you're just trolling and that that is indeed what you believe the truest form of meming to be? Is this just a metameme? How many levels of meme are you really on, user?

It's fake news though.That is one quarter among middle aged males who never married.
This man debunked it.
Most of westan article about "lol weird japan" is full of shit,
espcially about sex.

There's not much difference between Not Socialism and nazbol anyway other than that Not Socialism is more about racial ideology.

communism creates artificial hierarchies based on social factors and your standing within the party.

Doesn't this contradict how hilarious the "radical NEET" imagery common in stuff like Welcome to the NHK, It's Your Fault I'm Not Popular!, or Eden of the East are? This meshes neatly with nipland's leftist board being /poverty/.

In other words, the true form of leftism in otakudom isn't the righteous progressive revolutionary optimism of Marxism, but the dejected accelerationist sabotage of nihilism.

It's all neolib transnational propaganda. Japanese "demographic collapse" is identical to the demographics of every other 1st-world nation minus immigration. For instance, compare Japan and the USA's population growth since 1965, assuming that the massive immigration quota increases were never legislated, the result? Almost exactly 30% in both countries.

That's the point though, they want mass immigration.
(The most convincing reason I can establish for this is debt.)

It goes beyond that. In the west (and from shitlibs/natalists in Japan), there are constant hysterical stories about the state of the Japanese. Oh, Jap gals are frigid bitches! Jap guys are asexual childish weebs! Socialization is nonexistant due to epidemic NEETdom! The only solution is to throw Jap teenagers into rape camps like infertile panda bears!

They'll spout such blatantly alarmist garbage, then immediately turn around and use Japan as a cautionary tale about low population in other countries, and yet they never make similar stories about the natives in other 1st-world countries. Why?

Because if such propaganda were applied to European and American/Canadian whites, it would sound like MUH anuddah shoah alarmism straight off Holla Forums, and totally discredit them.

There's genuinely decent cultural discussion here, bumping.

Haven's seen/read the others, but, you know.. Tomoko, once she finally accepts her character "am socialy akward and that's ok", she really starts making progress.
I really wonder how shit things would be if Japan if they had mandatory Psychoanalisis and abandoned the whole work ethic. Then again… that would mean leave Capitalism behind…
Also, Re:Life and Shimoneta is an example of "well.. maybe we should reconsider the way we are going…

But, then you have GATE and all the A1 BS, that's full blown goverment propaganda, and you see why 2 bombs weren't enough.

Yeah but unfortunately that's also when the manga becomes unbearable as the humor shifts from being about muh social anxiety to being focused on how much of a terrible person Tomoko is.


Communism is the natural evolution of capitalism. If you reject anime because it is capitalist you are being dialectical.

I hope not, Insulin prices are only going up.

Communism is only the natural evolution back to capitalism after hitting a economical and cultural dead end.


in almost the almost 50 years of the cold war, the only thing commies gave us was tetris. how can commies even compete????

Anime was the result of state planning (i.e. the much vaunted "Japanese Miracle" which made Japan what it is today), not Capitalism's "free market." Without daddy America's help Japan is floundering and their anime reflects that. Just compare 90s Berkerk to 2016 Berserk.

how about compare 90s berserk to 2016 berserk to USSR invades japan NO berserk?

filthy commie. be thankful for capitalism. ;^) .

That made me laugh, user.
After the revolution, I'll shoot you in the face instead of the back.

Yes you dumbfuck, there would be no animation in Japan if the Soviet Union invaded instead of the United States. Profit motive rots away at all culture and cultural products.

isn't that exactly what happened? but the opposite way??



Fuck off with this spectacle shit. I don't ever want to see one, hear about one, hell I don't even want to hear the word spoken anymore. Get this shit out of my head. Fucking SPECTACLE SHIIIIIIIIT



So communism is compatible with anime then?

no. it would be like being a nazi and having a jewish wife.

You can never be free from the spectacle.
All you can do is detournement.

You haven't watched Soviet Animation, have you?

And why would I thank a system of production for the artistic creations of man?

Also, if there never was a berserk, there would be something else, and you'd never know there never was a berserk.

Off with your non arguments.


In fact, how do you think you'd have AKIRA without communists?

I always saw it at most compatible with doujin content.
Kadokawa gets nuked into oblivion though

The bourgeois couldn't care less about how capitalism works. They're small-time, they only know how to do things that generate revenue. That's easy as fuck.

That sucks for you. Memes are a part of the spectacle and you'd have to be a drooling retard to not know this.



neither are funny you fucking autist


We could attribute that to a few things. One of the things that come to mind is creating contrast and subverting the narrative, saying that the drive for profit impacts us negatively is in fact a truism and thus hardly anybody finds jokes about it humorous, while le happy merchant manages to be funnier precisely because "Rabbis in their funny hats do shit" is much more absurd than "greedy rich people do shit". Naturally, contrast and subversion of the narrative does not have to necessarily apply only to "right-wing" jokes, from places like /int/ in the old days one can recall Best Korea jokes, which also are based on absurdity they could easily work on Holla Forums.
Note however, simple edgyness is not itself funny, as neither "kulaks deserved it" nor "kikes deserved it" are actually funny. Usually there must be certain indirectness(symbolism, irony) to make stuff funnier, le happy merchant jokes have a lot of them(even th"le happy merchant" is based on such irony and symbolism after all). I think armchairs could be said to be an example o such symbolism
Also pic related to see what I might be talking about.

haha lame

Did you find that merchant comic on a lefit Holla Forumsfag post?

May my previous dubs pay for my poor spelling.

Why the fuck do you want to play a game (irony) that is built to prop up capitalism? Creating ironic distance from reality just facilitates the illusion that you are not involved in what's happening - "Kek, I'm just ironically a Nazi. I'm vandalizing Jewish graves because it's funny. We have a fascist government now? How hilarious!" The counterpoint to the hard right's irony is leftist genuineness. They deal with alienation by making it into a game. We need to deal with it by making connections and friends and treating people like decent human beings who need but don't have and consequently crave genuine interactions.

Sauce on this qt

FN FNC aka "Funko" from "Upotte!!"
Schoolgirls are guns, basically. Guns that go to school, apparently.

I'm mostly a casual lurker on Holla Forums but I've never seen you people meme about Shiki like /a/ does. Fucking casuals.