They're fucking up my city, comrades. I'm scared. Someone drove a truck through a crowd in the shopping district and I've heard that there's been shooting elsewhere.
Stockholm Terror Attack
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder if this is somehow related to what happened in Syria? Anyway stay safe comrade.
yes keep on loving your muzzies you leftycuck
This source is in swedish. I don't have anything in english.
Says the zionist lover
Jimmy Åkesson är NAZBOL
are you near by the site?
Just dont give a shit. Seriously terrorism is a non issue.
Clearly the solution is more Muslim immigration.
Hang the islamofascist murderers. Take them to meet their god before they keep taking you with them.
Ask their NATO enablers about the mosques they allowed them to build in Europe. Stop this madness.
well Europe has to pay the price of being bootlickers to the US get used to it.
I'm at the Technical Institute 4 tube stops. My sister works two minutes away from Drottninggatan where it happened. They are locked in the office and are not to leave. She's seen a lot of military and police outside.
Every time. What for? It's already over. You should be more scared of falling over and hitting your head.
Terrorist attacks ares the most sensationalized overrated bullshit. A few people down. Life goes on for 99,99% of the population. Sucks for the ones affected but it really isn't an issue more than the dramatizing it triggers in dumbshits such as yourself.
4 tube stops away*
has there been any proof that any of the terrorists were muslim or are we all just jumping too conclusions again.
This is literally the reason terror attacks happen in the first place.
I've heard of weird shit happening in the subways so stay out of them for now. I hope you and your sister stay safe.
I'm not sure this is over yet. Still no news about whats going on at fridhemsplan, and there's talk of shootings.
English source here
Post pictures of her feet
Ain't got none, user. Ain't got none.
Sweden is not in NATO you idiot.
my thoughts go out to your cripple sister
Several witness reports about a non-white driver.
but it is a part of the EU also Sweden has been shilling lately to join NATO.
And? Fucking Ireland island Austria are in the EU and they are neutral countries. Face it, this has nothing to do with geopolitics. People died again because they had the wrong religion in the eyes of fundamentalists.
this is the first dude to be arrested
I live in Finland so my overly emotional friends and family are gonna be spooked and whine about this
other than that terrorism is actually funny to me
You deserve it, you stupid fucking faggot.
no they aren't, because they share a common economic interest with EU nations, that are a part of NATO, they are indirectly financing NATO basically.
if you are willing to ignore that well then jump off from a fucking bridge.
Jeeze didn't see that coming at all.
it hasn't been confirmed if he IS the dude who drove the truck or just a suspect.
This is too far.
NATO and the EU are not the same organizations and they are not part of NATO.
If you think that this person took revenge for some 'Swedish drone strikes' then you must be some delusional fuck.
Small price to pay in order to help the poorest on this planet. Hopefully Sweden won't swing right.
How does this help anyone, you dumb cunt?
It's hard to say. Some of the people who do this shit are unbelievably dumb or ignorant, like the Orlando shooter who said he was part of both Hezbollah and ISIS.
My guess is no though.
Nice troll :-)
Hey Holla Forums watcha doin?
terrorists are the Holla Forumsyps of the muslim community
Sweden is financially supporting NATO members what do you not understand about that?
you are so fucking dense.
Stop with the neoconservatism. If you don't want them in Europe, I agree, but this has little to do with their religion.
what did he mean by this?
Another brain-fried liberal who makes up excuses for an imperialist age, patriarchic dooms day cult that was invented by a slave-owning warlord and has the audicity to call himself leftist.
iron age
Why is sweden so reluctant to fight radicalism?
Hopefully Sweden will understand it needs to be more tolerant of refugees
this is why nationalism is growing.
we need new immigration policies
It is not reluctant.
Hur svag är inte du?
How about someone who knows that the demonization of Muslims is a ploy to excuse the crimes of Israel and the West? If you murder millions of people, then you get blowback. It has nothing directly to do with the religion.
fuck off ahmed
The term "islamofascist" makes one look like your typical run of the mill Holla Forumsyp that can't think for themselves and is impressed by dangerous words, but it absolutely has something to do with their religion. The religion is what provides them with the necessary scripture to develop their dangerous ideology, it is what gives them justification.
Vad är poängen med att vara så jävla osoft?
as if
and even if they did, it is exactly what they are.
They just use the exact same logic you do.
Sweden = west = target
Muslim = terrorist = target
Thank you leftists!
Your ideology is working out great!
Keep up the good work!
they need to do something with their immigration policy, there is really there the problem is.
also US is bombing Syria that means more immigration.
if someone wants to carry out violence and they live in sweden, they're more likely to attack in sweden than some other place
If they were smart, they wouldn't be targeting innocent civilians in any country.
Justification for what? Attacking people they feel have wronged them or are part of a group that wronged them? Funny how everyone from every religion as well as atheists do that.
thanks Holla Forums
Man get your head out of your ass. There is no 'ploy' or conspiracy to make Islam and its followers look bad. They manage to do that on their own.
Islam is a genuinely awful religion and the overwhelming majority of Muslims in world support reactionary shit that would everyone here, even most normies in western countries.
More like the opposite is true. Apologist retards like you with your inconsistencies are in part responsible for strengthening the new right by dominating the mainstream left.
make their skin crawl when uttered in public'
You're conflating issues here. People are drawn towards Islamic extremism because of their material reality, but they nonetheless end up being jihadists and follow a dangerous ideology which presents itself as a supposedly truthful interpretation of Islam.
You wouldn't attempt to claim Social Darwinism has nothing to do with Nazism because Nazi Germany was a reaction to their material reality, would you?
I didn't say the poster was a Holla Forumsyp, I said it makes him sound like one: The usual barrage of buzzwords being grouped together in order to incite emotions and make the poster look like they know what they're talking about, when in reality they're hiding behind sentiments they can't properly define.
You can't just reduce everything down to its most basic motivations, that goes against rational analysis.
So hating those that attack innocents is not a valid reason now?
Dude, it doesn't only provide justification. Islam has a vision on what society look like. It has a fucking criminal code. It is a political ideology, not just a religion.
This view has been outdate since 20 middle/upper middle class Muslims with comfy lives in western countries and German engineering degrees that were financed by a saudi millionaire committed the biggest terror attack on US soil more than 15 years ago.
Are you retarded or just pretending to? Jesus fuck the quality of posters on this board has detoriated so much. I never even implied what you seem to have read into my post, that's some Holla Forums tier analysis and you know it. In fact I was arguing in the former part of my post why you can't excuse Islamic terrorism as being distinct from Islam.
Swedes deserve this for being intolerant racist imperialists.
no, it's the perception that "the west is attacking muslims and islam" that provides the justification in their mind. the religion gives them a common identity to rally around, and makes them feel 'part of something,' the "us vs. them" factor
i've never heard a terrorist say "we are doing this because the qur'an tells us to." they always say it's in response/retaliation to western violence and support for israel. yes the religious aspect plays some role, and maybe i'm wrong, but it's hard to imagine muslims randomly attacking people without any sort of provocation or pretext
Fuck off cunt, you litterally say
Tough sell there mate since I was here literally since the first month of the board.
What do you mean by deteriorated? You use outdated liberal talking points to justify your mainstram liberal apologism and call every real leftist who sees this awful ideology for what it is 'as a Holla Forumsyp' for using words you don't like.
You're the one who emphasizes the Islamic aspect. Terrorism from the Middle East 45 years ago was mostly not Islamic, it was secular and usually Marxist, as with the PFLP.
All the Abrahamic religions are shit, but that's not what you're saying. You're focusing on Islam as something extra-bad.
The Pew research polls are often slanted. Some of the things in those polls, like "women should obey their husbands" sound pretty normal to me.
That is a more complex issue. What hurts the mainstream left are people who go PC on Islam but don't go into depth on the things that were actually done to the people in those countries.
I want to eat because I'm hungry. Is that somehow untrue because I might also have seen an ad for fresh seafood?
You just don't get it, do you? The reason why the term 'Islamofascism' is fitting because just like Naziism it sees itself in a perpetual state of war with an outside group. Even the mere existence of it constitutes an offense to this ideology.
I agree, this is the part that's true, but it was always as true. The religious aspect of terrorism from Islamic countries didn't really come to the forefront until the late 70s/early 80s. Nationalists, fascists, and Marxist groups from many different countries have done the same thing. There were small Marxist groups as crazy as ISIS. Ditto for Christian groups like the early Calvinists in Geneva.
Do you even know much about the history of Islam? I mean, are you aware that throughout the entire history of the religion, large numbers of Christians and Jews lived in Islamic nations? Islam has a better history of not forcing conversions than Christianity.
Oh just fuck off, everyone with half a brain can see that the awful but castrasted, former shadow of itself that we call Christianity is in no way comparable to contempory (political) Islam.
You shouldn't at all you sexist pig.
Maybe if you man the fuck up and go defend your country from hostile invasion by third world fascists this wouldn't happen. Sweden was a socialist paradise that normal people looked up to, now it's a laughingstock because of suicidal pussies like you that refuse to defend what their ancestors built for them.
You realize that comparing contempory Islam to Christianity from hundreds or a thousand years ago makes Islam look even more awful and backwards?
So tolerant.
The point of bringing up Christianity is because you are pointing to Islamic scripture. Christian scripture doesn't make otherwise nice people do horrible things, even though the Bible is filled with horrible messages, particularly Deuteronomy.
suit yourself, friend
Islam during the Middle Ages was far more civilized than contemporary Christianity, hence the Golden Age in much of the Islamic world that lasted centuries.
Your problem with Islam has more to do with a few specific forms of it, such as Saudi Wahhabism that have only recently become prevalent throughout the Islamic world due to Saudi wealth pushing it.
Muslims need to be exterminated. Trump is doing the right thing
so where was all the islamic terrorism against the west before the 70s?
Funny then that Trump attacked the secular Syrian government who are fighting the worst Muslim extremists on the planet.
This. Middle East nuked soon inshallah
Whatever you say, twinkle toes. These people basically combine the worst of religious obscurantism, fascism and porky all in one, have western backing, presence in their countries, and mostly fuck up other muslims, but get your panties in a twist just because I called them a mean name.
Why would that be? They would just call them mudslimes or condemn their race.
Trump will put salafist oligarchs in power to have shortcuts to oil and people who'd buy his weapons and you should know by this point.
Knowing you, she has a dick, right?
Stupid leftard. Muslims are facist inherently. How ironic that leftists are the first to defend them
How ironic you sport a fascist flag.
It doesn't matter. More civilized doesn't mean civilized. No one is arguing in favor of Christianity. It doesn't change the fact that it's a reactionary political ideology, that is imperialist and patriarchy at its core. It doesn't matter whether there worse stuff in the past, I'm sure. All of this is completely irrelevant.
I'm from pol, I'm just using the flag to signify that
Islam shares traits with fascism, but it is not fascist. That's like calling Trump fascist, just utterly retarded.
I guarantee your question will be ignored entirely or you will receive a non-answer.
God, I wish. If you get a chance, check out her videos
She does great analysis of the region, I've learned quite a bit from her.
Yes, I am from Holla Forums but Islam IS fascist. It's a form of what's called clerical fascism. I want to live under my own government not a foreign form of fascism imposed on me by imperialistic sand people.
Problem is, singling out Islam as the devil just makes one look like an idealistic "clash of civilisations" culture warrior, rather than an opponent of regressive, reactionary worldviews and systems in general.
Yeah, because any satisfying answer would need a lot of effort and research put into it. Islamic extremism goes way back and I doubt anybody is in the mood to describe it starting out from the 7th century.
Define fascism.
Thats an idea. There could be a Holla Forums flag as most of them can't even be arsed to be a nazi.
so you're saying that all islamic violence has the same motivation? no matter what era or context or conditions it took place in?
It means everything. If you want to blame the religion itself and not the broader culture they are a part of as well as the political context of them being under attack, then you are missing the whole point.
I really think that most people who argue your point don't have a good grasp on the enormity of Israeli and American crimes in that part of the world.
The above was one of the most malicious war crime of the 21st century, and I bet you never heard of it. The number of people who have been killed or maimed from these unexploded cluster bomblets is higher today.
I'm saying that all Islamic violence is Islamic violence and we shouldn't deny the common factor here. I'm not one of the guys arguing the root cause is Islam, maybe should have clarified that. It's hard when everybody here is anonymous I guess
this is the worst part. shows the real vindictiveness of the jews
It's pretty ridiculous to demand someone to denounce Christianity in every second sentence whenever a discussion about Islam comes up.
The reason why people hate Islam here is not because some cultural crusade but it is genuinely ideology that is irreconcilable with socialism and on top of that Islamic apologeticism. isjust another form of idpol that the contemporary left has sacrificed its principles for.
lmao, you guys are even bigger subhumans than mudslimes
Why the fuck are people in this thread defending the one kind of religious zealot that should be universally despised? I don't even mean all arab people, or even muslims, and you know it.
Remember Afghanistan, Holla Forums. You should not be doing this. Don't be like 4/pol/, who's had their mouth chock full of israeli dick for months now. These people are enemies of the workers, and they're killing people in Europe, and God knows how many in their countries. Stop.
Zionists are not human.
You don't need to go crazy. Show us the acts of terrorism like this one in say the 1920s by Muslims who wanted to destroy the West.
Yeah, this was really terrible.
isn't that a bit glib? it's like looking at european violence and saying that we shouldn't ignore common factor that is christianity, since most of europe is christian and has been for centuries
We shouldn't ignore the common factor that is Christianity though. It is a reactionary ideology as well.
True enough, but regressive religiousness is regressive religiousness no matter what the label says. Concentrating on the specifics of one obfuscates from the larger picture. The wholesale opposition to or fetishisation of foreign cultures and ideas by conservatives and liberals is indeed something to combat.
I hope you are joking because the west and Islam have a violent history that goes back at least a millenium
She a qt! A QT!
My God, Israel needs to be fucking destroyed.
Padri War (1821–1838)
Java War (1825–1830)
Barelvi Mujahidin war (1826–1831)
Caucasus War (1828–1859)
Algerian resistance movement (1832–1847)
Somali Dervishes (1896–1920)
Moro Rebellion (1899–1913)
Aceh War (1873–1913)
Basmachi Movement (1916–1934)
to add, it is akin to the "anti-semitism is the class consciousness of the stupid"-notion. Jewish stereotypes are those of the bourgeois, but it is pointless to be Holla Forums and hate only the Jew while missing the big picture.
ok i agree, but my point is that europe isn't a monolith and each european country or whatever had its own reasons for its actions, even though they often shared the same religion
the islamic world is the same. for instance, the violence of hezbollah has motivations different from those of the violence of something like IS. yes i know there's a shia/sunni schism, but hezbollah also has conflicts with other shia groups, so i think my point stands
That Milo tripfag truly knows I love reading his input on the middle east.
No one is ignoring Christianity by having a discussion on Islam but it's a very nice diversion tactic to employ and steer the discussion in another direction.
It would be more accurate to say the West and the Islamic world. Most of those conflicts had more to do with general conquest or looting rather than religious fervor.
And when Southestern Europe threw off the Ottoman Empire in the 19th century, were native Europeans "Christian terrorists"? And what do you make of British and French support of the Ottoman empire against Russia during the Crimean war?
Typically double faced Muslim, presents himself as a moderate and uses liberal talking points to justify his apologeticism, yet he still reveals himself as a convinced sexist and not as 'moderate'. His posts are garbage.
No one is arguing in favor of Christianity stop this shit right now.
So what ? I don't care if sweden becomes a muslim country, there is no such thing as european "culture", europe and america are really just bland mechanized cultures, islamic countries on the other hand have tradition etc. White people have been ruling for all history, I think we owe them reparations for that, turn of the tides
Can someone take a screenshot of that post where this milo guy says women should obey their husbands, for future use?
I'm using my cellphone right now.
Go cry about Trump somewhere else.
0/10 bait
try harder Holla Forums
Of course it is
Funny. I'm not from pol, it's just common sense, whites are going to be outbred anyway, why care ?
I would say Sweden deserved it, but terrorist groups are all American fronts anyway.
Last year I literally heard gunshots when some muzzie went on a killing spree in the mall I live next to. I was in Berlin on the Christmas market two days before that truck drove into it.
As someone who sort of escaped getting involved in an attack twice, I'd say it feels pretty real for me.
Living with terrorism is just the price you pay for living in a big city:^)
t. the (sometimes) Muslim mayor. of London
I'm honored, user.
As if women obeying their husbands is so damning.
But you are the ones who are continually emphasizing the religious nature of their violent political actions, so the comparison is apt.
If your country was invaded, and millions of people in your country were displaced, hundreds of thousands killed, and millions injured or maimed, do you think that maybe you would hold a grudge against the people who did it? How would you respond? Do you think that there would be people in your country who would go ballistic and lose their sense of right and wrong in attacking innocent people? Do you think that maybe the terror of war itself, especially ones that go on for years and years, would corrupt some people and make them much worse human beings than they would have been otherwise?
Don't be such a pussy and enjoy the spectacle.
Did read the discussion, but honestly, the cultural relativism with which many of you express "Islam is just as bad as Christianity" is based of a very simplifying vulgar expression of Marxist materialism. Sure, it's the environmental conditions which make them do these things but the radikalization of most Islamists happens often independently from material conditioning.
Most of you seem not to know what Islam actually means. Christianity was always based on the duality of state and religion, Jesus emphasized that and then Augustine of Hippo wrote a book about it (City of a God). Because of its origins under the Roman Empire, Christians have no problem living in a non-Christian country. Islam is entirely different. It distinguishes the world in a "House of Peace" and a "House of War" (everything not ruled by the caliphate). For a Muslim, the earthly ruler and the religious ruler are synonymous. On one hand, a Muslim has no problem having Christians and Jews living in a Muslim country (that's why there are still 2000 years old Christian communities in the Middle East), but has a massive problem with living in a Christian country himself. In such a situation, divine agitation against the latter becomes a divine right. That's why most islamists actually hate the secular presidents of the Middle East even more than the West since they are in their eyes traitors to the Muslim principle of unity of religion and statehood.
Once the liberal media presents Muslims who aren't as radical, these guys are actually not sincere Muslims - they compromised their religion or just simply don't give a crap. But let's be honest here: Genuine worship of Islam and Islamism is inseparable - religious Islam and political Islam are inseparable - no matter how much brain acrobatics liberals do. The USSR tore down the oldest church in Moscow and built a public swimming pool over it. Today, the left is afraid to even properly criticize Islam.
You are making it worse. Better shut up about intersexual relations before you lose your remaining credibility on this board.
Which countries did Sweden invade? Tell me.
There is nothing being 'corrupted' here. Islam has always, from its inception, been patriarchal, oppressive and imperialist. The fact that it supports a tax on accumulated wealth alone makes it irreconcilable with socialism.
Its competion with other flavors of imperialism doesn't change that.
Stop being such a pussy you fucking ikea fag, you aid and abet these cocksuckers by going along with the anglos like good little goys
all this mimi spam you clearly want to fug her more than I do
that girl is on a warpath against the kurds on twitter its pretty enjoyable to watch im learning all kinds of new racial epithets from all sides
ok maybe youre not all bad
Great post.
I didnt read your post but I saved your image.
Sweden is a major weapons seller to Saudis and the like. At least that's what Julian boy told me.
I have always been upfront about my views here. I'm sure as hell not a feminist.
Which of the 19 hijackers were Iraqi? Tell me.
Yeah, her take on the Kurds lessened my enthusiasm for them. Also, their attacks and murders of Assyrians. That's not a putdown of any of their socialist experiments, only the context of them as a people living in places like Syria.
By your logic, the only real Christians are people doing things like this. My point is not to defend Christians, but to note your No True Scotsman fallacy.
This is very simplistic and even 'orientalist' in a way. Salafism has two branches, one of which is apolitical and basically about puritanical ascetism and jumping around in the middle of a Saudi desert while venerating god. The other believes in terrorism and islam-as-state. You could just as well claim that christians aren't real christians because they aren't going deus vult in jerusalem or stoning gays or whatever it is christians are into.
Vikings invaded the fuck out of the British isles over the course of many centuries.
The problem is that 75-90% of the muslims are from the ultra violent sect (sunnis)
I wrote that Christians tolerate living in a non-Christian country, but are bad with non-Christians living in a Christian country. That's why you won't find a single Muslim community in Europe which is older than 1000 years. France, Spain, Italy and even Switzerland had Saracens in the Middle Ages.
However, cultural phenomena like the burning of witches are something transcending Christianity in so far, as they happened everywhere. Even in China. And the church was highly opposed to it. Witchery was a secular crime in Europe and you'll find church officials speaking out against this barbaric practice. Such things derived from the old testament which is a cultural guide of social behaviour. It's not comparable with what's inherent to Islam in terms of religion and statehood.
Var också i stan famalam, ta't lugnt, faran är över nu iaf.
Än så länge..
Islam itself is only 1400 years old. So you wont find Muslim communities anywhere that are particularly old.
You tend to only find them in countries that could be invaded and taken over very quickly.
They had a good go at Europe and they took Spain, Portugal and Southern France.
No one in this thread actively supports Christianity, no one in this thread supported the Iraqi intervention. Yet you still continue to bring it up and hope that some shit sticks.
You seem to mentally incapable to comprehend that you could oppose Islam from another (leftist) perspective for reasons that are grounded in Islam itself and not Christian conservative or neo-conservatism or whatever.
Dang, you are telling me that the terrorist was British? Now I see. These damn islamophobes have almost misled. me.
Brotip: Gues ( ( ( ( ( WHOOOOOOOO ) ) ) ) ) ) Keeps importing said muslims in the first place.
Im a Brit and want some of that sweet sweet Swedish guilt money.
Left wing idiots.
Leftwingers are just useful idiots for the jewish capitalists. They are their ground troops and they do it FOR FREE.
Lolno. Mass immigration is supported by neoliberal capitalists mostly.
I get that Holla Forums is retarded but knowing who those people are this picture is top tier bullshit
Christians send their missionaries everywhere, I'd say you are generalizing at least a little about select periods of history and their success or lack of it in different parts of the world.
There has been nothing in history to compare with the witch burnings from the 15th-18th century in Europe, at least among relatively advanced civilizations.
The Church? The Catholics in Southern Germany were the worst offenders.
The witch trials were undertaken by a combination of secular and church authorities. Example:
So that is why early Islam was more tolerant than Christianity? Why there were even famous atheists in the Islamic world during the Medieval period? There was nothing corresponding to that in Christian Europe.
Quite telling that the most prominent person defending Islam ITT also openly advocates for the subjugation of women.
This is your company, liberal apologists.
Both of these are correct.
Haha, you just fell for the diversion retard. Now again a thread on Islamic terrorism will be about some irrelevant Christian zealots did a few hundred years ago.
oh my god, jews exist in different countries. some of them have common interests. one of them is really rich. wow dude im scared, i think they might be planning something against whites. this is terrifying, i think we need a gangster police state and rwds and gas chambers. wow oh man i sure would feel safer if Hitler was here. Jews are scary, whites are in danger!!!!!!We need to protect our noble stock from the evil subhumans. We're strong and proud, but their jewish magic is overpowering. I know! Lets worship a pagan god of death and chaos from a hyper monarchic society!!! Yeah, that's what we'll do. We'll worship a god of death, destruction, disease and pestilence. Yeah man. Those Jews won't be able to overpower our totally unpredictable god of chaos who has no allegiance to us.
Capitalists are not leftwing.
I love how /leftypoz/ defends rich elites as long as they are jewish. You guys are a fucking joke.
You are attempting to show that the variable of Islam is what makes these people commit acts of terrorism, and you seem immune to basic reasoning when evidence is presented showing that non-Muslims have done the same things.
yeah Jews control all the Capital, all 15% of it. bUt, that 15% is so powerful that it overpowers the 27% that Whites control. Wow dude that's so cool, i never knew that a larger group of people who own more wealth, are hyper organized and who viciously mistrust outsiders could protect their interests like that! Oh wait i was talking about white rich people. you thought i was talking about jews when i said hyper organized and mistrustful of outsiders didn't you? lol pilgrim's society, lol skull and bones, lol cambridge apostles, lol Knights of the Garter and Order of St Columbus, lol Jesuits, lol Masons, lol Lord Lamont and the Hunt families, lol the white families who own all the defense companies on earth, lol the white families who own all the financial boutique investment houses that own all the mutual funds that own all the stock in major finance firms. lol at you being an ignorant fag
If they pushed for 'far-left' policies then there would be no corporations anymore you politically iliterate retard.
Tell us how you like strong empowered womyn, user.
t. kike shill
I hope theyv at least throw you a shel or two, fucking bootlicker.
yeah dude i love rich people, especially jews. its not like that picture is of a bunch of jews many of whom aren't rich and only one of whom is ultra rich, and its not like that picture is implying influential jews collaborate against the white race and are evil and that the source of trouble in this world is from jews. no sir, we were defending George Soros because he pays us thousands of shekels an hour to do so. you should come back at night, we have pro-soros threads where we take pictures of us sodomizing ourselves with spiked dildos and we sprinkle anal blood on altars to praise our evil jewish patron
I said social, not economic.
I mean the capitalists manipulate the left wing useful idiots in to voting for them.
Who's defending them? Let them die along with the non-Jewish rich. The problem is that you're pretending "the rich Jews" are the problem and not "the rich." You're effectively defending the wealthy as a whole by only pointing to "bad apples," like any other idiotic liberal would. You're the mirror image of the "buy from this good progressive corporation" liberal.
yeah dude i love the State and Porky, im a huge fan of both. that's why im on a board that's explicitly communist and thus anti-state and porky
makes perfect sense. if i don't uncritically accept literal lies from Holla Forums users who aren't a part of this board i must be a jew shill.
for the record i get $250 shekels per reply, thanks goy
When the guy said Jewish I was kinda treating it as an adjective.
Dude, communists do not want immigration under capitalism. MAYBE temporary refuge for the displaced at best, but they do not want to drive down wages and make unions worse off than they already are.
Not really, no. They advocate for distinctly capitalist form of remediating social ills ("equality in the boardroom"). Much of identity politics is merely vicious in-fighting among the well-off layers of society.
What evidence? Materialist circumstances? Most terrorists are middle/class upper-middle class, like the 911 attackers, they had engineering degrees from European universities and didn't grow up in poverty. Politics? Religion and politics are not separate domains and Islam is also a political ideology.
Uhm, there is no contradiction here. No one is saying that Islam is special. Right now it's just the worst among the bad. There is no contraction when people do heinous crimes while being indoctrinated in different forms of mental viruses.
You surely sound like a confident and strong man if you can only handle women that have been indoctrinated their whole life into thinking that they are worthless.
Salafism is a relatively new movement. I do think what you mean is Sufism. I'm not denying that there are private aspects of worship as well.
Statehood and Islam are inseparable. This is the constant of the entire Islamic history and major cause for its problems since the destruction of Bagdad through the Mongols.
Also, stoning homosexuals is not a core aspect of Christianity. It's a social code from the Old Testament. I can rather imagine a Christianity without punishing homosexuals than an Islam with separation of state and religion. That's why we should support Assad, because he exactly stands for this.
western society reaps what they sow. Our cancerous, toxic society deserves ISIS. ISIS are black pilled. May there be many more young men blowing shit up in the name of Allah. Death to the normie western infidels.
Wonderful carpet. I hope you know that it was created depite your religion and not because of it. It's a witness of how artists circumvent religious norms and surpression since the depiction of living entities was banned in Islam. So artists had to find another way of expressing themselves and found it in patterns.
I'm in favor of even more Muslim immigration. Disenfranchised muslim men at least grab an AK-47 and blow shit up when they are discontent. All disenfranchised white people do is do opiates/crack and kill themselves. Fuck western society. We don't owe western society shit. Life is just chasing dopamine hits and waiting for death anyways. Humans are scum. Human social relationships are transactional. Iran or the crazy muzzies at ISIS need to get a hold of nuclear weapons and wreck our shit fam. We deserve this shit.
I along with others have given you a ton of evidence showing that non-Muslims have done the same things. I never brought up poverty.
This is just obfuscation tbh. There have been theocratic forms of Christianity, it doesn't mean a Christian society need be a theocracy.
I feel so ashamed. What I should really want is the challenge of a modern empowered woman.
What other things can you attempt to shame me for? Sizeism because I like skinny women?
I'm not Muslim, I'm a critic of imperialism and Zionism, and the demonization of Islam is a tool of the political right to justify some of the worst violations of human rights of the modern era.
Might be, it's been a while since I last looked into this.
I can agree with your position in general, I think you overrate the idealistic power of religious ideology somewhat though. For instance religious principles in statecraft weren't much of a factor in Ottoman empire, even if the sultan was supposed to be the leader of all muslims.
you dumb fucking idiot that carpet is a product of mystical vision and spiritual aesthetics. sufi mystics see those patterns when they go into trances. you fucking atheist faggots need to stop talking about religion. you're fucking embarassing fuckwits
it's not an isis attack
it's classic american false flagging
(trump has already "predicted" the attack)
this meme should just be white/black women from america vs any other race/nationality
hispanic girls are feminine and polite, only white american women are vulgar obnoxious cunts
Christian missionaries are usually non-violent. Islam proselytizes through conquest.
They were executed by secular courts. Witchery was a crime like theft or homicide.
In the Holy Roman Empire, bishops were secular authorities as well. They were burning the witches in the role of a secular judge.
This doesn't contradict the concept of state and religion being inherently separated in Christianity. The bishops got their secular power from the emperor and their spiritual power from the pope. They simply became secular ruler due to the unique design of the Holy Roman Empire. Emperor and pope actually went to war against each other because of this theoretical problem:
And yes, church was generally leaning against witches trials. Inquisition courts were dealing with heretics, not with witchcraft, pagans or heathens. Pope Gregory VII. forbade witches being put to death because people blamed them for failing crops. You will find edicts, polemics and apostilles denouncing witch hunts and calling the people who'd believe in them fools.
Famous preachers like Bernardino of Siena also spoke out against witch hunts. They are folkish superstition, born out of Renaissance occultism and are not inherent to Christianity.
He still called himself caliph. And you are right: This is main reason why most Arabs hated the Ottomans and where more than willing to rise up against them during WWI.
Meant for
Hmpf…when will you people realize that big cities are nothing but cancer and bubbles?
Never live in a place with more than 80k people.
Sure, thing buddy. People like you are responsible, partly, for this in making it impossible for the political left to voice legitimate criticism towards Islam.
Most people already know that there is something awfully wrong with it but if they only hear the right talking about its problems of course they will turn towards them and who are you calling the political right? You oppose legal equity of women you ARE the political right, just another flavor of it. Just like there are different flavors of nationalism and different forms of religious bullshit in form of Christianity and Islam.
So am I. That doesn't mean I can't criticize Islam by its own merit. I think the constant whataboutism "look at the evil Christians" etc. is a liberal narrative and quite eurocentrentic and dishonest.
None of this contradicts anything I said of the connection between the ban of depictions and Islam's traditions of patterns.
Who should give a shit about Europe, all of your nations are praising another war in the middle east
Fucking blind naive fools
That was the reason? Not hundreds of years of domination and imperial overseas rule?
Shut up you crypto-racist asian supremacist
You literally live in Burgerland, you are not allowed to get on the moral highground
Yes, mostly. British tried to encite a Jihad amongst the Beduin tribes of the Arab Peninsula. You have to realize that Arabs at that time didn't have a notion of nation. They were nomads. They lived in the desert pretty much not bothered by the Ottomans. The religious issue was the one which made the pick up arms against them. The Germans tried to do the same in Afghanistan to have them fighting British India but failed.
A look, it's that Asian Nazi with neo-reactionary views on masculinity posing as a leftist feminist. Together with that totally not Muslim and imperialist/anti-imperialist nut tripfag who is anti-feminist but still left wing and totally not right, this most be the thread with rhe biggest critical mass of users with contradictory political ideologies HAHA.
No, I'm saying your people are full of the same type of people who flooded everywhere in America post 9/11, you at one time or another mocked.
That's just the facts of things. There is no racial element to this.
Oh look its the reddit frog, I know that one
No, it's the Easter /int/ frog you meme iliterate tumblrbitch.
Considering the political debate here it's barely as bad as it is in the USA. We have some genuine leftist parties. People here are also more educated about the political spectrum and don't think liberals are SocDems like Burgers. Why don't you come over instead of just having prejudices
AHAHAHAHAHA, this place is a riot.
It's the reaction image. That's all it is. Just like everything we used to shit on you for years back. It's all it is.
It's basically reddit but I understand you don't know what it looks like.
t. Common_Pedro
I'm not.
Why would I move. Do you even know how Asian nationalism works?
Why don't you move back to Ireland.
Yes, it's racist, expansive and likes human experiments
It's leftover anticolonial sentiment you fuckwit
If you hate French colonists you're being racist towards France
Islam has been terrorizing hundreds of countries since its inception. Sounds like you're looking for any excuse to absolve them of blame since they're non-western. Typical liberal retardation.
I think you made a typo, you meant America.
t. Hypocrite
Kill yourself.
So you're not allowed to criticize the institutions of power or you have to go back
For someone so focused in their anger, you seem to be confused. Shortsighted.
What argument are we having? Europeans can be just as naive and war supporting as any liberal?
Ah yes, the "racism"
Okay. Listen, I'm an anti-imperialist tankie. But that's just retarded. It really is.
That is what Vietnamese nationalism literally has been defined as for fucking decades.
You're an anti imperialist tankie because you haven't read shit in your life.
Hoochie, try to find some peace in your life please. I know you're Buddhist so I'll be linking this.
Guys, please don't forget the crimes of the vast Swedish colonial empire. As a German whose ancestors suffered from Swedish oppression the attacks on civilians are entirely justified.
I would generally agree with you if you dropped the moral "we deserve it" stupidity. There's also the problem that, while we can envy the militant nature of Islamic terrorist cells and of some branches of Islam itself, groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda are copying Western techniques of power when it comes to their domestic politics. This makes them fairly boring and uncreative. Leftist terrorism of the 20th century was on a completely another level but sadly that won't return anytime soon.
I thought we were talking about minorities.
Honestly, now you are playing games of definition. This singular example was a counter to your claim that the churches opposed it when local church leaders were taking part in it.
And heretics were burned at the stake or executed by other means. Wow, that makes Christianity sound positively wholesome!
400 years before the time period under discussion.
Let's take a look at Bernardino:
Even if your point was true, and I don't believe it is, so what? This guy obsessed with killing homosexuals, like Jim Goad's Trucker Fags in Denial, had his preferred villain.
salafism is not a synonym for sunni
There's nothing wrong with being a violent militant, what are you, a fucking pacifist pussy? No, the problem is their ideology. And Shia are actually much more militant, and even socialist if you squint a little.
Sounds like you basically admit that your fixation with Islam is because of your Asian tranny fetish.
The ones blowing themselves up see themselves as conquerors.
Because definitions were very important to the people back then. As it told you, they literally went to war over the question of who grants the bishop the ring who the staff. It sounds unreasonable for us but this is how it was. Prince-Bishops were feudal vassals as well as they were church leaders - and in your example, they were executing their duties as secular vassals.
You've been cherry-picking, so I'm entitled to do it as well. We are talking about the inherent nature of Christianity. While Islam has a connection to statehood and conquest throughout their entire history as well as in its fundamental theoretical core, Christianity suffered a regional epidemic of witch hunts for a few decades which is entirely based in regional folk culture and not in theology. You're trying too hard mate.
Cultural views change. Marx and Bakunin believed in some shit that would make your skin crawl just as well. My point was that these things are not the inherent core part of what makes up Christianity, but rather social values from the Old Testament that come with regulations about eating crabs. If you are argument is that a guy from the middle ages was against homosexuality, it's not a very good one. It's also identity politics.
Feels guy! :D
Ha ha, I don't know where you get that. I think it's more the opposite, Islam like Christianity and Judaism are not friendly to transgenders or anything close to it. Because Islam was fine with polygamy, there was usually a shortage of women for the lower classes, and more men turned to homosexuality & sex with boys, and in many societies it gained a cultural acceptance that you did not see in the West. Most Buddhist societies as well as Hinduism are far better.
I never thought I would be defending Islam as much as I do, but the degree to which this admittedly ugly religion has been turned into a whipping boy over the past 2-3 decades in a way that dehumanizes over a billion people is honestly pretty outrageous.
Will anyone please think of all the poor reactionaries in the world?
You are the one dehumanizing them in treating them like agency-less cattle that can't take responsibility and speak for themselves. This line of thinking is rooted in a colonialist attitude.
I mean what is more dehumanizing than discounting the opinions of the people which they themselves express in the form of the surveys we have?
Race war is coming.
That's missing the entire line of the discussion tbh, and is simply you projecting a particular view upon them.
I don't really care about any of that because it is not relevant. Christianity was the law of the land, heresy and apostasy were punishable by death, and acting like if someone is formally from the church or formally from the state is meaningless to my argument. I'm not arguing as someone who cares about Christianity or believes in it, but someone observing the social effects of the religion.
Every time you push forward on this, you dig yourself into a deeper hole. I gave the example of witches, and for some bizarre reason you countered with Bernardino of Siena, a despicable figure who showed other nasty elements of Christians. You mentioned inquisition courts as dealing only with heresy, which isn't true unless you want to start naming some specific courts and time periods, but that opened a whole new area where Christianity is also shown to be repugnant.
I gave a link with many examples of Muslim anarchists. What I think you are trying to say, but not really getting at, is that there is no exact equivalent of Sharia law that is found throughout all forms of Christianity, and on that you would be correct. But law is not the same as the state, and even if you are not an anarchist, you should be aware of that view as someone who debates them.
The Old Testament is universally accepted by Christians. The ritual aspects of it were discarded as not applying to non-Jews, but the god is the same and the lessons are the same.
Yes, they should be responsible and accept being bombed, tortured, imprisoned, and driven from their homes. That's real agency. And the people who speak up against these injustices on their behalf are the real colonizers, amirite?
it's literally a war cult of a moon god started by a wannabe rabbi
except the moderates often praise the extremists
Buddhists are expunging Muslims from their lands due to how bloody islam has always been
no, we need the artificial womb to go full gattaca and simply edit out the defective genes to create the Promethean man devoid of the flaws and weaknesses of humanity.
90% of humans are agency-less psuedo-cattle, that's why the elites treat them like cattle. Because they're biologically incapable of rebellion, only a small proportion of the population ever craves freedom. Sad truth
Lol, you are doing it again. It just won't enter your skull that you can oppose western-led wars, interventions and even be emphatic to its victims while still opposing the main ideology they support.
I don't blame them at all either. No question that Buddhism >>>> Islam. But it's also more complex than that in Myanmar at least, as there are different ethnic groups with the Rohingya being the ones that are really hated, and it is much more than just being Muslim. Rohingya do not look like the native Burmese, but are similar to the historical underclass from parts of India and Bangladesh.
what's her name?
That is Miran. >>>/trap/11363
Army of godless when?
that might be hard when i think at least the greek gods are taking an active hand in things again.
The culprit is still on the run. He probably went back to his immigrant quarter where the community will ensure his protection like on the case of Belgian attackers.
This slut needs to cover up her body. Allah doesn't like whores.
But the Swedes dindu nuffin… Why Allah, why?
They did have the most likely suspect arrested though.
It is not fucking meaningless. As I pointed out, witch hunts were folkish superstition and executed under secular law. Most criminal law codes germanic peoples had were based on traditions predating Christianity and stayed that way for a long time. Christian influence on European culture was obviously massive, but its a reciprocal relationship. And out of all things, criminal law was the one thing probably the least influenced by Christianity.
I'm not a believer as well, but you are getting the social effects all wrong.
Easy: NO COURT of the Roman Inquisition ever persecuted a witch or a Muslim or a Jew. They simply cared about heretics who threatened the integrity of the church. Also, Inquisition courts were fucking progressive. You got an attorney and a scholar as a judge which is pretty much the entire fucking base for our modern legal system and even outshined Roman Process Law. The numbers of people who got burned at the stake are nowhere near as high as you claimed they were. Most of the times the verdict would include to pray Pater Noster in front of a church wall or something. Only 1% of the time the verdict would actually result in death. There have been accounts of regular thugs trying hard to make it look like they have done something for religious reasons just so they would see an inquisitor and not a secular court which relied on barbaric practices that stem from germanic tradition such has duels, watertests and all sorts of mumbo-jumbo.
And before you mention the Spanish Inquisition: That was a state institution founded by Queen Isabella of Spain to get rid of the Muslims and Jews in Spain, but they have nothing to do with Rome.
Western statehood is not something a Muslim in the 8th century would comprehend. What I mean by it specifically is that political organisation and Islam are inseparable. And you example of Muslim Anarchists? They said that God should give the orders and not men. But guess what this ultimately leads to: If this does anything it confirms my claim that Islam is per defintion political. Islam is universal, it's the house of peace, and is against the nation-state but by all means, we would call it a state.
Was that not because the ecclestial court was not allowed to spill blood for some jesusy reason?
No, an ecclesial court as you call it is not an Inquisition court. Ecclesial jurisdiction phrased out what we call ius commune, which is basically common law between the middle ages and the 19th century. It's a mixture between Roman Law and Church Law and because of the administrative supremacy of the church, they played a huge role concerning legal enforcement. However, you should know that church law and ecclesial courts in general almost only concerned themself with matters of private law. Criminal law was a prerogative of the king - as far as public matters were concerned. Most criminal offenses would be settled on a personal level between the two families involved.
That said, Inquisition really was an instrument to crack down on heretics e.g. a cleric who contradicts the official narrative of the church.
Interesting. As I recall all matters pertaining to the clergy (including violent crime) were also settled in the ecclesial court, is this true?
This is why we need state enforced atheism worldwide
Literally just perge the middle east of all religion
I'd have to look that up. As far as I know, criminal deeds involving places of public worship were deemed "caput", which means a matter of public concern: This predates Christianity as well. This would have been traditionally been settled by the king e.g. his officials. Unless it was a church member, then it would be an ecclesial court, and by the way, this hasn't changed at all and is still practiced in 2017.
same. if you're terrified about a 5/789024 chance of dying to a truck driver, stay cucked I guess
Okay Holla Forums
Secular law in a society where you were forced to be Christian.
The legal system was not part of a separate secular society divorced from Christianity, as everyone was forced to be Christian, and there were no laws protecting you from not being one. Jews were given special protections as non-Christians, so they don't figure in here.
No, I'm focusing on what's important, whereas you are focusing on minutiae that are part of cultural & legal traditions separate from differences in religion, and acting under the assumption that all Muslims follow some variant of Sharia law, never mind that places like Somalia had polycentric systems like Xeer. For that matter, Islamic countries frequently had polylegal systems.
This is apologetics for enforced mental slavery. Do you even know what point you're trying to make? You don't, and you are simply fishing around for an irrelevant difference which carries less and less weight the more history of Christianity I dredge up.
Yeah, great.
This is cultural chauvinism by using the term Western, which makes it pointless to respond. What are you even arguing for?
The Islamic world actually had famous atheists near that time period when Christians had nothing.
Contrast that with Christendom:
That should put a rest to any notions of justification for these kind of attacks from middle-easterners and north-africans tbh.
But then Maotists don't tend to work with real life examples and prefer to interact with some personally constructed fantasy worlds that we're all supposed to accept as a given truth.
Great pics.
Also this.
pics of the Swedish military out there or didn't happen, take pics now, now, now.
Dude I have seen a cop get shot & die in front of my eyes. I honestly know what you mean..
It's not funny but it's something that just goes away.
I feel sorry for the dog, not any of the people though.
Damn, you seem to know a great deal about these things. Are you Lawcomrade or historycomrade? Formal education or hobby?
Is this tankie the same tankie?
am i fuckd lads?
*opposed to officially joining NATO since it's foundation
Is your police competent?
So far ALL terrorists who committed attacks the last 5 years were already registered offenders.
If they do background checks on them it should actually be easy to get those terrorists.
But politicians will abuse the attacks instead to campaign for mass surveillance.
If they can't keep a limited pool of suspects in check, how do they think they can accomplish to spy on the entire population?
hell no