Have we reached peak ideology?
Have we reached peak ideology?
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P_R isn't exactly a surprising development. It's what's expected of them.
Gang violence. I feel sorry for minorities they will have to arm themselves.
I see why gulags are needed now.
So much for the tolerant right.
The plan is proceeding as expected my fellow accelerationists.
other side, same coin
we need to accelerate much much much more comrade
lets get le pen elected
I hope they succeed and drive the US into a civil war.
what if people unironically end up liking le pen and the overton window is shifted permanently to the right, like happened with thatcher and reagan?
Thatcher and Reagan were neocons, candidates tailor made to make the ruling class's use of the state as direct and effective as possible. In comparison, populists are simply useful idiots.
yeah but what le pen does is make people like thatcher look like a moderate
to me that's a bad thing i hope you understand why
fuck off Dugin.
Fucking lifestylist.
I like China but no that much.
America literally needs to be destroyed in order to global communism to even have a chance at becoming reality. That is the lesson of the 20th century.
The minute that happens China will take over the whole pacific and Russia will annex half of Europe.
But since I don't live there… the whole continent will go full commie so I guess you're right. Nazbols go in the gulag tho.
Both antifa and these retards are tribalistic, dehumanizing, short-sighted useful idiots more worried about protecting against/destroying the evil "other" than in actually changing the system. It's infuriating that as people become more and more radicalized, all it really amounts to is becoming more willing to demonize and attack other proles.
pure porky ideology
Seems that way OP
thatcher was a neoliberal and a globalist economically. doesn't le pen propose a more protectionist, nationalist approach?
there are strong social consequences, of course, but you'd do to thatcherism what thatcherism did to postwar social democracy.
I consider myself a humanist. Thankfully Ancaps aren't people.
Oh my fucking god do they actually believe in the humans vs orcs meme? Do they really think life is some grand play where they are the heroes getting assailed by all the impure monsters?
The tard that provided this meme to us didn't came up with this comparison without a reason. Some people genuinely think like this because it is easy and flatters one's ego.
holy fuck
the entire subreddit is full of bootlicking classcucked fascists that somehow call themselves "libertarian"
Serves them right for not wanting free healthcare
lol what
Did you even look at the original link?
All of this shit is fucking retarded. How is the system so fucking good at protecting itself? As shit continues to get worse and worse, it maintains to distract everyone with retarded college protests and street fights.
These are supposed to be fucking libertarians, who 8 years ago were constantly bitching about the evils of the government and how oppressive it is, and now they think the biggest evil are other slaves? They fucking talk like they already have liberty and a peaceful life when previously they pointed out to everyone who would listen how they were slaves to the state. How the fuck did they become less class conscious and more cucked as things got worse?
Ideology stronk. And now we have the technological means to bombard people with it 24/24 exists.
Why do you people have an obsession with destroying America instead of just the American government?
But it seemed like libertarians were starting to wake up, at least a little. How did they digress? Surely when they were talking about the Fed and the MIC and taxation being theft, they didn't just that as a smokescreen to bitch about feminists and Muslims? Even if the current state is a backlash to all the idpol, what happened to the actual Ron Paul supporters? For every Larkin Rose or Adam Kokesh who actually believes in libertarian principles and just wants a voluntary society without the state and who actually believe a free market will help the most amount of people, you have a dozen Stefans who are crypto-statists who think the real enemy are liberals and brown people and believe in the free market because of social darwinism.
I like how libertarians finally dropped the act and are showing their true colors, being openly racist.
Liberty and freedom /for us/, they mean.
As someone who used to browse Holla Forums during the time they were Ron Paul fans, a lot switched and became open nazis, justifying their racist and genocidal position by saying that "free markets", "the NAP" and "libertarian principles" wouldn't work with a mixed, diverse, low Autism Level population.
lolbert's whole ideology is worshipping two incompatible things: private property and freedom.
And if you look into their theory, freedom is a mere consequence of property.
Guess which priniciple they're more likely to defend?
How is it possible to go from being pro-freedom and anti-state to being a literal Fascist on such a massive scale?
Fascism is necessary to keep all these troublemaking negroes, feminists and freedom-hating leftists in line and restructure society to prepare it for true Free Markets.
Sorta like how Marxists say communism isn't possible in poor third world countries (the ones that would logically be swayed by it) but only in classcucked first world countries like the US and Britain.
Fascism defend private property against the dirty poors. Therefore paying taxes to a despot is an okay voluntary transaction because it prevents the commies to take away your toothbrush.
In reality, yes, but in their beliefs property is a consequence of freedom.
I know what their reasoning is, I'm asking how they could go from one extreme to the next. Did they never actually believe it in the first place? Are they just easily emotionally manipulate? Were most of them really free marketers because of social darwinism? Are things just getting so bad that it's driving people to more and more extreme positions just to somehow make things different?
I don't know why you're disgusted, edgy conformism and edgy moralizing is hilarious to me. These people are monkeys to be laughed at.
There is no jumping the shark. This is logical evolution. Either property>liberty and you support fascists, or liberty>property, and you become leftist.
Lots of people here are ex-lolberts, but they didn't judge necessary to fight over the "libertarian" brand;
Le Pen is anti-EU, that's a big shift in a completely new direction.
The current Holla Forumstards rationalized it and realized it's all about muh Autism Level and it's a slippery slope from there.
There's lots of ex-libertarians on Holla Forums too, many because they valued the whole meritocracy ideal and rejected idpol.
Libertarianism rarely holds by itself since it's full of contradictions, so from there it's about what you value more. Even avowed Anarcho-capitalists like Molyneux just become racist neoreactionariesm
Why are they talking about things they don't understand?
Show me someone who does not do that. You can't.
Reminder that Right-"""Libetarians""" are just market fascists.
These guys really need to have a gf/bf, though I don't think they ever will be able to.
Can someone explain where this "physical removal" meme comes from?
Hans-Hermann Hoppe. He's an ancap
And he said: "There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society."
I hate you so goddamn much, Marxhead.
Wait, I knew Hoppe is a bit crazy, but I thought that one of them major selling points of their ideology wad that the didn't feel it was necessary to force it upon everyone? Or is "physical removal" just an excuse by the logic if "well we're not changing their opinions"? Quite dishonest if you ask me.
if you want to see a smart porky read actual neoliberals like Wilhelm Röpke or Gary Becker
ancaps are just clowns
What a nerd
That's the whole quote: "In a covenant…among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society. "
It's all about protecting private property for him and you shouldn't be allowed to advocate ideas contrary to protecting private property (in his mind, democracy and communism) so you should be "physically separated and removed from society."
Hoppe was probably the guy that didn't other kids play with his toys in school.
Tbh it's no different from "gulag for people trying to force private property in gommunism"
It's only getting worse… This whole sub is all about "freedom of speech", that's how they legitimize all they do. And now the same quote they meme about blatantly contradicts their ideals.
I mean, I used to have some kind of faith in ancaps, saying they were at the very least creative or interesting, but this … leaves me speechless. Are they conscious of this contradiction and just choose to ignore it or is it worse that I think it is?
Except one isn't constantly felating itself over the freedom and liberty that ensues.
There are a 100 ways they can get around that contradiction. Most of them involve snappy one-liners though.
"it's ok man they aren't people"
"since when do we care about commies and libtards?"
"look, these guys want to kill you and put you in gulags.you should be allowed to fight back in self-defense"
Hoppe is one of the few ancaps that actually make sense because he took the ancapism to its logical conclusion, aka. reactionary traditionalism in yellow paint
Libertarianism as an ideology falls apart at the seams when its contradictions are highlighted. If capitalism is so great, why are things going down the drain right now? So they have to make up a boogeyman of 'big government leftists', which often overlaps with fascist ideas of 'cultural marxism' and 'da joooos'. But how can you actually say that society is becoming more leftist/socialist when the economic policies of the last few decades have been deregulation, tax cuts and privatization?
When the fabric of their ideology has been torn, there are two ways to deal with the internal contradictions:
Ancaps will probably end up defending feudalism because capitalism brought liberal democracy and 'degeneracy'
"i'm an angsty teenager and this is politics starter pack"
Because unironic NazBols are literally just tools for Russia's imperialism
because it triggers burgers
there's nothing as delicious as a triggered burger
DAE miss the John Birch Society?
They're so flagrantly, unapologetically retarded.
No this is
Fuck off plebbit faggot.
Joke's on you I'm considering unexplained voluntary mutism.
Never vote in your life pls.
If one's wants to use that picture outside of imageboard, it's not a bad idea.
Dunning kruger
why does anyone buy this 'self-defense' nonsense from people who voluntarily dress up in full larp and go to a pre-determined fighting location. This should be considering a sport at this point.
Never speak to me again pls.
All nations need to be destroyed for global communism to be achieved.
If I ask you to show me your badge, you have to do it, right?
First we need to go back to global multi-polarity. Then we need to achieve socialism in a single, very large state. The only way to transition back to a multi-polar world is the eliminate the American empire.
America is not the center of capitalist power. There are several, albeit shrinking, economic centers in the world, and they are not defined by national borders. Biloxi, Mississippi and San Francisco, California are both in the same nation, but only the latter city is in the economic center. Follow the flow of resources, not the arbitrary lines that Porky draws to keep his workers divided.
nazbols are basically just russian nationalists
It's like one of those late nineties geocities pages.
that's the joke
What's the answer to this? It would still be valuable, but he didn't apply any labour.
these guys are 15 yo teenagers
They truly are the new tumblrites jesus chirst.
An uncut diamond possesses exchange value and perhaps use value if you happen to be making an industrial saw. It does not have value in marxist terms.
Who dug the diamond out of the diamond mine? Who cut it? The person who wrote that thinks diamonds literally grow on fields.
And besides, diamonds aren't "valuable", diamonds are literally a scam. But even so, someone went in a cave with a pick and someone else used tools, time and skills to cut it, unless we are to accept that LTV makes no sense because of magical diamonds that appear out of nowhere.
He forgot the part where, once he gets taken to the hospital, he's thrust a $20,000 bill for initial expenses which his insurance company will cover virtually none of for arbitrary reason, ruining his family financially for decades.
Why live
More importantly, the value of diamonds that have been mined are consided as a social average, not the work put into each individual diamond that gets mined.
The Labor Theory of Value always deals in social averages, not in individual commodities.
10/10 mental masturbation over perceived victimization
catch me at the free speech rally dawg
This is why Chekist vigilance is necessary to defend socialism.
it is indeed an anomaly to find diamond on the surface that was extracted by the natural forces like volcano eruption
but LTV applied in the context of generalized commodity production
there exist diamond extraction and processing industry
so this little piece of diamond is valued in the context of the whole industry
also, LTV does not apply to the exclusive pieces of art, for example
also, supply and demand curves in no way incompatible with the labor time based prices theory
there's a relationship between average labor time required and supply
because edgy basement dwellers?
I like how they pretend they are the victims when they openly talk about rounding up all the non-whites, bombing the shit out of the middle east, gassing the jews and raping feminists.
how the fuck does she do that?
How many layers of ideologies must you be under to both mourn an hypothetical death on your side and also participate on a subreddit that call for "the physical removal" (because if I don't say killing it's not killing) of anything that you regard as "the left ?
This is beyond pathetic.
– Marx, Poverty of Philosophy, 1847, chap. 1, section 2.
this is only the beginning
Their FAQ is fucking hilarious holy shit.
It's quite telling how much anti-communism has risen in the past year since Trump was elected and the alt-right and Holla Forums rose to prominence.
Holla Forums now has daily anti-communist threads and advocates violent purges of leftists.
The old quote about communists/antifascists/anarchists being targeted first is true, since they're the ones that will actually fight fascism before they begin purging society of all "degenerates".
Nope. Watch this.
Unironically this. I've had multiple libertarians tell me they would fight on the side of the capitalists if the MoP were being seized. Also they said this in the context of democratic socialism where a radical party somehow gains total power under the bourgeois political system.
total ideology m8
I'd rather not accelerate into fascism and ethnic cleansing. Just don't vote to delegitimize the system.
I deal with these people IRL every day for my job. There are so many of them.
Gang-violence in the form of Larping is the first way to de-legitimize yourself as a political movement.
The Nazi movement were seen as common enemies of humanity since day 1 because they acted like this
4chan was a mistake…
Wasn't that a British Puppet or something?