US Imperialism: The __Only__ Way to Oppose it!

I hear cries from self-identified "progressives" about the lack of a general peace movement, nostalgic accounts of them great 60's.

Well guess what! Until the draft in the US is reinstated the general populace will not to the utmost degree oppose US imperialism. The reason for this is simple. As long as the US populace is not directly feeling the effects of its State's actions, as long as imperialism is done with private companies, no change will be done.

Therefore, communists should campaign for the critical reinstation of the draft!

If you oppose this as a "radical" leave your reasons. Are you afraid of being drafted? Well, fuck you, the rest of the world is afraid of being bombed by your government.

Do you oppose it because you are a "pacifist"? Well, fuck you, because there will be no peace until the general US populace goes against the regime.


OP, you done did it! You cracked the code!

I might as well punch myself in the face repeatedly and hope that results in socialism

Are you literally retarded? Did you read every fifth word in OP?

Good job.

US fags shill for their comfy positions outside their state's sphere of influence due to fear that they would actually become political subjects!

Ok, if you want a serious response than it's the fact that you greatly underestimate the bootlicking tendencies of the average american. The draft would just produce more sociopaths and fuel the war machine, not suddenly produce a class-conscious populace less eager for war

Also, nice reddit-spacing

As an US American radical Myself I'd like to state the followings.

1) I'm an radical based on my current forms of activisms, and not based on OP'S SPECULATIVE POLITICAL AGENDA!

2) I'm PERFECTLY ABLE to oppose the current regime's imperialism without me being physically involved in it!

3) I'm, first of all, an individual that has a different POV vs. my state's underastandings of the currently actual law. This means that I'm so unique that I do not need these """"faux-collectivising""" means as posed by OP. I'm perfectly able to oppose the current state-of-being as an regular American citizen!

4) OP is an warmonger. S/he wants us to be warmongers too! Long live the private enterprise imperialism, because it involves people that I'm not part of.

Cheers, and also: please tell me if I'm in any way wrong! (HINT: I'm not!)

I think it's worth noting that most of the bloodthirsty jingoes are already in the United States military, or are otherwise old fat men who wouldn't be drafted anyway.

There is some truth to the fact that the United States has been able to maintain its constant warfare because the government has been able to keep the effects of war at a distance. If most Americans had a WWII-style "war effort" imposed on them, or even a 1960s style draft, you'd probably see the general support for the American war machine plummet.

That said, open endorsement of the draft is pants-on-head retarded. If the US institutes another draft, it's likely already over its head with some conflict, we should be pushing for revolution at that point, not the draft. We shouldn't be seen as advocating the worst aspects of capitalist imperialism.

Wasn't there a draft for nam? Those veterans are some of the worst bootlickers I've ever spoken to.

Hi! First of all, thanks for your post!
I'm really moved by the fact that you even dared to post!

Are you an Aynmerican, btw?
If so, the following critique goes to you!

First of all, your category (the bootlickan' murrican') is a fiction. It is easy to argue for ANYTHING based on a fiction, hue!

Second of all, if you are really an Americunt (meaning the burger kind) you should probably respond to OP's theme, by which we mean that the very fact that the US population is not threatened by the draft makes them passively supportive of (Bush's, Obama's, Hillary's, Trump's) wars!

:) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are such a cutie, maybe you could tell us how a societal/political change could take place when the '''larger populace is not directly influenced by any wars done by IN THE NAME OF THEM, and by their governments, meanwhile organizing it by private companies who do the "dirty business" for the "nation", killing everybody outside of our borders!



The reason the draft has been discontinued is not because porky loves us so much, but because there is no need anymore and it has proven ineffective. A professional military is much more productive and the draft will only be reinstated if a large scale war were to break out where for some mysterious, yet unknown reason, nukes would not fly anymore and we would be in need of personal combatants.

t. "I like imperialism if I'm not involved" person

Dear Idiot!

May I call you that? "Idiot?"
I will, nevertheless.

The reason why the draft has been discontinued is exactly because the massive populace of the US populace opposed it, since they were directly affected by it! Do you have any alternative explanations? I'd like to hear it!!!!

Every and all kind of imperialisms are ineffective in a sense, you stupid, boot-licking individual! The content of that very imperialism (meaning: the ones who actually do it, the fucking soldiers) changed. Now, we have either private firms who do the "dirty job" (of bombing the world), or people from the US who have quite mistakenly chosen this kind of route to gain access to university, healthcare and so on.

So you main (totally ignorant) thesis crumbles, you piece of shit human being! :D

The numbers still matter, you filth. You could send 500 "professionals" to do the job of the imperial elite, while in reality the job requires ten times more body-count! The media will be on your side, tho: portraying it as "an professional surgical intervention."


Nice strawman, the obvious counter being I don't like imperialism without being involved in this direct manner. You're just upset it refutes your premise

Thanks for the colorful reply I guess. Yes, I'm a burger. I live in an area that is supposedly left-leaning, and yet filled to the brim with military families proud of their service and incredibly right wing as a result. Perhaps the causality is in the other direction (right wing-ideologues choose the military and not military turns you into a right wing ideologue) and yet anecdotally I can't ignore the friends I had growing up who maybe leaned right-libertarian before who came out of the military full on aut-right.

Oh, and that's ignoring how much of a disaster the messaging for a pro-draft campaign would be. How exactly would you campaign for this without coming out as pro-war? The only other alternative is to honestly campaign for the draft as a purely punitive measure for the general populace as you've implied, which means every single person is going to laugh in your face.

If it weren't for the peasant soldiers soviets, with the same soldiers that shot at the crowds in 1905, the revolution would have not succeeded
an alienated army is best for porky

That event just so happened to coincide with the draft being obsolete. Most Western nations have abolished it or are abolishing it without any significant political protests of their population. It's simply a huge economic drain at times where you are in no need anymore of millions of combat-ready young men.

Look at Germany. Just 5 years ago they abolished the draft out of nowhere. The request came from the military itself, who complained they were tied up with young men for 9 months of the year that they needed to train, when there really is no need for them. A professional army nowadays does need minimal men, with most of the fighting being done not face to face, but through machines. And you're much better off with more people (due to money that has been freed up post-abolition) who does fighting for a living and is familiar with the in and outs than someone who only enjoyed basic military training and has been forcefully drafted in times of crisis and war.

go home Holla Forums

Yeah, as representing the rest of humanity that is being bombed, I'm rather "pissed" by your status quo. Moreover, I dared to ask, what your – supposed US comrades – political approach could be to lessen this process! Fuck me, amirite?!

My position: those – so called – US comrades that in principle hate US imperialism but do not take the necessary steps to actually oppose it (meaning: the reinstation of the draft) are objectively for said imperialism!

I honestly don't care. ITT I represent the countless innocent people who your government bombs on a daily basis, also: resulting in the so called "terrorism" that your right-wing supposedly opposed.

If you are a "radical" that in principle opposes the very imperialist machine, I have only one question for you: why don't you support the ONLY way that could make a stop to it, meaning the draft?

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! YOU and only YOU are capable to stop US imperialism. This can not be done without a broad support. That broad support can not arrive from nothingness. Only the reinstation of the draft can provide the basics for this popular revolt – as we've seen in Vietnam, and so on!

What follows is your – and excuse me language – totally privilaged crying for a better world speech!
We, the fucking people who you are actively bombing, don't give a single shit about your morals. We want only one thing: you stopping your activities!

For this end, we ask you only one question: how will you, dear US "comrade", achieve it?

You answer: "idk, lol, leave me out of it, the private army is doing it, not me!"

For us, the only acceptable answer is: "Yes, we are currently doing imperialism based on these specific grounds. We will do everything in our power to involve the massive populace of the US to counter-act this!"

This means, that you actively campaign for the reinstation of the draft, you daft cunt!

p.s.: Debate me! With any of your so called excuses you will look like a fearful little cunt who doesn't bother to be involved in global politics (while his=her state objectively is); a little cunt, that pays more attention to his/her little US capitalist processes.

Good luck, mein pseudo-radical US activist!
When our time comes (meaning: communist's) your place will be assigned (meaning: gulag)!

Holla Forumsintelpro

hah, well I had a laugh Holla Forums


I'm totally convinced now! Yes, the pro-draft campaign which aims at the re-inclusion of the US populace is "objectively" ein farce!!!!!!!

Wow, thanks for convincing me! May iraqi children sing songs at your grave!

I think that at this point you should be recommended to assume the CIA flag, my friend!

How would I do it? Well, by actually referring TO FUCKING FACTS, YOU CLASS TRAITOR!

There are two options:
1) The US goes on like it is, meaning that private companies do the imperialisms, and letting the general populace disinterested, and allowing them to only oppose the [whatever] war in name only.
2) The US populace consciously agrees to get re-drafted, knowing in advance that this means their critical assessment of US imperialism.

But no, your version (which is, basically "what is") is much more radical, you complete cretin!


You are, objectively, the enemy of the global proletariat!

I, as an communist, would kill you myself!

i'm going to piss in your mouth

imageboards breed mental illness

yeah, no


Yep, you's two go into the gulag as well!

All good, convincing arguments. How about you send me your proposed agit-prop/propaganda for this campaign (my feeble, traitorous burger mind can't be trusted with such a task) and I'll start on it right away, friendo

Most "proud Vietnam veterans" I'm aware of were REMF volunteers and never actually saw any combat.

Even if OP is right, leftists supporting the draft is gonna look really fucking bad wheb everuone starts to be against the draft.

In case of distributing it to the general US populace:

We, as patriotic Americans, who oppose any and all kind of wars perpetrated by our state, propose the reconstitution of the draft, because we understand that until this is done private companies will do the dirty job in "the name of the general populace."

We don't advocate for the draft because we want another total war, but because we understand the FACT, that the world is suffering because of our passivity, and because we understand that until the general populace of the US is included, and directly affected, the situation will not change a bit.

We ask you, dear American: would you rather have a society where the general populace views our state's crimes through television, or a general populace who is able to oppose our state's crimes through direct approach?

"The social revolution of the nineteenth century cannot take its poetry from the past but only from the future." - Marx

You can't just "replicate" the protest of the Vietnam War, the material conditions were very different.

god damn what a shit thread this is

This. The logical requirements for Vietnam vets far outweighed its combat ones.
