Yeah, as representing the rest of humanity that is being bombed, I'm rather "pissed" by your status quo. Moreover, I dared to ask, what your – supposed US comrades – political approach could be to lessen this process! Fuck me, amirite?!
My position: those – so called – US comrades that in principle hate US imperialism but do not take the necessary steps to actually oppose it (meaning: the reinstation of the draft) are objectively for said imperialism!
I honestly don't care. ITT I represent the countless innocent people who your government bombs on a daily basis, also: resulting in the so called "terrorism" that your right-wing supposedly opposed.
If you are a "radical" that in principle opposes the very imperialist machine, I have only one question for you: why don't you support the ONLY way that could make a stop to it, meaning the draft?
ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! YOU and only YOU are capable to stop US imperialism. This can not be done without a broad support. That broad support can not arrive from nothingness. Only the reinstation of the draft can provide the basics for this popular revolt – as we've seen in Vietnam, and so on!
What follows is your – and excuse me language – totally privilaged crying for a better world speech!
We, the fucking people who you are actively bombing, don't give a single shit about your morals. We want only one thing: you stopping your activities!
For this end, we ask you only one question: how will you, dear US "comrade", achieve it?
You answer: "idk, lol, leave me out of it, the private army is doing it, not me!"
For us, the only acceptable answer is: "Yes, we are currently doing imperialism based on these specific grounds. We will do everything in our power to involve the massive populace of the US to counter-act this!"
This means, that you actively campaign for the reinstation of the draft, you daft cunt!
p.s.: Debate me! With any of your so called excuses you will look like a fearful little cunt who doesn't bother to be involved in global politics (while his=her state objectively is); a little cunt, that pays more attention to his/her little US capitalist processes.
Good luck, mein pseudo-radical US activist!
When our time comes (meaning: communist's) your place will be assigned (meaning: gulag)!