
Who else here has been /reactionaryscum/ before picking up a book and learning not to be a retard?

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I was a liberal socdem.


I've always been a leftist, so I think people who could overcome their reactionary natures are far better than me.

Oh wow i was a retard who ironically supported Bush jr.
Thinking about it makes me cringe.

t. Reactionary brainlet who's convinced himself he's isn't what he mocks.

Well the important thing is that you found yet another way to feel inferior to your fellow man, isn't it user?

To explain further, i had just realized most people are retarded and assumed the least popular politics in response.
In Sweden where i live nobody supported him.

Wasn't difficult really

A good friend of mine from a different race helped me out in a fight and then he convinced me into smoking a doob with him

Was in a depressive mood at the time and after that I decided to stop being a fake cunt trying to stay friends with people that my reactionary nature was supposed to despise

First book I bought and read was the Manifesto

Obviously read a lot more books since then but that was my gateway drug and I haven't regretted it since


92-06: Apolitical, just listened to whatever my conservative parents said.
06-08: Friedman reading "Libertarian"
08-14: Liberal
15: SocDem
16: ML
17: Communalist

Never a fash, though.

Why do leftists fetishize books so much?

Corporeal theory, what is not to love?


Because they're more informative than infographs.

You haven't really changed, you've just switched to another form of retard, which happens because your ideologies aren't based on anything but feels and no objective standards or philosophy.(USER WAR RE-EDUCATED)

consisting of material objects.


Interested in hearing why you were ML, and what made you stop.

But I read Analytical philosophies

I'm not a Marxist smh

Yeah, mein kampf is way more informative than the superstructure/base infographs posted here.

A theory of material objects..


I was a nationalist libertarian, but now I realize the truth. The only problem with communism is it's been demonized, so we need some alternative measures.

I used to be a Nazbol/Strasserite/Nat Synd around 2013. Around 2015 I realized I didn't care about Nationalism at all and got into Post Left Anarchism. Today I sort of fancy myself as a Blanquist, though I still hover between that and anarcho nihilism.

Confirmed fash gtfo

Theory made material.



Liquid or solid?


me, and i was a latin american nazi to top it off

Book are usually solid, please tell me if you find a liquid one.

ideology has no history familio



what about ashen ones?

oh fug

You just blew my mind.

2000-2006 blue dog dem
2006-2008 liberal Dem
2008-2015 progressive
2015-2016 socdem
2017 market socialist

How many communist movies or games do you know of? How many anarchist tv shows or news programs are there?

Books the only form of media where Leftist thought can be found any more (besides the internet).


I was kinda alt-right for a while about 18 months ago. Cringe looking back


I went liberal, utopian socialist (I was just like dude we can just get rid of money and everything will be fine), ancom, council communist, demsoc, marksoc, and now I'm a communalist with elements borrowed from council communism and syndicalism.

Luckily I was never full on right-wing.

Chess is reactionary because there are different classes, I guess checkers is a communist game so there's that.

This isn't a conspiracy. In every society, there is a limited spectrum, there will never be a society with a nahuatl and zulu shamanist debate.

I voted for Dubya and Ron Paul.

If only.

But there IS a Leftist debate here, and it is actively being suppressed. The Red Scare is a real thing.

nobody said it was

I could never take Holla Forums shit seriously, and always had some vauge awareness that I was more of a leftist, but it took me a while to realise socialism is the answer because I fell for the 'the problem with sjws is that they're far left communists!' meme.
I blame this more on the idpol liberals and sjws themselves than the people perpetuating it. They make it look that way alot of the time, they talk and act like they 're socialists despite thinking shitt like 'marxism is about liberating oppressed classes like women from bourgoisie opprssion like patriarchy'.
That and tending to fall in line for bastards like hillary whenever it actually comes down to real politics and not just talking about what you like the idea of.
so liberals actively retarded my political understanding.

It's not suppressed at all. It is openly held in universities, as opposed to conservatives, who are chased out and no-platformed.

For people who claim to want a violent revolution and overthrowing of the state, it is strange how much you are tolerated, and how you call it a scare when people take you on your word.

isolationism is a hell of a drug

When do they make it look that way? when they actively ask for more classism, i.e. when they demand that more people with brown vulvas become CEOs?
even when i was succdem i never thought sjw bullshit even registered on the left side of the spectrum.

supreme kek

Conservative, capitalist and right-wing ideology dominates every facet of Western society a few university classes is not even a drop in the bucket by comparison.

and now you're posting on leftypol
think about this from the perspective of a burgerclap teenager who thinks the "left" is the democratic party and like, anti-racism and global warming n shiet.

I listed the reasons why anyway: liberals and proggies like the idea of socialism(as it exists in their heads), and talk about that enough to make smoeone who doesnt know better think they're a 'socialist.'
Despite how their understanding of socialism is warped and feels-oriented, and how they fall in line with the establishment when it comes down to things that actually matter.

Then tell me why people are arrested for saying nigger and not for calling for a violent revolution that will overthrow the capitalist order, they're not even reprimanded. Also tell my why this all-encompassing ideology chooses to leave universities alone.

Checkers is Bolsheviks vs anarchists.


People aren't arrested for saying nigger, people say nigger all the time. You're doing it right now. And I don't see what "nigger" has to do with anything anyway it's just a word, it has no concrete bearing on things.

As for why universities are "left alone" it's because academia is meant to have some measure of neutrality and nobody really feels threatened by the Left any more so a modicum of tolerance is acceptable. If anything, it would be dumber to crackdown too hard on them and draw further attention to these issues. Censorship often backfires when the agenda becomes too obvious.

god those years were gay

Not me.

I'm at a weird stop where I maintain my hatred for liberalism and the Left's concessions to liberalism

Cultural Marxism is a product of Marxist Revisionism and is sustained by capitalism.

At a crossroads between being a tankie and being a communalist.

fair enough, it just triggers me that people won't literally just check the definition of a word on wikipedia.

I cannot count how many times I've fapped to her.

I hate that she's just some bourgie lifestyle instagram model now and doesn't make videos anymore. Instagram models are all bourgie lifestyle scum and the eastern euro ones are the worst.

That doesn't fucking happen dumbass

This. I can't fathom seriously putting culture war stuff in politics.

In Europe they are.

It isn't neutral, it's overtaken by the most extreme, paranoid and totalitarian fringes of the left. It is them who are doing expulsions, if you're theory of right-wing domination were correct, it would be the exact opposite that would be the case.

I still haven't. I'm joining in the communist revolution because it's in my interests as a proletarian, and so we have to build world wide solidarity.

After we've achieved a communist society, I'm going to kill all the niggers.

No we aren't. What are you smoking?

t. breitbart reader

That's bullshit. You are talking about a few incidents at ultra liberal campuses that were mostly student-driven. The vast majority of college programs are still highly conservative, you just don't hear about them on the news because that's the status quo.

Even in universities liberalism is pretty much the only acceptable opinion for the most part.

nazis are far left tbh

Not really reactionary and never big on theory.
14-17: Edgy af (aka afraid to commit)
17-21: Randian crpyto-nationalist
21-23: Liberal
23-25: Anarchist/liberal
25-26 (present): Ecological Socialist

*steps on u*

Holla Forumsacks rely on Breitbart and pol posts for most of their news, and so they think there's some vast cultural marxist conspiracy to lock up all the brave right-wingers using their free speech.

The silliest thing about is, isn't that they believe it - it's that they care. Being so far from doing anything about the material condition, they are eternally classcucked.

They aren't just eating from the trashcan of ideology - they are raccoons who are head-deep in it, with their furry asses draped over the rim.


Don't judge me.

I've never thought of this angle before. How much would that work to our advantage in any potential showdown with fascists? The source of most racism is never having constructive relationships with people of other races.

Try taking an economics undergrad and tell me universities are dominated by the right-wing. You also couldn't even take a class on Marx in my philosophy department which is frankly ridiculous.

Most of what you're talking about emerges from gender/racial studies departments which are tolerated because they are divisive idpol bull-shit that pose no threat to the elite. The only true left on Uni campuses is in sociology and that's because Marx and other leftists literally created the discipline so their influence is unavoidable.

I do. Which one was it?

There's a pretty big gap between those two. What made you decide between them?

I was an ayncap in highschool.
Never bought into the whole racism thing.

They give me conniptions.

Harder to describe but those were the two positions that popped into my mind, like I said I have a poor understansding of a lot of the technical philosophy of political positions. I never joined any kind of organization (I was living in a rural area where the only groups you could join were churches, agricultural groups, or tea party stuff) but I liked anarchist themes and I had opposition to authority. I was more of a liberal (I mean in the left wing vs. right wing sense of liberals vs. conservatives) than conservative though.

Maybe the better word is left libertarian but as I read more theory and understand things better, as well as leave the countryside, I am more confident in calling myself a socialist.

haven't yet.

Just take the few words Bookchin said about the vanguard and the organisation of dedicated people way to seriously and implement communalism from above while declaring statecraft to be a necissity that should be managed by the party. Being creative with ideologies is fun.

That does seem to be their function in the universe.

My favorite is when they say that they are "slightly socialist-leaning" or some meaningless shit like that.

*Strasserites maybe

What I'm asking is how did you come to the choice between communalism and ML, two very different ideologies with opposing programs

obama supporter => left liberal => berniebro => lolbert => geololbert => mutualist => collectivist => ancom => "everything is a spook lol i need some bread fam"

The opposite happened to me.

What is this

It is really difficult to be a racist in the American military. Not only is it explicitly forbidden to express racist beliefs openly, but it is even more difficult to want to be one. When your best friends on earth are people from far-flung corners of the country and territories who all speak and look differently it puts all that dumb shit into proper perspective.

On the other hand, it is really easy to be an authoritarian. Everyone wants to believe in what they do. Rigid hierarchies are in place in all facets of life so that they seem normal. The poor kids who escaped from poverty look back at their old homes like they are something to be feared. The military gave them a much better life, and they will cling desperately to it for fear of having to go back to the nightmare they came from.

They will be open to radical theory, but usually only after they get out of the service and have learned to be fully disgusted by the bullshit. In fact, veterans are likely to be very open minded. We really should be working on getting vets, because they will be incredibly valuable.

I was an ultra lolbert in my teens

You've been through five ideologies since the election? Jesus.


I assume you're talking about only racism towards fellow troops? Because there was a lot of anti-Arab racism in the Iraq invasion. And I assume similar things in Vietnam.

Completely agree. Vets can be flipped, and their combat prowess is useful. Cops, however, will probably be always the enemy. They have some really weird pathology and power tripping struggle - over 40% of them are domestic abusers, in fact.

I used to be full Nazi, with plans to go back to europe, and even was into paganism and whatnot before I saw the light of libertarian leninism.

I used to be a fascist, like much of this board. Now I'm a Nazi

i don't know about the army but pretty much everywhere cops need to be indoctrinated up to their butt
cops are 80% fash here and it's not even as bad as 40 years ago when we had an actual communist party and domestic terrorism.

wow edgy

Yeah the military teaches you to debase your enemy

But most soldiers can tell something is wrong with the system. And of course gun rights are a huge hung so most democratic candidates are out. Since the Iraq war the majority of my fellow soldiers are basically libertarians though

How is it edgy? It's the default state for humanity

Guns are such a divisive topic and for little gain. If you were a lefty who embraced guns and gun culture you would be ostracized for not following the herd but no libertarians or right wing elements would pledge any support for you. Most of the "thou shalt not infringe" crowd are retards but they are right about most gun control, I support gun control only to spite them.

pretty much the right wing fault if this is even a divisive topic. they always have kneejerk reactions to the most milquetoast of proposals.

Pure ideology KYS

Probably this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geolibertarianism

geolibertarianism. basically lolbertarianism w/ georgism

its a crazy world