For all the shit, this place has some really amazing discussion sometimes. Post good threads or screenshots
Best of Holla Forums
A couple of classics
does anyone have that Bundy fiasco+ Proudhon one?
actually i have it
Too bad all that will get thrown away. RIP Holla Forums, you came back stronger than ever but the board owner is a tankie who won't take no for an answer.
Fug, the relationship one hit me in the feelz, this is what every robot should read
That third pic is honestly a really good Marxist feminist analysis.
after all of the liberal tankie drama it's easy to forget that this is an actual thing
If only I had seen this when I was younger and hadn't fallen into the spiral that is /r9k/…
Trips of terryfing truth. I never even ever fell into the women are bad meme but the crab basket self pity mentality is enough to make you addicted to the place and its "you're here forever" bullshit
Most good threads are long gone and 404'd.
That's not what he meant dipshit.
I capped a handful of threads I meant to read the day before the hacking, but I don't think any one of them was a classic.
I also had a cap of the Soviet cybernetics thread, but that one survived, thank God.
Anyway, here's a few of posts I liked about dual power. Not masterpieces, but well summarized. Also an uncomfortable truth about human sacrifice.
This thread was amazing and I'd kill for an archive with pics.
I miss Einzige-poster.
Yeah that post is real as fuck. I can really relate to the idea of fearing rejection because so much of my self-worth is tied up in whether I'm a product worth purchasing.
A noble attempt, but it's not there. The only archive really seems to be Hollaforums, which is missing all those mega-rare Peporkies.
Some people poopoo this chart bu I still think it's breddy gud.
Just noticed this seems to be from cuckchan. Whoops.
Looking back on it, when my therapist of over a decade ago ask how I feel/view myself, I said "I feel like an incomplete product that can't be completed because it skipped some middle step in the manufacturing process". Only now I see it wasn't a mere analogy tht randomly manifested in my mind, but pathological.
this is fucking stupid and the overreaction was even more retarded
seriously garbage
2200 members
Go away you fucking spy.
You left out the good part.
I didn't assemble it, sorry.
What is this anarchist shit. The government isn't the same as some landowner. The people as a whole can exercise their power against individuals trying to destroy the environment for their own gain.
I don't care, it was fucking good.
still brings me to tears everytime c':
pic related is pretty much all I have
"""capture the state"""
Humans vs Orcs
Right now, I'm currently trying to deprogram myself from thinking this way, but it's tough when all of the aspects of society tell me that is how I must act.
does ANYONE have that thread where an user described Engels' "nightmare scenario" of a socialist movement succeeding in a pre-capitalist society, where no proper movement can be taken to advance the revolutionary cause?
He predicted the Russian Revolution to a T
"Put the most radical revolutionary on the throne of all the Russias, and within a year he will be worse than the Tsar himself" - Mikhail Bakunin
That's the sort of shitposting we deserve.
I do have the relevant quote.
I used to have low self esteem, but then the internet validated me and now I feel great.
Bump. Love these threads.