So in a recent conference Zizek mentioned that the ideal revolutionary should be like Tony Soprano...

So in a recent conference Zizek mentioned that the ideal revolutionary should be like Tony Soprano, Homer Simpson and a third guy I can't recall
A couple of days ago I released Homer Simpson is what a man whitout spooks is like. the show has shown Homer disregarding common spooks like religion or nations and it has shown that he will go to incredible extents for the well being of his family (his property)

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Time to blow your fucking mind.

Why does Homer work at the Springfield NPP? He's the head of the nuclear family.


True of Homer before season 10.

Who cares what Zizek thinks? He is a racist who thinks that transsexuals are superior to straight or gay people.

… what?

What conference are you talking about? link?

Yeah, I can't remember which talk it was but he was saying how transsexuals are literally the most superior beings.

We need less stuffy academics and more relatable working men like Homer to represent the left.

I haven't seen the Soprano's, but I see a lot of the admiration and folk heroism of the Depression era bank robbers in audiences' adoration of mafiosos. People like stories of men who circumvent the law and become enemies of the ruling class.

Undeniable tbh, transexuals are the dialectical synthesis in action.

Great source, you sound mad

He was making a Lacanian argument. People are bound to misunderstand.

The lets make simpsons memes like if we were argentines

What the fuck are you talking about?

I think this is what the retard in the thread is talking about.

It's a good piece.

Whatever I'm not going to dig through and find the talk, do you really think I would make up a strawman that strange to disparage him? His racism is enough for any serious thinker to ignore him.

Well I'm convinced

No, you don't even understand Zizek.

Keep sucking his cock, racist. Funny how you won't even bother posting with a flag.

You got me. I love Zizek because of his race realism.

I don't even.

You seem lost, please get back in your Reddit cage where it's safe for you

Tell me why exactly you are a Zizek fanboy? He is high school tier and he makes dumb racist claims to keep his name on the internet and subsequently cries when he is banned from publishing.

Just to humor you I googled "Zizek Racist" there was a single result on the first page which linked to a feminist blog. I went to second page of the search results and found another. Surprise, it was reddit.

If you confuse racist jokes with actual racism or calling out politcal correctness for being patronizing with racism. Then I can understand why you sound so assmad. You have no understanding of dialectics, nor do you understand why pc culture is nothing but patronizing idpol garbage. If you are willing to point out when he was explicitly racist, without it being just another hyperbole or obscene argument then do so. If not and you keep posting garbage then please just kill yourself.


Is "fanboy" synonymous with "don't think he's racist"? Are you a rabid fanboy of every prominent figure who isn't racist? Must be exhausting?

Overworked misanthropic working men are probably my favorite type of character. They show a strong dissatisfaction with wageslavery and the current system, while just trying to drag their feet day by day, just like the rest of us.
Al Bundy is my go to example, even though I'm sure he would have voted for Trump if he was a character today.


I don't blame you for not reading Stirner but you atleast should be familiar with his use of property

I sorta remember this but can't remember who this third guy is, looking at my Youtube history it was either in his talk with Graham Harman or in his "Is there a post-human god" talk, so I guess I narrowed it down if you're looking for it.

Must be the Graham Herman one

The third guy Zizek talked about was Jack Bauer from 24.


I'd gladly throw myself behind the Soprano revolution


btw the guy literally worked for a james bond villain and was perfectly content with this choice. the only reason he left is because the rest of the family was miserable.

Homer is truly our man