What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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his hatred for islam consumed him

He was always right.


lol didn't he die standing by the "Saddam had WMD" and "Saddam had ties to Al-Qaeda" narratives?

wtf I love the iraq war now

This. Name me on Trot that doesn't eventually become a full blown reactionary later in their life.

This big-dick jew right here

He started seeing this world through a really spooked, yet popular, 'Atheism vs Theism' narrative rather than actual Marxist/class analysis.


He lived till 60.

Idk why I kept thinking 50 in my head

As every fedorathiest knows, evolution proves there is no god. The bible says that god created all creatures in six days, while the theory of evolution presents a much longer timescale.

Unfortunately once he was inducted into the evolution cult, the devil descended and pointed something out to him - something he hadn't realized when he signed the contract of atheism. He would have to undergo evolution, the devil wouldn't press the "B" button, nor would his brother đź…±eter come to his aid. He imbibed the wicked poisons willingly.

And so, as is always the case, Trotskyist evolved into Neoconservative shill. He could've been smart, he could've stuck to intelligent design or he could've dropped Trotskyism but alas he combined the two and like using the Thunderstone on your Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow he ruined everything. No longer will the cute monster follow you around, giving you conversation and funny faces. From now on the only smiley faces you see will be painted on the nose-cone of a 500lb GP bomb headed for a hospital in some far-off land. I mean really when you look at it, with the organisational hierarchy of consultant doctors, regular doctors, nurses, and so on and so forth hospitals really are fascist anyway…

No, he died standing by the "Saddam was a brutal dictator who had preferential treatment for certain Muslims because he was not secular in the slightest" narrative.

Because good intentions

I guess too much iron in his diet is what done him in.

Trot who turned into a Neo-Con, that's a basic causal relationship right there. Swap the end goal of Socialism with Republican Democratic Welfare Capitalism and you have the same exact belief structure and methodology for praxis

This is what exoteric religious folk actually believe.

He still utterly failed to rationalize his Iraq War support and unironically used muh soggy knees as an initial excuse

His support for the Iraq war was justified by the removal of Saddam Hussein. He said the same things about Assad, and would probably support his removal too.

He's Jewish. Like many if not most Jews, he cares more about his tribal cult than he does humanity.

He was never a deep thinker anyway.


But the removal of Saddam Hussein made things worse, just as many people said it would at the time.


So, yes, he was a World Police neocon shitlicker.

If you want to use outdated meme labels like "neocon", you're already in the wrong.

Yep. As a matter of fact, Obama's leaving Iraq after we made such a mess was NOT justified.

It didn't have to be that way. Obama caused that by being a phony liberal peacenik.

Hitchens' life is just as "out of date" as that "meme", terrible argument

Fuck forgot to remove shitposting flag

Don't bother doing that, you were still shitposting with that post.

Yes, the US made a mess because they did what Hitchens wanted.
Doesn't matter how much mental gymnastics you do, you can't change the fact that Hitchens was a retarded snake oil salesman.
He thought it would be a cake walk, he thought there would be minimal down sides, he thought democracy would flourish and the Iraqis would thank us, he thought Saddam was a really really bad man that the world needed to get rid of to be safe.
It's a shame people ever took him seriously but I guess he was just telling suckers what they wanted to hear.

He was always right.

"Shitposting" isn't a synonym for "disagrees with you". Hitchens was a spooked imperialist apologist at the end of his life and no amount of desperate equivocation is gonna change that, sorry.

Nope, still as secular humanist as ever. You kind of have to actually read the man's books.

they also both rattle on about the gold standard

I like how you conveniently forget that he called for war crimes tribunals for Henry Kissinger and both Bushes at the end of his life too.

/pol tier bullshit, in western countries most Jews are secular liberals or leftists, they don't tend to put their ethnicity before more universalist values any more than others with similar politics (support for Israel is very low among secular Jews, for instance). As for Hitchens, I found an article on his sense of Jewish identity at tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/books/86541/the-tenth-man-2 , it says he didn't even know he had any Jewish ancestry until 1987 when would have been 37 or 38. So I doubt learning he had Jewish ancestry had any deep shaping effect on his ideology, although before he found out about this he apparently admired a lot of Jews and aspects of Jewish culture:


He went full NATOcuck during the Bosnian War


Idk what you guys are so buttblasted about, there are plenty of writers and thinkers who expressed all the good points he made better than he did without all the shitty liberal ideology mixed in

being a Trot for one,

I see the faggot mods on Holla Forums gave me a one-week ban for this post:

Would you like to debate me on this topic, you low Autism Level hotpocket? Too chickenshit to even make your bans public? Even fucking 8/pol/, the worst moderated political image board in history, doesn't hide their actions like that. Did I upset your sense of wrongthink even though I had the most interesting quote in this whole thread?