Tfw you could have prevented that Antifa girl from getting wasted on camera

I met the Antifa girl from Berkeley on OKCupid about a month ago. The site is garbage, but there are sometimes funny people. We had a decent conversation about direct action and Anarchism vs Marxism.

But I'm a vain asshole who was disgusted by hairy women, so I plain just stopped talking to her. Was her getting BTFO a good thing for the cause or did my vanity end up giving Holla Forums a meme

Posting a few images to proofs, because the damage has already been done. She's already been exposed and shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


It was historicly invevtable that pol would get some sort of meme like this.

Even if you prevented that one (and you couldn't, unless you managed to despook her good enough), they'd get another meme.

ewww no thx

It's not even a good meme for Holla Forums. Most people don't think men punching women is a good thing whatever their thoughts on gender equality.

You seriously need to spend more time on the internet.

You need to spend less time on it.

Yeah, that was a big turnoff for meā€¦her primary bf was 29 and gross as fuck (probably her producer/agent)


You made the right choice sticking to your hand.