Is Akko /our guy/?

Is Akko /our guy/?

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leftist anime general

For some reason I'm not surprised LWA did ths.

we're hitting porky levels that shouldnt even be possible


This looks neat, what is it?


Sorry to pull the normalfag card but what anime is this?

e m e
v a a
e g r
r e c
s h

Wow Trigger is really making me think here.

Little Witch Academia TV series

>>>/leftyweebpol/ is still dead, im worried guys

it's because you're gay





I can see it now.

genki commie has been a trope since the 60s m8

Don't act like right-wing politics are only rising in the US.
Anime still has to cater to business interests and will become less and less leftist as the century progresses, as will all media.

Holy shit, /a/ is full of crossboarder trash now.

God, even /a/ is full of Holla Forums and Holla Forumstards now


Weird, that link doesn't work, but the catalog link does for me. Try this and let me know. We've had a few posts since the board came back online for me.

Holla Forums has been given too much free reign on the site as a whole. I'd have expected /a/ to reject them more strongly.

/a/ gave up. Old people left and new people came in, an /a/ mod that used to moderate since 2005 got fired thanks to Holla Forums, etc. And the Internet is only going to get worse.

I need a cock in me…


Don't we all?

Any clue where /a/nons are going? I've seen a few here. I actually abandoned /a/ for Holla Forums because I was sick of Holla Forums shitposting. Then Holla Forums got fucked by Holla Forums and I haven't found a decent place to spend my time. Holla Forums is the best I can do because I'm a long time leftist, but the board quality is pretty bad.

I wish I knew where to go. Internet communities are entirely divided on idpol lines now.

I remember there being some more serious alternative anime boards here (/animu/, i think), but I've never gone there and can't really vouch for quality.

Fuck. I want to make my own board, but I know it'd just be dead. Can't stand twitter so I guess I will just try to be a normalfag. I just miss talking about anime. ;_;

Whats this from?

People either left for real life or went to Twitter. Or both. Or killed themselves.
I've been on Twitter since like 2009 and already back then I met a lot of veterans from /a/. They grew up and now have lives. We still talk either on Twitter or IRC or even Discord.
Also I stubbornly keep going to imageboards even though they really fucking suck nowadays and have sucked since like 2010. Even the small ones. I need to manage my time better and stop wasting time on those shitholes.

veterans from /a/ and /jp/*
God now I remember what happened to /jp/.

Any good irc or discord channels you could mention? Just need somewhere chill to talk about weebshit.

Last I looked at /jp/ it was just a bunch of general threads. Things really have gone to complete shit on 4chan.

Spoiler: They're not traps.

This. I'm expecting them to quickly go into the "She was retarded and grew up" route.

Doesn't look like Holla Forums shitposting as much as standard anti communist rhetoric. I'm sure theres Holla Forums faggotry mixed in however.

/g/ has a pretty strong anti-Holla Forums sentiment, and a lot of leftypol shitposting. /a/ is more of a mixed bag.

They're most probably right. Trigger has shat on communism in the past (Ninja Slayer), although it (or some of it) was in the original material, but still.

IMO I blame "board culture."




Why don't they just watch porn?
Why do they need shows with attractive girls?

They also announced KLK on leftist newspapers.

First, attractive girls are great. Second, because they long for the idealized relationships presented in that sort of media.

But there has to be a limit to how much they want to look at attractive girls. I like looking at attractive women, but after I fap I stop giving a fuck.
And I also long for a healthy relationship with a girl, but I don't watch that fucking trash, I just focus on the pain and loneliness and hope that it consumes my entire being. It hasn't yet, in fact all that's happened is I became numb to those sorts of feelings.
I like maybe 2% of anime, so I don't hate all anime.

I dropped /a/ and other boards I used to frequent like /vr/ when even normal discussion became shit (around the same time the Holla Forumsyps invaded on masse)
Now I only visit Holla Forums, and I will probably stop going here too. ←— proof that /polk/ are the same jackasses


/polk/ is run by the same shill group as Holla Forums and Holla Forums ←—- read this before anything else

the BO of /polk/ behaves EXACTLY THE SAME WAY AS Holla Forums BO and mods. (the archives above are a great example) they delete all the same exact things, and give the same shitty excuses. I would not be surprised if /polk/ is run by exactly the same people as Holla Forums.

in fact, Holla Forums /polk/ and Holla Forums moderation, volunteers, mods, board owners all exhibit the same exact behaviors. do not be surprised if they are all the same group of people all working together to manipulate everyone and disrupt the spread of the truth.

after some serious critical thinking about the events taking place in the present, and seemingly unrelated experiences in the past we have uncovered the extremely strong possibility that /a/ and Holla Forums to a moderate but slightly lesser extent were shill testing grounds for the disruption and culture molding tactics to be later used on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /polk/, only moving on when the community had been permanently ruined. they needed alot of training because /a/ didn't have the willpower and the meme magic that Holla Forums (starts here)
shit going on at with the mods literally being shills and stopping redpills from becoming common knowledge (intensifies) (intesifies more) (intensification intensifying intensifies)

The moderators are banning people who out them.
The moderators are banning people who do nothing more than link to threads on the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are banning people who QUOTE POSTS from the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are REGULARLY banning groups of 70,000's of IP addresses (in explicit violation of the site rules against doing so).
The moderators make a point of banning people who explicitly violate No BOARD rules, SITE rules, or US LAW, while also EXPLICITLY leaving up content that violates rules.

No no no, they don't want to be with the girls, they want to be the girls. They vicariously enjoy the enjoyment the girls experience. It's about that sort of 'comfiness' that's portrayed, the lack of serious conflict, of the community of the in group, and social validation that's displayed. The cute girls aren't objects of sexual desire themselves, but the desire to be desired , and so on.

Yeah, same situation here. Funny how I used to shit on social media so much almost a decade ago and ended up using Twitter (to talk to e-friends) more than anonymous boards.

To get that comfortable kind of feeling I just play video games and tv shows I loved as a kid.
Nostalgia is a drug with no real damaging consequences, I don't know why everyone hates it so much.


I don't watch chinese cartoons so I have no fucking clue what this is, anyone wanna post some webms?

Try checking the thread first.

Akko consistently proves herself to be best girl, though Barbara has the best ass.

virgin nazi weeaboos > autogynephiliac socialist weeaboos

Which anime is this?

You know they're just drawings right? Why are you talking about them like humans?

You sure must be fun at parties.

Fuck this gay earth

Little Witch Academia
I very rarely watch anime but its pretty good. Chill and pretty fun.

can i get some sauce for that?

When I stopped posting on /g/ they were pretty openly obsessed with muh Intel joos and thought free software was anticommunist.

You know that's just a string of letters, right? Why are you replying to it as if it was a human?

Balalaika a best

not everyone who talks about kikes actually thinks its a jewish conspiracy. loads of people talk about 'fucking kikes' and 'jewry' but only Holla Forumsyps believe it unironically.

Sure, but it makes Holla Forums feel like their inane views are popular, which is why they encourage it.

gets its laughs by pretending retardectc etc etc.

You know, /a/ is, in a large part, composed of two kinds of people.
(i) NEETs, trust fund kids or simply kids, provided for by someone else.
(ii) solitary working class whose lack of family and social responsibilities allows them to live comfortably even on low wages.
They won't be the forefront of the revolution, it's not something to get worked up about.

Because it's fun, you autistic faggot!

Comrade Akko

I want to get paid by porky for abducting Akko, then train her to be my cute little loli pet and get paid again by selling videos of her being humiliated and infantilized.

The LWA thread on 8/a/ has actually stayed fairly devoid of politics, thanks to the work of the meidos. /a/ is the only major board here which has managed to keep the Holla Forums cancer at bay.

I wonder if P5, Nier Automata, and episode 14 of LWA are indicators of rising class consciousness in Japan

Thats one hefty conclusion, friend.

I left 8/a/ when I responded to a Holla Forumsack shitting up a thread and got banned and posts deleted while he got to continue his ranting. The 8/a/ mods have a very clear preference for Holla Forums over Holla Forums at the very least even if they try to keep political discussion to a minimum.

You will find that stuff scattered throughout anime, manga, and games over the years, but I think there is a clear growth in discontent over there.

I know what you mean. Some mods definitely have a bias towards the right. Still, they almost always delete Holla Forums shit eventually. If you want to push leftist stuff in retaliation you have to be very subtle and low-key, although I'd rather we kept politics off there entirely.

What political ideology is Diana? I'm gonna say Monarchist

Why is sucy on the wrong side? I can't accept this.

We need a drawfag to make agitprop about Akko.

Honestly I see her as supporting a technocracy. I don't see her having much respect for idiots, whether they're peasants like Akko or part of the upper classes. She definitely thinks that only those who study and understand things with high proficiency should be in charge of anything.

Akko is Sucy's plaything. She will position herself in whatever place allows her to extract the greatest entertainment from Akko without experiencing the fallout when Akko inevitably fucks up.

As long as they didn't write her into something that breaks my heart. Only seen the originals so far.

Perhaps although she is still a bit of a traditionalist bowing to the head witches and going along with the schools old fashion customs

Akko is your typical rich girl who LARPs as a revolutionary while in school. I'm sure she will come to accept the status quo.

Akko isn't a rich girl though.

Sssshh let the SocDem shitpost now my man

I knew the animu market was shit but that's really fucked up. No wonder their population is dying when they can barely afford noodles.
In our side of the world the vidya industry is similar, although not yet that bad. You get way worse pay and hours for the same skill there than in other industries because it's a cool job.

my japanese neighbor once suggested we start a renters union because the landlord is an asshole.
I think they have potential.

Being anti-Communist isn't an exclusively Holla Forums stance. /a/ isn't Holla Forums but it sure as hell isn't Holla Forums either.

I knew several leftist /a/nons some years ago.


Yeah I'm getting real tired of the same faggot saying "8/a/ is free of Holla Forums!!!" in almost every anime thread here.





At the very least /a/ has far fewer posts by obvious Holla Forumsyps than Holla Forums. If Holla Forums's mods where half as competent as the ones on /a/, I'd actually visit here more often.

why do fansubbers feel the need to stick words in the middle of the screen?

1.) even if we can't read 団結 we can probably infer what it relates to through the context of the scene. is it *that* important?

2.) if it's indeed *that* important, why not just display "unity" at the top of the screen for a brief moment, like what professional subs do, rather than this weird floating in the middle of nowhere shit

I'm glad I know Japanese so I don't have to rely on these pretentious weeaboo hacks, but I feel bad for those who don't. fansubbers suck so much lol

It isn't "weird floating in the middle of nowhere shit". It's right next to the text it is a translation of. Personally I like it when sub groups do that. If they had added it as a normal subtitle, it wouldn't necessarily be clear which one was being said and which one was written.

If there is no shot where a subtitled translation of the text would be obvious, then it was never intended by the director to be central to the plot and you gain nothing by having it translated for you.

All it does is ruin the scene.

Also, how about " Headband: 'solidarity' "
Would that still be impossible to parse?

Dont you ever dare to use anime to push your propaganda. Japanese were never commies or will be. They were never leftwing or liberals. Anime is filled with strong family bonds, honor, pride and beliving in one culture and race.

So please if you will fuck off.

You sure about that?

I don't understand why you're so angry and emphatic about this.
"Headband: solidarity" would also be fine, but I maintain there's nothing wrong with the way they did it. It doesn't ruin the scene.

I have asparagus syndrome

Oh, okay, carry on then.
If it really bothers you there are programs which let you edit the subtitles (eg. Aegisub).



pure autism


Despite Japan being the country turning out probably the most Japanese economists in the 20th century, its large Communist party (not gonna lie, I've heard it's more soc-dem) and Marxism in its universities in the 30s?

Japan is like any other country, stop projecting your "hurr durr Japan pure" bullshit.

kek, *most Marxian

We aren't pushing anything you retard, this was in latest LWA's episode, we haven't done anything. Go cry elsewhere.

Anime isn't filled with anything, it's just a medium and it's "filled" with different things depending on the author, you fucking sperg. Stop trying to co-opt everything.

lol outbreak company literally ends with the uncovering of japan's conspiracy to brainwash other worlds with their shitty consumerist culture in order to control them economically.
Even in the beginning you had leftists in the industry.


If anything this episode as a whole showed how much of a pawn communists are, led by the interest of others thinking they are the one profiting. Also, they made it very clear that the teacher which sparked the revolution from behind the shadows was evil.
How desperate are you to find support for your retarded ideology?


Damn, Tezuka looked like a pretty based guy.

You don't get to call anyone a useful idiot if you ever supported Trump in any way.


It's obvious and natural for the translation to be put next to the translated text. The only complaint I have is not replacing the original text entirely. Lazy!

Professional subs are made with maximum compatibility in mind. They need to restrict themselves to ancient technology so your granny can watch them on her 20 year old DVD player.

And if you don't like the subs, you can just turn the off. The moment subs stopped interfering with the original video is the moment I stopped caring about what they do.

Did you guys even watch it?
I didn't even say people who believe in communism are pawns(they are), but that is what the show was.

drink bleach

Watch Little Witch Academia, it might help you understand what communism really is about.

Eat a bullet, it might help you understand that you should kill yourself.

Nice arguments.
This is how communists deal with people who disagree with them, nice one!

I don't want to have an argument. I want you to off yourself.


So much for the tolerant left.





How can LWA be anymore based?

sure thing porkie

Why is everyone pushing this Maoist trash? She's clearly an anarcho-syndicalist.

Because muh aesthetics.

because is fun.


>>>/leftyweebpol/ is back, lads.

that flag is so damn sexy