Melonchon is live

get in here faggots

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holy shit, and I thought it was impossible to say this kind of stuff nowadays

is the era of the neoliberal establishment finally over? is the real left back?

See you again in a few years, comrades.

im surprised at how many people there are.
Marine couldn't dream about getting that many people in one meeting.

Je ne parle pas français.

not yet
he'll make 15% at best and everybody will keep reminding it forever to say "lol u didn't win"
also he's done and won't be in the next elections, and a lot of his appeal is his speaking skills and cultural references

Except he not only has a political plan to destroy bourgie influence in the state, but socialise & syndicalise many industries.

He also got mad respect for calling the three main french billionaires & bankers that run the country, because no-one actually ever says their names it the political discourse.

He's already polling at 19%, and besides him doing well in the fist round will be a great springboard for the legislative elections for the PCF.

I hope Le Pen wins, I don't want another abject socialist failure.

When did it become cool to support cyrpto-fascists? What happened to defending liberal democracy because it is objectively better than right-wing despotism?

yeah. plus that's only the one latest poll.
he won their support by something like 53% from the base, the party higher ups were mostly opposed to an alliance. the PCF has a bad image and was doing awful in recent decades, mostly for systematically sticking to PS support, popularizing socialist ideas is not gonna turn this around.

Actually the most recent poll shows him above Macron (pic related).

And all polls for the last week have had im above 15%, he absolute kicked arse and took names in the debate: and he is more popular than any other candidate on a personality level (to the extent that FN voters like him more than the Thatcherite Fillion).

what's that first pic's source? I'm just looking at wikipedia. I don't wanna stay in my echo chamber just to feel better.
I was merely being hyperbolic.
there are no more debates before the first round.
sure, but it doesn't matter. everything is skewed by perceived "realism".

So what's this dude's deal? Is he just a socdem wrapped up in some radical rhetoric or is he the real deal?

The former.

all these candidates are right-wing

Given the current political climate, even classical socdem is dangerous radicalism.

Twitter poll, so not hte best but eh, online polls were more accurate in the Brexit referendum.


I mean seriously, this is the kind of thinking that allows for a complete inability to comprehend a political system. it is literally "everyone who supports economic intervention is a communist" tier.

Since when did socdems want to redistribute the means of production?


in-between. he's alright.

i tought he was just a socdem for a while, but after watching his videos and reading his manifesto he sounds like our guy©

Remember kids, Melenchon killed Rosa

He is 100% socdem.

Wut, he boot in that metaphor is meant to represent capitalism and the nature of the disparity between wages and value of goods produced by labour, so socialism would remove that boot. Social democrats just seek to humanise capitalism. Melenchon has a program that would literally introduce socialism to many areas of the economy, ergo is not a social democrat.

Or are we just in a "everything that doesn't involve MY specific methods and/or doesn't sit in an army chair is social democracy" mood today?

Dude Melenchon is the same as Rosa.


Yeah, because giving workers' ownership of the organisations for which they work and democratic say in management is DEFO nos socialism. /s

Well first Mélenchon would do no such thing (remember Mitterrand, Tsipras or… Hollande? – "mon ennemi, c'est la finance"); then no, this is not what socialism means.


Seriously this is not even in his programme.


literally who ?

Putain camarade arrête toi. Tu crain du zgeg la avec tes conneries. Enculé…


Oh wow, calling me a whore, wtf I am an impossibilist now.

T'en est déja un, bolosse. Agiter pour un politicien bourgeois par-ce qu'il utilise de la rhétorique révolutionaire? Tu ignores ou t'as complêtement oublié la lutte des classes avec tes conneries.

user, the Mélenchon supporter obviously doesn't speak French (he thinks you called him a white); please talk to him in English.

*he thinks you called him a whore

Pretty sure Putain is whore.

Why does that idiot agitate for Mélenchon when he doesn't speak French or have any kind of grasp of French politics, let alone revolutionary politics?

No, it means "damn (it)".

I guess you're right, I mean I can't support Rojava because I am not fluent in Kumanji.

It has nothing to do with your ability to support. You can support anything. What you can't do however is claim to know what you are talking about when you don't, and tell us Mélenchon is little more than a social democrat with fancy words.

what does that mean in non-frog speak?

My french is rusty, but I'm pretty sure it translates to "The rich live off the backs of the average man" or something like that.
(I'm not the same bookposter as and the rest)

the rich in France are living beyond our means

The noun "putain" means "whore", but used as an interjection as the user did, it means "damn it".

a book flag advocating reformism, color me surprised when they turn out to be the biggest fucking idiots.

Marxism happened.


1) Not an argument
2) Being stuck in an echo-chamber where everyone that isn't you is the same is the kind of thinking that ensures you remain in that echo chamber instead of, you know, actually constructing socialism. Arm-chairing or bombing police stations isn't going to change jack shit. The best movements also engaged in the parliamentary struggle, even Lenin and Rosa agreed on this for pete's sake.

Pretty sure there is an entire section in the communist manifesto where Marx exalts the virtues of bourgie democracy over rightist despotism, because you know, in the former we don't get shot for our beliefs.


Why do you wear that flag? Follow its advice and pick up a book. Good god.

Trumpism is now Marxism

And we wonder why leftypol gets no respect.

The Bolsheviks engaged in parlementary struggle only to demonstrate its uselessness to the masses. I suggest you read the Infantile disease.

Pretty sure you can quote him then.



No, it's factually correct.

"Question 16: How do you think the transition from the present situation to community of
Property is to be effected?
Answer: The first, fundamental condition for the introduction of community of
property is the political liberation of the proletariat through a democratic

Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith, Engels, 1847 (Fine, Not technically Marx but still).

Read a book.

property is the political liberation of the proletariat through a democratic
… as opposed to feudal despotism.

As for fascism, it is in no way different from liberal democracy.

Yes because under fascism the ability to protest, organise and publish are well respected.


What I mean is that liberal democracy itself devolves into fascism depending of the conditions.

take of that flag, stop posting and read more theory you retarded redditor

He sounds like /ourguy/ in sheep's clothing so as to not scare normies.

Anyways, can we get Melenchón memes going that can be spread deep into Facebook politiical discussions? This guy absolutely needs to win. He's our only hope.

Revolution is our perspective and our "only hope".

I was thinking that Melenchón was going to wake people up. I think if someone like Le Pen or Macron would win, we'd sooner die in nuclear hellfire than get a revolution going.

Goddamn I put the date of authorship rather than publication, wow, fuck me.

No politician, not even a Marx or a Lenin, can "wake people up". Things go the other way around.

The point is 1847 Marx and Engels are meme-tier and so is your knowledge of the theory.

Actual reformist scodem. The best kind

His entier compagne was about how it's the peoples who must and will change the system and makes things better.
Just today he was at a meeting, peoples where screaming "Mélenchon president !" And he told them to stop because it's not about him but about the program.

FN voters are hardly doctrinaire adherents of neoliberalism. Many of these types are former SocDem voters who switched to the reactionary right when the "left" kept doing nothing for them.

He's already by far the most popular candidate on social medias.

He's an actual SocDem, which makes him an radical communist these days because all SocDems have become Social Liberals.

yes he is.
he might be communist too, i am socdem and communist. that's not a contradiction at all.
you can cut the social there, there is nothing social about PS, SPD etc. anymore. they are neo-liberals at best, neo-conservatives at worst. stop calling them socdem, this gives actual social democrats such as mélenchon, lafontaine, wagenknecht, varoufakis etc. a bad name. again, PES, PS, SPD, SPÖ, PASOK etc. aren't social democrats, use their party abbreviation when refferring to them or call them liberals.

Shit guys, I begin to believe he has a chance.

If only the PS and Hamon were not such smug assholes.

The polls overestimate how many supporters Macron and Le Pen has. He can win.

He must lose so you can romanticize what could have been instead of having your dreams dashed on the pavement of capitalist reality.
