Recently the radical leftists Jean Luc melenchon has gained extreme amount of popularity in the french presidential poll. Does he have a change to beat Le Pen and bring a true left-wing goverment to France?
Melenchon Gains popularity
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He'll beat Le Pen but he won't beat Macron. The ideal scenario would be Mélenchon vs Le Pen or Mélenchon vs Fillon.
Polls are here
He's not there yet.
Honestly lê Pen might not go for second phase after denying french involvement on the jewish Roundup in 1942
Do Frenchies really care about that?
Hamon BTFO
He's not there yet but I honestly think he can do it. I predicted from the beginning that he would be the strongest candidate from the left because his campaign is really good and he has some normie appeal.
Tbh most people would Care If Lê Pen was a holocaust denier.
If he keeps himself away from Bullshit populism he May Win by having some good apeal for the proletariat in France.
Optimism is death.
Doesn't mean anything.
After Holla Forums I am always thinking everyone is secretly a holocaust denier.
fuck off reddit
For all what's worth I think one poll against Macron put him at 47 Melenchon-53 Macron.
If he is able to get enough of Le Pen's and Hamon's voters he might have a shot.Then again, he probably won't get to the 2nd round.
I am holocaust conspiracy theorist, I think that they killed much more people than reported, but the government is covering it up :P
Melenchon will make france great again!
He has no chance you fucking retards, but instead of rallying all of the votes behind Macron we have this guy and Hammon being a dumping bins for leftist voters and giving Le Pen a substantial chance.
I will hate the left forever if this guy gets enough votes that should have went to Macron and somehow Fillion and MLP make it to the 2nd tour.
ScumDems in a nutshell
fuck off liberal
Dirty dumb socdem scum
Kill you are self.
This has to be b8. Neck yourself neo-liberal apologist.
Macron isn't even a succdem you retard he is a "pro-business" reformist and former investment banker. He will destroy Frances social democratic state.
Can someone explain to me why he wants to step out of NATO? I understand the imperialist side of the organization, but isnt it dangerous to just leave the group? Wouldn't there be a lot of outrage as well in France?
What danger is there? The only thing that could pose a threat to France is NATO.
Why is it a danger to france?
Except, you see, France isn't retarded like America and has two presidential voting rounds. Thus, one can vote for Melenchon they tactically vote in the second round. Stop applying burger logic.
Also porky is better than a fascist, but a comrade should ALWAYS come first.
I bet when that guy voted in clapistan he mocked all the bernie supporters for not falling in line with hillary right away
I will never learn
I know he'll disappoint me. If he lives up to even half his promises despite the Blairites and Tories, I'll be amazed. If he nationalises the banks, I'll convert to Islam because that can only be the work of the Almighty.
kek'd. Insha'allah brother
kys plz, if he win, Lepen victory next election is certain.
that webm is so beautiful
A native showed it to me, it brings hope to my heart.
Fuck off, the useful vote shit is what gives weight to the far right's narrative
french comrades, how exactly does your voting system work and what important dates should i look out for?
Honestly does anybody have a translated version of the french presidential debate? The only thing i can find is pro Le Pen vídeos and small clips.
There's 2 rounds (April 23 and May 7). Only the 2 candidates who get more votes in the first round advance to the second round. The candidate that gets more votes in the second round wins.
Also, a candidate can win in the first round if he has more than 50% of the vote, but that never happens.
I'm not one of your comrades, but I hope I can be of help.
French elections are organised in 2 rounds. In the first one, all parties can present one candidate. French citizens cast their votes for the first round on April 23rd. The two candidates with the most votes will face of in the second round (except if one candidate manages to win 50% of the vote in the first round) which takes place on May 7th.
Isn't le pen at like 47 percent in the French polls?
Recent polls show her at 25% togheter with macron at 25% and melenchon at 18%. Honestly what im hoping is that fillon and macron conter Will vote for melenchon instead só that he can go for the second round.
She got 47% against Fillon (2nd round poll) and that's the most she got against him.
And Fillon is a sinking ship.
Even with those numbers she seems to have a good chance though
My Hope is also that the leftists Will mostly vote for melenchon since the PS has 8% of the votes and If they vote for melenchon this could secure him the second round for the elections.
Of going through, yeah, but in [quite possibly literally] all the second round polls she is beaten by the five big candidates. Besides, FN would need to win a majority in the legislature for her to get any of what she wants done.
I don't think so because she'll only win of she gets 17 million to 19 million votes.
Based on the 2012 presidential elections (6,421,426 votes) and the 2015 regional elections (6,820,147 votes) she'll get at the absolute most 12 to 14 million votes adn that's counting with protest votes. I really don't see where she will get the other millions.
This Harmon needs to drop out all the PS is screwed
He should just say to people to vote for melenchon so that Le Pen cant Win.
I think it would be awesome if Le Pen won, we could have Trump, Le Pen, Putin, Xi all at the same time. It would be glorious, we would have unified 'other' to rally the working classes around. One great leviathan of nationalist chauvinistic hypocritical crypto-imperialism, people would be redpilled forever on the fake egalitarianism and fake altruism of the nationalists and we would destroy the fascist spirit in Europe and America forever. I say we all push for Le Pen's victory.
Nobody is buying this stupid bullshit. You're clearly from Holla Forums, and even if you aren't you don't belong on this board.
That would be an absolute cancer. Trump alredy showd himself a neo liberal by atacking syria and Le Pen is no diferent she just dosent want imigrants but Will continue imperialism as normaly as posible If not worse she also seems to be in favor of austerity since "the imigrats are the one geting healthcare and wellfare" she is just using bullshit populism to enact austerity.
jfc did you not read? Trump is pushing polyps to us, he's pushing right wingers to us. If we support more idiots like him, then after the honeymoon phase inevitably wears off there will be a vacuum which we will fill. Strategic support of useful idiot reactionaries is a necessary tactic when the progressive idpol'ers control the public's perception of leftism. When all you have are Corbin, Sanders and id-pol you need to think on your feet.
you guys are falling into the Holla Forums shilling Olympics, where every dissenting opinon is met with borderline schizo accusations of being the opps
That's some great reasoning you've got there pal. Either you're from Holla Forums or you're just a dipshit who doesn't understand politics. Kys friendo
Accelerationism Just costs too much now the US has extremely high tensions Just becouse Trump did a dumb move.
No he isent he is just making them anti Trump, nearly no polfag has stoped believing in their bullshit they just jumped from the Trump wagon and pretended they never suported him.
Not that guy but you'd be surprised at the amount of guys re-thinking their shit. Complete 180º shifts happen a lot, especially with young people.
What are they singing?
I still doubt he's going to win.
And even if he does, what changes to the system is he going to make? How in the hell will he make france socialist, and not just be another Succ-dem?
I know I'm sounding defeatist here, but how do we know he won't backstab his followers like Trump did?
Socdem doesn't even know L'Internationale when he hears it. Wow. Just wow.
Unfortunately my thoughts as well. Capitalists can go on strike if demsoc starts happening. They needed help from the CIA with Allende in Chile, but MNCs could easily do it on their own in France. Plus, there's the troika to consider. Seeing as there hasn't been a Frexit, they're still under Juncker's thumb.
simply no.
disrupting the EU is worth it
He will simply be swallowed by the EU technocrats and the bureaucrats of France
Not necessarily. He's gaining popular support and has an axe to grind with the socialist party types in government. Not to mention, the president has tremendous institutional power in france.
One of the main ways le Pen established some sort legitimacy for the FN was getting rid of Many of the anti-semites, her dad included. Pushing on her denial did help reveal that tactic as phony.
Then he has proven that there can be no compromise or reform but revolution
meant to reply>>1562922
No that's Holla Forums propaganda.
pleeease don't let the best candidate win!! just completely compromise your values and vote for someone who will still fuck you anyway!!!
nice flag you rosa killing fuckface.
but thats exactly the point. we have melenchon, a (relatively) idpol-free candidate who has an actual socialist background. maybe there could be positives to le pen victory over macron, but there's no reason to randomly shift support to le pen over melenchon
Remove that flag and get a porky or democrap flag instead, you liberal false flag shithead. Macron is a banker neoliberal and virtually no different from Fillon, while JLM is a real Social Democrat.
It's possible. But France would be the first pillar-nation of the EU to turn hard left, in stead of a peripheral one, so they have a better chance that all the Syriza and Podemos put together. I have some hope.
What's your problem with Podemos?
Ma coeur est en peine parce que je veut la victoire pour JLM, mais j'en suis pas sure s'il est possible.
Pour ce moment j'ai l'espere, mais ca sera pas assis, est je sais ca trop.
keep learning
Bien sur, mon amis.
Il peux gagner.
Il est devenu le politicien le plus apprécier du pays et les médias sont clairement effrayer par son suces.
Les sondages disent que lui et Fillion sont a peux prés aux même niveaux, mais quand Fillion a fait un meeting a Marseille il a eu 5.000 personnes, quand Mélenchon a fait un meeting a Marseille il en a eu 70.000.
Mon* coeur est en peine parce que je veux* que JLM gagne* (using a verb is more used formulation in this context), mais je ne suis pas sûr(e if you're a grill) que ça soit* possible.
Pour le* moment j'espère*, mais ça ne sera pas décidé (did you literraly translate sit? not sure what you meant), et je ne le sais que trop*/ je ne sais pas trop* (not sure what you meant).
Bien sûr, mon ami*.
I-is that?
Maximilien Ilitch Mélenchon
now that's a proper name haha
Why are you even hear if you don't know what that is?
la réaction est normale il vient de passer devant fillon et le pen+macron baissent.
ça sent mauvais pour porky…
Le Pen does social democratic shit so Melenchon might have less to run against her
It's a fucking badge of honor is what it is.
Hamon is a SocDem but his economic plan is awful, our only chance is Macron but because France is full of stupid LARPers like you or working class morrons that Melenchon can seduce with his way with world, we might actually give the reignes to Le Pen instead of Macron which at worse is the lesser evil and at best can actually work within the capitalist system and still keep the social democracy that we have here.
I have a question to the American comrades
Did you have an actual communist candidate this year? I didn't watch the earlier debates but were there people in the debate that openly professed their communist beliefs and openly spoke against capitalism?
there is literally no way the pen wins
she may make it too the second round but shes never even had a close poll percentage where its head to head versus any other of the big 5 candidates
nigga this is america, bernie sanders is basically a moderate social democrat and mainstream democrats treated him like he was a pie in the sky dreamer and republicans viewed him like he was a red army officer
Is it happening?
Is the Western youth getting pushed to the left?
What can we do to help?
who is the guy between corbyn and melenchon
Pablo Iglesias.
What does all this frog mean?
it's basically all saying how he'll just be a disaster for france, he's the french Chavez, the media is being too complacent with him, etc. Just the media trying to rip on him.
Friendly reminder that Melenchon was plotting to overtake or probably just destroy the socialist party on the ground that it wasn't radical anymore and is on a vendetta to get back at Hollande.
I don't know why you guys seem excited about JLM governing France. I don't think he's gonna do better than our last president who made a load of promises to the proletariat but ended up giving money to capitalists.
Je vois pas pourquoi vous vous excitez sur Merluche, c'est un socialtraître. Vous devriez arrêter de croire que les élections vont changer quelque chose au destin du prolétariat. La révolution se fera par l'érection du prolétariat en classe, à la suite de luttes acharnées. Si vous pensez que mettre un bulletin dans l'urne va changer quelque chose, vous êtes des moutons.
Votez pour la camarade Nathalie.
your shitty protest vote isn't wanted.
Every time.
this is actually a good thing
and if you disagree I suggest you are not in fact a socialist at all, or uninformed
Well it begs the question, is he on a mission for the people or to go down get vengance on the P.S playing him like a fiddle.
Newest poll has The difference between Macron and Melenchon at just 4 points. hamon is polling at 8 points, if Melenchon is close I'm sure some Hamon people would defect to Melenchon. I mean who likes Hamon but thinks Melenchon is too extreme?
Macron isn't a socdem you fucking retard he's a neoliberal with broad support from the upper class and mainstream media.
Excusez mois, parlez vouz Anglais?
what's the content here?
Just listen to the song they put at the end, you will get an idea of the content.
It's from a documentary called War of the lefts.
Melenchon felt that the Socialist Party was only socialist in name, he also hated how hated how a lot of them turned on Miterrand after his death and threw rocks at him, He pushed for a step back toward the original Socialist values and a merging with the Communist party. later on he conspired from within with the more leftist people in the party to take over and run the party back, He made a pact with Holland and got backstabbed so he left and joined the Left Front.
All the more power to him.
Why not both?
They're shook.
This. If anything, both Harmon and Melenchon are the true socdems.
classic trot
All of the mentioned coalitions didn't live to their expectations since they're under a bourgeois liberal democratic system. Revolutions are done by the masses in active struggle and not by submitting to the passive logic of suffrage.
that's what's been happening and mostly the reason why he rised in the polls. Hamon is stagnating around 8-9 now.
pretty sure some would, if only for his "personality" which is a big problem for a lot of people. nevermind the shitty, biaised questions he's always asked that he has to deconstruct every time.