Which narrative about gamers and nazis do you believe?

I see two viewpoints when socialists talk about gamers (see pic)

A. Gamers would have been considered inferior in Nazi Germany and would have been killed

B. The Nazis of yesterday would have been gamers today and the Nazi Revolution was basically the beta male uprising, with Nazis having many parallels to gamers.

Which do you believe is true?

C. Neither, spend less time in your echo chambers.

C. Kill yourself.

Who would identify primarily as a "gamer" over, anything else? Even Holla Forums was making fun of this shit directly before gg and I'm pretty sure the term was about to die.

A. You retards don't have consistent enough overlap, the vast majority of people who play video games aren't nazis and the majority of nazis aren't internet nazis like you.

I know by 'gamer' you mean 'beta' or 'robot' so I'll humor this.
robot nazi is basically transgendered muslim tier cuckoldry, tbh.

People who honestly believe that Nazis would have been gamers don't understand Nazi policy and view towards art, culture and entertainment.

Ive considered in the past making a youtube channel where I pose as a Nazi and use Nazi arguments and ideas to basically trash every single video game ever as being degenerate Jewish trash, and generally finding anything no matter how small in a game that a Nazi could possibly find objectionable and using it to attack the game and its creators. And then end the reviews with comments about how the game should be banned and destroyed and etc and maybe how the creators and people who enjoy it should be sterilized. Maybe I will make a bunch of videos on Anime too to the same effect. I figure that people who watch it who are apart of those groups will either snap out of their meme tier Nazism or just get really angry and sperg at me which is win/win for me since I can obviously take the moral ideological high ground in the argument and dismiss them as an "Untermensch" or a degenerate or something.

But Hitler did like Snow White before disney started churning out anti nazi propaganda. Its impossible to say what theyd think of modern gaming

not a thing that is gonna happen, ever

I believe if you call yourself a gamer without feeling bad you should be shot

It's easy, you just need to look at specific movies and art and literature that was banned or rejected by Hitler or the NSDAP and then extrapolate from there. Anything that is "ugly" and not idealized is degenerate since the purpose of art to Hitler is to inspire patriotism and national pride and horror films in Nazi Germany were banned for the most part so from there I can literally shit on every single horror game ever made. Silent Hill? Degenerate. Resident Evil? Degenerate. Dead Space? Degenerate (more like degenerate space amirite?) nobody who actually believes in the ideology they claim to follow will be able to stop me.


It's not that those things aren't allowed by nazi's, many of them were bohemian rogues, degenerate, vile and indulgent. As long as they are the right sort of people, these things don't really matter to them.

sounds like a massive waste of your time and effort

go for it

Video games are fun and cool, Video Gamer """culture""" is cancer and anyone who willingly subscribes to it should be shot


exhibit A at his trial before the people court

Neither, Gamers got swindled by your reactionary rhetoric.

dont you know that true gamers buy limited edition double xp sierra mist

Being a gamer is an apolitical thing anyone can be a gamer


Right, the "gamer nazi" meme was made up as damage control after Holla Forums and Holla Forums caught Porky fucking up the gaming industry.

the Nazi revolution (what a weird thing to call it, they were elected into power by the people, Germans wanted the NSDAP in power) was an Alpha male revolution. All of the leaders were alpha males. Betas were the one's who fell into lockstep to die for them, but Alphas took over, Hitler and Goebbels and Himmler may have been short and ugly but they were basically alphas psychologically and their peers were for the most part alpha males.

Nazis would have gassed the fuck out of hentai watching lard ass autists tho

People unironically believe this?

You're kidding right? The NSDAP was full of criminals, junkies, Neets, sociopaths, closet homosexuals. So much for the "superior race".

Only Holla Forums does, the German people voted the communists and socdems over the nazis in every free election

That's not a gamer, Holla Forums, that's you.

The Nazis main support base was disgruntled WW1 vets and petty bourg. They weren't a bunch of basement dwellers and social outcasts.

C. Gamers are often either children or full grown adults who are addicted to videogames.

the masculine homosexuality of fascists isn't the same as the faggot homosexuality of the Liberals. Totally different fixation.
criminals are alpha-omegas, if they're of good stock they make excellent shock troops and vanguard class
20th century German NEET's aren't the same as 21st Century burgerstani NEET's. Whole different caliber of autism and will power. NEET's are also often suited well to psychopathic bureaucracy and totalitarian police states.
yeah but they weren't in charge. The psychopath alpha males were in charge. Alphas are psychopaths
Germans are the greatest killers and destroyers in the history of the world. That is their great claim to fame. To this day no other State has killed at as fast a rate as the Nazis did. The Japanese and Nationalist Chinese are the only peers that come even close to that level of depravity. So in a sense if their goal was to kill and annihilate (and I think it was subconsciously) then they succeeded far beyond anyone's imagination. They wiped out thousands of human settlements and traumatized Jews and Russians into neurotic paranoia regarding invasion and extermination.

Ah yes, that thing that didnt happen…

The 1918 armistice was literally gamergate

Term gamer is fucking retarded, its just a fucking hobby, dont center your whole identity around it


I like the Nazi tag where do I get one?

"gamers" are not a real category. Generalizing them is stupid.

Same shit, different toilet.
Yep the greatest destroyers and killers of white people, whatever that means.

This is one of the most inaccurate things I've ever read.