You can't deny this

You can't deny this.

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They're cut from the same tribalism, sure, but Anita - ultimately - is harmless and despite her somewhat authoritarian tendencies, she's nowhere near as likely to propagate a "day of the rope" scenario as Duke is.



I bet under that suit David is THICC


Duke is kind of a softcore racist honestly, I don't think he'd propagate a Day of the Rope scenario either.

Communism was strictly made to destroy butts in video games and subvert not the white race, but the gamer race

no racist will actually cause that to happen, they've proven how soft they are. They're no longer lynching blacks or forming armies. They've become so passive that they think Darren Wilson killing one unarmed black teen is a racial victory.

OOH they voted Trump, that'll show the women and gays! No it won't, it's just made the entire Republican party look like idiots even worse than Dubya did.

Anita isn't really harmless, since the media takes her fascist ass seriously. The UN takes her seriously. The Canadian PM likes her. SJWs have proven they can actually do some nasty shit when slightly provoked. For a bunch of deranged women who grew up on Jem and Rainbow Brite, they've shown bigger balls than the KKK.

One is actively changing an entire industry profitability be damned the other can barely walk the streets in safeyy. Just another commushit false equivalence.

Contrapoints would be cool if xe wasn't admittedly so subject to peer pressure.

pretty good feel tbh

There is nothing wrong with Dr. David Duke, stop spreading lies about him

Is a feminist bitching to nerds about too many tits in vidya really on par with a white nationalist?

Of course, they're on the same side.

dude, he wants to kill everyone who is not exactly like him. there is totally a lot of evidence for this ridiculous claim.

I could use some information about this semen demon tia

Thanks my dude, my penis thanks you


Kill yourself

She's a spiritual arsonist.
She was a fraud, before she met Josh McTosh and her feminist career began. Josh writes the shit, she's just reading it from a prompter. There was a time where she tweeted stuff, he initially said, but didn't get much replies.

Also she's also some sort of cultist. She doesn't engage in debates, which gives her an aura of untouchability (it'S up to Joshboy to take the fall), yet it is impossible to criticise her without getting called mysogynerd, even if you point out obvious bullshit like the stage Hitman segment, where she played with the ragdolls of some prostitutes and pretended the game rewards you for this.

Ah, yes. I remember when the SJWs went out on twitter and openly denied the Holocaust, like the alt-right did.

Hahahaha, I'd pay money to see Antia call for the extermination of gamergaters

they openly deny that feminists lie about rape all the time, they think "boobs on video game characters "is equal to wanting to rape women, they think women who beat their kids are not doing any harm.

But when it comes to real rapists, like Adam "Zaush" Wan, they don't give a fuck. I've informed Anita about what he did to a woman, she wrote it off and ignored it.


they took my soul, they took my games, but the SJWs will not take my white pride..

Join MAT Discord

Quit posting this in every thread. This is honeypot looking shit.

Don't bump the thread when responding to spam.

My bad. I responded too hastily.

He's Cappie as fuck tho. At least Metzger gives lip service to Asserism. He'll way shit's going Spencer's gonna transform into Jimmy Pozzaro before the year is out.

hatemonger = truthmonger
fraud = of what?
plagarist = all works are derivative
phony credentials = as if we need permission by some ivory tower intellectual to speak on a subject
exterminate anyone different = neither want that
serves no purpose to society = as defined by ivory tower intellectuals
only listened to by mentally ill = assertion without proof.

Truth is painful, antisemitic, triggering and unpleasant to hear. When has that ever not been the case.

Why are you defending Sarkisian?

The vidya game community's unhealthy obsession with this woman will never end will it