The ancoms created one and they nitpicked about statelessness, so I made a second one that focuses on Marx's alienation theory. Should be more effective with the robots - their whole life is alienation.
Get in here!
The ancoms created one and they nitpicked about statelessness, so I made a second one that focuses on Marx's alienation theory. Should be more effective with the robots - their whole life is alienation.
Get in here!
You're only going to make them hate us more.
Who cares, they hate nothing as much as themselves
Found the leftcom.
Someone post those screen craps from the best of which explain how capitalism warps peoples self-esteem and relations between the sexes.
You fail to understand the level of alienation that these individuals are on. You fail to use talking points that emphasize with then followed by a poorly timed quint. Overall I'd say this is trash.
Fuck. I don't got 'em.
All fields
capitalism is not the root of all suffering for robots. Women entering the workforce = women don't need a husband anymore to support themselves financially. They have replaced their husband with porky and the state.
Women's sexual liberation = women are free to engage in casual sex with Chads instead of being forced to settle down with socially awkward autistic omega males.
The community is disintegrating. People only care about what you can do for them. They don't care about you.
Yeah, I miss when women were slaves to fellow men instead of the system and you could freely beat them and stuff.
And why did women enter the workforce en masse?
Hmm. Comes back to the capitalists again.
Don't forget to mention state issued AI android waifus for the purpose of companionship
I'm just saying the way things are. I'm not saying we should go back to the "good ol' days". I don't think I am better than the "roasties." Because if I was a roastie, I would act the exact same way. I have fantasies of being a woman and I have acted out these fantasies by cybering with guys while pretending to be a woman. I'm not cybering with autistic robots. I'm cybering with hot guys (or at least autistic robots pretending to be hot guys on the internet).
Capitalism ushered women into the workforce. But how is socialism going to change that? Hell do robots even want to go back to being beta providers? A large percentage of them are NEETs (myself included. Though while I consider myself a robot, I don't actually like /r9k/ itself. /r9k/ is a very toxic, crab mentality environment.)
That said, the women's sexual lib pandora box is already open. Women are going to gravitate towards the alpha males. Because women have options. I don't blame them.
Nigga please, we need both men and women to create an entirely new system. Women joining the labor force under capitalism only sped up its eventual decline (it was inevitable anyway). Economic freedom and independence is good and paves the way to socialism.
There is a lot going on here user. Your loneliness might not be a women problem.
Whoa the classcuckery over there perfectly communicates Steinbeck's idea of "temporaily embarrassed millionaires".
They all actually seem to believe that capitalism works "if you work hard enough".
No! What the fuck are you doing?
They are miserable, but they don't want any help. Instead they want to gleefully drag you down on their level.
They are fucking despicable.
Out of all boards you want to recruit the assholes! What the fuck do you think you do?
You can't recruit them without fully understanding and empathizing with them. You see them as nothing more than a source of bodies, so I'm pretty sure you don't empathize with them.
Which board would you sugest is better for recruitment?
Your local university. Get out of the basement cracker 😂
Basically this. If something works out for robots it would be reactionary or communitarian.
A socialist society, where mothers are economically dependent on the state or commune and cohabit with men as far as they like to, would be far, far worse for most men socially. It would be the practical obliteration of male familial roles. You would get attention and affection as long as you can entertain people, and past that you're worthless.
A lot of communists are comically lazy when it comes to social theory. Capitalism is the dominant system, so getting rid of capitalism will replace the dominant system with something that shares none of its issues. The superstructure, you see.
you already know they won. just quit with your market shilling already
Try to find places where Bernie was popular. Social misfits are prone to reaction and lean right. You'll get university grads buried in debt, college kids, philosophy nerds, and redditors. Your best bet on 4chan is actually Holla Forums as long as you're willing to put up with racism. Other than that, /lit/ and /lgbt/.
what kind of talking points do you think would resonate with them, if any?
Remind them of NEETbux, free healthcare, and other things that benefit people on the fringes of society
Stress being against:
Shallow ideals
Remind them that right wing politics is about shitting on people at the bottom. Remind them that fascist ideals favors Chad even more, and that they have a bigger chance of finding someone in a society that's less about competition and social hierarchies. Argue against their utopian ideas about traditional society, while not defending feminism and idpol.
Acknowledge society is unfair and has been so to them. That the left is about a fairer society.
Don't be condescending.
t. depressed NEET virgin
/lit/ is solidly leftist already. /lgbt/ doesn't discuss economics or class issues, just queer rights if anything political. id/pol/ really is the best place to go, but the only way you can get positive attention for left wing economics is if you typify the capitalists porky's as le happy merchant Jews (kikes) and point out all the rich Jews trying to subvert western civilization with their money and how Capitalism is the system that permits it.
Soooo…….Reddit? No thnx