Hello /cuckypol/...

Hello /cuckypol/. I am a Holla Forumsack who has been seeing your "feels>reals" meme for some time now and I am wondering how this is even a legitimate insult since it is nothing more than a strawman. We don't put feelings over reality, we do the fucking opposite. Our ideology is based on natural observations of our environment and we strive for a harmonious relationship with these natural laws to achieve the best society possible. Of course this does not mean we our without any feelings, in fact, quite the opposite. We are sympathetic to all those who have had their lives made worse by diversity and other leftist nonsense. Look at the 14 words and how we want every White man, even the poorest one, to be treated the same as the richest.

In all, I would say we are about 50/50 feels and reals. If you think there is a problem with that, you are reaffirming all the "propaganda" of commies being portrayed as heartless monsters. Speaking of that, don't you people make fun of ancaps for being heartless bastards? Very ironic.

tl;dr your feels>reals meme is retarded and I'll probably be banned for this post.(NAZI WAS ACQUAINTED WITH THE CURB FOR THIS POST)

Nice blog post.

All Holla Forums does is put feels before reals, that's what idpol is, whether it's on tumblr or halfchan.

You place identity ("white", "aryan" or whatever) above economic reality. SJW do the same thing. There is literally no reason why I should submit myself under a white capitalist just because we share the same pigmentation.

Ok bucko


Did you mean to post this on Holla Forums? All you people do is get cucked by daddy Trump.

Feels > reals

please break your fingers and never post on any forums or image boards ever again you fucking autist

Very big claims from the board that supports killing people over irrelevant shit like race or sexuality or de-generacy or whatever.

Your lot certainly doesn't act like it.

So feels>reals?

nice spooks nerd

Yeah, whatever faggot.
You are free to believe in whatever makes you happy.

This is considered a naturalist fallacy, I recommend you look it up.

Yes, because its all those darn brown people exploiting your surplus value

"white" is kinda loaded
plus white people suck

Child rape kinda sucks tho

mods please let him stay, this will be fun

all and all, this is a pretty ironic run of the mill shit post. You try to justify your views as solid by just stating "natural laws" with out providing anything to back up your views.

I rate

God I hate metaphysical faggots so much. Like that SpaceGiko fascist on Twitter whose dick every leftist there rides for some reason.


The economic reality is that Whites strive under any system. Also race is not just pigmentation retard.

I guess leftists really don't believe in evolution. Have fun staying in the 18th century.

I thought you people hated the 1%? You don't seriously think they aren't raping children?

Fuck off faggot.

Do you even know what natural means?

lol nice image
now we need an image of cat alunya kicking nazi girl


Fuck off.

I do, I'm more interested in knowing what are those "natural laws" and how does one "live harmoniously" with them.

Feels > reals


Besides it being obvious

Hol up famalam

just stop before you really embarrass your self

So tell me more about these natural laws and how to live harmoniously with them.


Have fun staying in the 18th century, "leftycucks"! Praise Kek!




Feels > reals

tl;dr a black guy one time called me a cracker and I never really got over it

We support that because we want a stronger race. We kill off the dead genes so to speak to create a better people. Commies just want to destroy for the sake of destroying. There's a big difference.

Read Mein Kampf and some Murray Rothbard.

Like I said, the evidence is everywhere. If you want to believe everyone is exactly the same then that's your retarded choice.

tf are you even saying now

You don't even have an actual basis for claiming whites are the strongest race and you lost the only big war you fought.

how convenient

Also you can't even explain a simple term without telling someone to read a book. So much for the superior race.


So you can't even write some shitty bullet points? And even you bring up the fucking 🍀🍀🍀Rothbard🍀🍀🍀, an advocate of the system that has been extremely efficient at nuking everything that can't be sold on the market? Wew.

are CIA shills/Jews. So much for hating jews I guess.

Also, obligatory.

Why nobody have ever draw Alunya raping Polyna yet is beyond my comprehension.

This is what Holla Forumsacks actually believe about genetics.

Oh good another strawman about communism and egalitarianism haven't had one of those in a while.


Because we aren't subhuman nignogs/vikvogs who rape and pillage.

Because Alunya and Christ-chan is the OTP.

This. Fucking SpaceGiko was busy misunderstanding Descartes the other day and some dude corrected him and he had a total sperg-out. Right wingers can't into metaphysics.






You can stick around, we need jesters.


Nailed to a cross.


Heil Hitler.
Nvm, Rope.


Ahaha, you can stay with the other comedian.

A lot of people hanging around itt, I see.

I have some bad news for you fam…

Ironic coming from a user on this board. All you people do is say read a book. I ask you to read a book and you get mad haha.

The fact of the matter is that Whites know best when it comes to living in this unforgiving world. We built civilization and spread it throughout the world. What have other races done? Fucking nothing. We respect this land and cultivate it for our people without overstepping natural boundaries and permanently fucking up everything. Non-whites on the other hand don't give a fuck and are destroying the planet instead of giving back to it.

You don't even know one of the most basic things about anonymous boards you fucking newfag.

protip OP, argue in good faith next time

Leftists follow him because he's "nice" or something and also because he posts anime and thinks traps aren't gay despite whining about how society is feminized and the past was so great and justifying their "degeneracy" with feels>reals bullshit

So what have you contributed to the world, mighty white man? Shitposts on chinese cartoon boards don't count btw.


I'll be honest, I thought I was going to be banned right away so I wasn't ready to argue.

That's not the point. The point is that on average Whites have and always will contribute much more than other races. White NEETs don't kill the fact of White men being the superior contributor to the world.

Haha, so you really have no merits except "being white".

So to sum it up, you need the perceived accomplishments of other humans that have your skin colour to feel good about yourself, because otherwise you'd be a complete failure?

Yeah, totally not feels > reals.

So basically you came into this argument already convinced that you were right? Why post then? What's the point of talking to us if you're not at least a little in learning about our ideologies and challenging your own views? I don't get it.

OP is clairvoyant like all other Holla Forumsacks

what he feels is scientifically provable.

o shit….

The mass exploitation of the natural resources started only after feudalism has been completely overtaken by capitalism and has little to do with the race, as both Chinese, French and Ethiopians peasants during the feudal era did not produce to sell the crops to the market, but to consume them on their own. Only with the total domination of the commodity production has the destruction of the planet kicked and. Moreover the assumption that one particular group is been less exploitative than the others is retarded seeing that mr. Chink and mr. Burger are both willing to fuck over the environmental standards if that means higher surplus value to extract.

I contribute to my community. Tbh I could do more but it's a good start since I live in a very white neighborhood.

c-call me that again desu~~

I just wanted to inform your kind that your meme was nothing more than a strawman.

Whites have always been at the top of the food chain and that won't change unless demographic suicide happens.

I recognize that unfiltered capitalism has cause that. That's why I am a Not Socialist.

In addition to that you actively promote and submit yourself to authority and embrace your position at the bottom of hierarchy. You are the biggest cucks that ever lived.

Was that before or after brown people were inventing civilization and the Chinese were so wealthy that they literally didn't want any European goods?


But it isn't tho. You don't give a shit about a overwhelming majority of racial science that debunks the way that you perceive races to be. You literally care more about your feels than reality fam

Sorry your white gal crush doesn't like u

Reminder that nazis always have and always will suck corporate cock and are the last desperate bastion of capitalism.

So tell me, how is your socialism going to look from the economic perspective? Include class relations, state of the market and so on.

Also why the fuck did you bring up Murray "buy a little girl for a 10$ bill" Rothbard if you're a socialist?


So nothing's changed then. :^)

So if you approve of any economic system provided it "supports Whites" then what's the point of calling yourself a socialist if you don't really pursue it from the economic perspective?

what is it with Holla Forums posts that all read like a fucking copypasta

Kek you know that the Indus Valley civilization invented inoculations and a sewer system in 2000 BC that Europeans wouldn't have until thousands of years later right?

Oh and the beginning of European colonialism was only possible with the use of gunpowder (Chinese) the compass (Chinese), cannons (Turkish), and triangular sails (Arab). Even then Europe was largely on par with countries like Persia and China until the mid 19th century when industrialization took off. Now the West is being overtaken by the Chinese. So congratulations, you have 150 years of white dominance, while the rest of history they're either on par with or inferior to other civilizations. Some master race.


You got me lad. I guess I'm just some autist on the internet that likes talking about fringe politics on chinese cartoon imageboards that 99% of the populous aren't interested in or can't relate to.

they think through memes


Europe was Christian during its period of dominance too. Also if your genetically superior then certainly you can overcome some little thing like religion.

I hope your happy user-kun

So wouldn't mind capitalism provided it could somehow make whites "strive their best"?
What have handouts to do with anything?

Not to mention that pagan Europe really only manages to overtake middle eastern empires in the 300s BC with Alexander, before that it was totally inferior to the Persians, Egyptians, Babylonians etc who were charting the stars and building megalithic architecture while your pure Aryan ancestors hadn't even figured out agriculture.

anyone has this pic of Christ-chan in a veil?
I swear to god I had it somewhere on my drive

I find that people who get "redpilled" constantly complain about how much worse their life is after being redpilled. This is due to the social isolation and anti-social behavior that right-wing ideologies tend to promote. If you think strength is the most important thing, or that fun (which is essentially just stuff that you don't like) should always be opposed.

Take the dialectical-pill. It will help you to understand the world and how you relate to it. Dialectics helped me understand why I acted the way that I did and made me a happier person overall tbh




So you're not really a person wanting socialist economic system as you claimed, but merely a generic, white supremacist with a little regard to economy. You're a reason why we call Nazis not socialists over here.
Socialism was never about "muh welfare", you actually bought into the propaganda of retards from Fox News who also bitched about Obama being a crypto-communist.

Poor Asser brothers must be rolling in their graves..

Oh yeah, I also remember the time when Mediterranean Sea was surrounded by a multi-racial empire ruled by Southern Europeans, while amongst other white ethnicities the pure blooded aryans practiced savagery.
Or that other time period called the Middle Ages, when whole Europe was sitting in its own shit while the Arabs actually cared about hygiene, practiced medicine far more effectively and preserved the works Greek philosophers for the future generations.
And of course, there is that place called "Eastern-Asia" which probably doesn't exist in your mind.

lel I forgot about the wordfilter

change "fun" to "Dᴇɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴄʏ" lel


This one?

you're a lifesaver

Nice artwork, not gonna lie.

Not sure that I follow. How is right wing ideologies inherently more anti social? Is it just that you're average person today is quite liberal?

It's in the better interest of people generally, yes. Mainstreaming things like homosexuality and promiscuity is usually a symptom of moral decay. But people aren't evil for falling for it, and "opossing Dᴇɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴄʏ" isn't the be all and end all of societal cohesiveness.

Well I'm happy for you if that's true. But ideologies are only great in so far as people are great. Ideologies are not people, so you shouldn't invest in them as if they were.

Beginning of Thread
End of Thread

Nice spooks faggot.

He says while he posts under a Nazi flag.

Feels are the only thing that matters politically.

What are your rls?

Well I don't won't to live in it. have you decadents.

It's so that you know that it's me. you don't have IDs in this place famrad. :^)

You may call us leftists a joke, but honestly you're a laughing stock yourselves.

You will always be associated with a pedophile, a trap fucker, a dumb fuck president, and a white nationalist who got his arse handed to him by a resurrected shit-eating cuck, and got glitter bombed and punched again.

You can say that our ideology is a joke, but honest to god, at least we didn't divulge into the autistic shreiking idpolers that you are now.

We don't give a fuck about wether you're black or not, or if you were white. If you were facing racism, regardless of ethnicity, we would call it out. But no, that's not good enough for you faggots. God forbid, we have leftists who actually don't divulge into intersectionality and "muh white privelege" and feel the need to blame all their problems on one ethnicity alone, hoping that by replacing one ethnicity with another it will somehow make an already fucked system better.

Partially, but that's only a small part of it. In short right-wing ideologies tend to blame cultural and social phenomena for how bad the world is. This tends to cause right wingers to resent other people for not conforming to their idea of how people should act in society. This resentment gets expressed in social isolation and (sometimes violently) lashing out at the people they encounter in their life.

Contrast this with leftism, which tends to blame social structures for how bad the world is. This tends to cause resentment against the system which pushes groups of like-minded leftists together to fight against the system that they believe fucks them all over. Leftism tends to be more social. Not always tho.

That's the thing though, through studying how capitalism and our society affects us you gain a better understanding of your behavior and place in the world. Leftism makes you more self-aware imo

We don't make fun of ancaps for being heartless bastards in order shame them, it's just that ancap is build on sterile pacifist deontology, we simply apply it to real life situations and hope that people will understand that making the world a better place requires more than doing what feels right in your head.

Ugh, I love how this video conveniently doesn't touch on property right and the way they necessitate a state to enforce them. Wew.