Why does American ANTIFA miss the point so much? How can we turn it into a better movement?

Why does American ANTIFA miss the point so much? How can we turn it into a better movement?

By turning it into a terrorist movement.

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Convince them to engage in domestic terrorism at government and corporate buildings.

To stop existing. All they're doing is giving communism a bad name

Fighting proto-fascists seems like the point to me

You can't because the entire reasoning behind it is getting into streetfights with skinheads and not going after the actual Fascism of the state.

what do you want them to do specifically? you can't even breathe in the direction of pigs/MUH TROOPS in this country without getting shot

Organization and combat training for being more effective at brawls. Then start focusing on institutions of capital, like banks and shit instead of reactionaries sperging out.

Because it's pure interpellation; self-flaggelation at the altar of left-liberal rituals under the guise of one's favorite commodified radical political flag or banner as justification. Only its mutually assured self-destruction can save us from it, and that is but a matter of time. Antifascism is the worst byproduct of fascism for the communist movement.

yayy just like my animes

direct action is the only way
no more pussy shit, its time for revolt comrades!
also we need more diversity, antifa has way too many white men its disgusting, only whites allowed should be women for the pr. but put up more black guys in leader positions.
lets not make the same mistakes those right wingers do

put some effort in pls

Is it just me or do they waste their energy protesting MAGA tard circle jerks. Yes Trump supporters are often some of the dumbest fucks you'll ever talk to. But I'm not convinced their all racist or nationalist of some kind. I think it has to about 50% at the most.

What antifa should do is ignore the MAGA tards get armed, organized, and ready and protest actual racist like KKK or neo nazis. And by protest I mean fuck them up, make them bleed. Like a lot. I think that would naturally make MAGA fucks afraid to go outside.

I mean…
Bane had a point!

Now you get to go to jail for shooting up even bigger jokes and glorified FBI agent BBQ cooks.

I agree. MAGA are just Republicans. KKK actually make towns a worse place.

This guy gets it. Go to the source and bash it to pieces.

What you need is a vanguard party and an american Lenin

Leninists get the bullet too

You can`t. If their only defying characteristic is to be against reactionaries, you can`t turn them into anything useful.

councilists get out

They don't have any political ideals beyond fighting fascists. That's not really useful to the left.

If they wanted to achieve their own goals more effectively they need to clean up and engage without acting retarded.

Go back to Holla Forums

Unironically though antifa needs to be more diverse, it doesn't make sense for it to be a 90% white movement. Also less colleges students and more hoodlums. They are getting BTFO because they are fighting neo-nazi criminals many of whom have been to prison. We need our own lumpenprole scrappers.

Earlier I said they need ignore MAGA tards and target KKK and neo nazis with extreme prejudice. If they did that and were successful non-whites would flock to them in droves. I know because I'm not white. With a more diverse american antifa soon enough antifa of all races will begin to see that leftist ideologies are infinitely superior to capitalism or whatever else they know.

Anti-fascist author M. Testa identifies three areas of struggle against fascist movements: physical confrontation, propaganda, and organising against the fascists in working class communities.

Much of the Western left has actually abandoned organisation, leaving only the physical confrontation element left, and even this is not done seriously. If we want to more concretely combat the fascist threat, then we must propose an alternative to the far-right and engage in building a serious movement.

This means revolution.

Here I thought going after the source meant going after capitalists but you just replaced one idpol group with another, even more marginal one.

Because communism has a sterling reputation…

That's the thing, in the UK I got into antifa through skinhead culture and football hooliganism, seems to be different in America


^ this is the correct path

Antifa in the United States is kind of like that group of kids at the airsoft range who play using rentals, and old milsurp gear.

Antifa in Europe on the other hand is like the group of edge lords who show up in trench coats, and duel wield custom modified steam punk crossbows, with bayonets attached.

I don't think they can be salvaged. They let anyone in and attract too many LARPers. A separate Marxist organization might work, but it wouldn't act like antifa acts.

Just stop.

Does it have a bad name already? Yes. But ANTIFA might lead to more McCarthyist shit without ANTIFA doing anything useful

Individual terrorism is never an advancement for the proletarian movement, whether it is on skinheads or on banks.

No, but he's got a point on training. An effective self-defense force must be formed.

Post-Trump North American antifa are nothing but college kids larping anarchists againts alt-right cucks & MAGA tards. I hope these nazis kick them in the teeth until they start learning that street fighting isn't taking them anywhere, and start organizing and building actual political power and restart the class struggle that has been cucked by idpol.

by misinforming your spook handlers you useful idiot faggots

Antifa can't really get any "better." They exist to antagonize fascists and other reactionaries. That's it. What we need is an actual left wing movement in America that direct antifa or at least give them something to protect.

The entirety of Antifa misses the point.

Agree that the americans are more retarded though. Can't expect much in a country that didn't have a national leftist movement in more than 70 years.

Well what did you expect? It's called divide and conquer for a reason.