WHta the fuck kind of bullshit is this?
Auburn University Will now Let Spencer Speak
Other urls found in this thread:
So what do we do now? He's got an auditorium to speak in now. What's the game plan?
Just get a group to ask him embarrassing questions and get him to out himself as a nazi.
who cares? does this guy ever talk about capitalism?
Nazis are being normalized, we need to show them that they don't get to speak in public.
Go punch his face if you care so much. Don't bother us with your desire for lifestylism.
Some prominent member of the American Nazi Party spoke at a university back in the 60's though, saying that they don't get a place to speak with the precedent already set I think is a bad move.
I'm already on campus and I can't find anyone else. Where is everyone?
Yeah, lets just let the Nazis take over because of precedent. We can't let these fucks voice their opinions, we need to shut them down.
Don't your own hands work? What you need others for?
get your popcorn folks. tonight should be good.
I'm seeing Nazi fliers all over and I saw a group of 5 guys with Trump hats. I'm not stupid.
No, you're just a coward.
Fuck you, at least I'm here.
He supports single payer healthcare, basic income, is against foreign intervention, speaks out against the military industrial complex and federal reserve, and has renounced support for Trump for being a warmongering Zionist.
We have bigger fish to fry.
Good job, you are living the lifestyle.
What the fuck is up with all these white supremecists in this thread? We need to show these bastards that white pride will never be cool, NEVER!
Find a way to make themselves look stupid. Don't do anything dumb on your own. Ruin the flyers, film the event, do whatever you can to show people what is being made acceptable.
ask reddit my dude.
I'm not joking, Holla Forums is just worthless for IRL shit.
Christ, when did cringey liberals come here?
I bet you're white
They have a right to free speech, fuck off.
Seriously, be the change you want to see, go punch him. Be a martyr if you care so much.
my body is ready.
You should probably consult one of these places, comrade lifestylist faggot
why won't the left speak at unis?
nobody really believes in that meme
Are you trolling? People are telling you to man up and get the job done. People aren't going to teleport to you because you posted on an imageboard. Either coordinate with people better irl or in more local spaces or do the job yourself
Never post on Holla Forums again faggot.
No. To be a free man is to be able to make someone shut up, to stop him from speaking. Punch a guy who is shit talking you at the bar. To take that power away is tyranny. It's emasculating.
He should go punch him if he thinks it should be done. And face the consequences come what may.
Confirmed for being a cracker bitch. How many of you hypocritical bitches are white males? Castrate yourselves.
If you don't want to get physical, go slash their tires or something. Completely serious here.
why is it so easy to troll this place
fucking poe's law
Here the redditor ousts himself as a shitposter
Good idea, gonna go search the parking lot for Trump stickers.
lame, cowardly
Wew, like poetry.
Because, sadly, such retards do exist, so it wouldn't be shocking if some limp-wristed faggot from reddit who says "BASH THE FASH!" would come to Holla Forums and try to spread his autism here
wtf how can they let this nazi talk there!!! we need to do something everyone lets go there and start punching. fuck nazis
/leftyfur/ PROUD.
bumping to humiliate op
Get a stinkbomb and lob it into the room where he's speaking
bumping cancerous threads is not really something we can afford desu
Just fuck some shit up
Auburn University is not that university, they don't have to give a shit about what some other university did 50 years ago.
Should just ask him if he's ever done anything himself and not just taking credit for 'muh ancestors'.
What, you won't punch evil in the face just because it has five people standing behind it? I remember when people with ideas were ready to fight for them. Antifas once again prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are cowardly scum of the Earth. Fuck Nazis, but you'll accomplish nothing by slashing tires and being a pussy faggot. Insects like you don't deserve ideals, you deserve the gallows.
disagree, a good imageboard needs entertainment, otherwise we might as well have a classic forum
this is amusing stuff
quality praxis right there, communism confirmed.
Sheng-Ji Yang please go and stay go.
Please die.
hopefull shit is still popping off by the time I get home
Who fucking cares? They let other kinds of IdPol speak and nobody fucking cares.
Don't turn a meaningless speaking event nobody will attend into a front-stage battle royale, you fucking fools.
I will post pictures either in the other thread or on Twitter.
By shutting down his speech or punching him in the face, it just makes you seem unable to counter his ideas. You should be able to shut his arguments down by pointing out contradictions, false premises, fallacies, and making counter arguments.
Black bloc violence is not going to work in America; you will simultaneously lose the moral high ground, while getting your shit pushed in by corn-fed white boys who are just waiting for an excuse.
Would-be fascists don't care about false premises, fallacies, and counter arguments because feels>reals.
But they'll suddenly care when you attack one of their own? In what conceivable way would punching him or disrupting his speech help anything?
The point isn't to get them to care, it's to make them fear preaching their ideology and make them look weak/emasculated to the general populace (fascist movements need a strong leader to lead)
If these were normal Trump supporters or if this were a Milo speech, I'd agree but this is Richard Spencer.
We're beyond that point.
This place has a bad case of Godwin's Law.
and whose fault is this?
thanks commies!
Which won't work, nor should anyone care if they do or don't.
Americans care more about the moral highground than about big strong organizations. Besides, all of this is assuming that material conditions don't decide the rise and fall of Fascism.
There were a couple hundred people, but everyone is dispersing now that the concert has started. Going to see of anyone is around Foy Hall.
It fails on both of those accounts.
The only people titillating their winkies to Spencer getting punched are those who already hate the guy.
It doesn't make them afraid to go out proselytizing, if anything it's rallying more and more behind the chucklefuck looking for a good smash or rightwingers who want to stand against attempts at gagging muh free speech.
Just look at recent rallies, it's only gotten bigger and bigger to the point black bloc and others are beginning to get outnumbered.
It's counter productive in America.
all black blends in well with the night. here's to hoping there are activities planned for afterwards.
Bullshit, the second Spencer got punched every Holla Forumstard was lining up around the block to be the first to say "we never liked that faggot anyway". And the more he gets punched and attacked in public the more he becomes a fucking joke.
Sure, it may not make the people who agree with him less reactionary. But it makes him a weak leader
Don't ever talk to me or my hive ever again.
Who the fuck cares?
We're talking about those who show up.
Did the Trumpers at Huntington Beach or Berkeley seem afraid of antifa? Do you realize the right is becoming enthused by the violent footage? It's having the reverse effect, especially when people see antifa hiding their faces like cowards, using bear mace, throwing smoke bombs and M80s. They lost every melee encounter. It's already happening; the right are showing up in helmets and body armor.
The distinction you are trying to draw does not exist.]
RIP, my neck.
Then logically you are better of shooting him. Nothing scares people like getting shot.
Now that would make things interesting.
I don't think it would outright make people scared to show up, but it would make for interesting times.
True, the already-converts are getting bolder and bolder (which might be a good thing) , but the point is to make them unrelatable and unaccesible to the average person.
If every far-right meating consists of neets and bikers LARPing and coming out with bloody noses then Antifa won.
Then Antifa has no reason to exist and we should be fighting fascists in parliament like Sargon wants to.
I went to a school filled completely with people like this. Sperrys, bean boots, natty light, vineyard vines, you name it. Seeing this makes me glad I dropped out.
I hadn't seen that angle of the footage before, I didn't realise how well antifa did at wrecking the trumpcucks, well done.
my honest guess is facebook or what they call 'leftbook' it's just like reddit or tumblr
lots of imbeciles
I'd spend a night or two in jail to stop fascists, but not life.
I'm all about that mutual self-interest leftism
When the average person watches this footage with no context, who appears to be the hero?
Antifa badly performed does not, strictly speaking, disprove the basic premise behind antifa.
Not getting many good pictures. Annoying number of joke signs, but some antifa and other obvious leftys here.
I propose we say "We support his right to speech or whatever." while making a dismissive gesture as we read some magazine, leaning back on our chair with our feet propped up on the table.
fuckng shitposting flag
I cannot opine on their ideology, I'm simply referring to black bloc tactics. It won't work at all in America.
Neither? The whole thing has become so detached from reality that normies would mostly just shake their heads and walk away. Which is a win for us anyway because it's not like I'm trying to get my the average citizen to join antifa, just to be distanced from the fascists themselves.
The guy who threw the first punch, ie the stickman
5 gangly punks vs 1 man with an American flag, and the 1 won. And you can't tell who the "hero" in everybody's eyes is?
Most non-autistic people aren't really that invested in which LARPer is winning a weird street brawl
Yeah, but you already go about punching them and nobody cares.
You'd be obliged to go all Lincoln Rockwell on Spencer if this is your philosophy.
Kek, some Nazi with a MAGA hat did a Roman salute at me.
If only that skateboard had connected and they knocked him on the ground. Those guys actually seemed like hoodlums, it would be great to see a news headling about that stickman faggot getting shanked. The Holla Forums tears would be amazing
Misread your question, its definitely NOT the stickman who would seem to be in the right
We don't know who won because we don't see what happens next.
Why? Again, Spencer is currently closer to a joke in the public sphere than a serious threat. If I go hang out with a bunch of milquetoast liberals they'll laugh at him being punched in the face. My conservative dad in his 50s thinks he's a joke. What does killing him accomplish?
Memes. Tens of thousands of memes.
This video kind of gives me hope antifa needs more hoodrats and less college students. A big reason antifa gets BTFO is because they are fighting skinhead groups filled with people who have spent time in the bin. We need our own lumpenprole scrappers.
why the fuck did we all collectively agree to start calling it a Roman salute. Everyone already knows what it's supposed to mean.
Stickman keeps getting his ass kicked in every fight he starts. I don't know why autistic memers idolize him so much.
I mean that's historically what it's mostly been
Too much time arguing with Nazis here has rotted my brain. Meant Nazi salute.
They're too retarded and all hyped on "our guy" since they want some revenge of sorts from the dude who punched the fash leader square in the face
To clarify, I hope you mean that antifa has istorically been working class, because that what it was historically and still is in most places.
watching this stream from inside:
he's getting laughed at and heckled
Masterrace guys. Basically all the Spencer supporters I've seen. Almost all the people in line for the speech are protesters.
Mock the shit out of him but don't silence him. Silencing makes him seem cool and edgy and dangerous. Hand out leaflets, point and laugh, ask questions that make him look bad; the objective is to make people realize his ideology is ridiculous.
You can't effectively silence anyone in the internet age anyway; antifa always gets used in Holla Forums propaganda for a reason. Whether or not Spencer has a moral right to free speech, trying to shut up fascists has proven tactically ineffective and practically impossible.
He got his ass jumped at the recent Berkley scuffle and the autists still cheered him on because he was rescued by another LARPer.
so liberty, much brave
He's a joke even here on a conservative campus. Thousands of protesters and I've seen like maybe eight supporters.
Leftists are lookist and heightist now? So much for the egalitarian left.
He's a nazi, but maybe his worst offense is that he's boring.
Someone just shouted "get to the point" while he's rambling about shampoo
Ask him how he feels about getting BTFO by a man who eats shit on camera.
So what? His agitation will not change anything at all.
Ask him for advice on taking a punch to the face well
They're escorting the MAGA guys in one at a time. No one else is getting in now. Im guessing some people were let in earlier.
"The alt-right is about identity. Period. End of statement."
"Even IF whites were inferior, I'd still fight for my people."
my sides. Why even protest this guy…. just let him speak. It's hilarious
He's clearly retarded. He's at an SEC school talking shit about their football obsession
he also had the good grace to make a snide comment about the school earlier
All these southern boys heckling him good shit. "You ain't from the South." Honestly this is the way to deal with people like Spencer just let him speak, he is a fucking idiot and great at alienating people.
Why would he try to shit-talk football and say he would ban it at a southern university?
We don't believe believe in SJW bullshit. Anything goes when making fun of you faggots.
The only good rhetoric he is using is by talking about things deteriorating for our generation. This is why we need to explain that this results from Capitalism and the ruling class or people will look for other scapegoats.
He's also a shitty orator, his rhetoric is pretentious and totally meaningless.
All far right rhetoric is like this whenever they try to express anything more complicated that I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS!
Welkom, Comrade!
shit like "so much for the tolerant left" make me giggle so fucking hard
made me giggle
He actually went to Duke, another southern school. As for shit-talking football there, I dunno, he's just dumb.
10/10 maymay friendo, made me think and triggered me at the same time.
There were 300 Antifas and 30 Nazis and all hospitalizations were Antifa. I don't know what you thought you saw in that footage but that didn't happen.
that dickhead went to Duke? that's not far from me.
I hope he does a alumni tour so I can get involved.
Anybody else notice how the pastey white cunt gets BTFO'd and all the other dudes kept solid distance and didn't just run their fucking mouths? Its obvious here who has been in a fight before and who hasn't. These college students are straight pussies who think they don't need to learn to shoot, fight, or fuck. Fuck them for making us look this bad man..
this guy is a self-hating gay right?
This board is so desperate you'll reply to anything.
was for
bring back the old school british skinheads. those anarchists fucked up nazis
Wait what do you find funny about that?
that's milo
My bad, I get my "times Antifa made us look like pussies" mixed up sometimes. There are tons, you have to forgive me.
dudes talking shit about football at a southern college. he's gonna get his ass beat without the left doing anything
Christ. Neck yourself.
He's confusing it with the battle of sacramento where this actually did happen. Its mainly because neo-nazi gangs are filled with actual criminals who have been to prison and carry knives on them. They still got run out of town but they stabbed five anti-fa. This all goes back to what I'm saying here
Don't hate on the kid even though he was acting stupid. Its multi-racial groups of hoodlums like that we need to recruit.
In English?
hahaha did he really say that? that's actually pretty funny if he considers himself or people are saying he's fascist. why fight for inferior things as a fascist wtf haha
You bitches got run out of town in sacramento. Fash scum literally ran to their cars and drove away.
learn to speak american, friendo
Is this really what the Left has degenerated into, edgy college-students acting like niggers getting into streetfights with other proles?
You mean niggerish?
pretty sure Dicky here is the same, but that's just me
he's just a racehustler
lmao. found the Holla Forumsyp
it's a straight quote from his dumb incoherent sppeech
Watch this video faggot this isn't a video game its not about k/d ratio. If you literally got run out of town and chased to your cars you lost.
The Nazi's had a positive k/d against the Red Army but they still got BTFO in the end.
listening to him describe his ideology is like listening to a punk talk about his music tastes
His politics is about race.
I'm not hating on him personally, i'm hating on his obvious arrogance and lack of ability to back his shit up.
It'd be totally different if he talked shit and could actually back it up. He spread his arms asking for a fight and couldn't defend himself. Never, ever do this. This is basic common sense. Never pick a fight you know you for sure cannot win…
"How are you different from a SJW? Identity is your main concern etc"
*autistic screeching from his bodyguards*
Love that this is the ultimate trigger for them
Sargon stick to the sjw shit.
The problem (for you) is that the rising right is not composed of felons and skinheads. It's regular American Joes who are becoming enraged by watching black bloc and leftist tactics. Kyle Chapman aka "Based Stickman" is a married man with a day job, who decided to don a mask, shield, and flag after watching Milo get shut down by leftist tactics.
Black bloc is the fastest way to induce reactionary American Fascism. Please, stop.
Btw that dreadlocks chicks boyfriend wrote a post on its going down. Its pretty self-congratulatory but a pretty interesting first-hand account of what happened at Berkeley.
isn't she a porn star?
opinion discarded
that was never proven and i'm pretty sure you can do porn and have a boyfriend at the same time.
Based 'please donate to my GoFundMe to get me out of jail again' Man.
Why doesn't he just set up a patreon that cashes out every time he gets his ass beat?
Same goes for both sides really, even Hitler told his men not to street brawl
Isn't there pics with her face?
So he's a cuckold?
Kek, got a link to this?
You were saying? Chapman is the typical member of the alt-right. A low-life who has accomplished nothing with his life and thus decides to take pride in how much melanin he has in his skin.
It turns out when you have several terabytes of fringe porn on your drive it's pretty easy to find a lookalike or two. Just ask slave ray
It was in the periscope that's now offline. Some guy asked how was Richard Spencer/WNs any different than SJWs and it was probably the most butthurt his crew got out of any question
Idk if that's actually her. If it was it was just pics of her naked and vids of masturbation. Not that id want my gf doing that but its not like she is fucking other dudes.
There are pics of a woman who looks like her. No evidence they're the same person.
It's called having a job
If you think you're getting cucked by sex toys you're gonna need therapy when you start dating
We need to drive home this angle as much as possible it take out two of our enemies at the same time. That based article by Shuja is a great thing to spread around as much as possible.
How can you tell they are manlets?
Fuck, the link above cuts out before it happens I guess.
A new disgusting fetish?
I wasn't able to find anything on his criminal history, so thanks for contributing that.
Regardless, he's a meme now. Black bloc Antifa have no heroes. He wouldn't exist if the left did not employ violence and suppression.
Why are you against free speech? Are you afraid they will cause a divide in your college echo chambers?
It's back up
He's MUH ANCESTORsing right now
They walked past me and were all pretty short. I'm only 6 ft.
Do anti-spencer people not get free speech? Not like you stormfags could care less about our free speech.
Was the judge told about these comments?
Wouldnt matter. Our legal system down here is full of racists.
So that is a quote?
I agree antifa is not accomplishing anything positive right now. The good thing is many seem to be convinced that they are some kind of autonomous structure.
They won't necessarily be associated with socialists, though they do reflect badly on anarchists. Most anarkiddies on here seem to support them though so they can deal with the bad PR.
WTF i am reading
rly maeks you think.
If they are organizing, its not all terrible. That is assuming they are actually anarchists. Personally I see them as largely being liberal LARPers that would be totally complacent if Hillary was elected.
Nonetheless if they focused on something more meaningful I'd be more supportive, as an anarkiddie.
Richard Spencer is a borderline nazbol that gets kicked out of ancap cons.
I'd say there are other people to worry about than him.
Someone should have asked him to decide between nazbol and stass.erism
so dont oppose him because he likes welfare (for whites)?
lel can u get more class reductionist. even if u thought only class matters, racism/nationalism are huge obstacles to worker consciousness and worth opposing from marxist pov
more like there are other priorities. spencie is a borderline nazbol, really fringe and not even freacking ancaps tolerate him.
Also I'm not from the USA. Your emotional racial based arguments have zero effect on my feelings.
after the alt-right was discarded by the neocons that used them, the only thing that has kept them relevant and in the spotlight is antifa response.
gj, just like in nazi germany when antifa helped hitler rise to power. Literally the worst leftist movement ever created.
Sometimes the best opposition is simply to ignore. I wouldn't even know who this guy was if it weren't for the antifa protestors
the anti communist one certainly did. the only group that could defeat the nazis was the red front and they got banned and broken up
That's a really good fucking point. I had never heard to Richard Spenser til all that shit went down in DC. Also doesn't hurt that I don't bother going on Holla Forums anymore.
Antifashist (antifa) Actktion was an alliance between Communists and Social Democrats.
Go away Holla Forums, no ones wants to punch Spencer to get his stupid face on national news, go try to trick reddit into doing it.
t. Ernst "fighting socdems is more important than fighting nazis" Thälmann
Spencer punch was a false flag.
If you watch the video, whoever attacked him only touched the neck with a slight scuff. Spencer was also prepared and acted accordingly to minimize the damage.
Moldylocks on other hand, received fullfist treatment right in the fucking forehead, and not even lethal, but enough to assure she's not going to try same thing again.
I call bollocks, and Antifa BTFO again.
nah Holla Forums just found another white chick with dreads and called it a day
This is pretty awful. Street clashes are clearly way more about self-affirmation than anything else.
Now you're getting it.
Disagree, he and the Identity Evropa dwarf are some of the only alt-right dudes with much influence and deserve to be humiliated whenever possible.
checked and heiled
Who gives a fuck tbh. We have free speech in this country at least on paper. It's pretty much impossible to no platform someone in 2017 anyway.
As of right now the fascism and the alt-right are still a very much a fringe movement. The result of recent clashes between alt-right activists and leftists have been us both looking retarded. Go learn how to fight and use guns or whatever but wait until there's a real threat.
I'm willing to bet a large chunk of attendance at antifa vs. ___ shitshows are just libs who want to show up to beat on some antifa/anarchists/communists, or just wanna watch. More related note, does anyone on this board genuinely believe that the aut-right are a genuine threat? Not a lot of people, even on Holla Forums blindly follow trump or Richard "Daddy's Cummies" Spencer. Polite sage for post not completely related.
Blease gommies, dond be so uncivilized :DDD
What about free egschange of ideas? :DDDDDD
You lot really make me think sometimes and not for the reasons you'd want.
If you're so contrarian that all it takes for you to consider someone's ideas is someone else not liking your ideas you need to stop shopping at hot topic and graduate middle school before offering your political opinions to anyone
I honestly think the NRx movement is the only dangerous segment of the alt-right. They have a lot of support among the ultra-rich and the professional class in silicon valley(pic related).
Monied support and elite patronage are the only way fascists will beat us. Still I don't really know who is going to serve in their paramilitaries the libertarian vision of NRx wont get much working class support and the petty-bougies attracted to libertarianism are dying off.
Its like reality is begging and pleading for you to learn a lesson and you just ignore it. and then I bet you will accuse me of being a shill, disregard my words and continue on in your insanity "n-no i couldnt possibly be wrong"
Getting punched made him famous. He was quite literally a nobody until some retard in a hoodie decided to sucker punch him. The only way White Nationalism grows is through reacting to opposition. There's a pretty clear reason why mainstream White Nationalism was preceded by media and government support for Black Lives Matter.
might makes right
post your own fliers
so we should just do nothing?
You don't beat identity politics by playing them, what you do is ignore them and ridicule people who view things from a black vs white worldview. By attacking Spencer and crying about how he's a racist, you give his movement legitimacy. This shit should be common sense, just look at the last couple months. You can't take over this country without white people, and you've not only alienated whites, you've turned them against your cause. Now they're turning into Nazis. Are you incapable of learning lessons from reality?
No, you should show whites what they have to gain from your system without attacking them. Nazis aren't your enemy, the people who become Nazis are the same people you could be converting to your cause if you didn't hold such contempt for them.
Nah, he was already getting national/media media attention before the punch. The 2016 election made him famous. His little speech "hail Hitler" "hail victory" made him famous.
what the actual fuck
lurk more
considering the track record of violence nazis have id rather confine that to the internet than reveal my face in public to them.
If you think Nazis are in control of the Government and the financial system of the country, then I don't know what to tell you. You have no grasp on reality. Lower class whites who want an identity aren't your enemy, but you seem pretty desperate to make them so.
This is objectively false. Ask any normie how they heard of him, and they'll tell you it was the punch and they had no idea who he was beforehand. Being known to Holla Forums and Holla Forums is not the same as being known.
they're callled Corporate Fascists and they actually control America, China, Russia and the UK. They are split into different factions. Some of them want techno-socialism, some of them want a Tecnate, some of them want techno-capitalism and some of them want global monarchy/theocracy. They all are basically Nazis in spirit. They think they're a superior gene pool that should exterminate/enslave all the others. Therefore they're nazis. Nazis are really fucking stupid and are the only movement outside of Trots and Neo-Libs who openly espouse these types of views as opposed to lying about them like Muslims and Zionists and Neo-Cons do. They'e all pretty much the same tho.
Welp, there's no helping you.
hows that been going for ya?
How the fuck did punching Spencer alienate whites from our cause? People fucking hate the guy, he got chased out of Town at a 90% white southern university.
I agree that antifa's action are counterproductive the majority of the time, but that was one of the few things they did right.
Like the good degenerates that they are, Holla Forums is remarkably good at finding lookalikes of anyone in porn or camwhoring or whatever. Expect every damn single """""leftist""""" that gets singled out to happen to have done porn.
We who are familiar with internet pseudo-intellectuals and dramedy know for a fact Spencer is a disingenuous shitheel, but the vast majority of the population is just seeing a guy get punched for his opinions. Retarded opinions, but all the same, that majority will look at the scene, shed a tear for muh freedoms and see Spencer as the underdog.
Nude modeling profile, not porn profile.