I completely regret getting caught up in Trump

I completely regret getting caught up in Trump.

There's no defending him anymore and I'm embarrassed to have ever been as big of a supporter as I was. I don't know why I was so blind to all of his faults but I suspect it's because every time he'd say something stupid or racist, there would immediately be a counter play to discredit it. I don't know. What do I even do now? I don't know how to explain myself to anybody who asks me why I supported him.

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Buy a gun, quit your job, and google murray bookchin

We could've had a president who didn't know what allepo was

What do you do now? Now you read comrade.




Trump will win you back. Gorsuch will be confirmed, North Korea will finally be invaded/annihilated, the economy will continue to improve. Especially when the shrilling libcucks keep screeching for nothing. It took me until the election to get behind Trump, I assume most of his followers are not 100% blind to his faults.


How do you sustain yourself?

In all seriousness, you aren't entirely wrong. Obama fixed up the economy after the recession, and things actually will continue to improve. Eventually, there will be another recession at the end of Trump's turn, but he won't be blamed for that, in a similar vein to how people blame the recession on Obama, when it was Bush's policies which allowed for the crash to happen.

(don't read this as me supporting Obama, I am literally just saying what happened historically, there is no opinion here)

Don't do quit your job.
Read into anarchism. Anything really. Btw, anarcho capitalism is not anarchism.



Google Murray Bookchin.

Are you some kind of liberal?

You people actually exist?

Son its time for Anarchist Communism

Lurk here, read some books, ignore liberal screeching.


We knew this would happen eventually. As long as you're not some dumb Trump shill who thinks "muh god emperor can do no wrong", you're sort of welcome here.

I don't blame him, Obama fixed the economic indicators, which is the first trap people trying to educate themselves fall. Regular economic indicators are not worth shit, and they're actually number cooking for porky.


Become stronk Market Socialist

OP, read 'wage labour and capital' instead

Market Socialism is a thing and there are many of us on the board.

uploads related

Markets are simply for logistics, wage slavery is a product of capitalism itself.

Okay, but why are you using an ansyn flag? That's a variety of anarcho-communism.

Honestly I reckon Trump supporters would be much easier to convert to socialists than Clinton supporters.

Just say "Hillary was worse", and it will work because it's fucking true. But join us, comrade, and realize that both politicians were going to fuck you in the ass with different brands of shit lube.

With the gun, obviously. :^)

And socialized capitalism is still capitalism.

Market socialism is just dressed-up capitalism. The law of value must be abolished if we are to transition to any form of socialism, otherwise shit just degrades again.

You're totally right, Trump supporters by and large are directly affected by the capitalist boot, Hillary's supporters are all upper middle-class and all-in for the status quo.