When did "globalism" become the spectre that the right loves to attack and blame for social ills and economic turmoil?
When did "globalism" become the spectre that the right loves to attack and blame for social ills and economic turmoil?
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look no further
Because going deeper and attacking their beloved capitalism would cause too much psychological trauma.
pretty sure global capitalism causes quite a bit of economic turmoil
Because they associate globalism with global capitalism. They see local customs and cultures being replaced with what they consider fun, thinking that it is some form of Jewish plot to turn the gentiles into obedient slaves. It is easier to blame this on group of people rather than the system itself.
Ironically, it is actually leftism that will save European cultures.
Beginning the with Rothchild international banking system. Americans were formally introduce with The International Jew by Henry Ford.
I think it's more that they want to include any kind of internationalism in the term including that of the left tbh.
Depends on the kind of Leftism. Maoism managed to eradicate thousand years of several cultures and created a new breed of conglomerated porky far worse than the old one.
*They see local customs and cultures being raplaced with what they consider degenerаcy
This silly filter is ridiculous. Is this board administrated by a five-year-old?
The early days of capitalism when industry was much more developed in England than the rest of the world.
It's another idpol spook
Globalism = capitalism, immigration, demographic-replacement, usury, environmental destruction, cultural homogenization, and outsourcing.
"Globalism" is a code word for "the kikes".
I thought this was neoliberalism… AKA CAPITALISM YOU IDIOT!
You're right on the cusp of the ultimate redpill, which is that all of those things are actually caused by capitalism.
globalism = capitalism for international elites
it wasn't that difficult fam
been that way since Mein Kampf, """"International Banking" and "Judeo-Bolshevism" are the original euphemisms.
no shit buckeroo
So stop beating around the bush with "globalism" and call it for what it really is. "Globalism" is a buzzword used by intellectually dishonest aut-right (and aut-light) figures so that they can complain about the ills of capitalism without actually coming out and blaming capitalism, which would cause a sizeable portion of their audience to break out the pitchforks.
Imblying anything would make normies get out their pitchforks
Oh they like VR glasses and cars. Don't worry.
National socialism is literally just capitalism + totalitarian nationalism
The circular logic of the right wing
Shitler didn't actually oppose capitalism, you want a NazBol flag.
National socialism is using the free market to create wealth while keeping it on a tight leash to prevent it from placing profit above social and environmental obligations.
Look, I can create a stupid meaningless meme too.
So in non-propagandized terms, the state controls everything on behalf of a tiny military/industrial elite.
Also you do know that the Nazi economy was built on borrowing from domestic lenders and then pillaging other countries right?
Quoting Che from before he was radicalized is fucking pointless
are you an actual nat soc (strasserist) or just one of those people that believe the hitler was anti-capitalist meme ?
Early Che would be great on Pol.
Literally the same reason behind every racist movement: it's a convenient way for the bourgeois to channel dangerous outrage at capitalists into harmless (for them) hatred of minorities. In this case, anger at capital flight is twisted into hatred of foreigners, and anger at declining wages is twisted into hatred of immigrants.
Holla Forums doesn't support capitalism. Nor do we support communism. Whatever works best for us at the time (and it may very well change) is what we use. If private industry is helping more power to it, if nationalization is the best that's it, if it's some hippie co-op so be it. No shits given so long as it works. It was never about the shekels but the people.
How about "We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing." - Ernesto Che Guevara, 1959? Or is fighting and winning one revolution not revolutionary enough for you mighty armchair revolutionaries?
wow how convenient, Holla Forums really is the eternal kike
Mostly since many people are starting to feel global capitalism raping them at this point.
Hitler firmly declared his support for private enterprise over planned economy.
In 1930, Hitler said: "Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."
In 1942, Hitler said: "I absolutely insist on protecting private property … we must encourage private initiative".
The entirety of fascist rhetoric is just nonsense to dupe workers into upholding class society and capitalism behind a veil of nationalism, militarism and mysticism.
It's a vague, spooky sounding boogeyman that serves as a convenient rationalization for their doublethink: they worship the status quo and demand that the dominant ideology remain unquestioned, but don't want to have to deal with the repercussions of said ideology, so they make up omnipotent Bad Guys to serve as the source of societal ills.
It's always been an undercurrent, mostly limited to fringe paleocons and the like.