He lumped us in with furrys and bronys. Why does Jim hate us so much?
He lumped us in with furrys and bronys. Why does Jim hate us so much?
Other urls found in this thread:
Crippled fuck
who fucking cares about petty bullshit
we're back up. that's all that matters.
they buttmad we exist
They are afraid, as they should be.
the rest of Holla Forums is laughing at us and frankly my feelings are hurt
Why go to other parts of 8ch?
lol, hi Holla Forums
lol you're not even trying anymore
The same reason everybody else does, you cancerous faggots. I'll leave it to you to figure out what it is.
Holla Forums is not white. You need to go back, nigger.
fuck off nazi
i'd punch you irl
it doesn't matter, we already knew that most of the site hates us, but it is nice watching other faggots use us as bait in the other boards, it feels good being a boogeyman
Threats are not allowed on Holla Forums. Your IP address has been forwarded to the Australian authorities.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
*tips fedora*
Right?! It seems so obvious yet there are people on this dumb site that think we're more obnoxious!
>>>Holla Forums6912280
Whatever, man. Holla Forums has a larger outreach and appeal to the younger generation that Holla Forums will ever have.
They've been taught via Pavlovian conditioning and several CIA programs to associate the left with liberals. You'll never be able to convince the majority of people to move further left–especially when the alt-right has taken the mantle of being the "counter-culture."
8ch is primarily an image board for nazis though
Reminder: reactionaries are paper tigers.
But it's absolutely true. Look at how alt-right memes have been blowing up all over the web.
Normies picking up 15 year old frog pictures that you stole Holla Forums does not mean alt-right memes are blowing up
Ya, and they are conditioned to believe Nazism is the worst shit in human history. Just because there's a growing number of people who hate the establishment who also don't like mexicans don't mean they're converting to Fascism.
They haven't.
^ i have to agree with this guy, pepe was an old meme that you guys just dusted off and gave it a new coat of paint
by you guys i mean Holla Forums
Why would you want to be a counter culture? Sure you have a surge in popularity for a time but then it only fizzles out as times change. Counter cultures are just that a reactionary response to the current culture and after a while the fire dies down and people move on from your movement because it wasn't the movement itself that inspired them to change but rather another movement they did not like or were not content with. Being Counter culture pretty much means you have a short time in the spot light.
I find it funny that we trigger them so utterly.
top kek
We're the most hated board on Holla Forums and 4chan so our popularity triggers everyone to no end.
You answered your own question. You get to be young and rebellious and trendy and then when it's not popular anymore you can return to the normal and pat yourself on the back for pretending to do something.
Rightists are pussy beta males.
They are butthurt as fuck.
Man that looks good.
Reminder that fascism is capitalism in decay and despite the teenager Holla Forumsyps delusions, the powerful elites don't mind fascism at all and depending on the circumstances they'll even support it.
Reminder that Holla Forumsyp retards and liberals are both controlled opposition.
Reminder that porkies have absolute control over the media, be it mainstream or the fake alternative shit that has been rising recently.
Reminder that people are stupid and easy to manipulate.
Reminder that the only real threat to the system it's our side.
Reminder that unless we somehow seize the means of information we'll never achieve anything.
Reminder that COINTELPRO is a thing and we can't do anything against it, because again, people are stupid and easy to manipulate.
Reminder that there is no hope.
Reminder that in the end nothing really matters.
Reminder that we are doomed no matter what.
Reminder that humanity was a mistake.
No, that's been Holla Forums for years and will be forever until it's deleted.
well I guess thats a reason to want to do that, but if there real goal is say facism or something else ultimately having time in the limelight for a bit so you can pat yourself on the back is pointless.
You mean edgy anti-social teenagers that joke all day and judge from afar? Those aren't the bulk of the youth, user.
Thanks, SCP Foundation.
Get out defeatist.
why must you be the depressing kind of nihilist, and not the rad kind
What's worse? Being a beta male or a beta cuck?
Rightists are the biggest cucks of all.
A classcuck is the lowest form of life.
Sucking the cock of the government and corporations makes you a beta cuck.
Remember that furries are comrades not enemies, the most hated people on Holla Forums must unite
you forgot "spending all day on imageboards, reddit and twitter and being friendless virgins"
Either that, or "temporarily embarrassed alphas" who see their own beta behavior as a mere product of circumstance, that being the dominant SJW cultural narrative. That if only the SJWs could stop browbeating and intimidating them and others, that they could "rise to" their "true nature." Missing, of course, the fact that "alpha-ness" consists first of transgressing social boundaries, and in such a way that the transgression becomes, by virtue of how it is received, "acceptable social behavior."
>Zizek, The Fragile Absolute: or, why is the Christian legacy worth fighting for?
its a role in a social hierarchy that's based on phenotype expression, hormones, pheremone production, jaw/dental structure, eye color and hair texture/thickness, musclo-skeletal structure, bodyfat. its not attainable, you can't become an alpha male. Holla Forums doesn't understand that they are no matter what, no matter which society, biologically prestined to be door mats for better looking, stronger, more charming and healthier males. They would rather empower those men, hope that by some racial magic their dictatorship of alpha male psychopathy will lead to them by osmosis gaining alpha status. Maybe they can fight a holy war, be baptized in the flames of total manic hatred and come out the other side as fuckable Chad's. That's the fantasy and its totally essential to their world view.
I agree with zizek about SJW culture being a hyper complex sexual selection mind game constructed by women and gays for their own benefit to fuck with weak men. The fact that Holla Forums is so threatened by that disgusting sexual caste system that is being built by tumblr whores and Vice trust fund bros is indicative that they are themselves low status, beta men who do not like exposure to risk. Especially hyper sexualized environments where extreme shame and social backlash can result from """"""unwanted attention"""""" from icky betas. Alpha males don't fucking care, they'll still get SJW pussy no matter what. Holla Forums and /r9k/ are the only one's that are panicking because they're being pruned from the tree of life by sexual selection.
TLDR: zizek doesn't go far enough, alpha is biological, Holla Forums thinks they can transcend betahood through hyper violence and alpha phallus worship, alphas will always rise to the challenge of hyper sensitive mating environments, Holla Forums is triggered by the sexual standards being raised to ridiculous heights by Thotdom because they're weak genetic failures who will be pruned from the tree of life by negative sexual selection
remember, they're the ones who are butthurt about us
Zizek confirmed for having no idea about women or how to engage with them… This is hilarious, as if he thinks this is philosophy, what a joke. I hope you guys all know Zizek is a meme tier philosopher, right?
Well he got one part right
Actually nevermind, unfortunately Holla Forums doesn't have enough autism to compete with Holla Forums's level of shit
I don't think Zizek agrees with you there.
It's a behavior plus social response. It is the social response which uniquely decides whether the behavior is "alpha" or creepy/uppity/daft. This response, I'm sure, depends on some of the physical factors you name. But it's not a consistent ruleset over all time, especially if you liken this process to sexual selection.
Fascism particularly is driven by aesthetics, and fantasy is an important part of such political identification.
Was will das Weib?
That's Hotwheels, sweetie. Jim is someone completely different.
nah i think he would if i talked to him one one one and explained what i mean in depth.
There is a fairly positive correlation between idiots mocking your position and being correct
the 90% of the youth is not fighting from a desk
Remember the time we won the infinity cup and all of Holla Forums got so butthurt that they edited a star of David into our emblem and never held the cup again.
??? can I get a quick rundown on this
Well, there was this football game cup that most major boards participated in (this was back in the days when /gg/ was still a thing, cuz they participated). The second year we won, people got really salty, made a final match against an OP team, edited the star of David into our emblem and haven't Held the cup since.
It's a cool symbol, representing an oppressed minority that keeps getting into fights with fascism, we should have owned it instead of getting butthurt
Rightists running scared
No one likes us, we don't care
because you're the same type of cancer that should die
keep telling yourself that
Are you dare I say it…… triggered?
What did 🍀🍀🍀they🍀🍀🍀 mean by this?
Quite sassenach quite I say
Obama has jewish genes, they don't call him "nigger jew" for nothing.
alright, listen, you didn't have to go there man we know we have no friends ;_;
He's part white though isn't he :^)
That's a bloody Millwall chant
jim detected
Reminder not to be discouraged.
Jim has big pig farms in Phillipines.
He understands buckos very well…
This guy is the president there
hes actually nigerian, muslim, jewish, and reptilian alien.
Have you seen the current 8ch.net administration's Twitter accounts?
Jim "Xerxes" Watkins - twitter.com
Ron "Codemonkey" Watkins - twitter.com
Have you seen the kind of shit Jim posts on /news/ with The Goldwater? I think the answer is obvious.
Which of these sets of information screams "a large part of my identity is due to the fact that a black guy once fucked my STUPID WHORE ex" and therefore who are the real cucks here?
I would like to show the court with your permission lord exhibit A) Pic related
Here we have a well known cuck, who was so cucked he went on a shooting rampage
The genitals' relationship to the means of production is quite seminal, I assure you.
8ch admins are dumb as dirt!
I once saw a stormfront post that said "Dungeons and dragons is manly the only reason that people don't think it's cool is because the jews train everyone to hate everything associated with european heritage it wasn't my fault people thought I was nerdy" I tried to find this post again but couldn't found pic related instead this is what Holla Forums actually believes.
what did you mean by that?
Sure is all about that authentic European martial history, huh
you can see that all the boards in each section is somewhat related
you're in the mentally ill category
I'm not sure About this
Hey paddy watch ya doing?
You can guess how Women will react to physical contact to some degree but at some point things are always going to be up in the air. To get laid at some point your always going to need to go for a kiss/touch/inuendo where there is some chance of it going the wrong way.
Zizek is right. Think of the ultra PC concept of affirmative consent, where you must ask for physical permission before going for the kiss. This is truly a result of people thinking any unwanted seduction attempts are harassment.
I almost feel bad for this guy, he thinks he is being controversial but all of the normies looking at his banner are confused and weirded out.
He's got nice calves
I-I'd suck his balls tbh
Well, now it tends to evoke Zionist fascists/fundamentalist zealots too, but you are right.