I don't think a leftcom would ever disagree with a Dengist on how to achieve communism
Are leftcoms practically Dengists?
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He is absolutely correct tbh. Revolution in unindustrialized shitholes requires the state to take the role as "capitalist" to invest in rapidly growing industry. If you disagree, you are just an idealist.
His only flaw was that he forgot he wasn't immortal and that his successors would give a shit about the socialist project after that start pocketing that sweet capitalism cash
Then why this whole anti-activism stance? If you'd just admit that you support state capitalism with Chinese characteristics until there is the spontaneous worker uprising you dream about, you'd have a clear stance on what you support.
Holy crap, have I been a leftcom this whole time?
Deng is unironically the most consistent Marxist.
My thoughts exactly.
"the state" is really what holds "the society" together. You don`t have that… you have nothing to hold it together. Federal confederation is still "the state" just decentralized.
But the chinese state wasn't the primary investor, it was american capitalists.
Look at what the chinese government is doing right now, they're literally instituting neo-liberal reforms left and right. The government is never "gonna pull the trigger" the little party clique which controls the state has no obligation to the people and is already siding with global capital in nearly every fight.
Last I heard the neoliberalism only applied in special economic zones set up for the western investors.
the party still controls the 'commanding heights'. The problem as I see it isn't western capital taking over, its unaccountable party members ('princelings') turning into porkies.
No. Read Chuang: chuangcn.org
P.S.: the whole "you can't have a proper communist revolution without wholly developed industry and a modern proletariat" meme was actually a Stalinist one. Recall what the USSR did in China (topical) when the proletarian minorities and their communist movements there attempted to establish workers' councils and communes:
Not at all, they are firing millions from SEO's, decreasing benefits, lowering taxes on big businesses, and even the buzzword for Chinese economic policy this year is "supply side reforms" which was shorthand for the neoliberal reforms in the US in the 80's.
You act like those two things aren't connected. Even as China develops its own Capital, and the capital accumulates, guess who is going to benefit the most? The small party clique, as they do in every one party system. The party will work with western capital, and has, to enrich themselves.
Maybe in 1983. I don't know where you've been the past 20 years, China is even more ridiculous than America now.
Leftcom does not = Bordigism. A post scarcity society has been probably a technical possibility since the 60s. Capitalist domination is spectacular in nature and backed by the state repressive apparatus. Less armchairs and more constant asymmetric insurgency against capitalism.
t. Marx
-Communist Manifesto
1844 Manuscripts
Das Kapital Vol 1
All you did in that post was critique "socialism in one country", you can't honestly believe you can have a socialist society spring forth from feudal society.
Stop using hammer and sickle. You don't know what the role of "Capitalist" even means.
You can't have Capitalism without market exchange. The only way "state" can become Capitalist is to divide itself into several economically independent entites who will rely on exchange to function.
I would say LeftCom were SocDem.
To put things into perspective: for over a decade they have about the same amount of state-owned economy as pre-Thatcher UK (~30%).
They're like mirror images wtf
All you did was post something correct and which I wholly agree with: that the proletariat is the only class capable of overthrowing capitalism, and that a modern proletariat and capitalist industrialization are necessary for this.
What I contend is that you need a modern proletariat and full industrialization worldwide before those workers who are themselves ready to be revolutionary subjects may establish communism. This is what happened in '20s China, and later with the Shanghai Commune. Time after time, MLs slaughtered them for going their own way and emancipating themselves away from capitalism instead of living on the whims of a unitary line.
Economic determinism is definitely the most useless part of Marx' though. In practice it has served to justify the tyranny of the political economy, ie. Party rule, Mass industrialisation programmes, an emphasis on growth that is barely distinguishable from capitalism's. Bring back utopian socialism.
M-Ls are retarded. We know. It doesn't mean Marx isn't a useful source, even if it is far from perfect.
Marx was not an economic determinist.