The Southern Poverty Law Centre's looking to sue Andrew Anglin because of his role in coordinating anti-semitic harassment campaigns. I know they're liberals and all, but it sounds like they've got decently solid grounds and I'm looking forward to seeing them make some stormerfags cry.
The Southern Poverty Law Centre's looking to sue Andrew Anglin because of his role in coordinating anti-semitic...
Yeah, this does look like good grounds. I hope they ruin him financially, this is something that actually works.
I'm also a fan of wry court filings:
kikes scheming for shekels? In other news water is wet
The only scheming here was the Spencer's, if you read the court documents.
Are you nervous your property's going to be expropriated?
Talk shit, get hit, Cucklin. I'm reading these documents and the SPLC has an ironclad case. Andy baby, you're going to be ruined!
Rabbi Shmuli wanted me to remind you to bring your yarmulke to Temple this Friday
Wow, you totally convinced me.
We obviously hit a nerve here.
He's taking it way too personal
That's pretty funny lmao
It's funny how buttblasted nazis get even though they call everyone else humorless
rip in piss guardian of the white race
andrew anglin reminds me of a mixed race guy i once knew
You seem mad, Andrew.
Anglin is such a fucking loser even Ben Garrison made fun of him. I think even some of Holla Forums might be happy that he is getting his ass reamed.
Andrew "Daily Destitute" Anglin
Here is the pdf for the lawsuit as well as the first 4 pages.
SPLC are liberals but Anglin is a bitter NEET manlet with yellow fever, so this is at least worth some schadenfreude.
He certainly isn't a sympathetic person and pics related shows that in a very clear way, even if it is cherry picked
He reminds me of Frank Collin
Is Andrew Anglin a man worth taking serious? I think not.
Autism in action for those without pdf viewers. Enjoy your research.
lel hes screwed
since hes broke af and daddy pays his bills, i assume he'll beg his visitors for bux
this is why fuckers like this get punched when they show their face in public
Really great career choice he made for himself there.
And I doubt the SPLC would sue him if they didn't have a good case. Anglin is fucked unless he bails from the US.
What an incredible time, when Pepe memes apear in full color in official court documents.
It might be me just being high, but there is something ridiculously funny in seeing these vulgar images and comments in a formal document.