Since the mastodon bubble is becoming big. I've set us up a mastodon instance so we can have a Holla Forums influence on the federation.

So far the the only users I've noticed are sweet weebs, japs and SJW's.

But since the email confirmation system isn't working I have to confirm them by hand

Other urls found in this thread:

so no chance of getting my dick wet on here then eh

that's a shame

Space, you haven't confirmed by account, you seriously have to fix the email confirmation thing.

If the ecelbs would switch over (or at least dual-account) this could get interesting.

just confirmed login now.

oh jesus christ not you again

wasn't ruining the prospects for a new chan enough?

What you mean lad?

2 things leftfags:
1: shouldn't you call yourselves politically correct instead of stealing pol's name like the uncreative cunts you are?
2: you are all not leftyfags, only leftydykes…

I would register just for the cute mastodon, but I don't know if I want to do this silly email confirmation.

And bonus:
3: no one likes you leftydykes

Fuck off faggot retard.

What is mastodon?

Mein gott pure ideology

GNU Social compatible twitter clone thats decentralised.

How do I avoid the chance of getting doxxed?

Confirm me, please. Otherwise I will go back to playing Fallout 4 and never visit your website again.

VPN and not posting personal information. They can't really dox you tbh

I just confirmed everyone that just signed up

VPN for when I sign up and use the account as well as when I make an alt email right? I'll consider joining



How do I get verified?

As in tick next to your name?
You can't.

Sorry I meant confirmed not the tick

You should beable to log in.

ok I'll sign up soon

Are you the one responsible for translations?


just confirmed some more emails

Do you have to login to read the posts and profiles from people over there?
This thing will never take off.

nope. How ever it seems you can't explore instances like twitter.

But you can look at a users timeline via
putting [email protected]/* */

For example heres my profile
https:[email protected]/* */

Never change, Holla Forums

how does this meme work and when does my email arrive

I signed up but haven't got a confirmation e-mail after a while now

Pls kill self

Can I just walk in and post anonymously to your silly nerd bullshit without having to go through the effort of lying to you about my signup info?

If not then whatever this is gets a hard no from me.

It's space, so the design is going to be as terrible as humanly possible

I take it from context that this is a person? Someone who has wronged you, or us, in the recent past? Please forgive me, I come here to sincerepost screeds about economic planning because there isn't anywhere else on the internet to do it - I don't know much about chan drama.

This 'mastodon' is some sort of decentralised discussion network? But it doesn't allow anonymous participation. Why bother?

Space is the handle for the admin of Bunkerchan. Holla Forums's inbred, Down's syndrome cousin. There was a panic a while ago, and space and his m8s came and shilled the fuck out of his site.

To be clear, his grasp of site design is…tenuous.

Twitter has non-ironically gotten me more sweeties than tinder.

Eat a cock, right-faggot.

Daaaaamn. We attracting leftists who aren't chan autists to this site now. New Old Left needs a good public image, unification and some organization.

I'll sign up, but only if you make sure to avoid the problem that I've seen plague every offsite community so far. Eventually, when you start to get popular, you're going to attract the ex-lolcows and autistic tripfags of the board, who will use your place solely to complain about how mean the board was to them and try to draw people away from it. It happened with the numerous Dubtracks, it happened with numerous Discords, and it happened with Bunkerchan until space_ kicked the retards out.

Well guess who owns this Mastodon instance

Hahaha, fuck. I'm blind.

CONFIRMED more accounts

If I missed you out post your username!

Quality meme now kys

Please do not use language which assumes that all posters here are male. It is completely counterproductive to any class struggle to alienate women in that way.

Why don't you fuck off to reddit?

fuck off prickly

I want to use z411's instance!


I'm not receiving the confirmation email.

Damn I feel bad for the mastodon devs. Why do people instantly try to shoot down any twitter alternative?

I think Space has to confirm you, not you confirm yourself.

Semi-Off topic sage

He's not wrong tbh

Just log in.

you're literally retarded if you think so

Not an argument xD

This is your brain on Holla Forums.

Who is this cute anime girl?

pls confirm

should be able to log in.


You can't buy sympathy.

Need a confirm spacey

Going to confirm at 10pm GMT since I have work till then. Sorry lads :^(

np, you're doing a great job

Space isn't an angel but there are some loud faggots butthurt about bunkerchan methinks because they are only half converted polyps afraid to say goodbye to Holla Forumschan

It's because it's ugly as shit among other things and he's been told repeatedly and his response is "no i like it that way" - you don't want someone like that in charge of your site because they will become stubborn hindrances eventually.
Methinks you're newer than you like to thinks.

Post username if you can't log in.

All I do on my twitter is talk about anime and manga and sometimes make a single tweet about theory (even though I hardly ever read serious stuff). I'm useless.

All I do on there is shitpost tbh, this instance doesn't really have many active users so anything would help

Pic related is my avatar for mastodon-fags, to make myself worse than a fucking namefag

what hurts me is that for a platform that makes it easier to meet people and be social almost nobody pays attention to what I write

I appreciate the few people that do follow me and read what I type

Authorize those accounts Space!!!

of course they did

When will space fuck off with his constant sperging.


Nice job ebin :DDDDDDD

Fuck you Space. Authorize the fucking accounts.