Mixed Barrel Bombs, many were chlorine.
That's in response to your constant cockspiracy bullshit about "gotta have rubber suits to survive sarin gas".
Mixed Barrel Bombs, many were chlorine
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wtf is that picture
What the fuck is going on that pic?
Whoever drew that even managed to get the ancap wrong. You don't even need to misrepresent ancaps to make them sound stupid.
mental illness
somebody implying ancoms like Putin is definitely mentally ill
or just retarded
Yeah that makes perfect sense.
It's almost like meth+power=psychosis or something
I really like the black and yellow flag, it could have represented market anarchist ideas like the American 19th century individualist anarchists, instead it's used by fascist goons.
It's too bad mutualism is confused for ancapism so often due to orange and yellow being so similar.
So far only the "rebels" have used chlorine gas and barrel bombs aren't dropped from fighter jets but helicopters.
It certainly says a lot that it was a gas that we know the rebels have used in the past.
Never had that problem
Yellow was always the color of liberalism. It really is a shame that it has to be associated in any way with anarchism.
Have you even read Mein Kampf?
It was quite clear Hitler had been gunning for the Jews for quite a while.
Whereas Assad has been generally trying to keep a lid on his country for the last decade. Gassing civilians when you're already winning the war doesn't seem conducive to that aim.
Also, you know, he probably "kept a lid on his country" with gas all that time, but you know, I'm sure that's all a MSM cockspiracy too
He was probably gardening with orphans the whole time, like all poor, abused third world dictators
Nice trips but he didnt do that.
Countries dont even have lids.
Wew. That seems awfully consistent with the idea that a rebel chemical weapon warehouse got bombed.
And not you know, Assad dropping nerve gas on civilians for no reason days after it was made clear he could stay.
Absolutely zilch proof of that.
cry more faggot, Assad is going to lose his head and the world will be a better place for it
Just like the world's a better place after the Iraq War? After the Taliban was overthrown? After Gaddhafi died? It's impressive how you've learned absolutely nothing from a decade of US interventions in the Middle East.
Rather, not *a* decade, but *decades* of the same thing now.
lmao fag deal with it, this is how it works. if you don't like it become an an-prim. otherwise this is how techno-capitalism works. You have to seek and destroy threats to stability one by one without consideration for the suffering of eaters in MENA. If you want vidya, free VR porn, welfare soylent, uber rides, sleek mag-lev trains, legal shemale hookers, designer drugs, legalized public indecency, a-moral anti-spiritual society you have to break a few eggs to make that omellete naw m saying b?
naw man, we gotta have fully automated luxury capitalism my nigga. this is the way it needs to be. we gotta sacrifice syrians to molech my dude. you don't understand the only way you get to play Nier:Automota and Overwatch and go to bars every weekend and play around on the internet all day and use Tindr is because we blow people up and support dictatorships and genocide. this is the iron price you pay for fun. if you want to be degenerates you must continue to spill blood for evil powers. so either: stop being degenerate commie scumbags and become an-prim OR embrace the evil of technological society
you wanted all of this, this is what you asked for as soon as you embraced state technocracy
You just blow in from reddit, OP? You should go back. And stay there. And never come back.
And mutualism and ancapism being so similar. Or the same, close enough.
this guy gets it
Gaddafi, Taliban and Saddam were all western plants. Like the Shah of Iran.
You should read further back than 50 years, because history is BIG, y'know?
I've been here for two years, Gunnar. Go post more pro-Putin, Duterte and Assad shit on Marxist Memes or the other dozen fb pages you admin
Why do people get asshurt about barrel bombs? They're not much different from any other unguided ordnance.
I'm surprised there are still pro-war "leftists" on this board, to be honest. Some seem to be trolling, but OP is apparently serious, judging by .
What the fuck does that have to do with my question about barrel bombs?
I thought it was a general comment about the left becoming pro-war over barrel bombs and the like. I don't see why they do either. Cluster bombs are probably worse.
That's because a "mutualist" society is inherently capitalistic.
"The concept of value is the most general and therefore the most comprehensive expression of the economic conditions of commodity production. Consequently, this concept contains the germ, not only of money, but also of all the more developed forms of the production and exchange of commodities. […] To seek to abolish the capitalist form of production by establishing 'true value' is therefore tantamount to attempting to abolish Catholicism by establishing the "true" Pope, or to set up a society in which at last the producers control their product, by consistently carrying into life an economic category which is the most comprehensive expression of the enslavement of the producers by their own product."