Nietzsche nazi?

Why revive Nietzsche when all that is said that any thinking about it is doomed to failure.Perhaps it is somewhat unusual that debates about the philosopher who would rather be cosigned to oblivion continue to accumulate, but most of those who should have in hand reliable compass for the historical evaluation of the conceptual and philosophical phenomenon, most of those who consider themselves left and progressive, radically reject the possibility that Nietzsche can produce fruitful conversation.

How to understand the statements of some prominent arbiters that "fascist interpreters formulate Nietzsches motives entirely in his spirit" or "fascism within its right (sic!) see in Nietzsche its predecessor", to understand the citation (for the purpose of scientific arguments) of such decisive statements "National Socialist Rosenberg considers Nietzsche as the ideological founders of the movement!" wouldn't you say ? Rosenberg himself!

For all of this interpretations is totally irrelevant that Nietzsche was ashamed even with the fact that he wrote his books in german language, because it might look "that he serves Strengthening aspirations of german empire" and "todays germans are not thinkers", its irrelevent to them that he claimed that "all the big cultural crimes four century's back is on german concuisness", to "not to throw pearls before germans", and that all anti-semites are "sadists" and "orphans". To them it would be convincing that educational principle for Hitler youth could be: "The safest way to ruin youngster is to make him value like minded person over someone who thinks differently."After all, to them is not important that for Nietzsche morally obsessed bourgeois philistines are physically repulsive, that according to his words he fought till death with christianity, church, with religion, and in conclusion that in his main aspiration hes abhorrent with complacent german petty bourgeois , dull sausagemaker and petty officer, piller of nazi Germany, mediocrity and weakling that all his power finds in loyalty and blind obedience to his organization.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nietzsche hated Germans because they were hung, he identified with Jews because part of their penises are cut off.

He was a virgin all his life and a total sperg around women, no wonder he despised the sausage maker and swag officers who got the girls while he wrote angry books about how he was the real winner after all.

It's philosophy for cucks basically.

Nietzsche is based, if it wasnt for him I probably would never have left Holla Forums








How does a virgin get cucked anyway?

cucked, balls deep

I did, and I've got the cringemarks to prove it. It's basically a mall goth version of de sade.

Read that pile of resentment and find out.

Go back to r/the_donald.

It might be that reason why he wasnt accepted and he stayed as somekind of contingency, is some kind of confusion about understanding true hights of man or it was hes own pathalogical psych that caused him to not fit in? Or maybe in all that, that could be labeled as arhe-reactionary in german spirit, spirit of disciplined mediocrity, spirit that doesnt allow touching of his calm ditch water, exists something anti-nietzsche? So the turn in later accepting of his tough - when that same brutish petty bourgois, that rejected him, became unscrupulous in their demands and trained in organizational performance - had to be accompanied with monstrous falsificating of his philosophy.

Germans have small dicks.

Thats why the let Slavs and Muszzies fuck them.

Delet this

He was not a virgin you stupid retard

Full u

He has some cool aphorisms and all but seriously, his post-moral übermensch thing is pure sophomoric hogwash.

nietzsche died poor and alone

Nietzsche is only good for the transhumanism/dyonisian memes.
Read Robert Anton Wilson. Nietzsche imprinted Top Dog on the second circuit, so he was robotically programmed for hatred of Bottom Dog imprints. Primates.

he hated them because Germans are fucking German
If you actually read how he describes jews in the Anti-Christ he was not a philo-semite nor did he identify with them
because he was losing his mind and probably had autism
no one knows who those fuckers are anymore and now he's immortal
Its the opposite

explain and I'll grab one of his books in PDF right now, I promise

Nietzsche's writings were, and are, highly controversial because you can easily misunderstand him. When I was first reading The Geneology of Morals, I was at first mistaken in thinkling he hated Jews. He, in fact, hates what is associated with Jews, their religion, and it's successor, Christianity.
His writings were also highly butchered by his sister in order to promote her anti-semitic views. This is where all the Nietzsche = Nazi bullshit comes from.
After reading a few of his books, there's one thing I need to say: Nietzsche always had a couple of screws loose. He also has a very distinct writing style.
However, Nietzsche, ultimately, wanted to reunite the body and the soul. He despised, on the same level of hate that he had towards religion, perhaps even more, the fact that philosophers kept insisting that the soul was somehow above the body in every manner. He hated every philospher from Socrates to Schopenhauer.
So, were Nietzsche's theories the foundation of Nazism? Yes and no. What was a factor in this apparent intersection between Nietzsche and Nazism were the horrible ways he was interpreted.

it's a troll, dude

I doubt Nietzsche would want a bunch of people blindly follow a "Fuhrer" like sheep. If anything he would want the German people to come together as equals and solve their problems.

I don't think Nietzsche and quite be said to support that. He does believe in a "natural pyramid" of power, where the strong are at the top and the weak at the bottom. His main criticism of Christianity is that it inverted that pyramid, making it so weaknesses would be seen as good (e.g. not having sex is suddently seen as pure, instead of a weakness). So, no, I don't think that he can be seen as a fellow comrade.

He'd also say that when the strong rely on oppressing the weak rather than aiding them, they become weak.

"Hitler had autism." - Nietzsche

Is that from any particular book of his? Or an interpretation?
Please, further clarify.

He caught syphilis from a prostitute. He wasn't a virgin. Retard.


Read Losurdo's intellectual biography of Nietzsche.

Problem with nietzsche is that hes work is full of contradictions, suprises, reversals of argumentation; so there is no suprises that most of interpretations and criticism involves putting nietzsche in some kind of historical or psychological context.

This interpretation while it resolves some problems with nietzsche ignores hes actual substance. And that it often results in ideologization of something that it is in its essence radical anti ideological philosophy. And that is not to say that hes contrary to one specific sphere of politics but sphere of political alienation itself. And in my opinion that could be said for marx too.

In twilight of idols he said unambiguously

Holla Forums has quite a few nietzsche fanboys and they told me that was done by his biographers to slander him, he actually died of alzheimer's I think.

No he wasn't.

Nietzsche is fucking amazing

nope, Nieztche visited a brothel, fucked a hooker, caught syphilis, and died. YOLO. Before he died, his books he managed to push out became progressively more whimsical, you'll know this if you go thru his literature in order. In a sick way, it's actually quite beautiful.

Holla Forumstards claim it's alzheimer's because they're still reading the heavily revisionist "nieztche" "re-redits" of his books written by his nazi sister, of course any actual historian will tell you he fucking hated nazis, he didn't even attend his sister's wedding when she got married to one. Basically what I'm saying is that if Holla Forums find out the truth that Nietzsche hated them and caught syphillis because of doing a "duhgenewett" activity, they'll abandon him. And they just can't let their precious worldview be shattered. It's like when retards try to paint George Orwell as an anti-socialist conservatard.

TL;DR - Holla Forums are willfully ignorant morons.


I agree, but Stirner is better imo.

I feel like god specifically designed this tasty tasty bait for me and me alone - it's that good.

Reading Thus spoke Zarathustra, very nice, and from the little I know about Nietzche they seemed like just as nice of a person.

As far as I am concerned, associating ubermensh with with nazist racial supremacy or what not is a poor, simple and quite stupid of an assumption. Same would go for any others in the likes of anti-semitism and what not.

Even as I'm reading the mentioned book, if there's anything in particular that the writing emanates with, then that'd be an affinity for a particular folk of own. Thoughtful "Ubermensch" with depth of personality and virtue. Be they of backrounds and interests familiar or different but complimentary. Ones to destroy tables of values, so as to create new values and tables. As creating fundaments of thought, meaning or even belief of own. Afterall it's the very folk itself that makes up the utopia, and these particular dear ones we look out for as outcasts among outcasts..

All in all a struggle of wayfaring outsiders looking for fellow folk and places of own to rest weary and wander anew.

I wouldnt necessarily say hes a nazi but most nazis are nietzscheans, they are a reactionary artificial ideology designed to undermine a country, of course they are gonna gravitate to the most destructive and pointless of all the "thinkers"

is that billy burr telling me to readabooknigger?

well i never…

Maybe in the 30's, never heard any of them around here quote him.

My best friend is a nihilist (ironically not in a Nietzsche way though) and Nietzsche fan. He does have some light social darwinist tendencies as well as expected by a Nietzsche fag, however the root of his social darwinism is not Holla Forums style narcissism, but depression about the state of humanity. I really enjoy discussing with him about all kinds of things. What i got so far about Nietzsche is that he was most likely not what right wingers think he was, he apparently disliked reactionaries as much as he disliked religion fags. He was perhaps more of an early existentialist, rather than a fascist/elitist.

no his sister edited his work post-mortem

Why even bother reading the meme-philosopher Nietzsche when there are better philosophers like Spinoza, Kant, Hegel, and of course Marx?

What the fuck are you trying to imply? Nietzche wasn't a nihilist. He was an existentialist. That's the whole basis for his ubermensch; A human who would transcend traditional judeo-christian morality in order to wield his supreme will to power and use his talents for the good of all humanity. Not to mention eternal recurrence, to act as if your actions would occur again throughout all of time and that justification alone to do so (basically a primitive absurdism), Nietzsche despised nihilism and said that embracing the ideology that nothing matters would lead to the destruction of humanity and everything we love.

End yourself

you are a god my friend

How spooked is that?

y-you too…

Brain tumor, actually. He had headache problems his entire life;

kek i think of myself as a fascist and am just reading here to find any legit counters, but basically kneecha was 100% right:

all leftist ideologies are basically just excuse seekers, they claim they are 100% materialistic but there is an ideal of excuse seeking that defines them much more than anything else
instead of offering some sort of practical solutions or giving me some sort of ideals to strive to, all leftist ideologies just keep telling me that nothing is ever my fault, that i am a magical pretty princess, entitled to everything that exists, that i have some magical infinite human rights (so much about being spook free eh?), and that it is always someone else's fault: it's the porky or the system or something else entirely, there is always a cartoon villain that just woke up and said 'what a beautiful day to be evil' and i should be hating him instead of working on myself and overcoming myself

kneecha tells you what to do: start studying, start lifting, dont do drugs, dont be a ge generate, overcome yourself, etc
leftist ideologies tells you that you are magically entitled to everything and that you dont have to work for anything, just need to a priori judge everyone successful as evil/exploitative or whatever, and ignore the fact that country with the most banks, switzerland, has more millionaires than welfare rabble, and that the west is more than fair to you and if you are complaining over here basically its you


no, you dipshit. read and lurk more.

Nietzche's ideas aren't incompatible with the left, in fact, what he suggests you do becomes easier the more "left" a society is.

i judge this bullshit trough anecdotes because politics happens outside, not in the books, and i study chemistry at the university so i know a hard science when i see one, and politics simply isnt it, so spare me the books, marx wasnt some sort of labcoat wearing experimenter who used mathematics to come up with a precise date of events happening or outcomes or anything you can test, he just said a bunch of shit without any sort of axiomatic proof, or a precise calculation, or a margin of error….
and what i have seen in real life so far is that virtually 100% of the leftists are just chronic bullshitters constantly trying to find excuses for things and justification

i dont even know if math works on humans (we in chemistry have equations that can 100% accurately describe the smell, color, explosiveness, etc of molecules that werent even synthesized yet, worked 100% correctly so far), but I think I uncovered the first law of politics:
leftists will ALWAYS find an excuse for their bullshit
just like.. ideal gas equation and pressure-volume diagrams perfectly predict behavior of systems when you heat them up or whatever, a leftist will
blame something or someone else for his bullshit

kneecha practices the same zero bullshit policy science does: excuses dont matter, there are two types of people, those who find a way (ubermensch) and those who find an excuse (leftists)

Nietzsche was an arrogant prick. Individuals are worth nothing and there is no such thing as an ubermensch.

Is this what pure ideology looks like?

The fact that this man somehow managed to become adored by lefties and despised by righties will forever be a mystery to me.

You have to believe hard enough and it will exist. Believe in me, who believes in you!

But you sure dont know anything about methodology of science; only hard science is pure mathemathics and logic becouse it deals with apriori judgements and even they need somekind of self evident truth to derive theorems. Chemistry is not based on divine principles it is based on observation of phenomena from which¨you derive starting premises that form hypotesis And that always involves some form of inductive reasoning and applying general rules that are not itself theorems but axioms and therefore are not 100% certain.

Describing something with mathematical model is not proof of hard science it is just proof that mathemathics can be applied to the world.

Only proof of objective truth is practice.

I dont think I find anything more disgusting then self-satisfied smug and "kneech" would agree

There is common misconception that natural selection breeds only qualities of "strong". Natural selection can perfer weak types for example herd behaviour, that favors collective over individual that is why fascist are sometimes sucessful but they creat weak individual that depends on his organization.

In that sense communism is opposite of fascism cause it demands that social activity which involves production of life serves individual and not the other way around. Nietzsche call for overcoming of human (ubermench) is nothing more then call of liberation of man from alieneting forces that seek to confine human nature and that is religion,politics,state etc.

That liberation can not be achived by some deep conteplation, but by revolutionary action and that is contribution of marx.

Meme post but this last part is essentially correct.

Nietzsche spent all his life rationalising the fact that he was a miserable piece of shit.

What's great about his writing is that they're vague enough and use a lot of emotionaly loaded terms and this allow support for a lot of interpretations.
The "over man" being a prime example of this.
It can either be the /fit/ Apollo proud of his heritage or the man freed from alienation.

NK isn't leftist you retard. Also didn't you just say you were a fascist? You should be kissing their ass, faggot.

The overcoming of suffering was what makes one great, you fool. Back then, suffering was justified because it broguht you closer to god, but now that god is dead, there must be a reason for all this suffering or else it is meaningless. Nietzsche's reasoning is that by overcoming the suffering you become a stronger person. That's where the phrase "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." comes from, Nietzche.

Nazis are by default not ubermensch because they aren't even nihilists.


I agree, the concept of Übermensch is intriguing to almost everyone, it can be a physical or mental superiority over regular people, or maybe both. It's an ideal to strive for. What Nietzsche had intended it to be doesn't matter at this point. Just because someone takes the term and uses it, doesn't mean they have to follow Nietzsche's philosophy and suck his dick forever. The controversial phrase "God is dead" has been interpreted both by theists and atheists. Even with context it's still too vague. There's no reason to get butthurt when people misinterpret him; it's his own fault for being a pretentious cuck beta male faggot, who couldn't get it up and write like a manly man. He did have some interesting ideas though.

There is no definition or spoon.

I wish I could understand what you're trying to say here but I'm deliberately not understanding it to suit my own agenda.

Exactly, he wrote a thorough philosophical manual in a way that would not allow idiots to follow through with it.

The phrase god is dead means that we have moved from a world where morality has been dissociated from Christianity. It's not new though, Engels said basically the same thing in 'Phenomenology of Spirit'. Hegel wrote the same thing.

Also reminder Nietzche hated you nazifags.

*Hegel said

*Engels wrote

This. Nieztsche has to be read in the context of his time in history and dominant culture he drew themes from to craft critical metaphors.

Manuals are written clearly, with no room for interpretation. You probably haven't even read him kek

I have read far more philosophers than Nietzsche.

They guy with the blade sure loves being a cuck and will violently defend his masters' right to own his life.

Or maybe he didn't find the fat guy to be worthy of being anyone's master and wanted to stop the spread of his filthy ideology. Loyalty to your people is the opposite of cuckoldry.

Who decides who is my people?

Bendig over before people doesn't stop being cuckholdry because said people looks like you.

Stirner was a selfish egoist faggot, but i still like him a little

It's a mutual agreement between the people and you. Similar with family. Family bonds aren't materialistic, thus working for the good of your family should be unconditional.

Nietzscheans belong in the gulag. I'll enjoy making the ubermensch squirm.

Spooky. Remind me of my grandma criticizing some dude denuncing his father beating him and his children "for the sake of family".

him and his siblings*

Well, maybe the kids were being faggots and did deserve it. Who are we to judge? If the beatings were wrongful, father won't have anyone to take care of him when he grows old.

Then support thy family is not an unconditional imperative, glad we're in agreement

No actually it is cuckoldry because you're putting the spooks of ~your people~'s interest above your own.

If all of your people unanimously agreed that you should kill yourself, would you do it?

Stirner did nothing wrong.

But they wouldn't, or else they wouldn't be my people. What color would the white fridge be, if it weren't white? If Stirner was a literally Hitler, would you still cuck for him?

Stop dodging the question, faggot, Give me a yes or no. Don't weasel your way out of this one by pulling a No True Scotsman out of your ass. You're born in a particular nation, and everyone agrees you should kill yourself. Do you do it or not? If you do it, you're a cuck. If you don't, you're a filthy free-thinking anti-authoritarian anarchist. So which is it?
I agree with his philosophy, I don't worship him. Attributes of a person have no relation to outside opinions. That's why you retards still think everyone who holds an opinion and happens to be a jew, their opinion becomes a "jewish opinion" or a "jewish philosophy"; this is no more true than saying when a jew drinks a cup of water, the water becomes jewish, or "he drank the water in a jewish way."

Again, answer the question, you cuckold.

His writings were never vague. Your interpretations are delusional. There's a difference. He addresses this exact criticism in his book Ecce Homo. Have at it.

The fridge is white, there's no point in pondering what other colors it could be.

just leave

Nazifags confirmed cucks

Nazis have always projected their cuckoldry onto others. Unsurprising, to be frank.

I can't believe what I'm reading. You are a disgrace to Holla Forums. Hitler would be ashamed of you.

No true scotsman was in response to a loaded question, if you debate like a jew, I debate like jew back.

Well you gotta up your game because you're shit at it.

It wasn't loaded. It was a simple question. You believe that having a different opinion makes someone suddenly not your people anymore, instead of your "muh race" bullshit.

Ready to admit people are more divided by opinion than race and that having the same skin color doesn't automatically make everyone love you? Because if anything, the vast majority of Americans hate you nazis.

Face it, you don't want to kill yourself, but at the same time, you don't want to go against your races' wishes. We call this "cognitive dissonance" and what you're doing to try and defend your fragile little mind from resolving this conflict is what we call "compartmentalization"

Face it, you nazifags are cucks. You're completely undialectical. smh.

It is a loaded question because

You answered it for me because you think there's only one answer. Eat shit faggot.


You're losing coherence.

You just don't want to accept the fact that not everyone gets along by virtue of having the same skin color. So if they hate you it must be because they're not really white, instead of the fact that you're just an asshole.

Enlight me then

It's not like
was an actual motto at some point …

Just look at where he set the parameters of the question
You lose no matter which you pick. When he isn't busy shouting "spook!", he debates like a jew.

But if a robotic cowboy emerges from the 15th dimension and tells you that stirner was actually a massive trolling attempt by ethereal beings to laugh their asses of at philosophical trogdolytes by making them think that muh interests and muh spooks are the awnser to anything and everything, would you then still be an adherent of stirner?

Questions, questions…

That was hyperbole you retard. But at the very least,
But you're supposed to bend over and be a good little cuck for daddy hitler, "your people" and your "nation", you don't want to disappoint them do you? If you choose not to, you may not be an anarchist, but you will be a free-thinker and anti-authoritarian since you're directly going against the interests of the "nation", and you can rationally put your own self-preservation (and therefore self-interest) above this petty "nation" or "people"

But, you're a nazifag, so what are the chances of THAT happening? Ready to die for your country, cuck? The peoples' will demands it! Don't keep them waiting, give the yes or no already. I'm anxious to hear it.


If my people were under a legitimate threat, I would risk my life to defend them. Your initial question was dishonest because the death would be meaningless. Your egoistical philosophy is immoral trash and so are you.

No no, they want you to kill yourself.
So you're willing to go against your nation based entirely upon your OWN standards, instead of theirs? Interesting…that's very free-thinking and anti-authoritarian of you…so you don't care about their wishes, huh?
I'm not the one whose willing to be fucked in the ass by my own shit-filled ideology, cuckold…

This post exemplifies why the nazi's made short work of anarchists. To win, you need loyalty, honour, adherence.. in the face of this the anarchist can only say "but spooks".

They have no sense of the sublime, they can only see it as something that devours them.

lol when?
Wrong. You need manpower.

Literaly feels über alles. Remind me how that differ from SJW's?

This post exemplifies why the Soviets made short work of the nazis. To win, you need adaptation, the ability to think on your feet, small unit tactics…in the face of this the nazi can only say "but muh race."

yeah like """"feels"""" doesn't matter right?
it's not like inspiring people ever yielded results

1920's and 30's.

A body without spirit, without discipline, honour, loyalty and sense of commonality, those that make up the aryan spirit, can not win

Cancer, because cancer devours you too. The sublime is frightening to those who cannot conceive themselves as anything but their own pettiness, who only thinks in terms of his "interests", his interests being a combination of drugs, sodomy and whining about how those who aren't like him are haunted.

If life were rational, it would only consist of thoughts about thoughts about thoughts, ever further into infinite regress.

Ah, but you are no soviet soldier, stoically charging in a human wave, or are you?

No, that wouldn't be in your interests, you might get killed.

Some result that turned out to be, nigger. Although it does make for an interesting thought: since germans got BTFO by the soviets, perhaps the slavs are the master race? I mean it only makes sense that if you lost to a greater force, that force must be better than you, right? Hmm…

Be more specific
And yet they still lost. lol!
Nice assumptions, faggot.

I know you're just that retard with the flag taken off; would you die if your people all agreed you should or not? Just admit it already.

Yeah, willpower is everything… until it get BTFO by superiors logistics. Please stop embarrasing yourself, that's DPKR tier ideology.

If you want to engage, do so through explanation of yourself, instead of giving me an absurdist hypothetical gotcha! question which bears no relevance to actuality.

You're just dodging the question because you don't want to admit that you would ever go against your own people's wishes. SAD! Why are nazifags so disingenuous?

The question does not represent an actuality of which I could give my judgement.

I know you imagine yourself as consisting of sterile abstractions in a realm of emptiness, there such a question might make sense.

North Vietnam had URSS and China behind them.
Your point?

Do you seriously believe wars are won with your dick and your knive?

It's called a "thought experiment" retard. It's made to address your cognitive dissonance we talked about. You're just trying to weasel your way out because you don't want to address your deepest sense of self-preservation in the face of your own ideology which has blinded you to self-interest. Face it. If your people all agreed you should kill yourself, you would never voluntarily go through with it and you would betray their interest to suit your own self-interest.

You can lie to me but you can't lie to yourself.

If it were me, I would gladly tell "my" "nation"
that they can all collectively go fuck themselves. Individualism and anti-authoritarianism, not dogmatism and spooks, ok? Praise Stirner.

Purging the undesirable part of the population under the pretext of an idealized purity of the people have historical precedents though.

I do not live in a thought experiment. You do, in a sense, as you view the world through such sterile abstractions, where all can be compressed into "interest", as if life were but one great instance of game theory.

The presentation of the situation is a false one, I'm not going to confirm your falsehood as an a priori by engaging with it in the manner you demand.

Go solve some trolley problems.

Again, you're only lying to me. Just give it up. Just admit "your people" are full of shit.
It is physically possible. Therefore not false.
Nazifags, everyone

You talk of spooks, yet think through pure abstraction.

It's not an abstraction, it's within the realm of possibility. Just admit you're a cuck.

is completely correct. It's not even a thought experiment, it actually happened. You can't even come to terms with reality. Is this why you make up so many bullshit myths, like being the master race and descended from Atlanteans?

An absurd abstraction being theoretically possible doesn't make it any less of an absurd abstraction.

Why should I go along with hypothetical presentations of n.ational socialism that have nothing to do with it?

It's not absurd, it's possible. Where's your proof this can never happen?
Stop being a retard and answer the question…you nation-traitor.

Something being theoretically possible, doesn't mean it's not absurd.

The question provides no context or actuality, and is therefor a false one.

Oh but it does, you would gladly stab your people in the back to save your own skin. Just admit it…you don't care about your people. You've never cared about your people. They don't mean anything to you. All you have to do is embrace it. Just embrace individualism. Why is it so hard for you? There's nothing wrong with disobeying authority. Authority is useless. You're a traitor to your nation, your race, and your values. And there's nothing wrong with that. So do it, then…

No, but it suits my interests that you would.


Then you don't want to go against your people and you would kill yourself? Then you're a cuck of the highest order. Maybe race/nation isn't such a big deal after all, huh?

wow, get out pls

You're the cuck, you have no honour. You would rat out any of your fellow kin just to save your own skin. When presented with betraying my people to anarchists that hunt them, I would take the bullet, when you are given the choice between death and snitching the location of your cell, allowing us to hang a hundred, you would choose the latter.

Honor is a spook made to trick dumbfucks like you into dying for your bourg overlords.
I like to keep my options open, but even then, I'm not so sure. It depends on the situations. One thing for certain is that I wouldn't kill myself just because of a group consensus that they say I should.
But that wasn't the scenario, the scenario was if you would kill yourself because the entire nation said you should, cucky. Either way, we'll gladly accept your corpse.

You're such a shallow creature, for some communists I can have certain a sense of respect, such as those who fought with honour to the last man. With you it's more like pest control, as honourable as a cockroach.

How odd, now it suddenly depends on the situations, while previously you approached such questions a pure abstraction free from situations. How much more odd, that the egoist is now suddenly considering to sacrifice his life for the interests of others. Luckily you have been convincing enough that you would never entertain such a honourable thought, that you would rat out your fellow anarchists if it meant saving your own skin.

My scenario is better, it represents an actual possibility that has occurred countless times, instead of the absurdity than my entire nation would randomly decide that I should die.

Enjoy your worthless social merit badge, faglord.
No I'm pretty sure "kill yourself because your people say you should and hold a vote on it" is not much an abstraction unless maybe you have autism. Do you?
If it pleases my ego, I want to protect my property. Read Stirner, faggot.
What so because I'm an anarchist suddenly I have to be friends with every other anarchist now?
Too bad, we're talking about mine. Now answer the question you cuck.
Gee sounds like an abstraction to me, where has it happened? Does you get many anarchist visitors in your mom's basement?
Maybe they just found you an insufferable cunt or because you're not 100% aryan. The reason is irrelevant. Answer the question, fag.

Looks like we're done here.

You ask me for my reasoning, and then determine that reason should be irrelevant in it.

Go argue with Stefan Molyneux.

Read again retard, I'm saying the reason your people give you is irrelevant, I am asking if you would kill yourself or not, do you have no reading comprehension? No wonder nazifags can't fucking read. Have you ever picked up a book in your life?

Go cry back to >>>Holla Forums if dealing with your own cognitive dissonance triggers you so much.

What you're saying isn't what I'm to going take as a priori in my decisions, they're not bound by your limitations.

You're starting to sound whiny and frustrated, the shrieking pitch like that coming from the ego of a youtube celeb doing a debate is almost audible.


You sound like you're about to break down in tears. lol did I trigger you little nazi-man? And what happened to
Once again, nazifags are inconsistent

You're very consistent. Though you're right, we are done here.

Let's close with a clip.

Nietzsche was a degenerate

Lukács. Nietzsche as Founder of Irrationalism
in the Imperialist Period. In: The Destruction of Reason

So basically it was feels over reals yet again.

That's right, run back to Holla Forums with your tail between your legs. If Hitler comes back, we'll make him kill himself, again.

Not sure I completely understand, was Nietzsche calling for a revolution that wouldn't touch the cappies? If so, where exactly does he say this? And second, did he actively defend the cappies, or was his revolution said to be a self-revolution and not intended as a sociopolitical change? The latter is excusable.