How do you respond to someone saying white privelege is real? Is there any proof? and is there any proof that white privelege isn't real?
How do you respond to someone saying white privelege is real? Is there any proof...
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White muh privilege is real and I wish to maintain it.
Fucking anarkids
Tell them the white race is a spook
How whites got their muh privilege? Maybe not practicing voodoo in the jungle
The world is not the US and anyone can be bourgie, as long as his parents could exploit good enough.
Seriously I don't really believe in it but I don't know how to respond to it
Respond like I do.
"Define White".
I don't really understand what you mean
when a group of people create a country. their decedents will usually have a better time than outsiders
Point to any random bum.
Well I mean it is. It's just that it's less important than and is derived from class muh privilege.
The idea of white muh privilege in the us has some merit if you ask me. a black prole will have a harder time than a white one. but you shoud account for class differences as well. A black bourgie is far more muh privileged than a white prole.
im drunk though
"White Privilage" aka "The White race is Privilaged"
Well, then what is this "white race"?
Is it Nordics? Are south europeans white? Slavs? Andalusians?
Is it based on how dark or light your skin is?
Are Japanese white, then?
Unless you focus only in the US (and even then…) you cannot define a "White Race".
Am I white, if a Nordic is white? Are jews white? Their skin is white!
What is white?
Then what if they say europeans?
Tell them to define "white." There is no definition of "white" and no clear group of people to whom the ill-defined term refers.
That's a riot. That includes everyone who was born in Europe and no one who was born in North America or Australia.
So Albanians are White?
And Hungarians?
And Andalusians?
And even Cypriots?
Also, so, Irish, Italians and Greeks in the 1900s hat "white privilage"?
You're 100% correct, and the vast majority of people who believe in some kind of "white privılege" would agree that there's no objective reality to being "white". The point is that there's an arbitrary social construct which has real impact despite not being rooted in anything physically real.
(continued) If you pick two random people from the USA's population and ask the first whether the second is white, odds are very good that they'll have an answer that they're reasonably confident in. That's the "white" in "white privılege".
Yeah I just mean european or of europran descent because it seems wierd to think of race as a social construct. Maybe I'm just spooked
Oh! So it's a US made excuse in order not to blame capitalism. Got it.
So race is real?
The problem with what SJWs insist on calling muh privilege is that they complete fuck up cause and effect.
They see that black people have a higher poverty hate. Now, a sane person would see a correlation (they have long been institutionally oppessed in the past, and now despite legal equality, economic inequality persists), but a SJW does the old "correlation is causation" idiocy and says that this current generation is more poor because they're black, as if the old institutions were still around. So they flail and whine, but can't point to exactly who is doing the oppressing. The closest they got is blaming the police, and even then they fucked up.
race is "real" in the sense that it's an actually-existing social construct. however, the social construct is not based on anything realer.
who said not to blame capitalism?
this is the closest thing to an answer so far
the "privilege" of white people is not just a result of race alone. That makes no fucking sense. Everyone is colluding against blacks to keep them down? no. An SJW might respond "it's not white people colluding, its a system built that works against the poor, in x and y ways" to which you respond "capitalism is structured in a way that is disadvantageous to the working and lower classes, of which african americans and minorities happen to be overwhelmingly a part of because of historical circumstances."
Anything like racism, stereotypes, discrimination and etc. is the result of material conditions anyways (IE superstructure and base theory y'all know the deal already) so you can try to explain that to them though they wont get it probably.
I understand where you're coming from, and there may well be some SJWs whose reasoning is just this, but there's far more to "white muh privilege" than "well, the statistically average person from the group of people who'd usually be recognized as 'white' is economically better off than the statistically average person from the group of people who'd usually be recognized as 'black'".
Lmao why you gotta lie on the internet
how can you get as far as filling in "it's not white people colluding, it's a system built that works against" and then decide that the only possible thing that could complete this sentence is "the poor", as opposed to either "the poor" or "black people"
If you were to be about blaming capitalism, you wouldn't need race.
The prolateriat has no race.
there are physically-existing distinctions between ethnic groups, but "race" as a particular socially-widespread categorization of ethnic groups is arbitrary bullshit. there's no such thing as "white"
So there is no such thing as white muh privilege
Neither is there such a thing as untermensch.
And why can't I say that capitalism is the biggest problem, but there are racial issues in our culture on top of that?
That's wrong
Race doesn't have to be physically real for muh privilege to hinge on it, it just needs to be something that's culturally recognized, regardless of whether the cultural recognition is rooted in something real. Stop being willfully dense
No you're wrong either white people don't exist or white muh privilege exists pick one.
Are you referring to non-systemic racist incidents? Because I confess I can't quite see what else there could be.
The idea of "white muh privilege", whether the person expressing it knows it or not, is a militarized term used to create class division and further alienate the populace of the Western world.
The notion implies that ALL whites have an inherent muh privilege because of their ethnic/racial background while completely ignoring the environment in which one may be observing this so-called "white muh privilege" and the historical background which constructed this environment.
Whether or not these people who push the "white muh privilege" narrative are conscious of it they are not only creating class division through identity politics but are also alienating a large swath of people and are, in fact, being racist while claiming to be against racism.
White muh privilege is the same as any other in a Capitalist society, the muh privilege to serve those who own the means of production.
"Systemic racism" doesn't just mean the "well, the statistically average[…]", it means (among other things) that there's ongoing cultural biases that help reinforce that average. The processes that made it that way in the first place aren't fully dead, they're just slightly better hidden.
I don't think that the Untermenschen are those you would think of. Hitler loved Muslims, because they were united in Antisemitism.
Read this too:
Stop talking about white people as if Hitler didn't consider certain white ethnicities (especially Slavic ones) inferior.
Is this bait
he's saying that there are biases everyone is forced to have under institutionalized racism
like, for example, if you are walking around during the night and there's a black guy in a hoodie coming towards you, he passes you over and then check if you still have your wallet. he's saying you wouldn't do it if he was white.
he's saying you would do that because of preconceived notions that blacks are disproportionately poor and thus prone to crime.
same reasoning is applied to cops. they don't shoot because they're consciously racist.
Yes, this is a good summary of part of what I was talking about
Ok, let me clarify why I said "Is this bait"
On the off chance that it actually isn't, the whole fucking point of muh privilege is that it's a property of "the environment in which one [observes it] and the historical background which constructed this environment"
Like, when people talk about "white muh privilege", that is exactly what they mean
"White" is such a retarded concept on its own I can't even bother to despook that shit.
Sand niggers were useful idiot for the greater Germanic Reich, don't feel to good about yourself Abdul.
White muh privilege is indeed a spook
The problem is that the spooked people are the ones doing the harm, not the ones who are harmed
just to add, racism still exists, but most probably the people who are doing the actual oppression are not even racist, and those that are don't actively do anything to oppress certain races on the basis of racism.
not all white people are muh privileged.
not all black people are underprivileged.
All poor people are underprivileged.
All rich people are muh privileged.
It's not real. If your country is homogeneous it's completely irrelevant if you're white or not, then becoems about how much people you know, how much cock are you willing to suck and how much backs are you willing to stab willing to stab.
In countries which aren't homogeneous such as USA, then yes white muh privilege is very much real.
do you feel good about yourself for your 1/64th german heritage you mongrel
Oh I think I got it. Isn't it what they call "background racism"?
I suppose you have a point, it's not as based as systemic racism, but it's still a chronic problem, worse than isolated racist incidents.
But if I'm going to be honest here, the majority of SJWs can't get this much nuance. Assuming even I got it right.
That's right, they don't, and that's why nobody knows what they mean when they talk about muh privilege: because they don't know it themselves.
Liberals assume our capitalist society as it currently exists is on the whole, rational, and all problems are actually due to irrational outside factors such as discrimination, which is seen as individual people just being mean. imo stuff such as racism is actually a product of the capitalist system, which is by its very nature an irrational and fucked up system.
It's real
agreed, but racism existed before capitalism too.
it's a dumb way of framing things, as it is more likely to produce pseudo calvinist guilt orgies rather than genuine liberation. it's more driven by the egos of white middle class 'activists' than anything.
That's not what "privilege" means here. "Privilege" is not an absolute measurement; the idea is that being white confers muh privileged compared to being black all else being equal.
As an SJW, "this much nuance" is the bare minimum I expect from every SJW I talk to. There are plenty of SJWs who don't get that much nuance. There are also plenty of self-described "socialists" who don't get as much nuance as the distinction between private property and personal property.
Anyway, "it's not as bad as systemic racism" is pretty arguable, even if your definition of systemic racism isn't literally already that. Any socialist should understand that what's written down in the laws and policies barely matters.
will we ever live down the trash can meme
Cause race is a spook.|
And once you get rid of capitalism, there will be no need to have racial issues.
Then how come so many liberals put "privilage" above all other factors?
Not unless you have a state that actually enforces them! You know.. like.. a socialist state? Not a state that is only there to promote the interests of the bourgies?
But, then again, it's all about race, no?
So is the state. I guess we're not allowed to think the state is bad.
I don't see why racial issues will just evaporate when capitalism is destroyed. How does that follow?
Liberals put muh privilege above all other factors because they're liberals. You can be either an SJW and a liberal—in which case you're a dipshit—or an SJW and a socialist—in which case you acknowledge issues of both race and class.
I don't understand what your point is. I said "what's written down in the laws and policies barely matters" to point out that systemic racism doesn't need to be codified in laws and policies to have the same impact as if it were.
Because if Cletus and Tyrone fight we will send them to the gulag.
The state is a creation of society to hold itself together.
Race is a creation of certain societies, to have a other to blame. A system of production that doesn't need to blame some part of society, doesn't need racism.
Not all spooks are bad.
Nope. That's reddit and they are liberals. Also, americanocentrism.
This. Sorry, but this!
It uses precisely the same logic as Holla Forums use to argue that the black race has low IQ. It's justified by generalizing statistical trends across entire populations and then using them to attack individuals from within those populations.
You're talking in circles. My original question was "why can't you be an SJW and a socialist", to which you replied "tons of liberals are SJWs and non-socialists", to which I replied "yes, that's true, but that doesn't mean that you can't be an SJW and a socialist", to which you replied "no, you can't be an SJW and a socialist".
Try explaining why?
Also: Certainly communism wouldn't need racism, but just because it doesn't need it doesn't mean it can't have it.
Because an SJW will always prioritize race and gender (both spooks) to Class.
It's in the core values of SJWism. A movement born in the US FOR THE US!
Socialism is international and has nothing to do with SJWism. If you try to apply it on.. Japan, are you gonna talk about "white privilage" there? And what sort of socialist would care about the skin color of an actor and the accordance of the played character?
We have far more important problems than those the SJW bourgie kids come up with!
We fight every day to prove communism isn't what burgers think.
I see no such fight in SJW or 3rd wave feminist cyrcles.
Also the answer is always rape Gulag.
Different user here. You can be an SJW and a socialist just like you can be a young Earth creationist and a socialist or you can be a CIA torturer and a socialist. Hell, you can be a capitalist (i.e. property owner) and a socialist.
I'll still think you're a fucking moron if you do any of those things.
Hmm, maybe that's because you're not paying attention.
SJWs are liberal reactionaries but they scapegoat white dudes instead. All of them support capitalism but hate the 1% because Bernie says so.
You can be Marxist and support social justice, like the white panthers and what not.
If that bothers you that much we could literally have heterogeneous countries and nothing will change because class struggle won't exist. If you hate Tyrone so much move to a place where white people are the majority, honestly no one will force you to like him, but if you want to start a white nationalist movement you will end in the gulag.
Or maybe that's because you don't know how to propaganda promotion of ideas.
I'm both of those people. You misunderstood the second post; I was saying that just because communism doesn't need racism doesn't mean that it can't have it—i.e., you need to make sure in particular that racism is destroyed, not just assume that it'll fall out of destroying capitalism.
So you just object to the term "SJW", then?
I don't care what you call yourself. You can claim you're a black jewish feminist maoist zizekian nazi for all I care. State your beliefs unambiguously or continue to waste everyone's time by playing semantic games.
Personally I'm a Nazi. People think nazis are all evil and shit, but they just spoke to the bad fake nazis. The real nazis are a basket weaving group from Jamaica who give free food to the local homeless shelter. Anyone who says otherwise is not a real nazi. You should educate yourself before you judge me for my poor choice of labels.
Wouldn't you objecto to the term "Nazi" just because it's a term used to characterize people of a certain ideology? As user above says?
I mean, if you want to liberate people you have to liberate them from categories too. The generic language of 'social justice' has been adopted by everyone in the last few years, the democrats, mayor corporations, pop culture, the military industrial complex. It's good for management- much of the generic SJ lingo can in fact be traced back to for profit diversity consultants. it's also something very much of its time and place, americans sure do love their Oprah(tm) emotional confession time, 'authentic' redemptive experiences for upscale consumers.
That's not how I would respond to it
Instead, simply point out that not all white people are muh privileged.
They well say "that's not what it means! It means all white people have a special muh privilege that other races don't have, when applying for jobs and stuff!"
Point out that affirmative action is quite literally the biggest fucking muh privilege on the planet; it literally means they will give you a job just because of your fucking race.
They'll probably get mad at this and call you racist. Anyway, point out that muh privilege is conferred by WEALTH far more than it is by RACE. Is a poor, uneducated, unemployed, 50 year old hick in West Virginia, who can't really afford to re-educate himself, more muh privileged than Shaquille O'Neal? Does anybody honestly believe that?
I think it would also be the case that, in a city or a part of town that is more black than it is white, it's probably easier to get a job if you're black. Since the businesses will be run predominantly by blacks.
Also point out that generalising across an entire race does not help anyone. Demonising an entire race is what the left is *supposed* to be against.
At this point if they're still rabbitting on then I don't give a fuck and I will tell them to fuck off. And I will tell them that white people WILL rise up if the left keeps trying to enslave them for the sake of minorities.
businesses in black areas are often run by greedy chinamen
Just because race is a spook and identity politics is unproductive and divisive, doesn't mean that racism is inconsequential. Telling people that it isn't real is equally unproductive and divisive. Just say that in our current society, class oppression effects more people, and is a much less divisive issue to have at the center of our discussion. Play the "white-working class" card.
The thing is that white muh privilege broadly does apply to most-or-all white people.
A simple off the cuff analysis (because I'm a "no struggle but class struggle" kind of guy, I just understand where they're coming from.) is down to the fact that even an impoverished white criminal would be viewed more positively than a black criminal in the same circumstances, because there's a sort of latent background feeling that differs from the norm there. (A good example that I read, though very minor, is someone telling a black person "you're very articulate!" - it's a genuine compliment, the speaker is being nice, but it reveals their underlying thought process - black people are inarticulate. It's much less likely for a white person, though in other circumstances possible - I'm sure British social class relations had/have an equivalent.)
Calling it "privilege" really sticks in my throat though. 99% of the time the behaviour treated as muh privileged should be the norm. It's not a muh privilege to have a roof over your head, society as a whole (and certain actors in particular) have failed you if you lack a roof over your head against your will. Those with homes shouldn't feel guilty.
And so on and so on.
White muh privilege is real in the sense that racism, conscious or not has seeped into institutions combine with the primary fact that porky benefits from division between the workers.
The solution however to this problem, however, cannot be achieved in the same state of affairs. That is, you cannot abolish racism and white muh privilege within capitalism, to many liberals' dismay, you must alter the base to reform the superstructure.
And I should explain with reference to
that while such ideas are abused by liberals, the cia, reactionaries, idpol socialists, and so on to create division we must understand that the basis of the dreaded white muh privilege does have grounding, and thus must appose and debunk those who seek to abuse it.
Prejudice towards people of color and white muh privilege are different ways of phrasing the same thing. It is a question of one's frame of reference– those who are marginalized see those who aren't as muh privileged, and those who aren't instead only see said marginalized people as oppressed (moreso than all workers normally are). This is why, in my opinion, to deny the existence of white muh privilege is to deny the existence of institutional racism.
The whole thing is a kafka trap for the sole purpose of gibs distribution.
Three words: "I don't care." or "Not my problem" will get you out of that guilt trip bullshit
Well, yes—"privilege" is probably not a perfect term for it. (also, it's not "behavior" that's muh privileged)
Excellent summary
>>>Holla Forums
yeah i have no idea why i put it that way. my sentence construction process is really weird.
Yeah, I can acknowledge that.
Good Adam Curtis blog on this.
Why tho? Thia shit is discussed everyday and this thread already has a multitude of responses.
Is white muh privilege real? Yes. Is Jewish muh privilege real? Yes. Is New Englander muh privilege real? Yes. Is Ivy League privlege real? Yes. Is Skull and Bone muh privilege real? Yes.
Obviously the closer you are to some nepotistic in group, the easier time you're going to have getting in to said nepotistic in group.
Like if you were trying to become a 52nd Hoover Crip being a black male born near 52nd and Hoover in South LA would help.
To be fair, when I wrote that, I was thinking to myself: "what businesses do blacks even run"?
Barbers shops is all I could think of. And I seriously think that's a massive problem. Asian people start laundries, they start convenience stores. White people start all sorts of businesses (which is why we're so damn successful). Why don't blacks start businesses? Oh yeah that's right because they'd rather go and steal a living.
Blacks really should start more businesses if they want to make themselves better off. But they never do, they just decide that they don't want to be no part of the white man's system, so they form criminal gangs instead.
Do you want to stand back and let the left keep fucking white people in the arse? OP asked how you respond to people talking about white muh privilege - basically, WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR OPPOSITION KNOWN.
I was thinking how ironic it is that lefties say "you're threatening the existence of minorities!" - actually the lefties threatened OUR existence FIRST. Their call for safe spaces, where whites can't enter. Their call for getting rid of whites in jobs, to be replaced by non-whites. And their non-ironic call for white people to "step aside" for minorities. Essentially: "we don't want you to exist, we think you need to stop existing, or at the very least you need be physically removed from your job, so that a minority can have it"
E.g. this post:
E.g. this article saying white people shouldn't be cast in movies: https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */2d525de
E.g. this famous article from Salon saying "white men must be stopped":
E.g. this article saying - and I'm quoting verbatim - "anuddah shoah would not only be good, it is necessary and even unavoidable":
Just to be clear I'm not saying that minorities need to be removed, or destroyed, or anything like that. Which is the assumption that the left always jumps to, because they can't tell the difference between a defensive position and an aggressive position.
I'm just saying that the left should probably stop calling for the destruction of us - because THAT is what has caused the backlash of the "alt-right" (which has existed for many years, yes, but only gained momentum once leftists started openly fantasising about, and fetishising, the mass murder and/or forcible legal oppression of white people).
It's real. It's still idpol.
>>>Holla Forums
The problem, of course, is that the things white people have an advantage with are far more society-wide and fundamental than those that black people might have an advantage with.
Race being a social construct does not mean race is wholly disconnected from biology. Don't be a fucking retard.
And yeah, whites are muh privileged in some ways that are difficult to change. Blacks have substantial benefits in other places, like financial aid and college acceptance. Overall, it's much better to be white in America, for social rather than economic reasons.
The idea of "white muh privilege" suggests that members of the bourgeoisie are somehow oppressed if they're not white, and that homeless people are muh privileged if they are.
Evidence mustered to support it comes in two forms; either they demonstrate that a higher percentage of black people are proles and are treated like proles (so why talk about race and not class?) or they supply the same paranoid, nationalist fantasies as white supremacists as evidence of "oppression."
The legal apparatus of segregation (and therefore any white muh privilege in a meaningful sense) was dismantled 50 years ago; what remains is capitalism, and fixing it requires class struggle.
White muh privilege IS real.
However it is not something that can actually be changed without radically restructuring society, and the fault lies on no one but the system. This is where liberals fuck up - they blame all white people, instead of just saying 'well by chance the system ended with this identity in a better position on average than most, but there's nothing we can do about it now without abolishing the system and it's not like white people chose to be born white anyway I guess'.
Have you considered that maybe your own inability to retort to white muh privilege means you're wrong that white muh privilege is actually a real thing even if you don't "believe" in it, whatever the fuck that means. It's either that or you're retarded, take your pick.
the framing of 'privilege' itself is bad politics. It's rather like prison terminology, in that it assumes a baseline of 0 rights and total deprivation, and frames everything else as 'privilege', which one should apologise and feel guilty/thankful for. The emphasis is not society anymore, but the neuroses of the individual, specially the neuroses of the white, 'progressive' middle class individual, which is invariably the center of this universe. Everyone is supposed to crave their recognition, covet their managerial class lifestyle. Notice how liberal idpol's notion of 'liberation' is basically just success within the parameters of capitalist society.
Exactly that was the problem I took with it. That doesn't mean the base argument that white people, statically even, tend to do better than black people, and it's not because of any bullshit 'race realism' pseudo-science.
That helps explain why there's lots of reactionaries within 'minority' groups, for example, the 30% of 'latinos' who voted for Trump. There's 2 models of social advancement, the liberal managerial class one which involves internalising identity politics, and the regular capitalist model, preferred by business owners, many of my relatives in the US. The later model allows for the preservation of traditional authority, based on the family, religion, while the liberal model calls for the adoption of totally different and alien social norms.
This may be what social justice sounds like to you, but this is not at all what it's saying. You're listening maximally uncharitably while applying all of the normal connotations of terminology without any understanding of the conceptual context people are speaking within.
Consider the following:
Your post is basically this, but with regard to social justice instead of socialism.
Not to defend liberals, but of the social justicey people I know, even the liberals would mostly agree with
They "blame all white people" in the sense of pointing out that everyone in a racist society is by default complicit in propagating racism inasmuch as they propagate the society's culture, and white people tend to be more complicit than others, since they're less often aware of what they're doing. But it's a matter of compliance-by-default, not accusing malicious intent.
Well, ok, there are probably some people who would claim malicious intent on the part of every single white person, but I don't give a shit about what they think.
Let me amend this by saying that maybe people wouldn't agree with
>by chance the system ended with this identity in a better position
given that the historical causes are hardly chance.
i'm actually from a middle class latin american immigrant background, what bothers me about the generic terminology of social justice is how it tends to be a managerial ideology, more interested in putting people in boxes and telling them who they are supposed to be rather than liberating them. Suddenly, you are not the ultimate authority concerning what you want and who you are, the experts are, the people who have mastered the slang and received the appropriate training, even if they are upper middle class whites.
Basically OP, anyone that retarded is beyond help
you realise you don't actually care about this shit, it's all some sort of elaborate therapeutic psychodrama being staged for somebody else
just to add, telling people not to be racist won't lift poor black people out of poverty, cops won't stop shooting them, etc, etc.
I've remind them that white muh privilege is a larger socio-economic problem, and not something one can pin on individual person. A homeless white guy is not muh privileged over an rich black guy.
It is real, it's just not something white people should be shamed for/ashamed of because they had nothing to do with it. And obviously it's just less of chance to get arrested or more jail time or have thd cops called on you, etc, which is true and unfortunate but is also part of the same cultural superstructure as liberals who think race and class and gender can be addressed in similar ways via "awareness" and "fighting [vague behavioral trend]"
Basically, racism and muh privilege are real but are results of a capitalist mode of production not some inherent white sin and muh privilege politics as they exist now are crazy and counterproductive identity politics.
Tell them the only meaningful muh privilege is the over abundance of capital that money junkies, politicians and other gambling parasites enjoy, and to stop forcing their retarded idpol.
Cue hissy fit.
Copied here for your convenience:
[White muh privilege] is real, it's just not something white people should be shamed for/ashamed of because they had nothing to do with it. And obviously it's just less of chance to get arrested or more jail time or have the cops called on you, etc, which is true and unfortunate but is also part of the same cultural superstructure as liberals who think race and class and gender can be addressed in similar ways via "awareness" and "fighting [vague behavioral trend]"
Basically, racism and muh privilege are real but are results of a capitalist mode of production not some inherent white sin and muh privilege politics as they exist now are crazy and counterproductive identity politics.
Anyone saying that white muh privilege doesn't exist or is sucking the SJW dick is wrong and can go back to >>>Holla Forums and reddit, respectively.
But then this only applies to America, and could be turned around and said to be black american DISADVANTAGES.
If white people have nothing to do with it then don't bring them into it.
Even if it is real, political expedience is often such that it's easier to deny it.
"Recognize it and propose a long-term solution" leaves you much more open to attack and compromise than "ignore it", though obviously this flips with context.
Also, it only applies to poor black people.
And also poor white people have disadvantages as well.
It doesn't even seem like people that believe in this sort of thing don't want it to change, they just want to make white people suffer for it, and give them money for it.
almost everything goes to the rich, you get the crumbs. The right tries to convince you lazy poor people are getting free crumbs they didn't 'earn', while the 'left' tells you the crumbs you get are an unjust, undeserved muh privilege and you need to cleanse yourself through performative displays of guilt, regardless of whether that actually achieves anything. The right has managed to implement the capitalist agenda with great success. Despite the heroic performative efforts of pop culture and corporate PR, everyone is now getting less crumbs across the board.
Let me break down "white muh privilege" for you.
You have one side telling them that they have muh privilege that they need to be aware of, not taking into account their own personal experiences and solely basing their "privilege status" on the fact that you're eyeballs have detected that they have pale skin.
I'm CERTAIN, that when some bitch with bourgeoisie parents who live in a gated community, who decided to put their daughter through college to get a shitty lesbian dance theory degree because it's not going to be a financial hit on them when it inevitably turns out her meme degree is worthless; walks up to a white dude on campus that grew up with a single mother in a trailer park in Georgia who unfucked himself by getting a full-ride scholarship by working his ass off in highschool to make something of his life and be the first in his family to not be a wage slave; as soon as the pumpkin spice latte #imwithher bitch starts screaming about how the "blue eyed devil cracker boy better hand over slavery reparations to the BLM league on campus", I'm SURE the Alt-Right isn't going to absorb him like a sponge as soon as he sees an "Identity Europa" poster on campus giving him the other side of the coin, basically telling him he's a fucking god because of his skin color.
Both sides are telling him he has "white muh privilege", but golly gee, I wonder which path he's going to choose.
The blue and red pill are both out in the open on campuses. Fucking get out there and give them the "third pill" that Zizek talks about if you want any chance of prying them from the hands of the Alt-Right.
This, to be honest, family lambs. no shaking my head.
Define white.
That's a fair criticism. I'm not gonna deny there are problems with that in social justice circles. That said, I think it's kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater to subsequently discard all of the concepts of social justice (e.g., muh privilege).
"Would be identified as 'white' by the majority of people in the cultural context under discussion"
I have no idea what you're talking about
I considered adding something like "please note: the above is satirical. the point is that I'm comparing what you said to something equally stupid that you'll be sure to disagree with", but then I decided to try having a tiny bit of faith in the reading comprehension of random people on the internet. Guess that backfired.
Light skin, American.
I always find it hilarious when people try to come up with narratives about how social justice is going to alienate white males from the left, given that half the people I know are white males who entered the left by way of social justice.
I was alienated from the left because of social justice.
I went from libertarian->anti-sjw liberal(sargon-like)->anarchist->here
I still fucking hate social justice and idpol
The only reason I discovered the far left was from the far right.
The only reason I discovered the far right was from the idpol left.
We can trust that to be real, right?
Of course not. Race isn't real.
That doesn't mean it doesn't matter.
Just because something is a perception-based, context-dependent majority opinion doesn't mean people won't act on it or let it color their thoughts.
how well off are you?
my experience in socdem parties has been that social justice shit is great at getting upper middle class gay guys involved and middle class women into leadership positions while being dire for working class male engagement.
Allah isn't real and Mohammed was an epileptic nonce, ISIS still exist based on the perception that he existed and was divine respectively.
OK, you win there. I'm pretty affluent.
That said, I'm not convinced that "white men have muh privilege" is more alienating than "abolish private property", if you want to go off of how stuff comes across in context-free impressions.
its irrelevant. racism exists. sexism exists, etc. it doesn't matter what group is being discriminated against.
I was almost seduced to the alt right because of idpol garbage. I'm gay and all my gay friends ate that shit up. I was very opposed to it, so I searched online to see what other people had to say. The criticism of SJW on youtube was mostly alt right idiots, like ben shapiro and milo. There was also the MRA and r/theredpill idiots. All of them identified the problem but fell prey to similar thinking or just wrong conclusions. Started lurking here when I visited 8ch, then more and more, then read socialist shit and well, here I am.
similar to this guy
There's only one red pill.
jesus, you realize white muh privilege is an intersection right? A rich black person will have more muh privilege than a poor white person, but would you really want to be a poor black person instead of a poor white person if you had the choice?
I'd rather be a poor person who didn't thoroughly internalize race ideology to the extent of calling themselves "black" or "white", and who organized against capitalism without accepting the idea of "race" (or any other portion of capitalism's legitimizing ideology for that matter.)
it would be best if nobody called themselves black or white, but as long as most people believe in such a distinction, you can't just pretend that nobody notices it.