The Chinese Communist party

So why does China even bother to call itself communist at all?

It's basically the worst example of capitalist excesses in the history of the world. How do they teach this to children and party beginners?

"We want to implement full communism but to do so we must become an anarcho-capitalist paradise without any of the social or personal liberties; Our comrades at the top are not enjoying their decadence, but actually just pretending, their hearts are with the proletariat."

How do they justify this to themselves? Mao would have all the party porkies executed on the spot. Not to mention it is quickly becoming a personality cult around Xi, now all those who register to the party pledge their loyalty to him.

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Chinese like having a 👑

Because they are. It follows the Kabbalah almost to a T

Good shitpost.

The problem with State Capitalism (Prole captures the state) as propped up by Mao and Stalin, is if you don't succeed, it can become co-opted and transformed back into capitalism once you have passed away.

They need a Big Other.

Capitalism with accelerationist characteristics

smh tbh senpai have some faith

Because Deng redefined socialism/communism as ""development""

Not an argument

Name any part of the Chinese government that ""follows the Kabbalah to a T" protip you can't.

You have to get over your irrational hatred of Jews. They aren't some homologue. As with any group, some do bad things and some do great things. There are many Jews who fight against the bad things done by other Jews, for example. Jews are no better or worse a group than any other race.

Those are some high hopes fam

Only once you embrace the contradictions you'll realize the truth; Comrade Deng realized this.

how is this an improvement

From what I've heard a sizeable portion of the party are actual communists and aren't terribly happy with the current state of things. They still teach Marxist writings and Mao over there.

Repression of Gentile spirituality, for one. They enforce state atheism, and use the Christian churches in the area to root out those that still have spirituality that they cant outright slaughter.

They kinda are. Lilith has told us time and time again that there ARE no good Jews, there are simply "Jews", and they tend to be pretty uniform in their behavior. It certainly doesn't help that the Greys and Reptilians created them to have a limited hive mind, so the "homologue" comparison does indeed apply to them.

tbf the last time religion took hold in China in a big way

Good thing that can't ever happene ag-

Christianity is a program, not a religion. If anything, you're proving my point.

How do you explain people like:
Glenn Greenwald - who broke Snowden's story about the NSA and is very much anti-government and a libertarian socialist
Noam Chomsky - who has defended liberty against the state and capitalism and has brought to light many of the things our government and media do
Bernie Sanders - who, while kind of being a sellout, called out people like Lloyd Blankfein and Steve Schwarzman for destroying this country with their fraudulent businesses

There are many more I can list, but these are just three off the top of my head - really important Jews who have contributed way more for the cause of freedom than you or I have (working against other Jews who were doing bad things). Your ideas on Jews are nonsensical.

no one cares. stop posting

SatanNazi surely this is too retarded for you to believe surel-

oh forget it.

Please stop shitting up the thread with your inane bullshit

Jews are masters of deception, so it is only natural that they may pretend to do good deeds while simultaneously playing the long game, or 5D chess, as you do love to call it.

And the bottom two are literally Jewish Communists, and I've already explained what Communism does.

This is what Marxism-Leninism has to offer to the world. One way or another it always end up failing :^)

Honestly, I think Mao himself was part of the problem:

Molotov once said that Mao confessed to him that he'd never read Capital and likewise Stalin referred to the Chinese communists as Margarine Communists, he even called Mao "another Tito", although there were some ChiComs who he could stand like Gao Gang.

As for what justifies the CPC in their own minds? Probably the humiliation that centuries of foreign imperialism inflicted on their own country, also the fact that the party can create a social results that make the proletarian and the people somewhat easier to control.

What justifies the CPC in the mind of most Chinese? Seriously, most Chinese nationals I've met were not afraid of their government, what seems to matter the most to them is the state does a good job running the economy. According to R.D. Wolff the income of the bottom half of Chinese has went up five time since 1980 and their income/wealth gap, while grossly unequal, is less then that of the United States.

Little surprise it turns out that social democratic Keynesian prescriptions designed to lower inequality and raise growth rates can only happen in a dictatorship like China. Liberal democracies, and their doctrine that the private sector should be as free as possible to maximize individual freedom cannot mitigate the tendency for inequality to grow under capitalism in the slightest. Most of the West has been experiencing stagnant wage-growth for decades now while the rich get even richer, broadly speaking we don't have the Chinese or 19th century British/American situation where the poor do slowly and incrementally get richer but the rich get richer even faster.

The vast majority of the reduction in inequality in social democratic states in the 20th century can be explained by the effects of war, military spending, and depression on the incomes of the top 1%. No wonder then in our time that even the most ardently social democratic electorate is powerless to elect a government capable of really reducing inequality.

wtf I'm an anti-semite now

antizionist rabbis would be a more helpful example, maybe.

Fine. Marx, Rosa Luxemburg, Rudolf Rocker, Daniel DeLeon.

Legitimacy. China has a ton of rural Maoists who like the idea of socialism even if they support market systems.

If China drops the communist facade, they lose much of their rural support and liberal factions could challenge their authority.

at this point, I think they call themselves communist, because its pretty had to make a socialist movement against the establishement, when the establishment says they already are socialist

The most hilarious thing is that Mao actually predicted that this whole thing might happen in his red book.

He's not shitposting dude he's mentally handicapped


Maybe democracy failed to stop the runaway inequality in the US but democracy has done a way better fucking job of protecting workers rights and the environment.

It hasn't happened yet and Chinas environment and labor standards are something out of medevil times

And yes that's because of democracy, when are you guys going to understand the superstructure shapes the base, the fact that porky has to even go through the facade of democratic elections makes a huge difference

China's environmental standards are actually making a quick reversal. They're looking to replace all of their coal plants with new safe nuclear reactors in the coming years for example.

The problem with State Capitalism is that it is not a proper transitional phase that leads to communism. Currently, pretty much all countries in the West have the means to implement an electronically, democratically planned economy that eliminates the capitalist law of value altogether, working as an economy of time and kind rather than one of capital.

Some things to read:
- "Towards a New Socialism" by P. Cockshott and A. Cottrell:
- "Computers and Economic Democracy" (pretty much the same but focuses just in expousing the arguments for computer-assisted economic planning):
- The Soviet Cybernetics thread, where we discuss about how to actually implement this, among other topics:

Far be it from me to defend China but Workers there have higher wages then in Mexico, Brazil and many other Third World nations. The minimum wage is between 1-2 dollars now and they have an extremely large middle class that has a first world living standard. Basically, China is slowly reaching parity with first world standards of living. The view that it's just a sweatshop hellhole is pretty out of date that's really been taken over by other nations like Bangladesh and even poorer nations where China exports capital. Just like any other imperialist nation sans democracy in this case.


It's not just democracy, but the wider web of counterbalancing powers in western societies. Anytime you want to get something done, such as building a factory, you have to drag along a whole web of power-holders before it can happen, not just government agencies, but also various organizations in civil society which protect the interests of their members. What protects us to a large degree is effective excercise of NIMBY.

Of course, the more wealthy you are, they better you will be at this, the more organizations you will be in that protect your interest and so on. This is a bit more visible in continental Europe, where unions are powerful and visible, and you also have large non-profit sectors, environmental groups, and other types of civil society organizations. China lacks that, which explains some of the excesses.

It's a bit of a bourgie point (I think I got it from a Fukuyama lecture), but not really wrong. To the extent that these mediating organizations draw in more people, they do function as a (very imperfect) substitute for direct democratic associations and organizations.

Deng Xiaoping's policies were unironically the most consistent with Marxist theory.