What is Holla Forums's opinion on African American Vernacular English?
What is Holla Forums's opinion on African American Vernacular English?
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rly made me think
It is a dialect of American English, generally more syntactically complex than more anglophonic English dialects.
We wuz complex N SHIIIET?
Pretty interesting from the linguistic perspective, but nobody here really gives a shit.
This. Also while it has its roots in black culture AAVE is more of class and regional thing now.
Why prioritize ebonics over any other dialect? Why not keep a standard language for education like pretty much with any pluricentric language?
This reeks of idpol.
As a non-native English speaker, it sounds terrible. We spend all these years learning your language correctly, while you yourself decide to butcher it in such a disgusting manner.
Race realism is incontrovertible and shapes policy.
But English has been a butchered piece of shit for last few centuries.
wtf i hate black people now
It be sum real nigga shit, famalam.
Right? Just look at this. The purest English from the 14th century:
This Nicholas was risen for to pisse,
And thoughte he wolde amenden al the jape;
He sholde kisse his ers er that he scape.
And up the wyndowe dide he hastily,
And out his ers he putteth pryvely
Over the buttok, to the haunche-bon;
And therwith spak this clerk, this Absolon,
"Spek, sweete bryd, I noot nat where thou art."
This Nicholas user leet fle a fart
As greet as it had been a thonder-dent,
That with the strook he was almoost yblent;
And he was redy with his iren hoot,
And Nicholas amydde the ers he smoot.
Of gooth the skyn an hande-brede aboute,
he hoote kultour brende so his toute,
And for the smert he wende for to dye.
As he were wood, for wo he gan to crye,
"Help! Water! Water! Help, for Goddes herte!"
We've fallen so, so far.
So I should just conveniently forget about how Black students are dropping out less than they were high school, or how they're outcompeting poor white kids in Britain?
Fuck off stormnigger.
Niggers are dumb subhumans this is basic fact.
Forgot dropout rates.
Without black people we wouldn't have the Super Soaker or Nerf gun, and frankly that's not a world I want to live in.
I don't know man, you're sounding pretty dumb yourself.
Frankly I can do without the NBA and rap """""""music"""""
Except it's not basic fact.
>Although the implications of our psychometric findings for the potential of the Flynn Effect in sub-Saharan Africa remain unclear, the Raven's tests and other Autism Level tests have shown robust increases in many populations (Daley et al., 2003; Flynn, 2007). So suppose that there were a well-validated Autism Level test that showed measurement invariant scores between westerners and Africans. Even then, lower Autism Levels of Africans still would not support Lynn and Vanhanen's (2002, 2006) assertion that countries in sub-Saharan Africa are poorly developed economically because of their low "national Autism Level". Wicherts, Borsboom, and Dolan (2010b) found that "national Autism Levels" are rather strongly confounded with the developmental status of countries. Given the well-documented Flynn Effect, we know that "national Autism Levels" are subject to change. An average Autism Level around 80 among Africans may appear to be low, but from a historical perspective this average is not low at all. A representative sample of British adults, who took the SPM in 1948 would have an average Autism Level of 81 in terms of the British norms of 1992 (J. C. Raven, 1960; J. C. Raven et al., 1996). Using older British norms, the average Autism Level of Africans would be much closer to 100. This is evident in Figure 2, where we compared SPM scores of Africans to older norms. In this figure, the average Autism Level of several African samples is near or above 100.
Since when are high school completion rates a valid psychometric indicator of anything?
The public education system is a joke and graduates students on fucking attendance!
fo dem fo whitey… nigga naw shiet fuggin
Its not a dialect, its a bi-product of blacks lacking a developed Wernicke's area. Calling it a dialect would be like calling the screeching autistic kids make a dialect. If anything, Black's violent actions speak more accurately to their true thoughts than their language ever could.
Gee, its almost like those numbers are outright lies coming from a government whose intent on manipulating their working class into accepting mass immigration that will provide wealth businessmen with cheap labor, and remove any power they have left by polluting their democracy with foreign voters.
Come on now
If you don't like rap then you have seriously shit taste.
You're the one who posted an article about teachers should ""allow ebonics""" because English Grammar is to hard to learn.
You were implying that Blacks cannot compete academically. I provided sources that say they can.
The damage control from you is fucking hilarious.
this time you nazis have gone too far
You're really doing a shit job of blending in Holla Forums.
Fun fact, the Banjo is an adaptation of a western African form of guitar. So the entire basis of American folk owes itself to Africans. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Holy bigotry of low expectations Batman!
stay mad wonderbread
I was talking about grammar and phonology, not about vocabulary like shit and fart.
I'm not even blending in you fucking idiot. Why else do you think western countries allow immigrants? The people don't like it, its the business interests that want it. Here's a fun fact for you, you commie faggot, every person who can do work devalues the work of everyone else. Do you know what happens when you allow people into a country? They do work, and your work isn't as valuable. For all your stupid fucking babble about how you want to protect the workers, you sure love immigration. Its a logical inconsistency the way I see it. You should figure that out.
Note how when the stormfag gets BTFO they resort to calling your information lies and ad homs?
What do you think the Nazis wanted? The only masturbation fantasy here is with you believing you're fighting some greater evil, and therefore must oppose anything said evil supported. You forget pretty quickly that Hitler fed his people, protected his people, and removed bankers and loan sharks who exploited them during the depression. Hitler did more for his people than any 'leftist' retard you mopes read about and sperg out to.
You have a shit brain.
Hey that sounds a lot like rock too.
Except you do every time it comes up. You should get better at lying, its a shame that jew Marx didn't write a book on the topic.
But that's racist!
Because native credit markets are quickly reaching saturation and without a domestic consumer base to buy the cheap products made overseas the entire economy would collapse.
That's not really a fact you dumb idiot.
You're really, really stupid. Hopefully a more intelligent immigrant replaces you.
Opinion muhfuggin discarded
I should just conveniently forget about Rojava, Thomas Sankara, Anarchist Catalonia and Titos Yugoslavia.
lots of meme arguments ITT coming from both sides
Holla Forums opinion on transracial adoption study?
'Tolerating' cultural features created by slavery is a way of subjugating blacks.
To protect capitalism and the interests of the military aristocracy, you titanic retard.
It b discredited N SHIIIET race is a social construct
Lukr moar you insufferable tard
He was baptized as Protestant as a child
Show me a rock scene that is all money money bitches money bitches bang bang money bitches bang money bitches.
Linguistic prescriptivism is shit. No dialect can be objectively more or less "correct" than another. At the same time, mass standardization of dialect is an eminently utilitarian thing, as mutual intelligibility is always a plus. Newscasters speak Newscaster English for a reason. Professionals find accent reduction training useful for a reason. It's more useful for someone to learn something that allows them to communicate effectively with more people.
Nice ad hom. We don't
Is it possible for you to form one coherent argument before sperging out and blaming the jews?
honestly if you look into it, thats a lot of different types of music
Accord to who?
most negroes think speaking respectable or even legible english is "acting white," a fate worse than death, so aave is probably the best you're gonna get
what did you expect from island slavs?
You're retarded
How do you even act "x" without resorting to shit tier stereotypes?
damaging vinyl records is not music mate
Yeah but what I described is the type of music that the culture of the ebonics speakers produces. Its not healthy
Not an argument.
Are saying black people are beyond resorting to stereotypes?
Ebonics is a PROLETARIAN language.
Disco demolition night were assmad rock music fans?
I see the potential for this.
Ebonics is spoken mostly by poor blacks. Anyone who is against it is a petty bourgie or really just a straight up bourgie.
i don't know. ask negroes. it's their term
I mean how does anyone act "x" without being boxed into some stupid stereotype you disingenuous idiot
i mean stuff like gangster rap can be pretty bad in that sense but it was a trend started by actual gangsters making music that caught on. Also music can be a pretty shitty business, just do a little research on popular musicians and you'll find stuff like criminal records, drug problems, lover problems, etc. I dunno what it is about music but it's commonly a pretty fucky lifestyle.
interesting. the bit you underlined says, "We think that it is exceedingly implausible that these differences are either entirely genetically based or entirely environmentally based."
…that would imply that the researchers who criticized the study are asserting that the differences in intelligence between racial groups are probably NOT ENTIRELY environmentally based, and therefore at least somewhat GENETICALLY based.
are you endorsing that conclusion? the conclusion that the differences in Autism Level between racial groups is, at least somewhat, genetically based, and that therefore in the realm of Autism Level, American blacks are genetically inferior to American whites?
Top kek
Why are burgers so autistic about race
This is a rhetorical question by the way
Wow it's not like material conditions don't affect anything at all whatsoever
"Black people" never invented anything because "black people" don't exist any more than "white people". It's all meaningless idpol.
thats what i'm trying to say, the music business will cause you to fall into that type of shit regardless of what genre you sing. On top of that there are a lot of genres that have a bunch of popular songs about drugs, sex, money, or any combination of the three with the only exception being genres that are mostly intrumental.
the Autism Level for blacks is increasing, you tell me.
You mean the guys who accepted donations from the Pioneer fund, a known fascist think tank?
No one is denying that intelligence is genetic or that people are genetically equal, but to say that they're like this BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK is inconclusive.
it's a common thing for negroes to denigrate other negroes as "acting white." it's not recent
source please, my friend wants it.
Honestly any hentai manga or doujin will have that. Especially the ones about rape, but literally 90% of them is rape
This is a horrible way to argue your point. Simply point out that a causal link between race and intelligence is extremely unlikely and leave it at that. Also point out their doublethink in claiming to love whites while wanting them dead or revoked as members of society if their test score is low.
Or if they're leftists.
They can at least wave that away with "race treason".
Also request for the BO to wordfilter "race realism" to "class creationism" for the lels
Read a basic fucking introductory book on linguistics. Holy shit.
I mean not giving a small explanation or something after each source to make a point isn't ideal but stuff like that can get the point across.
I was going to insist on "debunked pseudo science" for extra lels
this is a good idea
The only ones participating in class creationism are leftists because they are class reductionists.
Leftist "science".
Language is a static thing. It never changes at all. That's why we, as English speakers, all talk like characters out of Chaucer.
"creationism" would be more than enough tbh. Or "flat earth".
You are creationists becuause you believe evolution stops at the neck.
Too pretentious.
Reality is class reductionist.
I-He asked for a source, are you gonna give it?
Is this the part where you start copy pasting slogans from YouTube comments?
Holy shit, the stormniggers are now using SJW rhetoric. We truly have come full circle
sorry, can't help ya. I was just saying how if it's the situation going on in that image that you're looking for you'll have no hard time looking for that.
Who's the creationist again?
You also have other people doing that
For example, "wiggers" "acting 'Asian'" "pretending to be x"
Again, Ameriburgers are autistic about race
I'm ngl I thought it was a regular hentai manga, not that shit
I found it on a blog
glad you found it then
that's not what it means. it's about perception of success. it's a class matter
Thank you for elaborating!!
so that's it then huh?
AAVE is just an offshoot of the dialect spoken in the American south. This is nothing special, but Holla Forums will take an article from a satire website founded by a non-white as gospel.
Made me remember that Holla Forums thread where someone said "y'all" and got responses calling him a nigger and then more replies talking about the South. Fucking retards.
From the first link
Journal links basically say that "race" makes sense biologically, but it's more complex than that.
This is garbage.
Liberals showing their racism again.
Trut me as someone who went to an "inner city" school they push these kids through year after year just so they don't have to waste money keeping them there. Some kids graduate barely able to read. I went to a mostly black community college also…..Where Students Wrote Like This In Every Paper And They Still Were Able To Pass. Also many used literally no punctuation. These are highschool graduates in Hartford.
all americans need to be forced to speak proper english tbh
Shouldn't this be on a linguistics forum?
You have to read the whole thing idiot
Go back to Holla Forums
AAVE is a dialect of English just like British or Southern English. If you unironically believe that speaking it is a sign of stupidity or poor education, you must also believe that Southerners are the same way or else be a hypocrite.
Only appropriate in casual conversations and things like that, shouldn't be used in formal shit. Black Americans aren't the only people in the world that have to do it.
You just deal with it.
non native english speaker here, its literally the easiest grammar i know.
if you think english is hard, you should check French. its a major pain in the ass
Congrats on the cuck sucking mods
this. as a native english speaker who tries to learn foreign languages, english grammar is a breeze in comparison to most
Loads of country music is basically about money and fucking in the backseat of tractors while on drugs. If you speed it up it's really no different from modern rap (whose underground scene, by the way, is nothing like the materialistic mainstream).
Get bent.
Mainstream rap reeks of capitalist idealism.
Let's hear some dope underground consumerist rap, comrade.
Succinct analysis.
linguistic diversity is cool
Isn't this the case because of immigration and not having the ability to speak English?
ain't no fun if the homies cant have none is the best song ever written so
it follows its own rules of grammar, so if they wanted to teach it as a side to standard English in majority black areas who gives a fuck.
who is saying standard English is too hard for minorities, though? sounds patently absurd.
Just another dialect of English, equally as shitty as the others.
English has been an irredeemable pile of shit since the Norman invasion, prove me wrong fuckers.
So, like the voseo/dialect in Maracaibo, Venezuela? People use it in casual conversation with friends, but if you're talking with your boss you don't use it.
dumb as fuck suggestion. If minorities only learn Ebonics, it will leave them unable to read newspapers, literature or even basic pamphlets on health and safety.
It is like the story of the bear that want's to chase the flies from it's sleeping master head. The bear takes a large rock, and not only chases the fly away, but also crushes the skull of it's master.
A well-meaning liberal is a dangerous thing, especially to it's friends.
Also it's more important to learn standard English. You can't speak Ebonics all over the anglophone world some countries like Malta have very little experience with urban dialects and probably couldn't understand it.