Is this graph accurate? Discuss

Is this graph accurate? Discuss.

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Bono truly saved the world.

Is 2 dollars a day still relevant? This is due to social welfare, and not actually people being able to have a work with decent income?

Here you go

hue. Take solace in the fact that neo-liberalism is building the world required for global action.

$1.25 is less than it used to be. :^)

- Marx

Capitalism is a productive, developmental force. In spite of all its contradictions, it steadily and very tangibly improves the material conditions and well-being of the proletariat. The communist opposition to capitalism has never principally been in conquest against its various immiserating tendencies. Instead, communism stands for rejecting these utilitiarian and moralistic formulations for overthrowing capitalism, ultimately existing only to tail the prolteriat in a time of crisis; when the proleriat itself as revolutionary subject refuses to accept these increases in quality of life capitalism has given them, constantly at the mercy of its contradictions.

Capitalism will continue to improve our economic standing just as it is designed to systemically do. Our time will come when this again falls apart under its own contradictions, just as it has before in all periods of authentic proletarian revolutionary activity.

Do you think the conclusion the graph draws is wrong? Sure, inflation. But a $2 or $20 makes little difference to the poorest. They are the people who survive on subsistence and there have been improvements here too. While we're 3bn people fuller than we were in 1980, we are probably not 3bn poorer. I Fucking hate neo-liberalism for what it has done to two generations in the west but some shit it has done right, even if by accident.

Wanna hear a really scary one? US global hegemony has reduced war. Think about it. The vast majority of the wars fought since ww2 have involved the US, either fighting communism or promoting/protecting neo-liberalism or its predecessor, soft colonialism. World a shit.

These are the people who it literally makes the most difference to

The poverty reduction measures were introduced after WWII by UN, and it's part of the post-war Keynesian consensus. Totally different thinking from neoliberalism.

Also the aggregate data is misleading. Check pic related

If you can live off 1 dollar a day why do you need 20? You think you can escape poverty on that? Probably not, that excess income will be spent on drugs and booze, see every bum always

If you're living hand to mouth of subsistence agriculture then it really doesn't. They'd have nowhere to spend it for a start. Direct, targeted aid is more beneficial.

That might be the most inane things I have ever heard.

Refute it. You know it's true. Starving bum will buy a sandwich with his last dollar, he won't buy 2 sandwiches with an extra dollar he will buy a can of beer.

Edgy liberals? On my Holla Forums?

Bums are not even a fraction of the people who fall under this level of poverty.

No, the world bank has re-defined poverty several times just over the past decade and a half, and their "extreme poverty index" was very poorly constructed to begin with. Not only that, but it doesn't factor people who previously made no income but farmed and hunted and now make a meager living in the cities. Worse living conditions, but they consider this an improvement.

I really doubt that the enslaved Chinese sweatshop worker or the African miner will save up their extra dollar when cigarettes provide escape and cost only 50c

Worse living conditions? Maybe but less endemic famine and disease. But from what I hear that's making a comeback.

Intended or not, neo-liberalism has been improving the lives of some of the worlds poorest. Better to work for two dollars a day on the toxic scrap-heap for Apple than to starve. Just.

The smart ones will. Which brings problems of its own.

Going by figures around about 21,000 people die of poverty every day not sure if those dying/dead are counted.

So you're telling me that after $1.25 it doesn't matter? Well shit son I guess they are living in paradise.


They count for less poverty

Sounds like you are too stupid to refute it. Read a book.

True, few have probably made it over from the poorest of the poor. But one strata up from them its pretty common. Those from the poorest states who make it to the west tend to be the richest or the smartest.

capitalism BTFO forever

Presumably the Chinese charismatic you refer to is protectionist state capitalism?