What the fuck is happening to comedy? Why is idpol running so extreme in these circles now? Why do comedians almost all do the same material now and why do they all seem to be in complete lockstep with the neoliberal vanguard?
What the fuck is happening to comedy? Why is idpol running so extreme in these circles now...
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Comedy is dead OP, now reality is the joke.
Cause a big portion of comedians audiences are rich liberals in NYC and LA
They like jokes making fun of white trash and enjoy virtue signaling. If anyone starts joking about rich people they feel uncomfortable
I actually think that the Bush era was probably the nadir of comedy in popular media.
Idpolers think differently than people with senses of humor. Above all else the idpolers must reaffirm their value system and understands all communication in this context. This is something not just idpolers but reactionaries in general have in common. They fundamentally don't understand what humor or irony is. It's the same thing with other forms of art - anything that's not actively upholding the ideology is dangerous.
Some people are half reactionary though, so they can do both the virtue signaling and the humor. Buying into moralistic (I.e. ideology-affirming) art can push people toward being reactionary though, since that psychology plays on powerful fear.
It's complete suicide for a comedy show or channel not to target younger people nowadays, and if you target younger people you need to take into account all the current social-justice narrative and the fact most of them are progressives.
So with the economics of comedy dependent on these people, former "screw PC" types like Bill Maher promptly made their conversion to wokeness, good shows that were on a more conservative side like Tough Crowd were cancelled, edgy humor was redrawn to be edgy against conservative sensibilities, etc.
Funny thing is, dark politically incorrect, "oh come on it's just a joke" shit was hugely popular back in the day because there was still a mainstream audience for it, but I think during the Bush era conservatives were so triggered out of watching comedy that the only thing left to pander to are college people who only want to hear about how stupid white men are.
i miss Patrice O'Neal.
We all do.
We needed that dude's sanity.
I'm not against virtue signaling. But Facebook makes people do that so much it becomes nauseating. I found myself doing that way too much, cuz you get insta-likes, so I had to cut down on it.
Comedy is so much worse now than in the Bush years dude. I remember the Bush years as pretty comfortable to boot. Maybe he was shit, but that deficit he ran in 2003 was pretty comfy.
SNL was literally always trash. And comedians are usually Democrats. And Democrats love Clinton.
and was never funny
at least we still have Hicks
That is so true. Comedians were so vigilant against Bush. I can't imagine being a conservative comedy fan during that time.
you wouldn't care if he said the opposite
he didnt say the opposite
Jesus opie and anthony is garbage.
Arguably, social media and instant communication have allowed the limousine liberals who always were the majority in comedy to create a proverbial hivemind.
Because they're playing to a liberal audience. It's all a business and they'll sacrifice anything for money.
I miss Bill Hicks.
Liberal "comedy" isn't funny for the same reason that right-wing "comedy" isn't funny; it's because their comedy is almost entirely based on ingroup/outgroup dynamics and you're a part of the outgroup.
These fucking dipshits think that "drumpf" and LGBT drag-wearing Putin is funny.
And by "right-wing" I really mean center-right/republican. There's actually plenty of good right-wing comedians.
not sure why leftypol has such a boner for hicks. just seemed like a brian griffin liberal to me.
now that i mention it, are there any funny, actually leftist comics out there at all?
Oh Jesus Christ, don't remind me. I'm still having trouble parsing how the fuck babby-Nazis managed to have much better humor than the """""left""""". I genuinely thought that humor was anathema to an authoritarian personality.
nigga come on
i mean i'm not TOO familiar with him personally but i haven't heard anything particularly leftist from him and ive listened to a lot of his bits.
They wouldn't be funny if they didn't have Liberals to make fun of imo. Liberals are such simpering dipshits that it's fairly easy to be subversive by making fun of them, even if your beliefs are boring as shit.
I think Chapo had a good take on this actually, and it applies to liberals and republicans both imo.
The "opposite" is still idpol. We're against Tumblr here. Lurk more or go back to Holla Forums.
Claiming that Holla Forums is against Tumblr is a pretty good indicator that you're fairly new here. It was a joke bud
This is autistic.
It's the reason why conservatives will say they're marginalized or under attack or like PJW says, they're "the new punk." It's because the dominant (even domineering) cultural voice was a bunch of Democrats ragging on an inarticulate man who strongly resembles a chimpanzee stomping around starting wars. Comedy is part of the larger trend that helped give rise to conservative talk radio and "alternative media" that helped Trump win.
the difference being the guy said what he said in the eighties and early nineties while seth mcfarlane just spouted stuff in a time period in which everyone already agreed with him.
plus hicks is actually funny and didn't make a faux nonsensical show to have his quasi-mary sue avatar shitting on everybody in it
Frankie Boyle is actually fairly lefty without the idpol shit
I've been here for quite a while now. My understanding is that "Tumblr" is a metonym for liberal idpol h_gboxes which destroy the left.
If that was a joke, then you're not very good at jokes.
Not him, but I'd be exactly equally as mad if he said "No man could screw up this badly." It's just plain sexism fishing for approval. And the "it's a joke" defense doesn't apply to Carlin because almost all of his material was saying his earnest opinion in a goofy voice.
I remember a few weeks ago I was listening to a "conservative comedy show" on the radio, and I thought john Oliver was bad but this was much worse
The first five minutes was a long form joke about "if you change your genders and you're called a tranny, are poop fetoshies called poopys, are foot fetishists called feetys etc"
If this is what adults actually find funny holy shit
You can thank cultural Marxism for that, buddy
the idolatrous devotion directed towards Hillary by liberal entertainers un-ironically looks like something out of a Stalinist dictatorship. It's like she's Kim Jong Un, the Virgin Mary and Dumbledore all rolled into one, at least in the eyes of hardcore cult members. Samantha Bee sounds like every single annoying teacher you had in grade school.
The comedy scene in nyc is run by the unfunny sons and daughters of wealthy liberal progressive Democrat donating jews not even memeing. If you don't lick jewbutt and their unfunny Tikkum Olam political correctness you're not going anywhere not even memeing
Its showing its true face
Because idpol is attention seeking behavior and comedy is attention seeking behavior
Because people seek attention to get resources, and if given the chance will amass large quantities of them through nothing but attention seeking (Kim Kardashian, all stand-up comedians basically even the greatest ones like Eddie Murphy and Carlin). Naturally their self interest starts to align with the investor, owner, management and ruling classes and not the proles. They're not culturally elite and will inevitably start tinging their comedy with politics and self-interested agenda.
Associating the users of a website with an ideology you dislike is Holla Forums level shit fam
&I wasn't the one defending Carlin, nice try buddy.
This. John Oliver is a fantastic example of this.
Seriously fuck that piece of shit and all his imitators. Also Samantha Bee isn't fucking funny. Like at all. Just wanted to say that.
I think Bill Burr is alright.
billy burr rules
I watched sam bee's show once. never again holy shit.
bill burr did nothing wrong. i liked when he went on some talkshow and stunned the lib audience by saying hillary fucked up
op go on cum town
Anyone else seen F is for Family on Netflix? Pretty funny shit. Only 6 episodes in one season so far, pretty quick binge.
That episode with Hillary was fucking hilarious though man
It's a fucking criminal cartel. They own the venues, museums, bars, everything..
And Holla Forums thinks it would be different in a communist America. Yeah niggers, you want a revolution? First kill all jew porkies! Oh, what's that? Jew porkies organize your controlled revolution?
We'd kill him regardless of race. Stop being so triggered.
Solution: Remove private property. Therefore, yes communism is the solution.
You do realise that Freidrich Engels, a white bloke, also wrote the communist revolution?
Why are you Holla Forumsyps so fucking stupid?
How can a Jew be a billionaire and a Communist at the same time Holla Forums? The double think is hilarious
Neonazis were on the rise on Greece, just heard of a killing, I randomly clicked on a clip with Daily Show stuff, and it's John Oliver.
The porky jew becomes a leftist or a rightist depending on circumstances. He plays on both sides.
Then they would be in the ruling party, top members. They would decide everything. It would not be the first time, look at what happened to Stalin.
And look what happened to Mao, Sankara and Tito. You're not fooling anyone, lad.
Stalin trapped himself by being too eager with the gulaging. When he collapsed, the doctors were too scarred to look after him.
Joseph "fuggen 🍀🍀🍀rootless cosmopolitans🍀🍀🍀 :DDD" Stalin is probably the last fucking person among the Bolsheviks you should complain about
he said to Stalin. Implying with that sentence that the Joos killed him.
We will kill white porkies first so we wont look racist ;^)
seriously 100% of his stuff is this + 12 badly shooped pics on the left side of the screen.
Good point. Their humor is good now because they have a punching bag. I suppose even the Nazis had comedy magazines with nothing but happy merchant cartoons.
You guys like Stanhope? I honestly think he'd be a commie if somebody was able to sit down with him to dispel the Cold War propaganda that's colonized the West's opinions on socialism.
yeah he does seem pretty left when it comes to a lot of things but unfortunately he's bought into the dudebro libertarianism that's weirdly common amongst comics
atleast he's not as cancerous as joe brogan but yknow
Joe rogan is especially cancerous since he takes right wing commentators so seriously and acts like his mind has been blown at every other sentence, but when a left-leaning person comes on he just acts dumbfounded for half the interview and then asks them how they're going to get laid with their ideology for the second half. He doesn't even want to debate their talking points, he wants to make a mockery of them.
i actually kinda miss "dude pyramids lmao"-era jre even though i probably still wouldn't listen to it nowadays. anything but the weird, blunted far-right propaganda center it is today
Listen to Cum Town, OP.