What the fuck is this guy's problem? I know that Holla Forums likes to shill the fuck out of this guy, but he sounds very fishy.
Yuri Bezmenov
Other urls found in this thread:
It's another case of defectors will say anything to survive, mixed with right wing think tank funding. Holla Forums is into him because he makes up conspiracies about the cultural marxist soviet union using gays to destroy the west.
If you actually look it up there are dozens of soviet defectors making up all sorts of shit for money, Bezmenov is just the one who had the best funding and the best script.
He is skilled in lies.
I've always noted that he was only assigned to India - even if he was legitimately being taught how to subvert, to generalize what he says to the United States in the way he does is laughable.
(It'd be like getting an airship pilot to explain how to hijack a jet. What fucking ballast, Yuri? )
he just gets money for parroting the usual reaganite drivel
Ah yes the man who got paid to do speeches for the John Birch Society
He got to sell a lot of books and make lots of money from lectures.
He's a textbook traitor who did just for fame and profit.
When did he said that?
And on the other hand, he also blamed Bolchevism as Jewish conspiracy so it's pretty hard to tell when he's being genuine or manipulative.
The people who wrote this know that Marxism is an enlightenment philosophy right? It's literally modernism run amok, it proposed the cold, logical and inevitable development of society along a particular path driven entirely by material forces.
and look how well it developed.
No you see, it's postmodernism if it goes against muh common sense.
There's also no two ways about it that Adorno was a deranged mystic.
Germany is the most leftist country in Europe.
What did he mean by this?
How so?
Not exactly the hardest achievement when your competitors are barely-industrialised/Westernised nations like Iran and China, or are colonies of European powers (i.e. India)
You're aware Eurasia also include Western Europe, right?