Doesn't the idea of "cultural appropriation" put at risk thousands of ethnic artists, small business owners, artisans and establishments who have literally nothing to fall back to but the sale of products and goods from their culture?
Doesn't the idea of "cultural appropriation" put at risk thousands of ethnic artists, small business owners...
Yes, and that's why that notion is utterly retarded idpol trash. I'm as happy to share my culture with others as I'm sure other artists are to share theirs with us.
Next question.
Pretty much
Should we make an effort to target these people and discuss the dangers liberal identitarianism pose to their trade?
Cultural appropriation is something that should be denounced in the context of imperialism/colonialism. Under global capitalism however it means basically nothing since almost all things are going to be commodified eventually. Why should culture be placed above people?
Of the million or so retarded aspects of the concept, yeah, that's one of them
Yes. It's idpol trash enforced by liberals and SJWs. Next question pls.
Yes. I've seen very progressive artists bothered by this. It's nonsense.
I guess I could understand if a deeply religious person got offended someone was using their symbols in vain, but some white girl getting offended a latino is using dreadlocks? That's poison, contributes nothing against oppressed cultures or races, and is nothing but whining that gives liberals a worst name that they already have.
They are bothered by it because it presents a challenge to their own business venture. If everyone produces ethnic art then the value would drop significantly. It's pure petit porky idpol.
Stop culturally appropriating functional governments and clean streets.
Bad post.
you're thinking like a fucking liberal
cultural appropiation is bullshit, but so is commodification of culture under capitalism
Everything is commodified under capitalism. Idpolers want us to stop appropriating cultures yet are fine with appropriating bodies and minds via wage labor.
We are not liberals and were just as baffled when we first heard the term.
culture is an immaterial abstraction, already debased a thousand times by commodification and recuperation. but YOU actually have to bust your ass working out there if you want to eat.I really doubt there's much 'authentic' culture left under capitalism, and the whole jargon of authenticity just serves as a source of power for advertisers and demagogues.
I'd rather "culture" not exist at all and everyone do whatever they fucking want. While there will always be arbitrary societal norms (shaking vs bowing, language, types of art or music, etc.) the idea a group of people have some sort of monolithic "culture" that they "own" is ridiculous.
The idea that culture itself can be privately owned by one specific race is just about the most fascist thing I can thing of.
Does it maintain private property rights? Yes?
"Cultural appropriation", or the idea that certain elements of culture should be limited to particular individuals based on essentialised biological criteria is a reactionary notion.
The identitarians have come full circle, and embraced the essentialism that they claim to oppose.
This tbh my main man
"cultural appropiation" = cultural private property
It is too liberals though
There is literally nothing wrong with cultural appropriation.
Its exploitation of workers that's the problem.
Reals > Feels
It's ridiculous because exploitation of culture is an economic relationship, not a cultural one. If a particular group is having their culture exploited for profit it will have the same effect on those people of the exploiter is a member of that culture or not.
of all the reasons 'cultural apropriation' is an utterly retarded notion thats one of the least compelling I can think of for it. I wouldnt reccomend repeating it as an argument to anyone who actually supports it.
This right here.
The fact is people who want to preserve "their" culture and shun inspiration or involvement from others are just as regressive as the "white culture" people. People need to stop putting such an emphasis on specific cultures for fucks sake.