Or do we show leniency towards useful porkies
When the revolution comes is George Soros getting the bullet?
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Depends how much he'll pay me
George Soros is secretly funding the Esperanto movement in China and Eastern Europe. His father was a filthy Esperantist.
Soros isn't even his real name, it's an Esperanto verb meaning "will fly". His real last name is Schwartz.
Gets the bullet. He helped ruin millions of lives all over the world, especially in Asia. He can fucking rot.
"George Soros" is honestly just code for "Jews".
He's not useful at all. I don't have the article to hand but the gist of it was that when he funds a movement at all, he does so to bring it into the sphere of "legitimate" politics and deprive it of actual revolutionary potential.
Then again I'd give him the bullet just for profiting on black wednesday so whatever.
Absolutely no leniency towards any filthy porky. They all go on the chopping block when we eradicate their wretched establishment, no exceptions.
Esperanto was one of the retarded ideas that Lenin tolerated. Stalin was right with banning that cosmopolitan, anti-Russian bullshit.
Soros and Rothschild and Zionism in the context of conspiracy shit are always code for JOOOOOOOOOOZ
How do I get Sorosbux?
He still hasn't sent me my fucking check for protesting
I don't have a problem with jews.
I have a problem with Soros, Israel, The kabbalah, Zionists, Social Engineering, The Rothschilds, The Bilderbergs ,Ben Shapiro and the CIA.
lol wut, you've never read the zohar
the CIA isn't Jewish and isn't run by Jews
Literally; "Jews are the master race" mystic bullshit.
Are you retarded? He's extremely critical of any and all leftist belief systems.
Esperanto and communism have nothing in common. Esperanto was created in the 1800s by some Jewish ideologue who wanted to use cosmopolitans to spread an international ideology. The Esperantist movement died in the 1900s, largely because of Stalin. It's something only university professors, college students, and third world ideologues still cling to.
Communism however continued to live in the Soviet Union and now continues to thrive and fight imperialism in Venezuela and Cuba.
t. ankie
How is he in any way useful? He caused the 1997 Asian financial crisis by playing around with money. He consistently funded "movements for democracy" behind the Iron Curtain.
He gets the bullet first - he cannot be trusted! He's a slimy liberal and a bourgeois capitalist!
It's actually true, Trot.
George Soros has done nothing but implment pro-immigration. He is evil.
Can't believe no one else can see through this thinly veiled pol bait
In what way is he useful? He helped topple socialism in Europe and funds retarded shitlibs to spew idpol everywhere.
He needs to die, I haven't seen one cent for all the e-protesting and internet socjus I've done to further his jewish agenda.
i'm supprised no conspiracy theorist madman have attempted to kill him jet
The question offends me. Remember how much this man has cost socialism, Holla Forums. Remember all the strings he's pulling as of now.
Just think about how much better humanity would be by just putting a single bullet in a single, particular head. Do it.
Oh mean the guy who played a major part the in transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s
you mean*
It's like you don't even read the conditions attached to your sorosbux every month.
People are going to kill random proles instead of these fuckers…because well, it is much easier to kill random proles.
posting in a Holla Forums thinks soros is a communist/thinks we are liberals thread
Why is anyone giving serious responses to this?
Because a lot of Holla Forumsyps actually believe the shit about him leading a conspiracy of Jewish bankers and the UN to destroy Western culture with Cultural Marxism. This is a chance to convert them by debunking the bullshit.
Being "above it all" is a serious mistake - it lets them confirm to themselves all their misconceptions about the left.
Holla Forums needs to lurk moar.
He isn't an Esperantist, just a native speaker, and he's never funded or advocated Esperanto.
A tankie being an uneducated authoritarian, how surprising.
The labor movement is a huge part of the history of Esperanto; Esperanto is inherently internationalist.
Don't give your favorite dictator so much credit. Esperanto is still very much alive and growing; it's funny that Stalin and Hitler acted the same way towards Esperanto, really fires those neurons.
I don't have a reaction image to express the amount of incredulity I feel towards this sentence.
Again, he's only a native speaker because of his father. He's not an Esperantist and probably hasn't been for decades. Also, that article is extremely bias and negative.
Soros gets the bullet
Fucking Zizek's even said it
The level of solipsism required to make your post is off the charts.
Holla Forumsyps can be converted, but not proactively. You need to wait until they realize that deep down, their entire ideology is an edgy meme.
Anyone who profits of the backs of the working poor get the bullet. See: 2008 recession
I think speaking Esperanto as a native speaker automatically makes you an Esperantist.
Both nations also were against American imperialism. Should I tell people to eat meat since Hitler was a vegetarian? Esperanto is a retarded idea that goes against national unity. We cannot have a successful socialist revolution if every snowflake faction wants to divide the country.
No in the meaningful sense of "someone who believes and advocates for Esperanto"
While also trying to increase their own.
Esperanto is for uniting the entire world. It has nothing to do with single countries where people already speak the same language. And advocating for a secondary language can hardly be called dividing.
It will never comes, how much deluded can you be?
You're getting a bit too close to the truth there, buddy. Good thing your helpful board mods disagree, and kindly bumplocked this thread.