What do you make of this?
Donald Chump's 180 on China
It's only surprising to narcissistic idiots that literally got memed into voting for the status quo.
pic related
3^42340938503948 dimensional chess lad. Don't worry about it.
No but seriously I'm really dissapointed that Trump is going full centrist. I was hoping that his isolationist policies would help to dismantle the American empire from within by creating power vacuums which China and Russia could fill.
I'm somewhat disappointed because I actually wanted to see whether tariffs could reindustrialize a nation with a massive trade deficit against China. But I'm not surprised. Even if Trump didn't flipflop he'd still have to get any protectionist trade agenda through congress which would have been impossible anyways.
Entirely unsurprising. He's a Jew puppet, and those guys love China.
He's a dumb fuck fox news grandad who's getting a crash course on how the world works, it's not a surprise all his retarded positions are going to change
Wow, Trump flip-flopped? Never seen him do that before.
he's making so many 180 turns that soon he'll like, walk away or sumthin
If he wanted to do something about the trade inbalance he'd end the USD's official status as the reserve currency that's used for all major global trades.
Americans loved "unfair" trade - until they started losing.
America's bourgeoisie still love the current trade system. That's one of the major reasons why basically the entire political establishment was against Trump.
lmao, Putin is one thing because he's actually in a though spot but China has literally nothing to gain by colllaborating with this faggot.
Kim will go when and how China wants him gone, the US has no power over the Asian continent, only the sea, for now.
Donald Trump's favorite video game console must be the Xbox 360.
I don't think that's how it works.
That's some wording thereā¦
Is Trump /ourguy/?
No he's porky's guy.
Yes that's exactly how it works.
If countries need cash deposits to cushion themselves against economic shocks because they don't want to get bent over by the IMF - and the USD is a hard, globally accepted currency and as good as gold - then countries will run trade surpluses against the USA in order to accumulate USD.
That's not how materialism works. Base shapes the superstructure, as Trump abandoning his policies and ideals illustrates.
Why do nu males with verified account buttons keep doing this, as if one wins elections by pointing out the logical fallacies of their opponents?
How many times has Trump been gotcha'd by now? He doesn't care and neither do his supporters.
Yes I know. However I was hoping that Trump was stupid enough to use up all of his political capital to force it.
This, all these goons care about is personal spite and their group biases. "Their guy" got into office and that's all that matters, he could have turned into a total socdem and his supporters would call it 23974th dimensional chess
Even people who claim to have renounced him will still passive-aggressively defend him because all they care about is antagonizing the people they are defending him from.
Well, his idea was stupid to begin with because the problem is that the yuan is actually overvalued right now. If China stopped manipulating currency, it would actually make outsourcing worse. Obviously, Trump is not aware of this, so his opinion is retarded, even if the actions following are correct.
They'll still defend him no matter what because that's what happens when you tie your identity to a personality. They spent a year propping him up as this savior and conceding even an inch is too much pride to swallow. It is a sign of "weakness" to these people to admit you were wrong, it is better to fight to the last man than say "Gee, maybe we should regroup or some shit."
They'll declare 4D chess even when the pieces have been through a woodchipper and the board set on fire then pissed on.
Seems like a pretty good deal for the US. They get a ton of imports all in exchange for useless paper they can create at will. Literally tribute.
he really thinks this retarded bluffing will work on china lmao
It's not the first U-Turn that's for certain
China is gonna help him with regime change in North Korea and Donnie is gonna look like a real Big Boy to his base and liberals and the imperial death machine will roll on
The chinese are playing him like a fiddle
Xi is an actual chessmaster in politics
The problem isn't the USD as a global reserve currency, but the IMF being neoliberal shitwads. If developing nations could rely on the IMF (or some other organization) to have their back, then they wouldn't need to run trade surpluses and keep piling up ever increasing reserves.
The textbook pattern is that developed countries invest capital in developing countries, developing countries then send this money back to purchase imports which aid their development. The problem is that this cycle is prone to breaks, and when the IMF let asia eat shit in the 90s, everyone quit reading the textbooks and started hiding money in their mattress.
It's funny that Trump thought that running a country would be like running a business. Got completely BTFO by Xi at their meeting.
can't knee the xi
Xi is a piece of shit, but politics in China are actually life and death kind of shit. Xi is there because he actually can play the game.