Can I be a good socialist if I've never had a job, Holla Forums?

Can I be a good socialist if I've never had a job, Holla Forums?

I'd have no problem working under a socialist society, or in a collective/commune etc. Just never had a job yet, and dread working under capitalism.

It's possible. Jobs in their current state are awful and beneficial almost exclusively to porky's side.

Im not sure (correct me if im wrong) but karl marx was never really a worker

Not a manual one, true. But he was a journo who wrote to Rheinische Zeitung, published Neue Rheinische Zeitung and later wrote to the New York Daily Tribune.



He also tried to get a job as a train station clerk but e got rejected because his handwriting was too messy.

TBH, I'll always suspect of someone who hasn't work, but hey, if fellow workers can be classcucks, I don't have any hard evidence someone who doesn't work is useless as a socialist.

It helps to gain the experience of how godawful the capitalist condition truly is in order to fuel the good fight for the socialist cause. Understanding the suffering of the proletariat is key.

You'll be okay, user. You'll suffer, sure, but at least you'll live to aid our righteous cause. That's what's important.

this is a stupid fucking argument

you're already halfway to becoming a leftcom


I don't mind if you haven't worked. I just hate pathetic assholes who can't do shit for themselves

I think user just phrased it the wrong way, try this:

He had several jobs
A worker by definition is anyone who works. Some are coal miners, some are programmers. But they're both being exploited.

All it takes to be a good socialist is to properly understand socialism, which means critically reading Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc. or whoever your socialist current is associated to. In other words, all you need is basic literacy and some disciprine.

Niggas like to egg on Bordiga but little do they know before becoming a militant in the communist movement he was an engineer and architect by profession.

like what


Are you on the reserve army of labor, AKA you will eventually need to get a job or starve?
Or are you a lumpen NEET that lives off his parents and gets rents or something and can live doing nothing?

If the second, I'd sugest becoming an anarkid.


Then why are you not a worker?

NEETS deserve gulag

Not with the mandatory work time programm!

yeah of course

you can ignore most answers here, more than 90% of this board is clinically retarded and only roleplaying. marx was an idiot in some regards and one of the points where he was wrong was in his class categorizations, especially the lumpens

a communist revolution in the 21th century must have neets in their mind, because their numbers will only grow and grow

Reserve Army of Labor =/= NEETs

Don't fall in the neoliberal trap.

great, I'll never get to sleep now

how many of you shady internet fuckers are IRL porky lovers?