The only reason I can think of is so that PS isn't completely destroyed, which isn't a very good reason and he should kill himself.
The only reason I can think of is so that PS isn't completely destroyed, which isn't a very good reason and he should kill himself.
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For him it is.
See, I tend to think that the soundbite socialists like to bounce off each-other about socdems being traitors to the working class is silly but here Hamon is putting his party and EU fetishism over his country in a way that I can really only describe as class treason. Over half of Frenchmen want him to drop out. Same goes for Fillon (actually more like 75% for him- but him staying in the race is good for us because it's what makes Melenchon's entrance into the second round even a remote possibility).
Melenchon will place at least third and Hamon can't be anything but fifth, which hopefully will start a new order in France where FI is the major party on the left.
I'm 17 dipshit
There is no need for another reason when you have a whole subclass of people who are making their livelyhood out of statecraft.
Doesn't make literally any sense to me, they can just change parties.
Theoretically, but the last guy who tried this got shit on continuously in the public opinion and is basically irrelevant now.
There is this quite spooky notion that belonging to a party is like belonging to a political family so leaving for another party is like treason.
That and the fact that people in other parties won't gently leave their posts for the newcomers
I'm not sure i'd even call him a socdem really
Hamon wants the PS.
He can afford to be the one who lost the campaign; he cannot afford to be the one who dropped it. If he did he couldn't blame others.
I personally prefer him to Melenchon, but if I were French I would vote tactically for Melenchon instead of him though. In the 2nd round it would depend on the candidates but in general Hamon>Melenchon>Macron>Le Pen>Fillon
I don't see how this displaces a UNR person.
…………………literally y tho
If he tries to call Melenchon and FI splitters it will backfire spectacularly.
Front de gauche have an organigram about who could occupy each post should elections be a great success, who get managerial posts
PS dissolve, ex-deputees and managers want posts
There are no infinite posts so if they get post, it is to the detriment of "native" Front de Gauche militants that already have posts.
Front de Gauche tell them to go fuck themselves out of personal grudge, self interests or ideologica divergence.
Ex PS dudes get nothing
Literally jobless
Professionalization of politics is fucking cancer. If anything, i hope Mélenchon will change that, if he get elected
Who am i kidding
I told you about statecrafts and politics bro
I told you dawg
He seems a bit too "radical" for me. Plus I'm not a huge fan of anti EU policies (though I do agree that it's too neoliberal and not socialist enough).
Still probably the 2nd best choice. Plus, I guess PS is not trustworthy after Hollande.
Radical? He's doing the syndical minimum.
lol then what are you doing here
Melenchon is of the opinion that it's easier to just end the EU and start again than try to reform it. I don't know enough about the EU to really take a side there but I will say that I don't see why an alternative wouldn't be easy to make.
Oh, this is a party list isn't it? I get it.
Presumably he'd rather the right wins then actual leftists
That's what's easiest to conclude especially given his rapid pivot from the left wing of PS to the center of PS
this. Libs prefer rightists to leftists because they are welloff and won't be effected by whatever stupid shit the rightists do.
I think he can refound the campagne if he gets mire than 5%.
Still, he said that at the second round, between Fillion, Macron and Mélenchon he'll vote for Mélenchon.