ITT: questions that don't deserve their own thread

ITT: questions that don't deserve their own thread.

I'll start.

What is the difference between Egoism and Narcissism? I know there are some, and that the latter would seem spooky to the former.

Other urls found in this thread:

Another: is goth and communism compatible?

Nothing? I need to get gud.

Narcissism is the social phrase
egoism is the philosophy

as in the fashion trend?
if so yes

Why is it that when I'm at work I feel like nothing in life matters and I'm going to waste my life away until I die?

Fuckin' good luck OP, half of the topics on this board are 'questions that don't deserve their own thread' made by 'posters that aren't worth wasting a bullet on'.

While there aren't necessarily any incompatibilities between the goth aesthetic and a classless, moneyless society in which production is directed toward use, you may find that some of the principles behind the goth lifestyle are undermined by such a system.

Namely, since 'the free development of each will be the condition of the free development of all', you will likely find that your gothic dress and music taste will pass without comment, thus undermining the non-conformity that is a founding principle of the gothic lifestyle.

Secondly, as the alienation that is endemic to capitalist production is obviated by life under communism, the behaviours stemming from alienation will be proportionally reduced- namely, drug abuse. This will affect victorian-style goths, as they will no longer feel the need to abuse laudanum and absinthe to cope with the tragedy of existence. It will also affect industrial/cybergoths, who will similarly no longer be weighed down by the weekday 9-to-5, thus losing the motivation to seek 'Peace-Love-Unity-Respect' by munching eccies at weekend raves. PLUR will instead be suffused through society at large.

Another plank of class society is spirituality and religion, the 'sigh of the oppressed creature'. A move toward a communist society is a move toward materialst philosophy and away from religiosity. There will no longer be any God-fearing religious folks to freak out with your piercings. Similarly, your Satanism, Paganism, or Wicca will appear to you quaint and ridiculous in light of a truly rational society.

Furthermore, in a society living by the maxim of 'to each according to their ability', melancholia will likely become a much less prominent feature in peoples' lives, as people will no longer go without the things they need to live. This will undermine another of the founding ideas of goth: depression.

Finally, As a matter of ecological stewardship, a communist society may well decide to recycle human corpses for use as fertiliser - to close the nutrient cycle and eliminate waste. This is likely to be supported by the society-wide movement away from spirituality and religiosity described above. This will undermine yet another of goth's fundamentals - hanging around in graveyards.

I was thinking…if I were to become a business owner and allow coworkers/employees to make the business decisions democratically, how could I prevent intra-workplace conflict?

you should be concerned with how could you prevent your ass from being owned by your creditors
because employees will vote to work less and receive more

Probably the best I've ever read on Holla Forums

oh come on you know the answer to that one


you overestimate the transgressive aspect of the goth aestethic, i feel like that shit's not been a thing since the early 00s. many counterculture people actually get really frustrated when people get judgy because of their looks and don't give a shit about freaking out anyone. hell there's hardly anyone to freak out if you live in most places in the west, really.

How can the mods improve board quality and discussion without banning everyone who shitposts, is a newfag, or a crossboarder who wants to discuss/debate?

pic unrelated

Why are liberals LARPING​ as radical leftists ?

whats with this recurring Holla Forums shitposting the past few days? It seems like its the same few people.

Because America is a meme. Go to that anarchist bookstore in Russia that an user made a thread about the other day.

What's the difference between Holla Forumseddit and Holla Forumseddit?

Narcissism is where a person has an idealized version of their Ego that they play up to and demand the world recognizes as the real Ego they express in their daily lives (regardless if this is the case or not). They are obsessed with how perfect, beautiful, intelligent and charming they are and they always strive to become more recognized for their virtues and closer to the ideal they created for themselves. An egoist would definitely think all of that is Spooky and ridiculous mentally unwell behavior.

Egoists are people who act in their rational self-interest without creating spooky pretenses for what they are doingg and completely see others as always doing the same (but unaware or in denial that this is the case). There is no required love of the imaginary beautiful self, nor the need to be recognized as this wonderful presence in the world. The creative nothing that Stirner mentions is probably closer to the spontaneous behavior of a Daoist or Zen master than it is a lunatic, mentally ill and vain narcissist who will be doing all kinds of irrational and attention seeking behaviors.

To be fair, I am old and my experience of goths is from the 90s-00s. Back then freaking out the normies was the main point of getting piercings and talking about death and listening to Bauhaus. Frankly I didn't think goths were still a thing, I thought they disappeared after rave culture died and Marilyn Manson got fat.

This is a good question, and one that merits consideration. The best solution I can think of involves more aggressive anchoring of shitty threads (not a fan of thread deletion outside of spam). Maybe make a thread like this cyclical and/or pinned, to encourage dumb questions here instead of polluting the first page?

In a period of nigh-absolute political quiescence like the one we have faced in the past few decades, it can be easy to develop illusions in the capacity for bourgeois parliamentarians to effect positive change.

Also many anarchists are fundamentally liberals anyway. Not all but certainly the ones who think running a bookstore is the best use of their time as revolutionaries. It speaks to a really low estimation of the intelligence and capacity of the working class - 'we have to bring our enlightened discourse to the poor stupid benighted proletarian', and sho on.

they're dying out or turning into other things but there are remnants.

I think they would hang around Resyke plants and/or work there if they wanted to TBH.

Another thing I've noticed from the rather minuscule exposure I've had is they also aren't typically the most labor intensive people out there, and generally live otherwise 'boring' lives. I could be dead wrong, since all I've really seen is cartoon goths, hence the emphasis on minuscule.

What would you say fam?

Another one:

Would a Soc/Com society possibly have arenas? As in fighting ones, because boredom?

I like the idea of communism but I am too addicted to bourgeois pleasures such as video games, restaurants and travel. What could I actually do or aspire to under communism?

All those things would likely still exist under most forms of Socialism/Anarchism. It's really just tankies that want to eliminate fun.

I would guess with something like videogames, you would be more likely be able to have a hand in customizing/making your own games, or brainstorm with a community with all software being open source. Restaurants I'm unsure, if there are things like replicators around. Travel would be a no brainer, and you could possibly go wherever you want, via public transportation. Probably wont be able to go to places decimated by climate change, but still.

I'm the only person who actually supports irrelevant shiting?
I imagine natural selection will create a better and more handsome race of humans.

r*ace m*ixing

My first instinct is to say that we wouldn't do that sort of thing under communism, but frankly that's just creeping moralism on my part.

People would freely associate under communism, and would get all the resources they need to pursue whatever passion they had. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that there would be some section of the population whose passion would lie in combat sports. Of course, without a profit motive such activities would be regulated by the participants, so you would likely see a great reduction in heinous shit like brain injuries.

There is a very stupid meme that suggests that competition would be somehow eliminated under communism - this is pure bunkum, in fact competition would be raised to even greater heights as free access to resources would enable everyone to participate. You think the olympics are competitive now? Wait until you're not just competing against the tiny fraction of the world that currently has the food and the free time to train themselves to that level.

Communism is a society predicated on the idea that with the free distribution of resources people will be freed up to pursue their fullest personal development.

You know how shitty but profitable MMOs get made by the dozen while immersive, deep vidya gets shafted because the publisher decides the return on investment won't be high enough? That situation will be totally eliminated under communism. Deus Ex will be the communist game review system's equivalent of a 1/10.

Similarly, do you realise how many people out there have real talent and passion for cooking, but no ability to pursue that passion because they're chained to a dead-end 9-to-5 doing god knows what for some cunt? The explosion of culinary mastery that would follow communism can't even be properly imagined at this time.

And travel, my gott! No more visas, no more passports, no more dumb questions from bored border guards - travel would be a fucking breeze.

What's the point of having a position on the sexual activities of others? People fuck whoever regardless of their peers' or governments' opinions.

I neither support nor condemn it, let people fuck whoever they want tbh.

hybrid vigor bitches!

forgot to unsage

Now I really have to wonder how we're going to deal with the oncoming climate catastrophe. Do we go cyborg?

Climate change is funny in that it's really only an issue for a capitalist society. From a scientific, engineering, or resource perspective, there isn't anything impossible about fixing the problem - there isn't even anything difficult about fixing the problem while maintaining and increasing the global standard of living.

I mean, the problem is essentially 1) stop putting more CO2 in the air and 2) remove the excess CO2.

We have many methods of energy generation that don't involve CO2 production. These methods are technologically mature enough to be implemented immediately. Furthermore, there is more than enough capacity left over to support continued human development.

We only have to suck less than half of the earth's current biomass worth of carbon [about 400 gigatonnes] out of the air to return to pre-industrial levels. Between man-made CO2 scrubbers and a deliberate campaign of planting/algae cultivation, this is eminently manageable.

We don't even have to go full cyborg to fix that shit - literally the only thing standing between humanity and a solution to climate catastrophe is the irrational distribution of labour and resources under capitalism.

What about methane?

Because you're alienated from your labor.

You sound like you might have a clinical disorder, so try seeing a psychiatrist. Also, look into Islam.

Good answer.

Can anarchists properly explain why anarchism has historically been a failure, failing to organize the proletariat and defend their territories while Marxism-Leninism has been far more successful in that regard?

Because statism is an extremely powerful weapon, and yet, as Marxism-Leninism shows, only leads to oppression and murder on a massive scale.

Anarchism is as much a failure as any other genuine Socialist movement.

Does anybody here smoke, I'm trying to switch to vape but whenever I stop smoking for a couple of days I feel like I cant pay attention to anything. I can usually read and comprehend philisophical books pretty easily but when I am just vaping I feel like my Autism Level goes down by like 20 points.

IQ lol


I still have the same problems after over 2 months of quiting though

They can last for years or forever.

Does anyone here have that one webm of people buying clothes in a frenzy and the factories in Bangladesh and China? The one with the music.

just use your own willpower to stop smoking you weakling, even hitler could do that.

Hitler took daily opiate injections.


Do tankies actually want to achieve a stateless society?

We should literally pay for this as a TV ad, and say "Capitalism. Never again. There is a better way." And then like a link to the DSA, or something.

Definitely would get people talking.

Half of Holla Forums is compromised by redditor and Holla Forums is 100% concentrated leddit.


45% of Holla Forums is reddit

30% is angry banned Holla Forumsfags

25 % is from /lit/

I posted this on /liberty/ and they see nothing wrong with this. How sociopathic must your mind be for this to be normal and natural?

Some people are just too far-gone, my friend.

Why do Trots support western imperialism/interventionism? Is it just a matter of historical circumstances, or is that literally part of their principles and ideology.

Probably because they don't understand how imperialism is detrimental to the class struggle. Kind of like how, y'know they don't understand how permanent revolution is just idealist tripe.

As long as it's not them and they get their cheap shit they won't care. First world muh privilege in action.

That's a tricky one. I depends on the speed of release, of course. I mean if the clathrate gun dumps every single mole of locked-up methane into the atmosphere at once it's gonna make Venus look homey. Slower rates of release mean that we have a chance to remove methane from the atmosphere.

As with CO2, this isn't a task that is outside of humanity's current technological or resource capacity (methanotrophic organisms exist) - it's just that there's not enough profit to be made in fixing the problem.

I don't see any actual Trots explicitly advocating for imperialism no?

Just finished reading 'The Ego and His Own' and I want to read more about egoism, day to day life and self-enjoyment and things like that.

Not sure exactly what I'm looking for and I'm not good at expressing. I have been looking a bit but what most people seem to talk about is anarchism and the political side to it.

Anyone got any suggestions? Anything else related to Stirner or Egoism is fine too, the more the better.

I guess the best bet is to hope for revolution within our lifetimes I suppose? How long do you think we have?

To answer myself I found this:

Hope there is anyone willing to share some more.

They claim to but their methods would never actually achieve that.

Your post reads like a Freudian analysis.

Just something ironic about the whole thing.

Can I be leftist and /fa/? Or is spending a lot of money on clothes bourgeois?

Can Anarchism work? Whats the difference between Communism and Anarchism?

Why does Communism have so much better A E S T H E T I C than Anarchy?

Am I still an oppressed labourer Prole if the only job I have is in McDonalds

Because anarchism has full of tasteless, nutless punk rockers. Communism's best art came from before Stalin's enforced "realism".

How concrete are the economic theories of syndicalism? I've seen syndicalists advocate for a free (socialist) market, I've seen syndicalists advocate for total economic planning, I've seen syndicalists advocate for total free association and the ability to splinter and leave at any time, and I've seen syndicalists support a strict corporatist structure to the economy. What's with that?

Well, anarcho-syndicalism takes place on a completely local or provincial level, depending on the organization that people put together. With anarcho-syndicalism, anyone can start and run any kind of community they please as long as the workers support it and provide their labor. You can be a capitalist for all they care, as long as you don't become an imperialist and try to overstep your boundaries.

What does everyone think of this?:

That's the thing, though. I've had ansyns tell me things like that, but I've also had ansyns (not state syndicalists or national syndicalists) tell me completely other stories, about how they support economic planning and total economic unity at all costs. I read Rudolf Rocker like, three or four years ago, and I don't remember anything concrete about dispelling or allowing what I've heard.


Good to know I'm not the only one who sees this.

Excuse me, but wat?

What's the problem?

I see a lot of people reply to shit with

What the fuck does the t stand for?

Anarkids have to live too, and so they actually use money and form capitalistic enterpises, however they work them as co-ops.

Hard to believe, I know.

signature, or something.
I had the same question once.


it's obviously for the crossdressing traps


How would society go from our current mixed economy system to communism without getting stuck at the state capitalism phase like USSR was?


Can I still agree with Bookchin's Libertarian Municipalism & other praxis related theories without having to accept Dialectical Naturalism?

We're working on it. Come to the cybernetics thread to find out more.

Assuming a Western style advanced tech economy, there would be no need for capital accumulation centralized by a state apparatus because you're already in an industrial or post industrial economy.