Welcome to our secret Cultural Marxist meeting. I'll start off by asking my ANTIFA free-speech restricters whether my Soros bucks have been used wisely.
Welcome to our secret Cultural Marxist meeting...
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nothing to see here, move along useful idiot
We're currently developing a mechanized fist to punch nazis. Here's a picture of the prototype.
This weapon can punch up to 20 nazis per minute at maximum efficiency.
I'm pleased to report to the ZOG Occupied Government council that last month's toothbrush harvest was 23% larger than forecasted. Our evil plan to subvert the dental hygiene of West is proceeding ahead of schedule.
But that's just the one already posted and you cut off hillarys name
We will rape all the children in pizza restaurants with her on our side!
Good, now we can totally destroy free speech by punching white nationalists.
It was the only way for us at the DEEP STATE to get him to fire the 59 tomahawk missiles. True Good Holy Alt-Right Badass Trump wouldn't do that. It's just us Cultural Marxists controlling him.
Now, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, how was your progress as president?
I've been under a rock for a month or so and I don't know the origin of this toothbrush meme
As the antichrist, I was able to implement Sharia law and take away every single gun and toothbrush of the god-fearing freedom-loving citizens of 'murica. Sadly, based Trump is giving the people more freedom so we need to expand our deep state influence.
I have been a professional anarchist for 6 months now and I still haven't gotten my sorosbux. Where's my money you jew?
Oh, and I brought back Marx
I've been getting a bit quesy since I recently begun protesting against trump with my wife's son but I haven't been receiving my Soros bucks. Help anyone???
dummydums think private property means personal property so we make fun of them by threatening to collectivize toothbrushes.
Thank you Comrade Obama. We'll be sure to increase the deep state.
I'll be sure to send you Soros bucks. I've been mainly focusing funds on our satanic dialecticians at the Frankfurt school so we can have a clear plan to subvert western culture. A lot of money has also been drained on Hillary Clit-On due to her dying from pneumonia, but now that our plan to rig the election with mass voter fraud has failed we will be focusing more money onto ANTIFA.
When will we get a communist president again? Obama made america more socialistic by making the government do more stuff, exactly how Marx envisioned it, but he didn't do it enough.
Cultural Marxist Globalist Jew here. At the Frankfurt school we've been using our dialectics* to help make plans to subvert western culture. Our plan is cultural hegemony implemented through gender studies at college. We hope to turn all the men gay so that immigrants can rape all the pure innocent white women.
*We might have to stop using our dialectics. They've discovered our tactics: infowars.com
Is it true that the Frankfurt school of witchcraft and wizardry will soon produce a dialectician equal or even surpassing the great Adorno in xir's sorcerous power to counter rightist meme magicks with our satanic dialectic?
As I said earlier, Hillary was our main plan. Sadly though the alt right heroes found out that she was dying from pneumonia and that her husband was a rapist that held child rape rings in pizza restaurants. Since the next election is 4 years from now, we will focus our efforts in funding gender studies, ANTIFA and expanding the deep state to control Trump.
kekked heartily
I understand what supposed to be funny here, but it's fucking sucks.
I'm just crossing my fingers that a lost Holla Forumsack screencaps this and spreads it
2 sorosbux have been deposited in your CTR account
I have bought more dipping sauce for our pizza place rape ring fronts
I'm really enjoying it. Thanks everyone, there are some chunky nuggets in here.
Newfag here. What is the difference?
Thank you lord Soros.
Deep state operative here, how did you like Trump's attack on Syria? There's nothing better than turning a dictators own daughter against him.
Idk I found this pretty funny.
Is Soros really a Jewish Esperantist?
Welcome to the board newfriend.
Personal property refers to items intended for personal use (e.g., clothes, homes, and vehicles). It must be gained in a socially fair manner, and the owner has a distributive right to exclude others.
Private property is a social relationship between the owner and persons deprived (not a relationship between person and thing), e.g., artifacts, factories, mines, dams, infrastructure, natural vegetation, mountains, deserts, seas, etc.
Marxism holds that a process of class conflict and revolutionary struggle could result in the establishment of a communist society in which private property is abolished over time and the means of production and subsistence belong to the community.
To many socialists, the term private property refers to capital or the means of production, while personal property refers to consumer and non-capital goods.
Trot here. Handing out fake news to spread the Jewish SJW agenda. Do you think it will work?
No, printing student newspapers never made a difference.
How do you know where to draw the line? It seems kind of arbitrary, to be able to own a house but not a factory.
Are you extracting profits? No? Then it's fine
Of course it will, how do you think we got people to believe in global warming?
We think he's starting to come around. A few more ""gas attacks"" and will be the final push he needs.
Is it that "moolan sechwan sauce"? For some reason we have been getting many requests for that lately but I don't know what it is.
Yo waddup mah niggas! I just banged three cracka bitches and for sure knocked them up real good while their cuck, cumskins husbands just watched in horror. I'm ready for my welfare and Soros money now!
who the fuck is Paloma partners?
Private property is used in the production of commodities. It seems simple how a house and a factory are not the same thing.
He seems to not care about esperanto sadly.
Could've made at least one good thing in his life.
You need to present the screenshot of your black skin for a right to use the n-word. Otherwise you would need to proceed to GULAG with us for a cultural training.