To be honest, if we're causing this much salt, I don't understand why the board owners don't allow us to stay. I'm actually enjoying this tbh.
Holla Forums starts raiding the board
Other urls found in this thread:
The BO is a whiny bitch having a mental breakdown or a Holla Forums false flagger who took the account. No body listens to him.
So we're staying then?
Every salty pol-roach makes my dick harder, why the fuck would we not?
We have to
no, your BO wants you out so you WILL be out whether you want to ot not.
Considering the negative response, we might be staying.
I'm fucking staying, you should too.
Careful, those morbidly obese sub 60 Autism Level drumpflets will come to beat us D:
trips of truth
Except that's not your decision now is it?
We've been causing salt since Day 1.
I think it's more about the quality and safety of this board than triggering Holla Forums.
We can trigger Holla Forums from a completely different site. There's no reason to stay here.
If we decide to stay, and either take over this board when the BO leaves, or create another board on 8ch, there's not much the BO can do about it, so yeah it actually kind of is.
Watching drumpflets getting triggered is delicious
remember tax returns? wow did great work at accomplishing nothing
10 years gulag
If it was 2011-2014 he would have been tipping a fedora instead of a MAGA hat.
When will Fox be renamed literal propaganda news?
I find it quite comical really
It isnt something new, it is the same thing as homophobia, transphobia etc
Honestly it has been going for millennia and dumb humans still havent taken control of this primal dangerous drive
Oh no! What will we ever do without faggy college kids who want jews to give them everything for free? Please don't go, guys. I'll really miss this great board.
So you want us to stay! Cheers user, we love you too!
great work there, how does the deep state cock taste?
Oh no! The jig is up boys. They know. Shut the board down
mate, you are exporting salt to all other boards because of your surplus production. i know economics isn't your strong stuff, but even you should see that there is no demand for your surplus supply of tears
now stop shitting up Holla Forums with your incessant crying.
Being acceptant of everything is more limited. But this makes sense right, a person wants the best for his community,
But fags and other degenerates are actually mentally ill
I also think you misunderstand my post
Lmao, you are pretty much cucked by your own nature, that is why i will always consider you inferior intellectual, you have achieved 0 self awareness and are still an animal compared to me
You aren't welcome here
We're not on your precious Holla Forums you schizo
Well i cant help you there
haha you have no idea
I don't have to be a Holla Forumstard to not base my beliefs on liberal late night tv hacks. Fuck off and watch more Samantha Bee and Jon Oliver.
Should be our anthem tbh
Not my fault you are a moron then
Get out.
This isn't a place for liberals. Hillary fans get the wall right along with Trump fans
Nice, bat'ko project with this fight song when?
Pity, you are making Holla Forums look bad since you are so stupid and dont get the point by autistically screeching like a Holla Forumstard
more news at 7
We are Holla Forums super Holla Forums from the chans!
I dunno how to continue the chant really?
I'm already thinking of doing a Holla Forums choir sings.
I'm wondering however wether we should do "Do you hear the people sing" or "Anarchy in the UK'
do this one.
Maybe start off with something even more basic? A chan version of L'Internationale?
Nah that's for the Deleonists.
do you hear the people sing is a great idea, super lefty
Sounds like more of an egoist thing. Except they shouldn't be sad about it