Is Holla Forums our friend in the fight against idpol liberalism?

Is Holla Forums our friend in the fight against idpol liberalism?

but they can be useful idiots for us.

Holla Forums is idpol

they are a tool of the bourgeoise :^🍀🍀🍀)


Shut the fuck up

I bet that was a troll.

it was probably leftypol itself. I see it all the time here.



Holla Forums is worse

fuck off

Holla Forums is nationalist. Nationalism is idpol. It's just idpol for the right-wing.

Holla Forums wants to rid the world of idpol because it stands in their way of their racial supremacy or tradition or whatever. Idpol is an enemy to the left because it divides the workers into smaller groups based on superficial differences.

You could even argue that identifying with the proletariat is idpol in a way, but that's a big, big, BIG stretch.

So in conclusion, no you dumb frogposter.

No. I'd take FDR over Mussolini any day of the week

No, because they're idpol infested too. Fuck them.

unironic SJWs are among the most neurotic and useless people around, Holla Forums is even stupider but they are capable of causing actual damage, remember Mussolini's black shirts, idiot thugs the lot of them but they entered an alliance with capital to supress the labor movement as soon as they could

Their idpol is much worse.

No, Holla Forums is idpol.

Liberals are more likely to allow reactionary ideologies to flourish under their system rather than ours tbh


hahahaha what the fuck

It became popular here as a result of that post.

I mean, wow.

Holla Forums shit is in a dialectic with SJW shit. They define themselves in opposition to one another. Each ultimately only negates the other and in so doing destroys itself as well.

leave goon

Do the mods just not fucking care anymore?

Is the BO telling them to let Holla Forums shit up the board until it's unusable and we have to migrate to fucking bunker?

No the mods are cunts as always. A massive raid is happening though. There's a rumor that there's still a way Bernie can win, but we're safeguarding that secret. So a constant flood of nigger dicks and counter signaling has begun

Social liberals who may flirt with muh privilege theory or feminism actually are idpol lite if anything, its not even the core of their ideology. Huwhite Nationalists, Zionists, Black Nationalists, Safalists etc represent the actual extremities of idpol.

But isn't the argument that race realists postulate that genetics/race has a great impact on your future behaviour? That's alot more than superficial.

I'm not a Holla Forumslack, and I fucking hate Idpol but I don't like it when the other side misrepresents the other's ideas.

Back to 10buxland, go suck D&D's mods some more

Holla Forums is the idpoliest thing ever

i will fully support pol if they choose to democratically vote for their own mass suicide.


Sorry, I should've capitalized and separated the two sentences. I'm arguing they are superficial, not that Holla Forums or stormfront believe that they're superficial.

You forgot the most important 4 letter word in the email field brothah

hey let's be fair: significantly more reasonable and grounded in reality than ACTUAL nazi racial theories.

some of them, yes. only some of them though.

replace liberals with ancaps and we got a deal

Holla Forums unironically thinks ancap is a good ideology, though.

Stop making this topic over and over, I'll take liberals over nazis any day of the week.


The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.

Stop bullying libs

I'd happily fight alongside fascists to crush the neoliberal center left/center right establishment.

We are after all both revolutionary radically progressive social movements, it's just fascists are much more spooked which resulted in their degeneration. Early fascism was literally revolutionary marxism/syndicalism perverted with nationalism and jingoism. With that said, we are a lot closer to them than either of us are to "le reasonable sane" bourgeois liberal democracy.

Stalin siding with liberal capitalist worms like Churchill was his gravest error.


Well, he didn't have much of a choice, since Hitler decided to attack USSR.


Disgusting. This is why we can't be friends.



No ideology shaming!

Because you dumbfucks are the supreme manipulators. Sure.

Only if we can cuddle too

Fuck no.

Fuck no, Holla Forums-tier retardation is the very same idpol cancer. Point out whenever you spot incosistencies in their faux-narrative categories.

racial division and libertarianism

This AIDS thing's is not working.

can't spell idpol without Holla Forums

>Is Holla Forums our friend in the fight against idpol liberalism?


The enemy of your enemy is not your friend, but he may be an ally.
In the fight against liberalism, it's useful. But it's also a good thing if Holla Forums and liberals become grouped in themselves. Perhaps they could be the target of horseshoe theorists.

t. Holla Forums

The thing here is that both Holla Forums and liberals are our enemies, so anyone saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is stupid and/or a Holla Forumstard.

Both are worse. Alliances should only be considered to balance the third party in an emergency.


They aren't our friend, no. But it would be strategically unwise to reject help. In the fight agains liberals, help from Holla Forums is nice. In the fight against Holla Forums, help from liberals is nice.
The thing is, if you help both sides, you essentially make both sides lose.
And if they lose, we win.

you basically just grabbed the worst of "After Hitler, us" and Third Period Stalinism.

Ok then, I guess I'm wrong then.
Or did you have an argument?

You don't need me to explain anything. Read about popular frontism and Third Period tactics.


As a fascist Maoist, I wholeheartedly agree.


Is idpol fascism our friend in the fight against idpol liberalism?


what the hell is that from. Looks neat

miraculous ladybug

will the world ever be rid of this cancer


Holla Forums is super into idpol; "race-realism," weird raceplay stuff, they jerk off over it.
They can face the wall with the liberals.