So how does Holla Forums plan to celebrate when Le Pen whens and restores your country to its former glory?
So how does Holla Forums plan to celebrate when Le Pen whens and restores your country to its former glory?
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Melenchon has a better chance at winning Hitlerina
She will do it. She has the charisma behind her, unlike Watermelon.
I'm going to celebrate with champagne in my bunker.
When she / xir / xe / xit wins she will be just like Trump, and cuck the right over again and again. Then, when she is done, it will all fall to shit.
As usual when cucks like her win.
But surely, SHE must be different. You KNOW this one's real! ;^)
There is no way she could win whatever the match up.
If she was just like Trump she wouldn't have spend a life in politics.
She has turned her superficial party's economical policies from market radical/reaganite to left-of-socdem. She is a fraud.
Trump is no fraud, Le Pen is no Fraud.
You have been watching too much CNN my friend.
you poor reactionaries think the right leader will make up for the inadequacy of nationalism. I feel bad for you I really do
Fascinatingly, this Holla Forumsyp seems to have broken from the pack, and is currently in stage 2 while the rest of the herd moves toward stage 3.
It's pretty clear that you are still in deniability that you lost the election. Even with "muh Russia" narrative's being pushed, the "tax" returns, the whole establishment backing the most corrupt politician in US history, and she STILL couldn't win.
bro why the fuck are you on this board this isn't /liberalpol/
fucking dumbshit you think we wanted Hillary? she's irrelevant. just admit your messiah failed you and neck yourself
No one cares about fucking tax returns on here, lmao. Git out.
I'll attack Bernie too then. That dumbfuck would have crushed business. There is no way a big business would survive under a tax rate of >60% in America, you would just see them leave and not return. At least Trump pays his fair share of taxes unlike that kike Sanders.
Posting occupy democrats memes really weakens your argument.
You know, I actually take the time every week to check on Holla Forums and see what you guys are up to.
Sure, I think you're all wrong, but I care enough to at least see life from your perspective.
You couldn't even be arsed to read our FAQ. Open a single thread.
Instead you come in here with your retarded assumptions, not even doing the most basic of research.
This is why Holla Forums always falls flat on its face. You idiots can't look beneath the surface of anything.
Holy shit.
You're either a decent troll, or a complete retard.
Didn't know Sanders was a billionaire.
Do the concept of progressive tax rate don't mean anything in Burgerland?
I don't evenn think high of Sanders but come on, at least try to make arguments.
For someone flattering himself with seeing through propaganda, you're quite eager to lap your boss's one up.
The right wing has basically launched a decades long propoganda campaign against an understanding of progressive tax brackets so uh… no, no it really doesn't.
the tax rate under Eisenhower was 90% you dumb kulak
lol get fucked kid
I have decided I like this place. (Classical Liberal me)
Its a shame that its very inactive.
[spoiler]I still like Trump though[spoiler]
There wasn't a word in your post that didn't make me want to kill you.
Well, I'm here to stay so you can cry some more in other threads if you like :)
honestly you might learn some shit if you stay so good on you, no promises bullshit won't be met with responses like though
I was like you once. You'll be exposed to actual theory here, so prepare your body.
Listen, I don't give a fuck if you browse. I don't give a fuck if you ask obvious questions. I don't give a fuck if you participate in the occasional board census.
But if you're going to do so you have to know how to not do it while reeking of newfag.
I'm in a generous mood, so I'll spell out everything that was wrong with your post.
This sounds snobby. It sounds like you think that we're muh privileged enough to be graced with your presence.
We're one of the most active boards on this website. For Holla Forums we're pretty chatty.
Spoilers are done using two asterisks right next to each other, which make something like this
Also double lines are a dead Reddit giveaway. Just hit enter once every new line, unless otherwise appropriate. Check out the FAQ thread at the top of the board and you should get the rest. Also lurk a little bit more so you can see how things are said and done here.
actually spoiler CAN work how they did it, you just need to actually remember to end it with [/spo[spoiler][/spoiler]iler]
or maybe i'm just an idiot
I've never used Reddit in all honesty. I don't even have an account.
This makes me feel marginally better.
Just find the pattern of what a normal poster would do and mimick it, and you'll fit in just fine.
Got a good kek out of that
Quite honestly, I was trolling at first, but then decided I liked this place. Holla Forums Seems to be mostly news but not much reason.
You'll probably find Holla Forums a lot more relatable than Holla Forums.
6 months ago I was a social democrat, and a rabid Bernie Sanders supporter.
Then I started browsing, I figured I was right at home since I thought Bernie was the 'Socialist' candidate. When I realized my political beliefs didn't align with Holla Forums, something inside me kept me coming back for more.
As time went on I realized that Bernie wasn't a socialist, but that I was.
Now I'm waist deep in leftist theory, and have read more books in a month then I did in college.
Holla Forums is made up of a good chunk of former liberals and democrats. You might not believe it now, but you may find yourself completely changed soon.
If you do find yourself slowly falling into place with Holla Forums don't be afraid to share it. I browse here a lot now, so who knows, in the late future I might be shitposting alongside you and be none the wiser.
Best of luck, dare I say, comrade? ;')
Sigh, yeah, it would have been great.
This is probably the most wholesome exchange I've seen in a while on a chan. Also, the fastest de-escalation.
Are you a little bipolar snibbeti snab user?
Well I have got The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital But I decided to read The Clash of Civilizations first
The manifesto readable in a couple of hours. Huntington reads literally like he got his theories off of a chan: "Japan has its own special civilization separate from the rest of East Asia (the Confucian civilization that stretches from Myanmar to Indonesia)". Also an 'African' civilization for from the Sahara and below.
I hope she wins because I KNOW she'll fuck shit up real good.
I'm not quite sure how I should respond to that.
I haven't read The Clash of Civilizations yet, but you should only read Das Kapital if you have the patience of a scholar, it's a pretty difficult book to have to cut through.
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, Wage-Labour and Capital, and The Ego and His Own, and of course The Communist Manifesto are pretty much Holla Forums essentials, and shouldn't take much time to read.
Some channers are pretty bright
Thanks for the titles, added to a list of books to read.
Non. Pose ta pipe à crack, et réfléchis deux secondes. Ça n'arrivera pas.
Napoleon died 200 years ago, and now we should keep our international influence in a discrete but thoughtful and effective way.
All we are going to have, if she miraculously get elected, is more cops in the streets that will put us in jail for smoking weed, and obligations to indulge in nationalist spooks in order to establish a Russian-like spectacle.
She won't be any threat to the interests of Bernard Arnault, Bettencourt, Dassault, Pinault, Niel, and the Wertheimer.
The best way for us to stay relevant is to lead the way in fields like ecology and be more independent from the US or Russia. Rejoining NATO under Sarkozy was a mistake for example. Sucking Putin's dick would be as foolish.
so he did pay his fair share, something you liberal scum kept riling the people up about?
all the goalposts being shifted
and your candidate STILL lost
1.Sanders was an useful idiot that warmed up normalfags to the word socialism.
2.Even if it was /ourguy/, having our candidate being cucked is still better than being cucked by your own candidate.
holy HECK lad thanks for the laughs.
Come on, say it with me.
6 T H R E P U B L I C
She has all the charisma of a smellier Clinton and got BTFO by /ourguy/ at the debate
At least it wouldnt be Macron
Screen cap this one you commies.
this user will be back to gloat when Marine wins
worst case scenario: lepen cucked by macron
best case scenario: hitlerina cucked by melenchon
deal with it, stormcuck :3