How would you fix this country, leftypol?
How would you fix this country, leftypol?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill all the white people. Also Dengism
Remove IMF.
Let them govern themselves, without the US ordering around.
I'm sorry I have brain autism
Put Hernan Coronel in charge
Capitalize on the Vaca Muerta.
Implement Chille's Fiscal responsibility policy.
Expand the Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Desocupados to a full job grantee.
Allow for wild cat strikes.
Nationalize telecommunications and FIX THEM!!!!
Stop respecting intellectual property rights.
and finally stop enforcing private property rights you fucking retards :)
kill all the landlord
educate proles, create tech sector, modernize construction, pay jobless people to keep cities in top condition, build beautiful vacation areas
legalize drugs, prostitution
lure american white people in with cheap housing, beautiful sites, hot women. americans now hate the idea of cia involvement in argentina because their nephew impregnated a latina there.
never ever give the falklands 'back' (to the people who owned them for like a month) :^)
t. eternal anglo
Bring them back
Bring back the Montoneros and other guerrilla movements from the 70s before they were obliterated by the military junta
Peron was a fascist, tho
but what happen to your face?
hapish hapish
they are just people who thinks that a fascist was a socialist and glorifies him
its weird that nobody here talkd about the ERP
just give me the power OP
soy argentino
The ERP has quite literally done nothing wrong.
my teacher of social sciences in secundaria was a "theory of the two demons" autist
The same way you fix any latin american country.
You need to get rid of toxoplasmosis, only then people will stop being retarded and those countries may develop.
Yeah by installing coups right? :^)
I know what you are
I'm talking about the fact that the overwhelmingly majority of people in latin america suffer from mental and behavioral disorders due to worms.
He believed in workers rights so he's shouldn't be compared to Hitler or any of the U.S. backed dictators
Es imposible, el argentino no es capás de la solidaridad o la compación
wew lad.
una vela
dos velas
Just let Macri shit the bed. Argies have a woke proletariat the pink tide will return at some point.