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Why does Roo hate Zizek so much?
As always, Jason doesn't know what he's talking about. The article he's responding to didn't say socialist revolution is impossible in the so-called 3rd World, but that most 3rd World nations aren't strong enough to *export* socialist revolution globally. Just look at Venezuela and how both Chavez and Maduro were essentially playing it safe (up until recently) because if they did go full Bolshevik they would have been invaded by the US or American proxies from Colombia. Not to mention the "big" 3rd World countries like India, Nigeria, and Brazil aren't going to go 100% proletarian anytime soon, the Naxals are losing big time in India and Brazil is moving towards the right.
C'mon, only the immature can't see that Zizek is a dilletante contrarian, he's entertaining but let's not pretend the next generation of proletarian theory is going to come from his IRL shirt-jerking spergouts
this is like watching two cripples fight. both the bunkermag article and his reply are shit, but i suppose oonroohey takes the cake for just being himself.
Zizek is an ironist in the tradition of Nietzsche.
In what way Jason?
So wait, the theory of productive forces is wrong, but only the third world can be revolutionary because that's where the productive forces are located?
Make up your damn mind Roo.
Mao wasn't booj.
He called the article a mishmash of Trotskyist garbage and apparently the best counter-argument against Roo is a Trotskyist talking point that could've been taken from the mouth of Trotsky himself. If Nigeria was to become a socialist country tomorrow, it wouldn't and shouldn't be Nigeria's job to "export" the revolution to America or Germany or wherever via force of arms.
That's an aggressive action, both Lenin and Stalin called Trotsky out on this position and he was too autistic to see their point and change his line. People confuse internationalist aid and Trotsky's idea of spreading revolution via a Russian invasion of Europe to liberate the working class starting to see where the neocon emphasis on liberating "the people" from "dictators" comes from yet?
If Nigeria became a socialist country then absolutely, yes, it can and should provide internationalist aid and guidance to the rest of the world proletariat that hasn't been able to achieve their own revolutions. This was the classic line of Lenin, Stalin and the Comintern/Cominform.
Its absolutely right to assume that Nigeria couldn't win an offensive war against the USA nor should it undertake it. But could it win a defensive war in the event of US intervention? Yes, Vietnam is a good example of that and to say otherwise is defeatism.
Its a completely within the realm of possibility that a big Third World nation like Nigeria could provide internationalist aid to workers movements on a global scale. It's also within the realm of possibility that a small impoverished nation could do that, as Albania did under Hoxha despite their limited resources, no doubt a country like Botswana could probably do that too.
As for the point that a country has to be 100% or majority proletarian before it has a revolution it is yet more Trotskyist and Menshevik garbage that has infected the minds of people here. Stalin said that the proportion of the proletariat in a country didn't really matter as even Marx recognized that in Germany and much of Europe at his time the proletariat since it didn't constitute the absolute majority anywhere other then England would be in alliance with the peasantry. Hell, Stalin pointed out that Germany in 1848 had a smaller proportion of proletarians then Russia in 1917 and Marx had considered that it was worth it to give Germany a go.
And Nietzche was brilliant so what are you trying to say exactly?
Except the "Vietnam" model of imperialism (i.e. full-scale ground invasions) is essentially extinct, or only used as a last resort. Nowadays imperialist powers destroy opposition by training proxies, as we can see today in Syria and Yemen.
Sure, but Roo is portraying the entirety of the 3rd World as if its one gigantic backwards shithole, and claiming only backwards shitholes are capable of being revolutionary. Hypothetically, a socialist Nigeria would no doubt be a huge regional player and could easily export socialism to its smaller, less powerful neighbors like Benin, Cameroon, Equitorial Guinea, etc..
They aren't violent revolutions, but Cuba and Venezuela have financed, supported and made alliances with other movements in the region. It is well known that those 3 countries from a block by their own in South America, and that block threatened to extend to Paraguay (President was ousted in a coup) and Peru (Venezuela-sponsored leader backstabbed Venezuela). They ain't Red Army-esque revolutionaries, but it's not like they spend all day scratching their butts doing nothing.
Okay, someone ask Roo (since I don't have a Twitter or Youtube) if he thinks it would have been possible for the Ottoman Empire to go full communist in 1909, or for the Russian Revolution to have happened 20 years prior, or if Melanesian tribesmen who have barely mastered agriculture, much less a complex mode of production, could go communist.
No one is denying the role of diplomacy. I'm talking about full-blown revolutions, not EuroComm-tier electoral bullshit.
Tribes are already socialist.
I don't know if you've actually read the article but this wan't really the point of it. It wasn't about the third-worlds inability to spread the revolution through force of arms, but rather about the revolutions inability to survive in a non-degenerated form in a third-world country.
I think this is pretty accurate for two reasons:
1) International Capital is so powerful and mobile that capital flight and economic sabotage are enough to decimate any third-world country.
2) The Imperialist Western powers have perfected their abilities to subvert other countries. The whole nexus between well-funded NGO, international media, and western intelligence agencies can't really be resisted by your average third world state. Many of which also have easily exploitable ethnic, religious, or regional conflicts with the Western powers are experts at using to their advantage.
Imo the only real opportunities that exist today to carry out a world revolution would be through the United States or some kind of joint Franco-German bloc.
The DPRK and Iran prove your assertion false. Both states have been able to last post-revolution for decades without any interference from imperialist powers.
dpkr would collapse without China's support.
Iran have imperialists policies itself
Why does he have that dumb hairstyle?
False on both accounts. China abandoned support for the DPRK after the fall of the USSR. Iran isn't imperialist because Iran doesn't have super-profits, which are the defining factor of imperialism, nor does it export its culture or participate in any national chauvinisms (which are huge factors of imperialism in regards to superstructure). If you're talking about Yemen, realize Iran is only involved as a means of counter-acting Saudi imperialism, which is American-Zionist imperialism by default (the Saudi royal family were installed by Zionists and are probably crypto-Jews just like the so-called Turkish "communists" who broke up the Ottoman Empire).
DPRK and Iran are both fascist states.
Age regression. He's the eternal 16-year old edgemaster.
Notice how I said they couldn't survive in a non-degenerated form. Iran and the DPRK have survived through a combination of authoritarianism and the harnessing of reactionary attitudes among the population (religious and ethnic chauvinism respectively).
Its the same with the USSR, they ended up as a degenerated workers state because it was the only way to survive in the face of imperialist aggression.
Completely false. The DPRK has religious freedom and ethnic minorities. There's a mosque in Pyongyang and the general climate is less Islamophobic than France. Iran has never had any ethnic or religious chauvinism. There are JEWISH and Christian members of the Iranian parliament (compared to a single Palestinian MP in the Zionist entity). Women in Tehran have more rights than they do in most American cities plus the rape rate is much lower.
rape rates differ wildly among countries due to differing definitions.
Wew lad, that's some serious retardation you have there.
I'm flattered, honestly. I'll be writing a response to Jason's "criticisms" and some misconceptions I'm seeing in this thread soon.
The rape rates are lower because Islamic Law requires four witnesses in order to convict an accused rapist. Four. Not a rape kit, not a rape caught on tape, but four fucking witnesses. You do know that right?
Look at the stats yourselves. Also, women cab drivers in Tehran report less sexual abuse from clients than female cab drivers in NYC.
For Iranian and Syrian diplomats, yes.
I see what you did there
Well, as long as they keep on their hijabs, the whores. We've seen enough BDSM to know they'd enjoy those lashings right?
How is this a bad thing?
Trotskyism makes more sense than Turd Worldism. :^)
Is that you Jason? This is the type of retardation that could only come from a third-worldist.
As for the claim that the Iranian goverment isn't reactionary. It is a theocracy controlled by the clergy that has morality police ffs. Are you trolling or just retarded?
Daily reminder that the Iranian government slaughtered and illegalized all of the socialist groups who participated in the Iranian revolt with them. Any ""socialist"" supporting them is an embarrassment.
Theocracy doesn't mean reactionary dipshit. Islam was historically much more progressive than Christianity or Judaism and was likely created as a means of rebellion against the priestly classes which emerged from both. Most Iranians proudly support their government and like Venezuela most of the "opposition" comes from outside the country.
TIL ayatullahs aren't priests.
One thing I should probably clarify now is that I am not a Trotskyist, and neither is the angle of my article. My primary approach was to use Luxemburg's theory of capital accumulation and Marx's ideas on the dictatorship of the proletariat/revolution. Obviously, revolutions can occur in the third world, whether they will follow through on their socialist intentions or simply revert to capitalism is another matter.
Have you seen this critique of Roo?
I wish Roo made another drunk video instead of writing an article. That's way more entertaining.
No, I'll give it a look, though. From the first few paragraphs, I would comment that while 1st worldists are rather ridiculous, there are some genuine Maoist rebels out there, include some fighting in the Philippines if I'm not mistaken. Which is to say, I don't think it's fair to critique third worlidsm as a purely first world phenomena, and we should be more substantive in our criticisms than that.
Neither the NPA nor the Naxals are "third worldist" per se. The Naxals gave public support to Occupy and the Ferguson Uprising, for instance.
I will always love this video. Drunk Roo Best Roo
What is this liberalism?
Turd Worldism is best worldism.
What exactly are you seeing as "liberalism"?
Turd Worldism is liberalism but I meant the chart posted by:
I see. But I do agree both alt-right and turd worldism are racial nationalists and crypto-antisemites.
u wut m8?
Most Iranians support their government. Even mandatory hijab is supported by the majority of Iranian women since they see it as a way to counter western cultural interference.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhy its unruhe (how do you spell his name)
Neither are socialism, and both are almost entirely reactionary. Muh anti-imperialism will eventually lead you down the path of supporting ISIS to flip off the US.
I speak German FYI.
Jason is trash.
Anyway, whether "socialism in one country" works or not is irrelevant. In the current age, we need international socialism to guarantee that capital isn't going to destroy the earth via global warming. Even if some 3rd world countries WERE to eliminate the law of value domestically, how do they stop the international threat of pollution?
Read Marx you pseudo-leftist.
You need to stop reading post-colonial theory it is rotting your brain.
It's idealistic garbage putting a veil of mysticism over the relation of a person and the material world
There is no universal progressiveness, Capitalism used to be progressive against feudalism, socialism is against capitalism and so on, nobody cares what was Islam's role in history, read Gotha
Nice Kautskyite appeal to majority, but opinion of the masses aren't important insofar as in the non-revolutionary period they remain under the influence of ideology
Lose a few pounds and start actually reading Marx
Not really no. Most tribes have some form of primitive property and almost always have chiefs.
He's trying to say that he doesn't read.
Honestly the fact that he called you a trot is the best part of this rebuttal, I actually kekked.
The posts ITT defending him aren't helping either, but some of them are actually better and more thought out than this joke of a rebuttal that he posted.
Almost all of Roo's fans are tankies ad first-day kids.
ahhahahahadsuhasdhisdahiusdahuisdhadsa im dead
You Schwabs can't even speak your own language properly, you're lucky we slavs haven't put you in your own concentration camps after you kidnapped all our relatives.
It's OON-roo-eh, the "h" is silent. Don't pretend it's otherwise.
Next you'll tell me that Marx understood economics in any capacity
user, i….
The conclusion
1. National Assembly elections in Venezuela are for people inside the country only. There's a reason why the PSUV/GPP lost even with a high turnout (74%, when the previous parliamentary election turnout was of 66%, and the 2012 and 2013 presidential elections had a turnout around 80%).
Jason Unruhe vs Molymeme debate fuckinh when?
I think Unruhe would actually win
Stefan would just strawman all the time