Post source, nigger.
I fucking wish, Halfchan Holla Forums is chimp*ng out apparently US troops tanks and fighter jets just entered Syria from Jordan. WW3 didn't start yet sadly they are probably pushing into Raqqa
Why would they move in from Lebanon to hit Raqqa?
You're both fucking retarded
Raqqa isn't near Jordan, it's US and Jordanian forces positioning to help the moderate jihadist fight the ISIS pocket on the Jordanian border
there's already US boots on the ground in Syria
The only way this is plausible is if Trump is stupid enough to go for the "safe zones" that Israel and Turkey keep pushing for
Well I don't fucking know Syrian Geography enough for accurate analysis fag.
also pic related, maybe the US elite decided know is a great time for a one two punch on all of their enemies or evena fullscale attack on both China and Russia on all fronts in which case I kinda gotta give Trump some credit for playing the aut-rightists and libertarians like a fucking fiddle
US is just dick waving and trying to reassure the Koreans and Japs
word is the Chinese may replace Kim, but the Norks will retain their nuclear capability. It's unknown if the burgers will be willing to accept this.
It may also be fallout from the meeting with Xi, it went bad, very very bad, so Trump may just be trying to do a show of force
really made me think…
I think people like Bill Kristol WANT things to go "wrong".
Porky's overconfidence is it's greatest weakness.
Problem is… the world pays the price…
Really? I didn't hear anything about it being especially bad.
I'm really hoping they don't intend on taking out asaad and it was just a "warning"
really doubt it tho
info gleaned from an /sg/ fag who's been reliable in the past when it comes to this stuff
Trump apparently treated Xi like it was some new york business deal, offers of hookers and the like
Apparently Trump also made several jokes about "empty cities" maymay and how he'd build great ones. It was not received well
Once again, this isn't first hand info, but the fact that no one is reporting on the Chinese meeting other than "oh it was fine" makes me think that it did go bad
If it had gone well, Trump would have been beating his chest trying to show off his accomplishments
Bannon is probably gonna be gone this week too
Naw, they've gone full "Assad has to go" and Safe Zones need to be established :^)
They've been intenting to overthrow Assad for a while now
Of course he wants things to wrong, he is a fucking trot.
I really just have to stand in awe of the porkmeister they stoked the fuck out of American nationalism and Trump leader worship on the right. Most conservative Americans will easily fight for America and follow a strong leader to war to make America Great they just had to make Trump appear anti establishment and anti PC a bit but they can now easily use all that condensed jingoism and hatred at full capacity while liberals are politically and ideologically neutralized for the most part since they all think Trump is an isolationist Kremlin puppet.
And let's not forget that the current regime in Iran is there specifically because the CIA overthrew Mosaddegh, and tried to prop the Shah up in his place in order to reprivatize the oil industry that Mosaddegh had nationalized.
The people then overthrew the Shah, the reactionaries coopted the revolution, and here we are. Iran is a shithole.
Thanks, regime change!
Why? Of course it's an authoritarian theocratic regime, but it seems far better than most Middle East countries.
I'll give it to him, the man knows how to fucking troll.
Look it's the reddit frog!
And after half a decade of trying, they can't just give up now, I guess.
Because shithole is an absolute value, not a relative one. The presence of worse shithole in the region doesn't make it not a shithole.
holy shit this guy needs to be thrown in a gulag. or just sent to the wall. fuck em
I'm not usually one for going full gulag, but holy shit.
I'd love to see a Jew fight their own battles sometime.
Then don't make an analysis.
There are three things the US are trying to do in Syria:
1) Appease the Neocons and nat libs at home
2) Destroy ISIS and Assad while the mythical "MODERATE LIBERAL" FSA [who have mostly joined the SDF] take over: [insert America Fuck Yeah] here.
3) Try and make them seem like daddy big bollocks on the international stage, this is just a prelude for what is to come. Iran, NK ad others are next on the list. We are about to reach peak American imperialism: so much for America first.
The worst part is that this would be happening under Clinton also…
Better ramp up the propaganda
But I thought the Trumpets wanted Trump to bomb Muslims? What do you mean they aren't happy?
look its the tripfag everyone likes! oh wait.
How retarded would it be to try joining the military and talking as many other grunts as possible into deserting and joining Rojava?
It's like 9/11 justifying Iraq all over again.
lol I love this guy
Whoever thinks WWIII is going to start, just shoot yourself already. You're an idiot.
the same morons that are in /leftypol are in /pol - for real. fucking sad.
thats just fantastic you spook personified
This I really wish the idiots that keep raiding Holla Forums to provoke them would stop. All it accomplishes is pissing them off and making them come here to shitpost.
Desertion talk will get you sent to the bright in record time, so it's pretty fucking retarded.
Spreading general class consciousness though… That's legit.
Hey look, it's one of the morons.
get fucked 🍀🍀🍀Military industrial Complex🍀🍀🍀 cuck
An entire thread with just one post? Are you feeling okay?
It's been pointed out before that Trump doesn't have any principles, and is vulnerable to a "last guy in the room's opinion". Now we also know that a lot of the most competent people in his cabinet and inner circle, mostly the military men like Mad Dog, are very fixated on Iran and China, and in generally moving more fully towards using the overwhelming military advantage of the US while they still have it.
What I think is happening is that Trump has been isolated, and become very susceptible to the above mentioned people, who are now starting to implement their dream of Empire. Fits neatly with his budget, which amounted to "enrich the soldiers and scorn all other men". So starting a war with Iran and China is a feature, not a bug.
Assad will 100% bomb Israel if USA invades. Finally the Ginal War has come.