Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army into the streets as the volatile country braces for what his opponents vow will be the "mother of all protests" on Wednesday.
Venezuelan army vows loyalty to embattled president
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has ordered the army into the streets as the volatile country braces for what his opponents vow will be the "mother of all protests" on Wednesday.
Venezuelan army vows loyalty to embattled president
Is he really, though?
Isn't there a better way to do this?
Anything moving beyond your armchair literally never works.
He should try to win the hearts and minds of his people.
lmao not when those very same hearts and minds are attuned to their nearest television with whatever bile the bourgeois press is spewing out
Can we not just have a decent dictator like Lenin to make communism great again?
so what Maduro plans to do exactly?
what is his problem with opposition?
Let's dissolve the people and elect another
Now, will Maduro be the tragedy, or the farce?
Try to keep things running I guess. At this point he should just go full Stalin, no one there is interested in actually developing the economy or being productive.
They are literally calling for foreign intervention, frauding elections and fucking everything for everyone.
All this nigga has to do is take full state control of the media, that's where literally all of the opposition cancer is originating from.
Haha, no.
Even Globovision (24/7 opposition news network) is avoiding the protests like they're AIDS.
All of the info is coming from the internet (mostly from twitter).
Tbh he has every opportunity to go full ML. The fact that he hasn't yet proves that he's not ourguy. Also it would probably solve a lot of their issues since a lot of it is caused by companies intentionally screwing people.
Guess this is just another thread where people go full retard and start having delusions about Maduro totally being /ourguy/ despite continuing the same social democratic garbage started by Chavez and having no idea what the fuck he talks about.
I hope they actually depose the motherfucker this time, hopefully he gets killed in the process. Fuck the PSUV, they have tarnished "socialism" in the minds of most people.
smelly dumb tankie scum
If you want a spic /ourguy/ there is Evo and Marcos. The rest are soc dems.
I'm told there is actually a significant left-opposition particularly in the guise of the Venezuelan communist party, is this true?
As far as I remember there are some movements (like Marea Socialista, who I believe are trotskyists) who rightfully denounce the PSUV's bullshit. It'd be great if they were in power, but that's pure fantasy at this point.
kys suckdem scum
Venezuela is undeniably socdem. Here's to hoping they go all the way though, they have nothing to lose at this point, they should go full ML.
This is kind of an 'interesting' thing you see sometimes in people with rural support. Everyone in the city goes "well gee nobody I know voted for him, nobody I know even knows anyone who voted for him, there's no way this was above the board" and starts calling for the democratically elected government to go, at which point THEY go "uh, no, I clearly won, this is a blatant coup attempt, fuck off"
yeah evo seems like a good guy compared to chavez and maduro
Not that there's much difference, I'd rather have a liberal democracy than this corrupt bullshit.
Define "left"
In American terms (as in, the terms used in the entire American continent), there are no relevant center-right or right-wing parties in Venezuela.
Most of the Maduro and Chávez supporters have been older people, an age group that normally doesn't use the internet and doesn't hang out with younger people. Even back in 2006, you could ask any group of Venezuelans on the internet (in online games, forums, etc.) if they liked Chávez or not and most didn't like him.
Nice reference
Do you speak Spanish? Because in Venezuela, you don't learn English in school. Guess who from there speaks English.
I learned to speak English by myself as a teen.
Your next post will be full of name calling and baseless accusations of being bourgeois.
opposition protests today
they all deserve to be gunned down
just do it maduro
I don't, sadly. This piece of shit country has almost always been corrupt and with the US backed government which would be after this, it would be hard for it to turn worse especially with such things as price controls, from the PSUV bourgeoisie use as one of their many cash cows still intact.
>I learned to speak English by myself as a teen.
So, you didn't learn it in school, which is exactly the point that post makes. In Sweden or Germany, it's pretty normal for huge parts of the population to speak decent English. This is not the case in Venezuela. The percentage of English speakers there is very low, and it's not simply due to it being a less developed country, other countries with a standard of living on par with that have a much higher percentage, because it is a standard thing in school.
It is actually taught as both a high school and college subject, but you're barely taught stupidly basic stuff like the verb "to be" and you never actually get to speak the language properly; teachers are too lax and seem not to take their job seriously.
The only places I've found where you are properly taught is in private institutes, where people go by their own accord for whatever reasons.
Alright then, two questions I always ask and no one seems to know the abswer for.
1) How much of Venezuela's economy is actually collectivized?
2) What the hell is causing the food shortage? I mean I have no doubt there's CIA involvement and Porky's foul play, but even Allende's crisis didn't get this bad.
Citgo, U.S. subsidiary of Venezeula state-own oil company, makes $500k contribution to Donald Trump's Inaugural Committee Fund
Very little, most companies the government has expropiated stay in their hands, some token ones supposedly becoming worker owned.
And well, there's corruption on a massive scale in perhaps every government program, each official profiting from them
I'm looking for a hard number here, if only to make a pic to counter that retarded "Venezuela socialized the means of production" Bobsponge meme. Assuming most of the economy is still capitalist, of course, which it most likely is. Tried Googling, to no avail.
I know Latin America is drowing in corruption, but usually they steal money, not grains. Either they're not being grown, which is the sort of shit you only see in Sub-Saharan Africa, or there's a problem in distribution, which was Chile's case. Not to mention the government could simply buy it from other countries. Again, Googling didn't help – it seems like everyone is reporting on the food shortage, but not a damn soul on the ground is actually investigating it.
I do. I was talking about Spanish-speaking Venezuelans.
I learned English from games and internet forums, anyone with:
1. An Internet connection
2. Time (You don't work for 16 hours then sleep for 8 hours every day, so there has to be a way to fit it in your schedule)
3. Motivation
should be able to learn English.