Mfw the alt-right will be dead in 2 years
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great, you found a way to combine your first photoshop with your first shitpost.
why do you do this? the CIA can't be paying enough to make up for the feeling of shame this horrible job must give you.
I didn't make the image though, and I'm not new to shitposting.
I'm kinda serious though, the alt-right is gonna collapse soon.
In two years the ra.ce war will be over so you are technically correct.
By the end of Trump's reign, people will be so sick of him that the first ones to go will be the ones that shilled hard for him in the first place.
That's a classic image though. But yeah, this is an unnecessary thread.
Ya they need to understand and identify as traditionalists, monarchists and/or fascists. Stop beating around the bush and understand the metaphysics of hierarchy.
People who identify as alt-right are only superficially familiar with the Right politics, pun intended.
At least their trajectory has potential.
Communism as a critique of capitalism and consumerism has minor merit. But its theory is not a workable or achievable reality, as history had proven so fat.
Most countries that experimented with communism in the 20th century have adopted capitalist style economics, and have prospered as such. Even if they keep their communist 1 party system politics and ideology in place, nominally.
This is such an awful video. They were all either war economies or a type of cooperative and/or welfare capitalism led by various socialist or communist groups. This doesn't make them socialism of themselves.
the what now?
Lefting politics will always be obscure austim tier
we all now that most "left wingers" are liberals
My favorite shit is when people who aren't even college educated pretend to sound eloquent on a topic they barely scratched the surface on.
The Cold War was not a serious of coincidences and purposeful blunders.
In fact, history is very much neutral in regards to how humans organize. Though, hierarchy itself is detrimental to mass scale organization.
Yeah autism tier that was a world power historically less than a blink of an eye ago.
Yeah your right it will be over.
but soviet was not real communism
Regardless of intent or attempt, Soviet Russia ended in the early 90's.
That is not fucking long ago at all.
There is no opportunity in this future we have. It is setting up a violent class uprising again perhaps greater than the one in America in the beginning of the 20th century. Probably by the youth when we ourselves are elderly.
nah, read the signs of the times.
or read Spengler.
The "alt-right" is an incompetent mistargeted rage at class issues.
It will only smooth over time into class warfare. This is how history has always worked, this is where it is headed.
Get off high horse. Your not as clever as you think.
ehh….people don't identify with their class enough to care tbh. People identify with their nation or religion or sports teams or sexual orientation or political party before their "class".
What side will the alt-right be on?
I'm on an Ivory Tower
That's not how it works. You don't choose your class. There is no "fix" to the problem of the income inequality gulf our future is dealing with, the "alt right" is a response currently that's misguided and frustrated at life within Late Capitalism.
Eventually they'll discover all their faiths won't solve their problems.
It will only become more clear.
The alt right is a meme. It's a meme used to describe white nationalists. White nationalism has been around since 1492 so good fucking luck with it just disappearing because you want it to.
b-but i thought bertelsmann just needs to remove hatespeech by populist trolls inside communities nobody gives a shit about?
It doesn't matter if class is a material reality if people do not care about it. Americans have been and will always be enamoured with the rich, you are delusional.
this breddy much
What is 1900 USA?
kek, but seriously there's only like 8M blacks in the US, it's more likely than not going to be paco and his merry gang starting a Nazi masturbation fantasy.
Outlived its usefulness.
I'm fine with this tbh, humanity doesn't deserve any better. They've shown themselves to be cattle time and time again.
They're more suited to be butchered than freed.